MTL - Tempest of the Battlefield-~ 588 understand

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Following **** are dozens of Protoss. Already from other parts of Mars, since Wang Dong has appeared and launched an attack, they naturally let go of other things.

Halmon Sandler, this is also a well-known figure among human beings. Maybe he has a general fighting power, but human evaluation of the elite has always included the mind and strength. There is no doubt that **** is the former, Patroclus. Such a comprehensive person obviously does not believe in force. The Protoss includes some human intelligence talents. As the vice president of Capstone, in fact, he is in charge of Caps' affairs, and Sandler’s ability and influence are beyond doubt.

Now that he is already a god, Sandler’s trust has caused some of the Capps students to turn around.

Sandler did not answer immediately. One of the Protoss fighters around him opened the news, and there was a complete map. The dark people had no contact with these things about human beings. From the bones, the dark people still rejected these things. Even some disgust.

"Duonau City - Kazakh City - Boer City - Murphysto City, this is Wang Dong's attack route. This person is known for his daring during his students. Simply put, there is nothing too dare to do. In his style of doing things, the next goal is our spider city."

Sandler said.

“How come you see?” B-掳 asked.

"Our five cities are on the same line. This is a habit of human beings, or a provocation. Of course, he may adopt some methods of suspicion, such as appearing in other cities at this time, attracting our attention. Then sneak attack on us, the so-called strategy is nothing more than motivation, obviously the effect of attacking Spider City is more powerful than other cities, and here is the center of the entire region, the effect of laying down the spider city is incomparable to any other city, Also everyone sees."

Following Sandler's fingers, this line points in the direction of the heart of the Zago ruled area... the Magic Palace, the location of the Dark King Magic Leaf.

"What do you mean, this demon warrior is going down to the dark king?" The dark face of the presence has become, and some of the irritating sounds of a throat.

Sandler frowned slightly, and although these low-level creatures evolved quickly, some rude customs were unacceptable.

"This is a way of making legends by human beings. Simply put, the king's movement is the successor of the blade warrior, very conceited. Especially the victory of the previous four cities, he has already forgotten it." **** said.

The so-called legend is that what can be done by human beings is hard to come!

"With the power of the spider city, he dares to come?" B-掳 is a little unbelievable, the devil warrior is so strong, he remains skeptical.

Even the Valkyrie can't attack a city like Spider City.

"The master of the city, if the devil dares to come, we must let him come back!"

Several dark people have said that although they are very fierce outside, they are only senior soldiers. They don’t think that a human being can withstand so many warriors.

The legend of the Blade Warrior is also a long time for the Zaga people, especially the current dark people.

Sandler smiled. "Of course, the power of Spider City is really not resisted by the king, so we have to help him."

"Help him?"

"The troubled city owner sent the soldiers out.... This way, send it to the front line, then come back around a big circle, and get bigger and bigger."

Sandler laughed, it is easy for the teacher to deal with the students, including the Protoss arriving at the Spider City is quite secret, that is, not to give the king a chance.

If Wang Dong learns that most of the power in the spider city is going to the front, he can't stand the attack.

As an expert in psychology, **** knows very well that a warrior with strength cannot suppress the feelings of accomplishment.

Vanity is the greatest original sin of mankind!

The glory of attacking a small city is far from being comparable to the Dark City Spider City!

"Weird, the Zhago Northern Front's increase in speed is significantly slower than other fronts, and much slower." Intelligence personnel are gathering information.

"Report immediately to the General Staff Department."

"It's really weird, not only slow, but also a small number. Is there any conspiracy?"

"It's hard to say that the dark people are also very embarrassed. Is it because of the suspicion that we have mobilized the forces of the North to reinforce this side, and then take the North as a breakthrough?"

"It is very likely that the dark people have a strong learning ability and we cannot take it lightly!"

"*, the bugs are getting more and more sloppy, so it’s hard to beat."

"This is not a difficult problem to fight. It is a must-have. We have no retreat. It is so unfortunate for this era. There is no such person as a warrior."

"Right, have you heard about it? There is a **** of war behind. It is very invincible. Even the twenty-fifth-level Wushen killing combination is a feather!"

"Ah, I also heard that it seems that he does not have any weapons, that is, he uses fists, but the punch is so terrifying that killing insects is like killing an ant. The dark Jinzago in the rear encounters him as a dead end. ""

"Yeah, if it weren't for him, the rear had already become a pot of porridge. I still talked about supporting the front line. Now the morale of the rear is high. Although the days have been hard, everyone has worked together and the days of the dark gold Zago are not so painful. It is."

