MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-v4 Chapter 35 Freshman Branch!

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The news of Ron Weasley's curse spread quickly, and it became known to the students after they entered Hogwarts.

At the long Slytherin table, Jericho asked Moriarty, "They're all saying Ron is cursed, really, sir?"

Jericho sits on Moriarty's left, a high position on the long Slytherin table - he's accepted again, explained in Lockhart for his behavior during the five-school league And after receiving the Merlin 3rd class.

Moriarty smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Aren't you there? Didn't you see Ron Weasley's pale face and trembling lips?"

"Tsk tsk, this is a fatal blow for a man." Jericho looked for the boy from the Weasleys in the hall with some sympathy.

Lilith coughed lightly: "Pay attention to the words, he's just a boy, not a man."

Then she raised her chin and thought: "It's really strange - why is Ron Weasley cursed? Why is Ron cursed when the Weasley family travels to Egypt?"

"Oh?" Jericho said, "Sir didn't seem to say that only Ron was cursed, did he?"

"At the moment, only Ron is cursed." Moriarty said with certainty.

The system did not detect the curse on the other three Weasleys, nor did Moriarty detect anything unusual in them.

"Where is that child now? I heard that he was picked up by Madam Pomfrey when he got out of the car." Soldaya asked curiously.

"I was sent to the school doctor's office. Professor Dumbledore went out in person. Maybe he can lift the curse?" Gemma said kindly.

Moriarty shook his head, "I don't have any hope for this, modern magic has nothing to learn from the curse of Egypt. And Ron must have moved something that shouldn't be moved, otherwise there is no reason for the Egyptian princess to only treat Ron Curse alone."

This is an answer to Lilith's previous question. Lilith thinks it makes sense. "It turns out to be the case," she vowed. "No matter where I travel next time, I will definitely take care of my hands and my eyes."

"Don't see what you shouldn't see, don't take what you shouldn't take."

These words aroused the unanimous approval of the little snakes.

"Look, freshmen are in." Gemma pointed to the entrance, and Professor McGonagall walked in with a sorting hat, followed by a group of freshmen.

"This year's freshman team is so huge," Jericho sighed and smiled: "I saw a few familiar faces."

"Indeed," Moriarty nodded, looking at the freshman: "Neville Longbottom, Theodore Knott, Hannah Abbott, Susan Burns, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, this class is also the class with the most purebloods."

Lilith leaned into Moriarty's ear and said with a smirk, "Why didn't you talk about your stepson, Draco Malfoy."

Moriarty rolled her eyes at her, she was always afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

"Look at those ghosts!" Soldaya said with lingering fears: "I'm going to scare the new students again. The first time I saw the **** Barrow, I was taken aback."

"Huh?" Jericho found an opportunity to laugh at Soldaya: "You are actually afraid of ghosts, Merlin's bitter tea, the sun is rising from the west?"

"Don't be noisy, the sorting has started."

Moriarty cast his eyes on the Sorting Hat, which house will this old hat assign freshmen to?

Professor McGonagall put a four-legged stool in front of the freshman team, the sorting hat twisted on it, and called to Moriarty, "Hey? Another year—we meet again! It's not like seeing each other once a year. it is good…"

Moriarty smiled at the hat, and the interaction between one person and one hat was already accustomed to the old students.

But the freshman was obviously surprised and curious.

There are also a few people who know it in their hearts, such as Neville: "As expected of a teacher, the first thing to do when the Sorting Hat comes is to say hello to the teacher."

Another example is Moriarty's new little fan girl Hannah: "Wow, Mr. Moriarty is so handsome ヾ^_^?"

And Harry, he doesn't know why all this is, but he thinks it's cool and cool, and a voice in his heart tells him that he also wants to be such a person.

In comparison, Hermione was much calmer. She knew a lot about Moriarty's deeds from the book.

But what the Sorting Hat did next surprised Hermione.

I saw a wide slit in the hat, like a mouth - the hat began to speak: "I started singing the Sorting Song. It took me three years to come up with it, you must listen to it."

It looked at Moriarty intently, until Moriarty nodded before turning its body straight.

Moriarty remembers very clearly that when he came to Hogwarts four years ago, the Sorting Hat sang a different sort of song to him.

There is something in it that looks like a prophecy.

About Moriarty's Prophecy.

"Monday's boy, with glory in his heart.

The boy on Tuesday, Mianlong don't disturb.

The boy on Wednesday, the protagonist of the banquet.

A teenager on Thursday, teaching a baby who survives hardship.

Friday's boy, a giant snake is entangled.

Saturday's boy, breaking the prison, burning the brain, goblin, ridicule!

