MTL - The Alchemist God-Chapter 1250 Inflated Weeping Emperor

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At midnight, the ghost door opened.

The black and gloomy ghost door is foggy, and even the faint can hear the sound of ghosts crying, and some people can’t help but feel hairy. Fortunately, Lin Muyu and Qin Yin are not the first time, so there is no such thing. How scared.


The two figures dragged the golden stream of the Mahayana Heaven into the Ghost Gate. Far away, a long team went straight to the bridge in the distance. The six circles were chaotic, and the wars were more and more good. Countless ghosts drove ghosts to walk on this Huangquan road, and they could hear the sound of beatings and mourning.

Lin Muyu flew with Qin Yin at low altitude, and his brow looked at everything in the ghost field. There are so many dead souls here, only the deaths of the people in the world have been counted.


A huge black shadow shouted in the air and was a ghost dragon leader.

Under the illuminating light, Lin Muyu saw his appearance and was extremely ugly. He said: "We are from the Eastern Divine Realm and want to go to the secluded spring to find out a thing."

The leader of the ghost dragon also discovered the identity of the two. Immediately respectfully said: "It turned out to be two immortals. It is only the rules of the six-order order, such as iron. Even if it is the upper fairy, it should not be lightly involved in the ghost field. Be considerate, the villain can't let you enter the lower ghost domain."

Qin Yin smiled lightly, gently raised his palm, and the law in his palm was powerful. He said: "The order of the six circles is in my grasp. I think, can I exempt this one?"

"You... are you the goddess Qin Yin?"

The leader of the ghost dragon was shocked and hurriedly bowed on the dragon's back. He said: "If it is a graceful goddess, please come in, please forgive the kid for nothing."


Lin Muyu smiled at Lin Muyu, grabbed his hand and flew in the air, and went straight to the lower level of purgatory.

But it has not yet entered the purgatory entrance, and several people have stopped the way. This time, a group of people wearing golden armor - Ghost Valley Jun, the status is second only to the existence of the three ghost emperors, but these Fujun are now in Lin Muyu Qin Yin seems to be too weak, and it is easy to pick one of the ten, not to mention only five prefectures.

"Please stay in the second place!"

One of the princes carrying a huge shovel said: "Under the Hengyang House, I don't know what the two are going to the 18th floor of Purgatory."

Lin Muyu said: "We found the anomaly in the secluded spring, so I have to explore it. This is also for the sake of your ghost field. I hope you will not stop us."

"On the fairy, the ghost domain is naturally the ghosts of the ghost domain to deal with, do not have to take advantage of the gods of the heavens, but also hope that you will spend your mind on how to fight against the devil world, the ghost domain ... do not have to intervene."

Lin Muyu raised his hand and pulled out the Xuanyuan sword. For a time, the pattern on the sword was inexhaustible and incomparable. The power of Shengwu was not introduced, and it was extremely powerful.

"God, what do you want to do!?" Hengyang House was shocked.

"Soft doesn't work hard. What do you think I have to do?" Lin Muyu said faintly, he didn't want to waste time here. Anyway, he had already had a big trouble in the past, and now he doesn't mind coming again.

Qin Yin also smiled and pulled out the Donghua sword, standing side by side with Lin Muyu, and then preparing to make trouble.

Hengyang Fujun's face is extremely ugly, saying: "I don't want the strength of the ghosts, but the dignity of the ghostland is not tolerated. If the two are on the battle, then come to war!"

The five monarchs have rushed out of the blade, and the surrounding, densely-packed ghost dragon princes, ghosts, ghosts are also coming close, ready to launch an offensive against Lin Muyu and Qin Yin.

"Do you dare to fight?"

Lin Muyu couldn't help but laugh, his left hand suddenly opened, and he sipped: "Heaven and earth, listen to me!"

The **** thunder rushed, and the power of the holy martial arts broke out. The body of the five monarchs could not move. Lin Muyu’s arm sank, and their bodies slammed into a large pit on the ground, one by one. It seems that although there is no danger to life, it is also shameful. Before the group of his own, there is no even a little effort to fight back.


In three consecutive sounds, Lin Muyu used the body of Wu Dafujun to make a big pit on the ground that went straight to the 18th floor of Hell. Then he raised it and threw the five monarchs in the air. He smiled: "Small Yin, let's go on!"


Facing the red blood of the ghost field, the two gods are flying down.


In the depths of the reincarnation, the five ghosts of one of the three ghost emperors slowly opened their eyes, and a pair of blood-red scorpions showed a hint of helplessness. "A rain is this never walks the main entrance, it seems The weeping idiot has to conflict with Ah Yu."

The voice did not fall, and the voice of a prince came from outside Shimen: "The ghost priest squats, the news comes from above, and the two gods are hard to smash the eighteen layers of hell. We... should we go and see?"

"Look what to see, what is good-looking." The five-party ghost emperor stretched out and said: "The 18-story **** is the site of the weeping blood. It has nothing to do with us. If there is any sin, the old guy who is weeping blood will be affected. Have you forgotten that he still wants to embezzle my peripheral site last month? Weeping blood recently felt that it was rushing forward, just letting him know what it is like to have a day outside and a mountain outside."

