MTL - The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort-Chapter 481 Cash in place

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"Hey, Huang Yan, Hua Yan, you two are here, looking for you for a long time!"

Huang Yangang spit out a word, and then he wants to say something to his throat, and he is stunned by the sudden passing of the voice.

Huang Yan reluctantly closed his eyes, clenched his fists and looked at the source of unspeakable sound.

Aside, Anguo’s teacher was walking towards the two men in a leisurely manner, and he also mentioned a large bag of things in his hand.

When I saw Anguo’s teacher, Huang Yan’s anger was even worse. “You are a Nanting national teacher, and you will stay in this Beiming country all day!”

If he does not fight, he will tell his heart.

"It’s Chu Li who let me stay here for a few more days. Do you have any opinions?" Anguo’s play screamed.

Huang Yan is close to her lips, and she does not know what to say.

The flower buds saw this scene, slightly hooked the corners of the lips, and looked at the Anguo teacher. "The National Teacher just said, looking for us for a long time, is there anything important?"

"Someone seems to be angry with me. Is it because I interrupted something good?" Anguo Shi went to Huang Yan.

Huang Yan does not speak.

The flower buds smiled. "We are just strolling around here, nothing to do."

"That's it." Anguo Shiyi nodded, and then said, "I came to you because I just saw a few tribal leaders in the Tiansheng mainland when I was drinking tea at the teahouse."

"What do you say?!" Huang Yan heard the words of the tribal leader, immediately squinting, and grasped the sleeves of Anguo’s teacher with excitement, and there was still some disappointment on his face.

Anguo Shi looked at his sleeve and raised his eyebrows. "Don't be angry with me?"

"Oh, who are you with, how can I give birth to your old man, do you say it?" Huang Yan immediately changed his face, as long as An Guoshi now tells the whereabouts of the leaders, he screams willing.

Anguo’s teacher snorted, “Breaking!”

"They are people? Take me to look for it. I took the Thunder to the outside of the day, and I didn't find anyone. I didn't expect them to be in this Beiming country." Huang Yan did not count on this, but did not expect this. .

The flower buds had already got the news from 绮绮, but now it is not surprising.

Just see Huang Yan, this face monkey is anxious, the flower innocence feels warm in my heart.

"You come with me." Anguo Shi did not continue to tease him. After all, this is not a trivial matter. He quickly turned around and took Huang Yan and Hua Yan to find the tribal leaders.

Huang Yan followed the Anguo teacher and observed the appearance of the flower bud while walking.

Although he is not sure whether Huayi is willing to dispel the body of the beast, but he is ready to work, he is better to do well in advance.

When I came to a tea house in the center of the street, An Guoshi stopped and turned to see Huang Yan. "It's here."

When the words fall, Anguo Shi lifted the steps.

After entering the tea house, I went straight to the third floor and stopped at the door of a private room.

In the private room, unlike some other quiet private rooms, there is a lot of laughter and the sound of the table.

"Knock on the door." Anguo Shichao Huang Yan opened.

Huang Yan nodded and quickly knocked on the door.

The laughter inside stopped suddenly, and then a rough voice came. "Who?"

"Several big brothers, can you let me come in and talk?" Huang Yan did not know how to self-report, saying that he was Huang Yan, and no one knew him here.

"Come in." Humanity inside.

As soon as the words fell, Huang Yan quickly pushed the door in, and Anguo and Hua Yan also went in.

At the time, there were five tribal leaders sitting in the private room. After seeing Huang Yan who came in from the door, he first stunned and didn’t respond. After seeing the Anguo teacher, he sat in the outermost Tuol and immediately took a table. Stand up.

"It turned out to be the old man who turned us around!" Tull said, his voice full of anger.

The four people stood up, and put away the smile on his face. He looked at Anguo with a calm face. "His grandmother, we looked for the broken spring for a long time, and you dare not follow the gambling Now, I dare to appear in front of Laozi, is it tired?"

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, and listen to me to say a few words." Anguo Shi is also a big head, and when he enters the door, he is covered with a skull.

"You said!" Hotwood shouted.

Anguo’s wife rubbed his sweat on his forehead and smiled at a few people. “Several people also know that the days of Tiansheng’s mainland were in critical condition. There were tigers in front of the wolves. Later, they did not cash in the Tiansheng mainland. It’s wrong with Anmou, but please ask the leaders to understand.”

"This is not. Today, Anmou is drinking tea here. I know that the leaders are here, and I will come to see you immediately. If Anmou ruined the contract, he would not come to the door at this time. Are you saying that?"

The leaders were all violent tempers, the temper came quickly, and they went fast. Listening to the words of Anguo’s teacher was humble, and Tull’s face immediately piled up with a smile. “It’s good to say that misunderstandings are clear, after all, We are not the kind of people who are not close to human feelings."

