MTL - The Almighty Martial Arts System-~ Chapter 18 finally upgraded

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Jiang Fei thought that he would go to the market as soon as possible to transport a batch of fruit trees to return to the rice village. Now that he has passed the best season for planting trees, this is definitely not a problem for him who is a ninth-level gardener.

Just planting trees is a troublesome and laborious thing. Then a large piece of land, not a few dozen trees can be full, at least two hundred or so. He can't ask for help, so this is not a task that can be completed in one day. Jiang Fei scored it in a few days and slowly completed it.

During this time, he could not just plant the fruit trees, he would completely close the clinic. He had to open at least half a day every day.

After the name of his **** doctor was passed out, the people who came to see the doctors were in a constant stream. Especially if I want to ask him for acupuncture, I have already booked it for a week! Even if Jiang Fei is not making money, not for long experience and increasing his proficiency in medical skills, he is also responsible for these appointments. He must also take time to go to the clinic every day.

If you don't believe, you won't stand.

Especially in the profession of doctors, in the face of many patients, Jiang Fei is not in a last resort, and will not put patients and pigeons.

In this way, Jiang Fei’s law of life has become quite regular. After getting up in the morning, I quickly went to the clinic to open the door and treat the patient. The patients who had made a reservation before also knew that Jiang Fei had only opened the door in the morning. If they had to go to work, they would see the doctor before the leave.

At noon, Jiang Fei went home to make a lunch and went to the market. After eating, he went to the market to buy saplings before driving. Then he went straight to the rice village and planted seedlings in the gap between the villa and the pond being built.

that's it.

After five days...

"It's so tired!"

In the evening, the sun in the early summer should be warm and warm on the people. It is very good. But at this time, Jiang Fei was sweaty, and his plaid shirt was completely wet and stuck on his body.

"Call~~" took a long breath and did not care about the image. Jiang Fei threw the steamed bun and the plastic bucket to the side, sitting directly on the stone next to the ass, enjoying the cool breeze in the evening. Extremely comfortable.

Looking at it again, this piece of land of more than two acres wide has been planted with various seedlings ranging from fifty centimeters to one meter high. I want to wait another two or three years, what is the situation when this fruit tree has a lot of fruits. This kind of psychological sense of accomplishment, even if you are tired at this time, back pain, do not feel much hard.

This piece of fruit trees is not too dense to grow, and it is not too loose. According to the plant spacing of 2*3 meters, Jiang Fei can plant 111 trees in one mu. In this land, a total of 276 seedlings were planted.

The types of saplings are not the same, and there are roughly ten different categories.

After all these fruit trees have grown up in the future, Jiang Fei can come here to pick up fresh fruit all year round!

There are cherries, peaches and plums, apples, pears, grapefruits, persimmons, and oranges...

There are only four varieties of oranges!

If it is not affected by the climate, many tropical fruits cannot be planted, and Jiang Fei will plant more. Originally, he built this resort. Planting fruit trees is not only for long-term experience, but also for the purpose of making a lot of money. Instead, when you come to the resort, you can eat fresh fruit.

Jiang Fei believes that the fruits of the fruit trees cultivated by the masters of their top horticultural level, like the cooking, are absolutely the best in the world!

Not only is the taste better, I am afraid that the nutritional value is not comparable to the fruit of the general fruit farmers.

Of course, with so many fruits, Jiang Fei is definitely a man who can't finish it. Even if he takes it to a friend, he can't finish it.

He can go to the relevant department to apply, get a certificate, let others have the quality of his fruit here, and then open a small fruit company, focusing on the fruit high-end market. I believe this is definitely a good doorway for money.

After all, there are a lot of wealthy people in China. They are very particular about eating and drinking. They really don’t want to spend a little more money and eat delicious and nutritious things.

Didn't see the current market, as long as the green pollution-free label of vegetables, is much more expensive than ordinary vegetables?

As long as the fruit of Jiang Fei’s fruit forest is really good enough, the nutritional value is high enough, and if you want to sneak a gimmick, you will definitely not sell. Even if he doesn't use his own fruit company, there will be a lot of fruit traders who come to the wind and come to work with him.

Of course, these are all words. The fruit trees planted by Jiang Fei will grow faster than ordinary fruit trees. It is also a matter of one or two years.

Now, Jiang Fei is most concerned about his own experience value!

“Each planting a fruit tree can get a total of two experience points. However, this is similar to stocking fry, and it is paid in three installments. Just planting the fruit trees, one can only get 0.66 points of experience.”

These are the news that Jiang Fei knew when he planted fruit trees in the past few days.