On Sunday, the boy did not go to school, and the waves rolled across the ocean.

If time makes the years endless, I would like to have more Saturdays and Sundays...

Then I can continue watching the adventures of the boy. "

Moriarty still remembers this short passage.

Looking back at the first few sentences now, it seems to sum up Moriarty's life in three grades.

Monday, Glory.

On Tuesday, Mianlong is not disturbed.

Wednesday, the protagonist of the banquet.

If Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are regarded as the first grade, the second grade, and the third grade, then there will be a prophecy that resembles a prophecy!

Glory has been Slytherin's password, symbolizing pure blood and the Slytherin family.

Sleeping Dragon, it was after hearing this Hogwarts legend that Moriarty found Merlin and defeated Dracula.

The protagonist of the banquet.

There was indeed a feast in the third grade, which was thrilling.

It's the second time Moriarty has come so close to death.

The blood feast, the blood feast of the immortal organization.

If it is said that the protagonist is the protagonist of the banquet, then the prophecy of the third grade has been established again.

By the fourth grade...

A teenager on Thursday, teaching a baby who survives hardship.

In the Harry Potter world, only Harry has been described by the word "Survival".

Moriarty remembered clearly that the title of the first chapter of the first Harry Potter novel was "The Boy Who Lived".

As for why the Sorting Hat said baby, it may be that it felt that Harry was as naive as a baby in front of Moriarty.

After calculating, the Sorting Hat said that three grades were hit, this year...?

Moriarty looked at the hat. It will sing again this year. Is it another prophecy?

"That beam of light, you gradually disappeared."

The Sorting Hat began to sing, in a very low key:

"We are afraid of losing our aim and sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Where is the dream? Look for history.

Seriously, I want to buy everyone a watch.

Teach everyone in this world to listen to the murmur of time.

The wizard of January, eavesdropping on the wailing of snakes over the years.

The nobles of February, walking into the pure forest, the blood is burning.

The dwarf in March, caressing the night sky, blows the horn of rebellion.

Hungry ghosts in April, thunderbirds that eat Easter.

The madman in May laughs at the narrowness and waves of the sea.

The snow and ice in June broke free from the sun and floated in the air.

The monk in July, put down the butcher knife.

August's animal trainer, laughing with the dragon.

In September, October, and November, we can only see uneven mountains.

Children in December, proud to correct their mistakes!

It's like a grotesque show.

I know we'll swing wildly.

I know we'll release sexiness.

But I don't know if we are ready! "

After the Sorting Hat finished singing, the auditorium was instantly filled with discussions.

Old students feel that the sorting song is a bit heavy, and many words are not suitable for new students.

Some of the new students were obviously frightened. There was a little girl with tears in her eyes, and Hermione went over to comfort her eagerly.

Dumbledore frowned slightly, and whispered to Professor Sybill Trelawney sitting next to him.

Moriarty did not change his face, but was thinking deeply.

The last sorting song included Monday to Sunday, this time from January to December.

They are all related to time, and in the two different sorting songs, time, years, and history are all words with a very high repetition rate.

The thought is suffocating.

"Okay, let's start sorting now!"

The Sorting Hat yelled: "Every one of you put me on your head and tell me a joke! The song just now was too heavy, try your best to make me laugh!"

Everyone's eyes widened, but no one thought that the Sorting Hat would make freshmen tell jokes!

"Merlin, I remember Moriarty said this proposal first!"

Lilith pressed Moriarty's elbow.

The Weasley twins on the Gryffindor long table cheered loudly: "It's long overdue!"

"Hat I support you! You have done what we have always wanted to do but dare not do!"

Professor McGonagall didn't look very good about the Sorting Hat's self-assertion, but she still began to pronounce the name of the freshman.

"Hannah Abbott!"

Little girl Hannah has a ruddy complexion, she has two golden braids today.

She happily trotted over, sat on the stool, put on her hat, and told a joke.

It could be seen that she was not affected by the Sorting Song at all, and she couldn't wait.

"Oh, not a funny joke—it's no different from the one on the street." Hat said disappointedly, "Um... well, let me see where you're assigned? Wait, you want an academy with the hero? Please, You don't fit there, well, that's all."


Hannah took off her hat and walked to the long Hufflepuff table in disappointment, throwing herself into Tonks' arms and sobbing aggrieved.

Few people paid attention to her, because Professor McGonagall read the next freshman.

"Susan Burns!"

Her jokes didn't appeal to the Sorting Hat either.

"Hufflepuff!" cried the hat again. Susan ran quickly into the little badger.

Then Terry Boot became Ravenclaw's first freshman, and Lavender Brown became Gryffindor's first freshman.

