MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 115

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When a secret plane landed in China.

Moore also received an emergency call from the family.

"What? All the people in the lab are gone? What's going on!"

When he heard the report on the phone, Moore stood up from the sofa with a swipe. This news made him even more furious than hearing that Shi Liangchen disappeared inexplicably.

There is also a panic.

Once people appear in public, the James family is over!

The person on the other end of the phone also panicked,

"Master More, me, we don't know what's going on. The protection measures in the laboratory have not been triggered in any way, and the whole island is gone, including the chores, Not a single one is missing. If it wasn't for the people who brought the ingredients into the island today, we wouldn't have found it at all..."

"It is impossible for people to disappear for no reason. We investigated the traces left at the scene. These people should have left through normal means."

"Normal way? You mean there is a traitor in my hands?"

Moore's voice cooled down.

Although he has not yet officially become the head of the James family, this is basically the fact that he has gradually begun to accept the family's rights, and the laboratory is one of the most important bargaining chips. one.

Now the people in the laboratory are leaving through normal means, and the base alarm has not been triggered. Isn't it telling the ghost?

It also indirectly means that his decision-making has made a fatal mistake?

Before he officially takes over the family, he still has the possibility of being pulled down. The words on the other end of the phone may not be malicious, but they touch his back.

"No, Mr. Moore, I didn't mean that. I, I just got the results based on the on-site trace investigation temporarily. This matter has to be decided by Mr.

I could hear Moore's coldness on the other end of the phone, and I couldn't help but explain quickly, feeling a little apprehensive.

Moore heard a snort.

"The news of this matter is temporarily blocked, and I must find out who did it! In addition, try to clean up the traces left by the laboratory before. If those professors are found Don't come back, be prepared, and..."

Moore tried to calmly order things one by one.

After hanging up the phone, he threw the phone in his hand to vent his anger.

After pacing the room a few times.

Moore opened his face with a gloomy face and told the bodyguards,

"Let me investigate the disappearance of Shi Liangchen that day. Also, no matter what method you use, pry Shi Meijing's mouth open. Even if she is dumb, I will let her Speak! If you dare to trick me, I want them to be unable to pay the price!"


The bodyguard's back shivered and he took orders.

The series of accidents made Mole devastated, and all the ghost thoughts before had to temporarily put down and focus on the game.

At this moment, he was naturally suspicious of Shi Liangchen who disappeared inexplicably. He couldn't figure out how Shi Liangchen escaped from the top of the 30th floor at that time, but the exposure of the attack definitely followed The other party can't get involved.

More was angry and flustered because Shi Liangchen was involved in too many important things for him.


But then I think that the other people in his hands are not vegetarian, and the things are not researched by Shi Liangchen. It is not so easy for Shi Liangchen to do tricks.

More regretted that he was smart all the time, how could he be confused all the time, when he saw that Shi Liangchen's ability was amazing, he believed him for a while?

Although the plot has been ruined by him now, there are still many places that have not changed.

It is useless for Moore to regret now, he can only try his best to clean up the mess.

After calling dozens of experts and professors to come over and carefully check the scientific research results that are about to participate in the competition, he was not at ease and took Yan Tong out.

"Are you sure that the source of your information is all right? No one else knows about the Lu family and Fang's family?"

Moore's eyes were sullen.

Yan Tong was so frightened that he trembled.

"Really, really, I discovered these data by accident, and no one in the Fang and Lu family knows about it. Once the space button is recognized as the owner, if no owner voluntarily erases the owner's data , it is absolutely impossible to be used by other people, when I got the necklace, the thing was not recognized as the owner..."

"Mr. Moore, I really didn't lie to you, and I don't dare to lie to you. And I wish Fang Ziyang died, if it wasn't for him, Xie Wenxu wouldn't have sold me on the Caesar cruise ship, only Mr. Moore, if you win, I can live a good life, and I will never betray you, please believe me."

Yan Tong was trembling with fear.

He knew how insidious and terrifying Moore was. In the original book, he was a lunatic, and even Fang Ziyang almost fell.

He didn't really think about dealing with Moore.

But he is really desperate now, and there is no place for him in the country. And after living a dark life on the Caesar cruise ship, he really hated Fang Ziyang now, and now he has no other place or backing except Moore.

Although Moore is keeping him in captivity as a usable pet, he can only move in one villa every day, maybe he will be slaughtered that day.