"The fruit trees planted today are more than the previous days, and there are nearly 80 trees. The experience gained today should be around 50 points! And this morning, my experience value is already 454/500. Now, Should I be able to upgrade to the next level?"

Jiang Fei was sitting on the stone, not excited, and his body was slightly uncontrollable and slightly trembled. This time, it will not be as happy as the last time you put the fry. The upgrade is already a matter of nailing. After upgrading, all you need to do is assign attribute points and open the upgrade package!

Close your eyes, your thoughts move, and the interface of the character's attributes immediately emerges in your mind. Jiang Fei’s attention fell on the experience bar in the first time. When he saw the experience value changed from 454/500 to 506/500 (I would like to choose upgrade?), Jiang Fei’s body could not help but tremble. It’s even worse, even the lips are awkward!

Finally, from level 0 to level 1!

It’s just not easy!

It has been almost a month since the game character was possessed. Since the beginning of this month, Jiang Fei’s life has almost completely changed. Many things are done to get experience and busy. Even the three-year deposits in my bank card are almost exhausted, just to be able to upgrade, and now finally achieve the goal.

"Upgrade!" Jiang Fei said without hesitation.

After his thoughts, the picture of the entire character's attributes began to change rapidly.


Role: Jiang Fei

Grade 1

Experience value: 4/1000

Physical strength: 1.2

Spirit: 1.3

Agile: 1.2

Strength: 1.4

Unassigned points: 2

Martial Arts Skills: None

Sub-professional: Weapon forging (9th grade), plant cultivation (9th grade), cooking (9th grade), gardening (9th grade), Qinyi (9th grade) winemaking (9th grade), summoning beast domestication (9th grade), Medical skills (six+49%)...

Looking at the basic changes in all the basic attributes of Jiang Fei, forcibly pressed the inner excitement and began to analyze.

The role has been upgraded from level 0 to level 1, and the changes that come with it seem to be much more than he imagined.

First of all, he now has two more unallocated attribute points, which has been confirmed before. As for the upper limit of the experience value, from the previous 500 to the current 1000, it means that he has risen from level 1 to level 2. It takes 1000 points of experience value, which is doubled directly from level 0 to level 1. !

Secondly, his original four basic attributes (1), spirit (1.1), agility (1), and strength (1.2), because the characters have been upgraded to a level, have all changed, automatically increased by 0.2.

That is to say, now he has not allocated free attribute points, the physical fitness is 1.2 times that of ordinary people, the mental power is 1.3 times that of ordinary people, the agility is 1.2 times that of ordinary people, and the power is 1.4 times that of ordinary people!

Moreover, before the upgrade, his medical level is only six +29%, but now it is already six +49%, but also improved by 20% proficiency!

“Is there such a good thing?” Jiang Fei was overjoyed.

When I was playing games on a computer, he didn't notice this. I don't know that after the character level is upgraded, each attribute will automatically add.

Don't look at this small 0.2 attribute point, but the actual use is not small.

It is hard to say how difficult it is to get 20% of the 6-level medical skills. Anyway, it took nearly a month for Jiang Fei to increase by 29%.

Even the four basic attributes of physique, spirit, agility and strength are very bad. This is equivalent to an additional 0.8 attribute points per level, which is nearly 50% more!

This is how Jiang Fei is not happy?

"However, the two attribute points that can be freely allocated, where should I add it? Is it the constitution that represents endurance and health, whether it can heal the mental power of several patients, or the speed, the agility of bounce, and Or is it the power of explosive power? It is really difficult to choose." Jiang Fei touched his chin and wondered.

These four basic human attributes are very useful. If there are enough distributable points, Jiang Fei will definitely upgrade them all.

However, now he has only two freely assignable attribute points, and at most he can only upgrade two basic attributes.

"It is definitely necessary to add a dispensable point in the spirit. After adding the spirit, not only can you treat more patients, increase the proficiency of medical skills, but also earn experience and make money. Three-in-one must be given priority!"

"However, it is too boring to add all of them to the spirit. I still want to try to feel the physical fitness after becoming a superman. What is it?"

Jiang Fei did not hesitate, Jiang Fei quickly added two assignable points and added one to the basic attribute spirit.

Immediately, the spirit of 1.3 has become 2.3!

In other words, Jiang Fei’s mental power is now two to three times that of ordinary people. In the past, he was able to give acupuncture to five patients every day, but now he can easily treat more than a dozen!

"Physique represents life and endurance, don't consider it first. The rest is added to agility or strength."

"But before that, you have to open the upgrade package first!"

Jiang Fei smashed his hand and took a deep breath, moving his gaze to the upper right corner of the interface.

There is a gift-packed thing there, it is flashing...