MTL - The Alchemist God-Chapter 1256 Dear, don’t panic

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The devourer looked at Lin Muyu with a look of enthusiasm. One by one, even a small amount of hair was erected. They were surrounded by a bunch of beams of light, as if there were ghosts in the hustle and bustle, which is also the source of their strength. As the name of the Devourer, their power comes from engulfing, consuming the souls, gaining some of the power of the soul master, and then blending them.

"Beat him, use every means, just leave him a life."

Donglin Ghost Emperor ordered again.


The devourer madly rushed forward, and the claws slammed into the Lin Muyu with a straight knife blade, and this time it was a multi-faceted, no-death attack. There was even a devourer who sneaked into the swamp and raided from below. There is no other way to empty the sky, but the world of silence is different from the outside world. The law of space here is self-contained. There is no single **** that can break the void here, even if it is the **** of war.

Lin Muyu did not hesitate to close the palms. In the face of such a violent attack, he directly gave out 70% of the proud swords. Suddenly, countless swords broke through the air, and they gathered around the body to form a sword sphere with a radius of about two meters. A devourer slammed into the sphere, then was slammed by a fierce sword. He did not fly far and again and raided again and again.

For a time, there was a splash of fire and a swaying sword between the heavens and the earth. Donglin Ghost Emperor looked at him. He thought that there would never be any other **** in the world who could withstand the insurgency of eight devopers. However, the scene in front of him made him disappointed. The speed siege of the eight devourers was actually blocked by Lin Muyu, and there were blood spatters in the air. The devourers were injured. Lin Muyu’s proud sword is not a child’s trick, that is Stunts used to kill people!

Originally, Donglin Ghost Emperor also wanted to use the Devourer to defeat the Seven Devils, let this peerless **** scream at his feet and ask for his life, and ask Grandpa to ask for his grandmother. Now it seems that there is no drama, and even eight devourers even have Lin Muyu. Guandu can't get through.


However, Donglin Ghost Emperor did not know the pain of Lin Muyu in the sword of the sword field. He almost had already played the proud sword to 90%, but still could not completely defeat these devourers. As Donglin said, he swallowed it. The more the war, the more brave, the more severe the injury, and the constant and fierce attack has made Lin Muyu's sacred powers unsustainable.

In this way, the whole continuation of a scent of fragrant incense, even the Qin Yin has been pulled out of the Donghua sword ready to rescue.

At this time, a roar of "嗡", a huge sword light blasted from the ball of the sword field, and a devourer fell into the fog, Lin Muyu did not know when Xuanyuan sword had been pulled out, only Resolve the battle with the edge of Xuanyuanjian.


In the sharp blade, a devourer’s shoulder was wounded and a long hole was cut. With mourning, he fell into the mud and rolled away, while the rest of the devourers stopped. The attack, standing on the tens of meters from Lin Muyu's constant roar, seems very dissatisfied.

Lin Muyu looked up and looked at Donglin, saying: "How are you still indifferent, and these sons who want to see you with your own eyes are killed by me?"

"You..." Donglin Ghost Emperor bites his teeth.

However, he believes that Lin Muyu has this ability, and if the injury is serious enough to endanger his life, the devourer will indeed die, and Lin Muyu should be able to do this.

Only Lin Muyu knows in his own heart that the two swords directly consumed nearly 30% of the power. If the eight devourers are eliminated, their own power will be completely exhausted, and perhaps they will not be completely destroyed. I am afraid that I am dead. At this moment, Lin Muyu’s heart is full of dissatisfaction. His own martial arts, the Wushen who completely masters the proud swords, are actually no match for the eight devourers, eight idiots that were made!

"Sure enough, it is a **** of war..."

Donglin Ghost Emperor took back the sword and began to applaud Lin Muyu with no sincerity.

Lin Muyu said: "How come, admit defeat?"

"I will not admit defeat!" Dong Lin ghostly said: "I just don't want you to die in the world of the martial arts. Otherwise, if you go out and say no, the six gods will treat me as a ignorant. The general ghosts and gods, isn’t that what makes us a big ghost field for me alone?”

Cooked duck mouth is hard!

Lin Muyu smiled and just said: "If that's the case, then it's a tie..."


Dong Lin secretly ecstasy, said: "You can tell me now, what is the reason why Wu Shen and Grace Goddess came to the ghost domain?"

"Because of you." Qin Yin floated.

"Because of me?" Donglin Ghost Emperor stunned: "Why?"

Qin Yin blinked his eyes, and the pear vortex smiled: "I have sensed the deep turmoil and disorder in the depths of the ghost field. The only reason is the bursting of power. It seems that these devourers nowadays The devourers you created are even more arrogant than your own strength, so the order is turbulent."

"It turned out that these cute little guys..." Donglin Ghost Emperor looked at the "sons" with kindness.

Lin Muyu coughed and said, "Dong Lin, these guys seem to be far from the cute words? Do you have the ability to change their looks when you build them?"

"Yes, but it doesn't look like it's fierce, it's very lethal?"