But he is very satisfied now, at least he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking every day, and he no longer has to be bullied as a plaything. As long as he grasps the gold finger necklace well and takes out the information in it bit by bit, he can live for decades.

After experiencing so much, he no longer wants to reach the peak of the world, as long as he can save his life and live in this book world until he grows old and dies.

The people here are really terrible, nothing like what he imagined!


It's hidden.

Yan Tong has a hunch that his good days may not be long.

But he can't care so much anymore, and taking refuge in Moore is his only chance of survival now.

"You'd better hope my affairs don't go wrong, or your future will be worse than on the Caesars, hum!"

Moore kicked people away in disgust and turned away.

Now that he has come this far, he has no way out, he can only bite the bullet and keep going.

Change, just in case.

With such an uneasy and troubled mood.

The attack on the secret library is temporarily over, and the technology competition continues.

Because of Fang Ziyang and Tang Xun's two trump cards, Hua Guo won the first place in the next team offensive and defensive battle.

This result was both expected and unexpected.

After all, the last science and technology competition, China, like many other countries, was a round trip to make up the number. In just 10 years, Huaguo's technology has developed to such a degree, how can it not be surprising?

From this moment on, the people of all countries finally have a new influence on China, and no longer stay on one-sided domestic news reports.

After the first round of twists and turns, the top ten places are finally released, which also means that the real technology competition officially begins.


The first round of competition is to hold an audition, in order to give most countries with insufficient technology a chance to participate, an opportunity to appear in front of people all over the world, to show the "international" two of the technology competition Character.

From the second round, the real technology competition.

According to the regulations of the competition, each team will have an exhibition area to show everyone the scientific research results of the team.

The exhibition area will be open for half a month. During this period, the audience who come to watch the technology competition will go to experience it. After the experience, they will vote and score satisfaction. have a higher advantage in the assessment.

Of course, each exhibition area must have its location, facilities and so on.

And the distribution method is based on the ranking of the first round.

This time Huaguo won the first place in the first round of the competition. No matter what some people think, in front of the audience all over the world, the exhibition area won by Huaguo in the second round of the competition is naturally the best. OK

The day of the second round.

For the grand occasion of the competition, the advanced teams had a second entrance ceremony.

Because there is only one team, this time the entrance ceremony is more solemn and delicate, and each participating team will have a special time for taking photos and interviews when entering the venue.

The Huaguo team has been in the limelight before, and this time is naturally the focus of the interview.

However, due to Fang Ziyang's previous attack, the reporters who came this time have learned a lesson, and they will no longer dare to ask questions as recklessly and provocatively as before.

Fang Ziyang and others did not intend to show too much enemy, as long as these reporters don't make trouble, they are still very cooperative. When answering, the words are with the unique gentleness of Chinese people, humility is not cowardly , self-confidence is not proud.

Even if it is showing off, it makes people feel very comfortable and cute.

For example.

The reporter must ask: Do you seem very confident in the championship of this competition? What do you think of the other participating teams? It seems that your country is prepared this time? and many more…

The members of the Huaguo team will not be too proud, but they will not be humble,

"That's for sure. As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. He doesn't even have the confidence and courage to win the championship. What is there to talk about progressing to catch up with technology?"

"Other teams... This is not a good answer, I want to say we are confident to win, you must say we are arrogant; I want to say we are under pressure, you must laugh at us Okay, so you say, how should I answer?"

"Of course our country came prepared this time. Isn't everyone like this? Isn't it funny to come to the competition without preparation?"

These answers may not sound very good to reporters.

But for netizens from all over the world who are watching the live broadcast, it is a heart-wrenching answer.

"Aw, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I like it very much. It makes sense."

"Haha, how do you think about other participating teams? It's really hard to answer this question, this little brother from China is right, no matter which answer he answers, he will be sprayed, but is it really good to tell the truth like this? ?Ha ha"

"The last question is really funny, the international competition actually asked such an idiot question. Pfft, the reporter's expression was stunned, he probably thought p haha..."

"Do you think that in recent international competitions, many reporters' questions are idiots?"

"Tsk, let's pretend we were the uneducated generation of our parents..."

Nowadays, people from all over the world are very open-minded and free, except for some particularly sensitive topics, basically all kinds of swearing on the Internet.

Or can't extend the existence of keyboard warriors.

So not only are netizens' receptive ability strong, but the skills of Jianlv Jianbiao are even more shining.

Nowadays, the media still wants to control everyone's thoughts with just a few words, which has become the past tense. Don't really treat netizens as fools.