When Millison Burst became a new Slytherin, Neville and Harry looked at the Slytherin table enviously at the same time.

There was a round of polite applause, and the new girl sat at the end of the long table.

"Hermione Granger!"

Hermione almost ran to the stool and hurriedly put her hat on her head.

"Well, I thought of 6 jokes and 7 funny brain teasers. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Whatever." The hat was listless, it had given up hope.

"Then I'll choose the funniest one, saying that there was once a short man, she had a tall man, and they gave birth to a fat boy and a skinny girl..."

Hermione gushed about...

"Oh no! You seem to be giving me a history lesson!" The hat interrupted Hermione, "You've got your supernatural powers, there are 39 characters, 17 animal names and 42 place names in the story...

But you have a really fast brain and a good memory, so—Ravenclaw! "

Hermione was sorted into Ravenclaw, and Moriarty saw Penello greet her.

"Neville Longbottom!"

Neville walked over with his chest out, as if he was about to go into battle.

"Well, hard, really hard," said the hat as soon as it was put on. "Very hard, Gryffindor? Or Hufflepuff? And... Slytherin?"

Neville quickly recited "Slytherin" in his heart when he heard the first two, and he was relieved when he heard the hat say "Slytherin".

The hat caught Neville's mood and thought for a while: "Okay, Slytherin! I hope you get what you want!"

Neville was relieved, looked at Moriarty happily, and ran to the Snake Yard.

"Son, the hat hasn't been taken off yet!"

Jericho laughed loudly.

Neville hurriedly returned the hat again.

After a while, Draco Malfoy was called.

Many old students have seen it, and they are no strangers to this new student.

As soon as the hat touched Draco's scalp, he shouted, "Sly...Wait! What's on your mind? Oh, incredible, you are the most complicated one in this year's freshmen!"

"But your heart is not bad, but it is easy to go astray.

You are very courageous, yes! This is what you have buried in your heart - you have a lot of ideas and you want to do so many things! You can't do it without the courage. "

"What are you waiting for? Our Malfoy family has been Slytherin for generations." Draco said anxiously.

"Yes, that's right, but it may change now!" The hat said firmly: "Go to Gryffindor to achieve your goals faster! You will do something great! Gryffindor!"


Some students cried out in surprise.

Draco Malfoy was actually assigned to Gryffindor!

The lions booed wildly, and the Malfoy family is famously pure blood.

Draco stared blankly at the air in front of him, his eyes seemed to have lost their color, only gray remained.

He didn't know how he got down to the Gryffindor table again.

At this time, there were not many people left.

Morn... Nott... Parkinson... Then the Patil Twins... Then Sally Ann Box... Finally, it's...

"Harry Potter!"

As Harry stepped forward, there was a sudden humming whisper in the Great Hall like the hissing of small flames.

"Potter, is she calling Potter?"

"Is that Harry Potter?"

These days, Harry already knew that he had some fame, but at Hogwarts, his fame was nothing, which could be seen from the fact that Marcus didn't care.

Harry remembered Marcus turning Dudley into a pig, and said, "I'll tell you a joke, I have a pig cousin..."

"Pig? Cousin?" Hat laughed when he heard the first sentence, "Haha, do you have a pig cousin? Hahaha, it's interesting!"

"Okay, you made me laugh, let me see you."

Harry wondered, you were already smiling before you even started talking. UU reading

"Well," he heard the small voice of the hat in his ear, "difficult. Also very difficult. You are very similar to the Malfoy boy before you were old.

Seems to be very courageous. Not bad at heart. Talented, oh my gosh, yes - you have a strong desire to prove yourself, then you should go to Slytherin.

But you can be great in Gryffindor, and you can go to Slytherin—that's undeniably interesting, where should I put you? "

Harry clutched the stool tightly, thinking, "I'm going to Slytherin, I'm going to Slytherin."

"Go to Slytherin, right?"

Hat asked: "Have you made up your mind? You'll be great, you know, just in your mind.

Slytherin will help you to greatness, no doubt - gladly? Well, now that you've made up your mind - go, Slytherin! "

Harry heard the hat call out the last name to the entire hall.

He took off his hat and walked to the Slytherin table with his legs trembling slightly.

He was selected, and he was assigned to Slytherin!

This made him greatly relieved, and looked happily at Marcus and Moriarty.

This also prevented Harry from hearing the final whisper of the Sorting Hat: "Teach the baby who survived to Mr. Slytherin. Excellent!"

(If anyone is surprised by the segregation, then my purpose is served. Of course I don't write this for grandstanding, but I often wonder what it would be like if those kids went to a different college? From the first chapter It can be seen that this book is different from other fans. Also: Guess what the new sorting song said? Guess me and add more.)