Lin Muyu suddenly stopped, and he was speechless.

"Since the truth is clear, the goddess of Valkyrie and Grace will please come back, I will not leave you to eat. After all, you may not be able to see the food of the world of the Spring."

Donglin Ghost Emperor began to rush off the order.

Lin Muyu, but he did not go away, said: "What kind of jokes, the two gods in the real world come to you, let us go, let us go?"

Donglin Ghost Emperor’s heart is a bit stunned, and some are uneasy. If Lin Muyu’s martial art is really difficult, I am afraid that none of the eight sons will be spared. They are not Lin Muyu’s opponents at all.

Lin Muyu seems to have seen through the thoughts of Donglin, saying: "Now the realm of the gods and the devil are fighting, the power of the devil is still sitting on the big, and your ghost domain is also a member of the six worlds. Is it not supposed to be a force at this time? Fighting the world?"

"This one……"

Dong Lin thought for a moment and said: "I can send a million ghosts and a thousand ghost dragon leaders to help the gods, but they are ghosts and gods, can not compete with the sun, so ... can only fight at night, can not fight."

"I don't want those ghosts, I want these..." Lin Muyu reached out and pointed to the eight devotes, saying: "They are so strong, it is a pity to not fight for the gods."

"What?!" Dong Lin said: "You want to devour the people?"


Lin Muyu said: "I need eight close-up guards. These devourers are the best candidates, but only if you have to change their looks and turn them into normal people, otherwise I can't bring them out."

"It's simple to change your looks... Wait, I don't have to say you want to promise you!"

"You will promise."

Lin Muyu smiled slightly: "I have a chip to trade with you. You give me eight devourers as a bodyguard, and I can give you a shocking gift!"

"What a shocking gift?" Dong Lin ghost emperor said.

"I will go out and say, in the world of Youquan, I was defeated by your Donglin. I lost it. How is this chip enough to be sincere?" Lin Muyu smiled very brightly, he knew too much about Donglin. Personality.

The surface of Donglin Ghost Emperor seems calm, but the bottom of my heart is like a million purgatory ghosts rushing past, the feeling of dusty, sun-shaping... It’s too heart-warming, if you beat Lin Muyu, then you It is the ghosts and gods of the six realms that are strong enough to stand proudly in the ghost domain. The five ghosts of the five parties and the weeping blood see that they are still not called brothers.

At the thought of this, Donglin Ghost Emperor said with a look of embarrassment: "You know, Donglin has never been a person who is loyal to the fame. The devourers I have made are strong, even if you are not an opponent. If you lose in the hands of the devourer, you will be defeated in the hands of my Donglin, so... your words can only be regarded as truthful words, and they are not exaggerated."

"I know."

Lin Muyu looked sincere and said: "I don't have much time, so please re-create the face of these devourers and turn them into normal people. You don't need to be too handsome, but not too ugly."

"It takes a little time."

"Nothing, I am waiting for you to finish here."

"Wait a minute." Donglin Ghost Emperor looked up at Lin Muyu and said: "I will give you the devourer who has worked hard for many years. Didn't I make a loss?"

"No, I won't lose money." Lin Muyu said proudly: "After you changed their appearance, I will rename them again, renamed the guardian, and the eight guardians will be my guards. Once in the devil In the event of the battle, the guardians set up the battle, all of them are recorded in the account of your Donglin ghost emperor. After the war, I will personally lead the gods into the ghost domain to thank you, how can this be?"

The small abacus at the bottom of Donglin’s heart was screaming. The hateful thing was that Lin Muyu stepped forward in advance. He’s a word, every word is like wrapped in honey, so that Donglin’s ghosts are extremely incomprehensible. It is said that it is eight devourers, even eight beloved babies will not hesitate to give Lin Muyu.

"Look at the sincerity of the temple of the gods, just like this..."

Donglin Ghost Emperor stood in the air, raised his palms, and the power of Xuanqi flew out and began to change the appearance of the devourer, but he couldn’t find the mold when he changed it, so he looked at Lin Muyu and took a look. As a result, the scent of the scent, the devourer's appearance has turned into the same as Lin Muyu, the only difference is that the devourer is more huge and strong, Lin Muyu standing on the side seems to be a scaled down version.


Lin Muyu’s mind filled up the eight guardians who stood exactly behind him and stood behind them. They couldn’t help but squint at Qin Yin and said, “Xiao Yin, how do I feel that I am about to be robbed of the limelight...”

Qin Yin screamed: "Dear, don't panic, it's still your best in my heart..."

"You really will comfort people..."

Lin Muyu quickly made up his mind. After returning to the realm of the gods, he would customize a set of armor for these guardians. Unlike his own, the light should be dim and rough, otherwise his own **** of war would be robbed of the limelight. .


Then, the field of refining the gods is nearing the end, the old rules, starting from the 21st, will start one day and the last 30 chapters in a month, but rest assured, the new book is already in the process of improvement and creation, and will soon be Everyone meets, the new book is still a fantasy, but will be changed to the first person, began to tell the story in the way that leaves are best at it, thank you for your support!