MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 92 School starts and new assignments

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Since Wei Shuxun "heatstroke", Han Zhixin has strictly refused him to help, so Wei Shuxun began to be bored again.

I have finished reading "Nonlinear Optics". Professor Zhao has not returned from attending seminars abroad. He has some interesting experimental cases that he wants to do. . Because of the previous shooting incident, Wei Shuxun cautiously stopped going out. Zhou Quan was guarding him, and he was busy handling things from the computer and phone every day, often until midnight.

Wei Shuxun wanted to thank Zhou Quan for finding recipes on the Internet and trying to cook, but almost burned the kitchen. Zhou Quan came to the rescue and asked suspiciously, "What do you want to eat? I'll have someone bring it here."

"No, I just want to make it myself." Wei Shuxun scratched his head: "Sometimes the takeout is not suitable... Forget it, take out insurance."

Zhou Quan nodded: "Don't go into the kitchen... If you have time, I'll try to do it!"


After staying in the house for a week, Wei Shuxun finally welcomed the start of school happily - of course, there is nothing to be happy about, but it is not boring. Now I don't know why, even playing games will feel Very boring. Carrying the luggage and saying goodbye to the busy Zhou Quan, after saying a few words, Zhou Quan was busy on the phone and had no time to answer. Wei Shuxun didn't bother him, left a note and ran happily.

Zhou Quan hung up the phone and said, "Shu Xun, I'll take you to school..." Turning around, no one was there, he picked up the note on the table and looked at it, sighed helplessly, raised his head, His expression had returned to his former sternness.

The first thing I did when I returned to school was to share the local products brought by their home with my friends. Wu Feng, Wang Anqing, and even Yu Xin, who lives in City A, brought home boiled brine shrimp. Only Wei Shuxun didn't bring anything with him, so he invited everyone to the cafeteria for dinner at night as compensation.

"Hey, Wei Shuxun!" After dinner, he was suddenly stopped on the way back to the dormitory. Wei Shuxun turned his head and was surprised to see that the person calling him was Li Xiaoran.

Last semester, it was inexplicably said to be on two boats, and Wei Shuxun knew that Li Xiaoran liked him. But he asked stupidly: Why do I have to like her if she likes me? So I was hated, and every time I met Li Xiaoran after that, I got a few glances, but he didn't take it seriously at all, that is, he didn't apologize, and didn't run to chase her back. He didn't expect Li Xiaoran to come to him on his own initiative.

Wu Feng pushed Wei Shuxun hard towards Li Xiaoran, almost hitting him, and winked at Wei Shuxun, who was glaring at him: "Shu Xun, let's go first, you two talk slowly, later It's okay to come back."

"It doesn't matter if I say it or not." Yu Xin smiled.

"These guys..." Wei Shuxun put his hands in his trouser pockets and asked Li Xiaoran, "What are you looking for?"

"What? You don't want to talk to me?" Li Xiaoran put her hands behind her back, her tone was lively, and she returned to the way she was before reconciliation, as if she didn't give her the white eyes last semester.

I don't understand women!

"No." Wei Shuxun was alienated: "Is there something wrong?"

"How should I put it, I thought about it seriously after I got home." Li Xiaoran said: "Even if we can't be lovers, we are still classmates and friends. There is absolutely no need to make the relationship so stiff. Right?"

"So...?" Wei Shuxun was puzzled, and it wasn't that he wanted to stiffen the relationship.

"So let's be okay! Play and chat like normal?"

So inexplicably being liked, hated and reconciled, what else can Wei Shuxun say? After Li Xiaoran left contentedly, Wei Shuxun couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows: "I have absolutely no idea what women are thinking."

"The data shows that hormonal imbalance can cause women's mood changes, you can suggest her to see a doctor." Learning Machine said.

Wei Shuxun was silent for a moment: "...Learning machine, if only you were human."


"I would love to see the consequences of what you said to her."

The sophomore course is finally in line with the major, and the subjects are basically related to the major, such as "Signal and System", "Digital Electronic Technology Fundamentals", "Complex Variable Function", "Computer Applications", " Circuit CAD", English is a subject, the most terrifying thing is that it even has history and general concepts.

