MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-~ Let's talk about something very important, come in and have a look.

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   Let me talk about something very important, come in and have a look.

  It's embarrassing. I thought I was going to finish this book and prepare for a new book.

  But as I was writing, I suddenly discovered that this book will not be finished for a while

  There are still too many things to write. If you just speed up the pace and finish the book, there is a high probability that it will be unfinished and you will be sprayed to death

  After much deliberation, it is better to suspend the new book and finish writing this one first.

   It’s really embarrassing. When it was first put on the shelves, it was estimated that the book would be finished with 1 million words. As I wrote it, I found that it had written more than 1.2 million words, and I was thinking of finishing the book with 1.5 million words.

   Now I’m writing again and I’m finding that 1.5 million words may not be able to finish the book

  So, I will continue to keep 8,000 words in the future.

   Brothers at the end of the raising book and so on, don’t raise it, let’s read it.

  After all, I have the motivation to subscribe.

  (end of this chapter)