"In the Holy Land that day, our brothers also suffered a lot, and they are still hurting now. I can understand you." Tours.

"Come, come over first." Toure greeted the three people and sat down.

Anguo Shichao Huang Yan and Hua Yan made a look, then walked over and sat down next to Tours.

"The leader, since today is to honor the gambling contract, then Anmou took the liberty to ask, you can find Biyuequan?" Anguo teacher opened the door.

Tull nodded. "We have found the Biyuequan you said by agreement. It is also very certain that the spring is Biyuequan."

"Oh? How is it determined?" Huang Yan interjected.

"At the center of Biyuequan, there is a stone monument with three words of Biyuequan on it." Tour answered.

Huang Yan heard it, and my heart was a little excited.

When Tours finished, the Chaoan Guoshi looked. "Can you remember that you promised us the same artifact?"

"Well, remember, I don't know which artifacts I have seen in a few places?" asked Anguo.

"We were originally a god-in-law, but the stuff was too embarrassing, and we couldn't use it. Then I used the little girl's phoenix whip that day, although it was very easy, but the whip seemed to the little girl. It’s very important, I won’t take it for granted.”

"That, take the snowballs that can make people come back to life in the legend!"

Seeing the picture is to ask for Xueyan Pills. Anguo’s teacher is somewhat guilty. The next Huang Yan is also subconsciously frowning.


"Why, I am not willing to give it?" Hotwood saw this one hesitating, and suddenly it was unhappy.

Anguo’s teacher shook his head quickly. “It’s not unwilling to give it. It’s the snow pill. It was used by us when we were in the Tiansheng continent.”

"Used? Is it true or not?" Tuel did not believe.

"Nature is true. We are exhausted in the Tiansheng Continent. We are also a life-saving medicine. In that case, we can only eat this medicine, and we must save our lives."

After the Anguo teacher finished speaking, he sighed. "Several leaders, if not, change other artifacts?"

“What else?” Hotwood raised his eyebrows.

"Nature is there, show you a fun." Anguo Shi said, take out something from the sleeves and put it in the palm of your hand.

This time, not only are the leaders looking dumbfounded, but even Huang Yan and Hua Yan are wondering...

"This thing, called a telescope, also known as a clairvoyant eye, put this thing on the outside and look at it. Hey, which girl did not close the door, it was clear." The telescope was placed on the eye and looked around.

At this moment, he can only be grateful that he was directly worn by the body. When he was wearing it, he did research in the mountains, so there were many strange things in the backpack.

This telescope, in the eyes of this ancient man, is afraid to be called the artifact.

Tuol took the telescope, went to the window, learned the way of Anguo, picked up the telescope and looked out.

At first glance, I haven't reacted yet.

After adjusting to it, Turre heard aloud, "My mother, this stuff is god!"

"Let me see!"

"let me see……"

Several other leaders took over and several people stood by the window and played for a while.

After playing for a while, Tours came over and held a fist at Anguo. "We have this artifact."

"That Biyue Spring, in the Tiansheng Continent, in the southeast direction, there is a waterfall mountain. After you find the mountain, go up, Biyuequan is in the middle of the mountain."

"Our time, we also looked for a long time. I didn't think that the spring would be on the top of the mountain. Later, I accidentally hit it."

Upon hearing this answer, Anguo’s teacher nodded slightly and looked at Huang Yan. “Listen clearly?”

Huang Yan nodded again and again, hands clasped, excited to hate to fly now.

"Well, since the gambling contract with the leaders has been cleared, then Anmou does not bother, and leave." Anguo Shi got up and did not stay here.


Out of the tea house, Anguo Shiben wanted to go back to Beimingguo Palace with Huang Yan, but they saw a familiar figure at the corner.

"You go back first, I still have something."

After the Anguo teacher threw a sentence, he walked toward the corner.

After a few steps, I saw the person standing at the corner. Anguo Shi sighed and twisted his eyebrows. "Late the moon, since it is here, why not go to the palace to find Chu?"

Rong Rong leaned against the corner of the wall and smiled. "You don't have to see, you know that you are all safe, I am relieved."

"Yeah." Anguo Shi nodded. At this moment, there was not much to say and Rong Rong said.

When I was about to leave, I was stopped by, "That..."

"What's wrong?" Anguo Shi turned around.

"Day, is the **** god order open? Is there really a deadly sorcerer in the rumor?" Rong Hao wanted to know if she had been obsessed with it for a long time.

When Anguo heard this, he chuckled and shrugged. "At this moment, you should be glad that you figured it out before, giving up the obsession with the gods and making no more harmful things."

"The next day, take care of your mother and child's feelings. Now it's time to make up for the mistakes of the past."

After that, Anguo Shi will step off and leave.

Rong Rong leaned against the corner of the wall and sighed deeply...

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