Wei Shuxun looked at these three subjects unrelated to majors and asked Wu Feng: "Do you think I should be happy and have courses that can be skipped, or should I be depressed about how to take the final exam?"

His score in Marxism-Leninism last semester passed the pass line at a low altitude, but almost all unexpected major subjects were close to full marks, so he ranked among the top ten for the first time in his life. List. All the classmates in the class took it for granted that Wei Shuxun didn't care about his grades, so he deliberately photographed the ranking and sent it to his parents, for which he got a bonus of 500 yuan from his father - but, Marxist-Lenin, Mao Gai, Wei Shuxun I can still try not to learn as much as possible, even if my father said he would get the first prize of 3,000, he would not like it.

"The end of the term is so far away, of course I'm happy to skip class first!" Wu Feng said.

"You're right." Wei Shuxun nodded in agreement.

Because of the importance of understanding the basics of electronics, Wei Shuxun did not dare to skip a single professional class. However, in history, Mao probably swayed as he could.

In the first week of school, in the theoretical class of "Computer Applications", Wei Shuxun fell asleep on the table because of the sultry weather. When I fell asleep, I suddenly heard a beep in my head, followed by an electronic sound from the learning machine tablet: "Issue the task and obtain the second-level certificate of the National Computer Rank Examination."

"Ah?" Wei Shuxun raised his head and asked unconsciously, "What?"

The teacher on the podium is making the final speech: "There is less than a month left, please prepare for the exam. The certificate represents the credits of your computer course this semester."

Wei Shuxun sat up, smoothed his hair with his fingers, and asked Wu Feng, "What did the teacher say?"

"Oh, let's take the national second-level computer test, the time is September 21-25." Wu Feng frowned: "Dead, I can only play games on the computer, and I learned early in the last semester. Just forgot."

"Oh." Wei Shuxun responded lazily. It is now the end of August, and there are only two days left until September. Computers don't matter. Although I didn't learn it on purpose, but working with Sun Yi and the others to make electronic products and learning experiments with Professor Zhao, there is no shortage of programming steps. Although I don't know how good my computer level is, it is still no problem to take a second-level certificate. The learning machine released such a task, and he still earned it.

Wu Feng and Wang Anqing discussed to go back to review quickly, Wei Shuxun sat relaxed and watched the excitement, not even the English teacher came in.

"Sign up for the CET 4 this semester." The first sentence of the English teacher immediately silenced the whole class: "The registration time is November, and the exam time is December, please everyone Do your best to review as much as possible.”

"Di Di." The electronic voice of the learning machine sounded again: "Issue the task and get the English CET 4 certificate."

"Learning machine." Wei Shuxun was expressionless: "This kind of certificate has nothing to do with great people. Really, this kind of task is better to cancel."

The learning machine didn't answer, turned to Zhou Quan and said, "Wei Shuxun doesn't want to take the CET-4 certificate."

Zhou Quan replied instinctively, "I'll get him one... Forget it, it's not a bad thing."

There are still more than three months before the test for CET 4, so don't worry for the time being. The second level of the computer is even less anxious, Wei Shuxun is a little depressed about English and doesn't care, what should be done.

Professor Zhao went abroad and hasn't come back. Wei Shuxun didn't plan to go to the laboratory. Ye Chengtian called him: "Shuxun, why didn't you come?"

"Huh? Is Professor Zhao back?"

"Not yet, come and help me find some information."

Ye Chengtian has been busy with a paper since last semester, and sometimes he asks Wei Shuxun to help when he doesn't have time to check the information. This elementary school disciple is obedient and has a good memory, and is very easy to use.

Because Ye Chengtian's research is coming to an end, sometimes in the laboratory while experimenting, while dictating, Wei Shuxun works as a typist next to him, writing down his experimental results and findings.

"Senior Ye." Wei Shuxun stepped forward and asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

Turn around and see the scene in the computer - all the file icons have turned into an animated doll head.

"The computer in the laboratory has a virus." Ye Chengtian's face was gloomy: "All files are destroyed."

Based on modern physics and mathematics, study the laws of the generation, movement and interaction of electromagnetic waves in different media, and invent and develop various information and electronic materials, components, integrated circuits and even integrated electronic systems on this basis. .