MTL - Tempered Immortal-v5 Chapter 4162 Tian Xiaojian is in the Jedi

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Mingzhe protects himself, this can't be said to be wrong, but Tian Xiaojian, but it is impossible to have something to say.

This guy is also very clever and embarrassed, seeing the conspiracy to expose, he said nothing, and he was covered in black and white, and flew away like the horizon.

With his current strength, it is as fast as a teleport, and he only ran a thousand miles after he had to work hard. However, Tian Hao’s face showed a hint of sneer.

"act recklessly!"

With a violent drink.

Tian Hao stretched out his right hand and rushed to the void.

Suddenly, a huge black hole emerged in the void.

Then a giant drilled out of the black hole.

The figure is even more magnificent than the mountains. When it is stepped out, there are a few miles. I saw him shake a few times, and he has already chased after Tian Xiaojian, and the five fingers are arrogant and grabbed toward the other side.

Tian Xiaojian’s face changed. With his city, naturally, there would be no waiting for it.

Suddenly turned his body, only to listen to him violently, the surface of the body suddenly crystallized, accompanied by the "squeaky" sound of the air, countless bright light ejected from the surface of his body.

The crystal mans are so bright, the momentum is even more urgent, but the sound of the air is coming into the ear, and the bright light is like the lightning that pierces the sky. In an instant, it has already come to the giant. .


However, the giant's face showed a hint of sneer, and the sound of "嘭" burst open.

The huge body is turned into a black gas like a thick ink, and the real magical broken knife is extremely powerful. At this time, there is nowhere to borrow.

And of course things can't be done like this.

In the next moment, the black gas was gathered in front of each other, and a strange scream appeared in sight.

Of course, there is no way to compare with the giants just now, but the number of wins is numerous, and the breath of each one is also astounding. The weakest one is also equivalent to the immortal in the early days of the robbery. It can even be compared with the true spirit.

Tian Hao is the first strongest among the true immortals. Just taking it out, Wei Neng is also shocked.

Tian Xiaojian was shocked, and for a moment he was surrounded by seemingly endless quirks.

The overwhelming pressure has almost made him breathless, but it is obviously impossible to want Tian Xiaojian to yield.

His face was dark and rainy, and when he turned his hand, he threw out the seven-color black ice fire, the original egg-sized flame. Suddenly dazzling and dazzling, turned into a colorful streamer.

Wrap Tian Xiaojian inside.

Puff puff……

However, a few giant cockroaches rushed to the head and quickly melted away from the seven-color mysterious ice.

This is the secret technique of Tian Xiaojian's bottom of the box, and the power is naturally staggering.

At the same time, the real magic broken knife also flew back, the golden knife light, set off a violent storm, looks like a prestige, but in fact, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. There are too many snakes, and Tian Xiaojian’s attack is just a banyan tree.

But no matter what, he also got a bit of gasping for him.

Tian Xiaojian’s movements were crazy and swift, only to see him stretch his hand to the waist. A dark, ink-like symbol fluttered from his fingertips.

There is a grimace printed on it.

There is also a pattern of the door to the space behind it.

Tian Xiaojian did not hesitate to put it on his chest.

A layer of gray magic wind rises out of the air.

Tian Xiaojian’s expression seemed to be relieved, and the next moment he disappeared from the original place.

"Oh, the big move. I didn't expect you to have such a treasure, but in front of the ancestors, it was just an axe."

far away. Tian Hao saw it clearly, and his face flashed a faint color, but he was quickly replaced by sneer.

A glimpse of the sleeves, a knife light emerged, and did not spur like Tian Xiaojian, but just a glimpse of the place.

In the distant space, together, there was no sign of a crack in the space. The figure of Tian Xiaojian fell from the inside.

His face was full of horror, and he had no channel, and even the big name of the big move was actually so easily broken by the other party.

Damn, can you really have nowhere to escape this time?

A bad premonition emerged in the heart of Tian Xiaojian.

But he naturally wouldn't sit still, even if he knew he wanted to fight him.

Fortunately, the big shift is not without any effect, no matter what, at least the encirclement of those konjac.

However, this thought has just turned, and the next moment, Tian Xiaojian’s face is blue.

Without him, Tian Hao’s figure was slightly blurred. The next moment, he appeared inexplicably in front of him more than ten feet.

To know that the two people are separated from each other, there are thousands of distances, and the other's magical powers are too mysterious and strange.

Is this the strength of the first strongest in the world?

Tian Xiaojian feels that his breathing has become very fast. Since he set foot on the road to cultivation, he has experienced countless difficulties and twists, but no one can compare with this.

I don’t want to bind, but I don’t dare to act rashly.

This feeling is really terrible.

Tian Xiaojian's face is gloomy and extreme, but Tian Hao is a good color.

"How, do you think about it? Although you have done too much, you have greatly offended the deity, but you are originally my soul, so the deity can't forgive you once, as long as you are bound by your hands, I am merging..."

"Fusion, when are you an idiot?" Tian Xiaojian's face is full of gloomy colors: "Once the soul is merged with you, the result is similar to the soul flying."

The voice did not fall, Tian Xiaojian sang a big drink, and the golden light once again spurted out his body surface. The real devil slashed the knife and changed the golden demon head. The various lightning bolts spewed out in the mouth and swept toward the other side.

"Oh, the power is not bad, but in front of me, it is the class door."

Tian Hao’s face was full of ridicule, but it soon turned into a sigh: “Since you don’t know how to live and die, then I will only let you see the true strength of this ancestor.”

The voice did not fall, and the sleeves were smashed, and the eternal Wanjuan Tianshu was actually sacrificed.

For a time, the entire head turned into a galaxy, and the power of the law was shot, covering Tian Xiaojian...


At the same time, on the other hand, contrary to Tian Xiaojian's situation, Lin Xuan is smiling.

The strength of the three-headed and six-armed monsters is good, and two of the two different powers have fallen in his hands. Lin Xuan is not afraid, but his mind is a little bit snoring!

The other party is not easy to provoke, there is not much confidence in the single-handedly fighting, and at this time, the partners of the spirit world such as Yutong Fairy, Xiaolong Zhenren and so on came.

And the strength of the show made Lin Xuan a surprise, and soon joined hands to get the upper hand, and forced the monster to the Jedi. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