"But... the ghosts of the three emperors are in the same breath... isn't that good?"

"Let's talk nonsense, wait for the goddess of martial arts and grace to go to the reincarnation and wake me up."

"How do you know that the two are the goddess of Valkyrie and the graceful goddess... This... even the martial arts are coming. Is this a matter of knowing that the Weeping Emperor will scream?"

"I know a P, if he is a fat man, I will be happy to see it."

"Yes, my Majesty... I will do it under my subordinates!"

"What are you going to do? There is nothing for you to do, go back to sleep!"




The earth shivered and huge holes appeared in purgatory.

When Lin Muyu broke through the 11th floor of Purgatory, finally, the Lord could no longer sit still.

Among the hot clouds, a personal shadow appeared on the land of the 11th floor of Purgatory. Among them, there were countless princes and ghost dragons, and even a ghost emperor, the legendary Weeping Emperor, once with Lin Muyu. There is a ghost of a side.


The Weeping Emperor screamed, his voice actually condensed a blood-colored shield in the air, showing that the strength is unfathomable. No wonder it will be so inflated or even called the Five-Party Ghost Emperor.

Looking at the two great gods in the air, the Weeping Blood Emperor looked stunned: "How do you... look a little familiar?"

"How, the ghost lord did not know me?" Lin Muyu smiled.

"It turned out to be you, Lin Muyu!"

The Weeping Ghost Emperor was shocked. He didn't know what the identity of the two right gods was, but he recognized Lin Muyu at a glance. Who knows Lin Muyu was surrounded by the Mahayana Heavenly Taoist God, even if it is remote The same is true of the ghost domain. There is no second between the gods of heaven and earth.

"" The Weeping Ghost trembled and said: "Why are you a Valkyrie, why come to my 18th floor hell?"

"Not awkward, it is passing."

Lin Muyu’s stern emphasis emphasizes: “The door to the 18-story **** is too difficult to find, so it can only be forced to penetrate the wall of the space. This makes it easier to go. I have a very important thing to go to the secluded spring. I also hope that the ghosts will not hinder us."

"Go to the secluded spring?"

Weeping Emperor said: "The secluded spring is the site of Donglin. What do you go to in the secluded spring?"

"Xiao Yin insights into the disorder of order in the secluded spring, so we have the responsibility to look at it as the six realms. After all, what happened in the secluded spring may have exceeded the processing power of your three ghosts, so please Don’t stop us from obscuring the Emperor."

"More than the processing power of the three major ghosts?"

The weeping blood couldn't help but laughed: "Lin Muyu, even if you are a martial art, you are too arrogant. Is there such a big ghost field that there are three things that the ghosts can't control? If you are so crazy, you don't have to follow What are you polite, come on, let me see how powerful your Valkyrie is, come and lick my blood!"

A few ghosts are struggling with a knife, and the blade of the sword is like blood. No wonder it will be called a blood blade.


Taking a look at the space, the Weeping Emperor suddenly grabbed the sword and his face was full of sly smiles. "If you can beat me, this 18-layer **** will let you go, no one will obstruct you, but if you fight But I, so sorry, there are no more gods in the six worlds."

"You want to kill me?" Lin Muyu asked.

"What is it?"

"Come on."

Lin Muyu did not even pull out the sword, and swooped down and went straight to the Weeping Emperor.

"Come on, try the blood of Laozi!"

The blood blade crossed the sky, and the cold air flow swept through it. The biting cold was so cold that it was no wonder that the Weeping Emperor would be so mad. In the past few years, his cultivation has at least doubled, and he has already surpassed the Five Emperors. Now!

However, Lin Muyu's repair is to increase the speed faster, the fingers close together, the face is a sword to sway down, Sancheng force!


Jianyi collided on the edge of the blade. Lin Muyu raised his hand and his fingers swept across the air for three consecutive times. He even slammed the **** ghost to retreat, and the boots stepped on the hard ground of the purgatory.


There was a shock on his face, and he would not have thought that Lin Muyu’s strength would be strong enough.

However, there is something he can't think of more -


Lin Muyu double palms closed, stirred up a huge sword, straight and banged, 60% strength!

The hard soil exploded and the sword of the Weeping Emperor was directly bombarded. There was a blood mark on the chest, and the body could not withstand the attack of the proud sword.

Even the nine secluded monarchs can't resist Lin Muyu's 60% force attack, let alone the **** ghosts of the district? !


In the air, the three-handed swordsmanship hangs there, and does not send it. At any time, it may scream for the life of the Weeping Emperor.

Lin Muyu overlooks the earth and faintly said: "If you admit defeat, you will not kill you."

The Weeping Emperor lay in the mud, his face pale, and he shuddered and said: "I... I admit defeat, and ask Wushu to take my life."

"now it's right."

Lin Muyu turned over the palm of his hand, and the power of the proud sword smashed all over. He said: "Xin Yin, let's go down!"