"That is, every city is looking forward to the victory. With hope, anyone can bear it. Right, have you heard another rumor?"

"what? What?"

"God will leave a general golden sword and appoint a knight every time he arrives in a city."

"I heard that this is nothing new. These knights are now leaders of the various resistance forces. What happened?"

"I heard that there is a secret in the golden sword!"

"Secret, what secret?"

"It seems to be a practice. It seems that it can turn a single cycle into a double-loop practice. This practice has begun to spread in cities with God of War."

"The General Staff Department, ordered, immediately issued a mobile order to the 23rd Army of the North." A general order from the General Staff Department said.

Everyone looks at each other, is this really true, although the Zhago is slower, but what if?

God knows whether the Zago will increase the troops in an instant, but the order is the order.

Lie Jian and Mi Xiu? Odin are looking at the big map. Liejian’s expression is quite serious. Since the beginning of the war, he has not laughed at all, and the battle has come too suddenly.

"Is it a little too risky, it may not be made by Wang Dong." Mi Xiu? Odin looked at Li Jianjian and was so surprised to make such a decisive decision.

"Oh, Mi Xiu, although you appreciate Wang Dong, but you know him very well, the younger generation, my two most taboo people, one is Patroclus, one is Wang Dong, Wang Dong appears in Mars, I care more than anyone, I dare to assert that 100% of the Zhago people’s subsequent bad things in the Northern Front are caused by him!"

Lie Jian said.

"Have his tactics worked?"

"Well, I didn't expect it to work. Although I can't contact it, if the knife is caught by the Zhago or killed, the dark side will never disappear. Since it is not dead, the power of the king is not. It’s strange to make a fuss!” Lie Jian’s face finally showed a smile.

"Your boy, really..." Mi Xiu shook his head.

"Oh, I am different from you. I am an opponent with him, but I am not a person who ignores the overall situation. I have to kill Zago. In the future, there will be opportunities to compete, but this is not enough!"

"How do you want to use this trick?" I guessed it immediately by Mi Xiu's understanding of Liejian.

"What he can do, I can do it too, and from the whole situation, there are not many people, and a few people are few, but if it can form a restraint behind the Zago, then the effect will be great."

"This is too dangerous. The martial arts will not agree."

"Oh, no, my strong name, how qualified to cause the Zago people's attention, what is necessary is this effect!"

Seeing the effect created by Wang Dong, Lie Jian is really tempted. From the perspective of the war situation, there is his old man sitting in the town. His role is not great. There is not much room for tactics, and if he can be responsible for the containment. Part of Zago’s words is different.

"In this case, I have also made a lot of fun. It is still a bit of a use to think of the name of the Master." At least the Dark King is impressed." Mi Xiu? Odin said.

"You can't, Tianshi teaches you to sit down, this is a spiritual symbol."

"Oh, you want me to be a sculpture here, you have to make a meritorious deed, this can't be done. Tianshi teaches me there. I have arrangements. Once there is something, Susu inherits the position of my teacher." The gimmick ability may not be as strong, but the reputation accumulated in these years is enough, as a spiritual symbol is enough."

Mi Xiu? Odin calmly said ~ ~ words to this, Lie Jian did not persuade, this battle is related to the life and death of Mars, he and Mi Xiu's name can indeed cause dark people The attention, and the elite warriors they lead, played a role in the rear of the enemy, and made it stronger than the front.

Lie Jian has this confidence, Wang can do it, he can do it, even better!

In any case, he is the heir to the commander-in-chief of the Mars Federal Army, the son of the **** of war, the sect of the martyr, and this identity, even the dark king magic leaf can not be ignored.

Indigo City discovered the whereabouts of human beings, completely in Sandler’s expectation. This trick has been used once in the city of Mephisto, using two humans to attract attention, and then playing with the East, I have to say Wang Dong is still quite good. It is enough to deal with the mentally handicapped dark people. Unfortunately, it is not so easy for him to sit in the town.

"What is the specific situation discovered by the scouts? How many people are there, the combat effectiveness is estimated." **** asked.

"A total of two human beings were found, and the fighting power is extremely strong. They are all above the legendary level, more than twenty levels, so I suspect that it is the devil and his men.