MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 269 The real secret of Xiling Snow Mountain

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  Chapter 269 The real secret of Xiling Snow Mountain

  Tianfu Airport!

  When Lin Ye's plane arrived, several people were already waiting at the airport.

  To be honest, Lin Ye didn't expect so many people to pick him up from the plane.

  He came to Tianfu this time, but he told the intestine ghost, apparently it was the intestine ghost who revealed the news that he was coming.

"Consultant Lin, I am Qu Hao, the team leader of the Tianfu Appraisal Institute. The people in our appraisal office are very excited when they learned that you are coming to Tianfu. By the way, let me introduce you. This is Consultant Wang from our appraisal office. This is Consultant Yu from the capital..."

  Lin Ye greeted these strangers one by one, but when Qu Hao introduced the last middle-aged man, Lin Ye's expression changed slightly.

  Xiao Zhenqing, the patriarch of the generation of the Southwest Xiao family.

Before coming here, Lin Ye already knew about the situation of the Xiao family from the information database of the appraisal office. He was also very curious about such a family of practitioners who had been glorious for thousands of years. Most importantly, after reading the introduction of the Xiao family's deeds, He also has more admiration for the Xiao family.

  The Xiao family, a thousand-year-old family, frightened the ghosts and ghosts in the entire Southwest, but what is rare is that the Xiao family did not regard the Southwest as their back garden.

  Although the Xiao family's wealth in the Southwest is now very rich, it is accumulated from generation to generation by the Xiao family, rather than being seized by power.

   "In addition to some of my things recorded by the ancestors, that notebook also mentioned the Xiao family's monster clan, and also recorded a secret of the Xiao family's monster clan outside the notebook."

Mr. Yu and Qu Hao got close, this was before Ke Ke was born, and after that, Mr. Yu was only because he received a favor from the grandfather of the Xiao family, but he knew Qu Hao's affairs very well, so he told him The Xiao family's information is also the well-known special information circulated in the southwestern alien circle.

  Han Shihan was very grateful for holding Xiling's hand. There must be Mr. Lin's housekeeper. I'm afraid that we Qu Hao would really encounter a small difficulty that time.

Long before learning that Han Shi got off the plane to Tianfu, the people present had thought about the reason why Consultant Lin came to Tianfu. They speculated that Consultant Lin should be very concerned about me as a student, so he came to Tianfu specially to see me. The students were not harmed.

   "Actually, it is entirely a conspiracy of Han Shi's monster clan that you Han Shiren retreated from the Xiao Family Snow Mountain."

  Seeing the shocked expressions of everyone except Mr. Lin, the Xiao family knew that the secret would definitely be revealed, and it would give everyone such a light blow.

  The first one to ask is Wang Yaodi. As a consultant of Tianfu Appraisal Institute, I know the least about Xiaojia Snow Mountain. In fact, the information about Han Shixue Mountain Monster Race is also provided by Tianfu to the headquarters.

  Xiling listened to the Xiao family's words, his pupils narrowed, but the rest of us showed no shock.

  In fact, the reason why the ancestors noticed it but didn't tell the other people in the Southwest was also because of that, for fear of causing confusion among the other people in the Southwest.

As soon as my words made everyone look at me, there was no doubt in their eyes. The Xiao family also knew what everyone was wondering about, and smiled bitterly: "Since Ke Ke was born and encountered a night attack by a hundred ghosts, you go back to the ancestral house It’s been a few bad times, and it’s completely fruitless, and I found the notes left by one of your ancestors, Qu Hao.”

   "Brother Xiao, did he tell you about that?"

  Sloppy and emotional, isn't this a prodigal son?

   At noon, I ate at a restaurant in Tianfu. Originally, the Xiao family was thinking about letting their son come with this student of Mr. Lin, but Han Shi waved his hand and agreed.

Han Shihan also understands people's inquiries, so he continued: "From the people's point of view, Qu Hao's ancestors did not retreat from the snow mountain to frighten the Xiao family's monsters because no Han Shi's monster clan went up to the mountain to harm the people. In fact, it just ended. It is true, but it was mainly in the next few hundred years, and in the front, you Qu Hao's ancestors really found out what was right."

   "You are going to go to Xiaojia Snow Mountain for a walk."

   It's just that there is no record in the data about why Xiao Zhenqing, the generation of the Xiao family, didn't become a stranger, and he even drew one? On the document, Lin Ye knew that the laboratory was also curious about this matter.

   "Consultant Lin, yes!"

  Looking at the puzzled expressions of the crowd, Xiling concealed it, and directly stated the purpose of my visit.

   "That's still the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that according to previous guesses, there is only one old monster like Xiaojiaxueshan."

"Mr. Lin, I really want to thank him."

   "According to what your ancestor Qu Hao wrote, the demon clan of the Xiao Family Snow Mountain deliberately sent the demon clan up the mountain, and even attracted your ancestor Qu Hao to retreat from the snow mountain. The purpose was actually not to let you Han Shiren kill some rising stars of the demon clan..."

   "Because of Qu Hao, the Xiao family's demon clan walked out of the snow mountain again, but likewise, no one dared to retreat into the Xiao family's snow mountain. Even if it was Qu Hao, it would be a hundred years before they retreated into the snow mountain again."

  Counselor Lin is here now, but he says he is meeting a student like me, so we are talking about the purpose of asking Counselor Lin to come to Tianfu.

"Actually, the reason why you didn't inform the laboratory is because your ancestor's notebooks are all about your Han Shi's private affairs. That ancestor's temperament is more loose and emotional. some of my own things."

  The Xiao family knew that Lin Ye hadn't misunderstood him, so they explained a few words. After hearing what the Xiao family said, everyone present understood.

Hearing the Xiao family's words, Lin Ye's expression didn't feel aggrieved. Consultant Lin is a consultant of the appraisal office, and I thought that I would be the host to clean up Consultant Lin's dust. I've seen that Consultant Wang is not as good as the others. Whether there is any suggestion of approval, the team leader of my laboratory can only acquiesce.

   "No matter how you say it, I still want to thank Mr. Lin. You will be the host for Mr. Lin in a while."

Speaking of that, Han Shihan took a deep breath, and said word by word: "According to the speculation of several generations of your family, there is no extremely weak old monster dormant here in Xiaojia Snow Mountain, deliberately luring you, Qu Hao, to retreat. I killed those new monsters, but even if you knew it was a conspiracy, you Han Shi had to do it, because the ancestors knew that if you must do it, I am afraid that the old monsters of the Xiao family will come out of the mountain. Completely suffer."

  As soon as Xiling said that he was under the table, everyone present was a little surprised. Could it be that Consultant Lin came to see my students?

   It is estimated that what is recorded outside the notebook is the emotional history of Qu Hao's ancestor. It is very understandable whether the Xiao family has informed the appraisal office.

   There is a way. In terms of status outside the circle of Southwest aliens, Qu Hao is enough to beat our laboratory by a block.

   "Mr. Xiao is being polite. You are saying that Han Shi has made contributions to the people of the Southwest. You can justify the relationship between Xiao Keke and Xiuyan as classmates."

  It was Han Shihan who spoke immediately before Wang Yaodi.

Lin Ye didn't complain at all in his tone. The reason was very complicated. Before the appraisal office found out about the matter, they had regressed and protected the Xiao family. Qu Hao's file information was given to Han Shihan.

   "Mr. Lin, Xiao Family Snow Mountain is indeed a must."

   "That's right, it just alarmed our big friend."

  After all, is there anyone who would be willing to tell the ancestors' emotional experiences to the people in the family.

  (end of this chapter)