The live broadcast rooms of various countries are very lively.

After all, it was not only the Chinese teams who were asked to dig holes, but other teams with insufficient national strength also suffered the same treatment, and no one wanted to be weak and bring shame to their motherland.

But everyone looked at it, and soon found a special place.

"Have you found that the Huaguo team seems to be a little different from other team members..."

"What's the difference? Except for being more confident, there's no difference."

"I didn't see it either. I'm a bit face-blind to Asians. Except for the super handsome ones, I think they all look similar, and I can't see anything special."

"Wait, it really seems a little different."

"Didn't you find that the members of the Huaguo team seem to be...not wearing glasses?"


"It's true!"

I don't know, I'm really surprised to see it.

When someone asked this question in the live broadcast room, netizens from all over the world quickly turned their attention to the Chinese team that had stopped in the corner of the video to watch.

It turned out that none of the members of the Huaguo team really wore glasses.

"Could it be contact lenses? After all, it is necessary to be on TV, so it is necessary to pay attention to the meter."

"Impossible. Although contact lenses are very convenient, they can't be worn for a long time, especially when using a computer, and it will hurt the eyes after a long time. The second round is a demonstration. Scientific research results, but there are many operations in the middle that still require the use of computers, these researchers will not hurt their eyes for the sake of appearance, they must know how important the eyes are to them.”

"It's impossible that all the people in the Huaguo team are people with good eyesight, right? ... Don't say that their technical people hurt their eyes all day long with various electronic devices, and now we ordinary people It’s hard not to be nearsighted.”

That's right.

In this era of increasingly developed electronic products, human life and work are almost inseparable from mobile phones and computers. In this case, let alone adults, even students are rarely Short-sighted!

Not to mention these researchers, the degree of myopia is even more serious.

So...why don't any of the members of the Huaguo team wear glasses?

A unified barrage soon appeared in the live broadcast rooms of various countries.

Even in the Huaguo live broadcast room, it was the same situation. They were also very surprised that there were no glasses in their own team.

It's a bit magical!

The on-site reporters quickly noticed the movement in the live room.

All of a sudden, their eyes lit up, and according to the expectations and doubts of netizens, they hurried to the Huaguo team again to interview.

"Hello, this member of the Huaguo team, the netizens in the live broadcast room have just discovered a very interesting phenomenon. Can you answer it for us?"

This time the reporters chose to interview Jin Yu.

They were not chosen at random, but deliberate. Previously, they chose to interview male members of the team. They thought that the male members would take a lot of consideration into the words of a gentleman when answering questions, but they did not expect that one would be more difficult to deal with.

Because she is so well protected by her family, she can easily see a temperament that is not deep in the world, which is simply the best interview target.

Jinyu lived up to expectations, her eyes brightened when she heard the question, and she started pouring beans without hiding anything.

"If you say this, then I'll have to blow it up!"

"First of all, you look at my face, you have to start from here... Do you think my skin is very good? I don't have any acne! There is no such thing as staying up all night, dull and sallow! Is it white or not? Is it tender? Is it good-looking?"

"I said directly about the problem of the eyes, you must not understand it for a while, and even if you understand it, you probably won't believe it. It's still early, I'll tell you slowly..."

Jinyu is excited to be a conscientious Amway.

Although she likes the bright eye lotion that solves her myopia, but for girls, the beauty lotion is more poignant, and usually does research and experiments, and has no chance to appear in public. Now When she gets the chance, she has to show off for everyone.

She is the super of Dongsheng Pharma. She is a special VIP who does not have to wait in line to buy things. This must be snapped up by people all over the world to show her high-end atmosphere!

Jinyu had no self-consciousness of being long-winded, and started to talk about the wrong topic from the beauty liquid.

The reporters suddenly had the illusion that they wanted to run again.

But for the sake of the audience who are waiting to feed in the live broadcast room, in order to win the best reporter of this competition, they worked hard... bear it!


More than half an hour later.

The dizzy reporters concluded: "So, you used a product called 'Ming Eye Liquid' to treat myopia?"

"Hmm, that's it. Eye-brightening liquid is as powerful as beauty serum. If you don't know much about it, you can go and watch the video of customers using beauty liquid first. Yes, I believe relevant videos should be found on foreign networks..."

Jinyu has some unfulfilled regrets.

She hasn't finished blowing, but these people have summed up the key points, which is annoying.