MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-v4 Chapter 69 Anti-Black Storm Lockhart

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"The wedding begins~"

A brisk music was played, and Lucius showed great pomp. He led Mrs. Chabini, who was wearing a white wedding dress, and walked out slowly.

Draco and Bryce?? Shabini, two little boys, followed by Baba, their faces were full of dissatisfaction.

Lilith laughed straightly: "If you want me to say, the Malfoy family just loves to show off, don't you see the two children looking unhappy? If I were Lucius, I would definitely not let them out."

Moriarty said in agreement: "Indeed, the master's rudeness embarrassed the Malfoy family more than the guest."

"The implication is that my guest is very rude?" Lilith rolled Moriarty's eyes.

"I didn't say that," Moriarty said tactfully. "After the wedding reception, I want to invite you to Slytherin Castle. There are a few things we need to talk about."

"whats the matter?"

"It's a good thing," Moriarty said solemnly. "It's a good thing for you and for me."

"You won't dig a hole for me." Lilith stared at Moriarty's deep gray eyes inquiringly, and said angrily: "Your castle is full of witches, it's not good for me to go."

"Why did I hear a strong sour smell?" Furong pretended to be nonchalant and smiled, "My anchovies have turned sour."


Lilith turned her head to the side.

Moriarty glanced at the new Mrs. Malfoy with little interest, and there was absolutely no comparison with Narcissa, and then went to dinner with Fleur.

Halfway through the wedding, the house-elf walked in with a dusty wizard.

The wizard was wearing a decent black suit, shiny brown leather shoes, a tall wizard hat, and buttoned up his golden hair, with a smile that was always like a spring breeze on his face.

The whole body is full of fashion and trends. Only this hat is the symbol of the wizard. The wizard takes off the hat and greets the bride and groom.

"Dear Mr and Mrs Malfoy, Gilderoy Lockhart is late."

The guests became noisy, and the auditorium was full of various sounds.

Moriarty saw many ladies waving to Lockhart excitedly.

"Lockhart looks like a thief," Moriarty commented.

"Are you envious?" Lilith leaned over and asked.

"What am I envious of?"

Moriarty was at a loss for words.

Lilith tutted: "Aren't you just like that? Whose wife, whose young woman? Whose new widow?"


Moriarty nearly spit out the black tea in his mouth.

At the critical moment, Fleur said, "Look at Lucius' face."

I saw that Lucius' smile seemed to be glued to his face, and he froze.

"Of course Lucius doesn't welcome Lockhart," Moriarty told the story: "Today he should have been in the limelight, but here comes Lockhart, look, Lockhart must have a new trick. ... Lockhart becomes the center of the crowd later."

At this time, Lockhart had already strode into the middle of the guests.

"My dear Minister Fudge, my dear boss Rufus Scrimgeour, my loveliest fans..."

Lockhart always shook hands with Fudge, his boss, and the ladies.

He had a charming smile on his face, with a sincere enthusiasm that no wizard or witch could refuse.


When Lockhart caught everyone's attention.

Lockhart started his solo show.

"As you can see, I, the captain of the English anti-dark magic special operations team, completed the anti-dark wizard tour in America, and returned safely!"

"Clap clap clap clap!"

There was warm applause.

Lockhart nodded in satisfaction.

"Friends, I not only brought back myself, but I also brought back the anti-dark wizard and anti-dark magic weapon!"

See the wizards blinking their eyes puzzled.

Lockhart raised his chin proudly, "At the critical juncture of the Azkaban defection incident, I returned to Great Britain. For the next turbulent period, I promise that the wizards of England will receive the safest protection!"

"You don't believe it?"

Lockhart opened his arms, showing a sky-high confidence.

"It doesn't matter, the facts will prove my words - I have already started to act, starting this afternoon, the special operations team will launch an anti-black storm!"

The faces of Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Lucius changed drastically.

Fudge and Scrimgeour looked at each other and saw what the other meant, and Lockhart's decision had not been told to either of them in advance.

Lucius became uneasy. He knew best how the Death Eaters escaped from prison.

Even the culprit of Azkaban's defection is now in the basement of the manor!

And that madwoman from the Death Eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange, is at the manor!

Speaking of which, Lucius still finds it strange.

The Dark Lord, who has always been eloquent about women, why did Bella stay this time...

Lucius was lost in thought, but he didn't hear Lockhart calling him several times.

Mrs. Chabini patted Lucius' arm, Lucius suddenly woke up: "Ah? What's the matter!"

"Let me guess, is our groom imagining the graceful figure of the bride?" Lockhart patted Lucius on the shoulder familiarly, and said affectionately, "My friend, I use your wedding to announce Decide, you won't blame me, will you?"

Lucius shook his head, trying to say something before being interrupted by Lockhart: "Great!"

Lockhart patted Lucius on the shoulder hard: "Dude is newly married, and I have a present for my brother."

After speaking, Lockhart released Lucius and strode to the other side of the auditorium. The eyes of the guests followed him closely, and only Lucius was left standing alone.

"Shabini, Shabini!"

What annoyed Lucius most, his bride, was staring at Lockhart with a rosy face.

"You must be wondering what happened to me in America," Lockhart said brightly.

I'm coming! Back to my Lockhart favorite.

Lockhart enjoyed listening to the cheers below.

"Fortunately, I am coming back this time with my new work "Lockhart and the Seventy-two Dark Witch"!"

Lockhart swiped out a thick storybook with a black cover while showing his signature smile.

"It records the stories of 72 dark wizards that I, Gilderoy Lockhart, encountered in North and South America!"

There was a round of applause from the guests, and Lockhart walked up to Lucius under the eyes of admiration.

"Dude, I'll give you my new work for free."

Another round of applause.

Many purebloods praised Lockhart for his generosity.

Lockhart pulled Lucius' right hand and squeezed it hard.

"Dude, you must take a look. I suggest you learn a few tricks from me - especially the Freezing Charm against vampires, protect yourself and protect your wife."

Lockhart spoke earnestly, and Lucius's neck was red, and he tried his best to suppress his anger so that he did not attack.

Moriarty was already having a good time laughing with the two girls.

Murder and kill!

What angered Lucius even more was that his bride nodded in agreement and said yes, holding the book "Lockhart and the 72 Dark Wizard" tightly in her arms.

Lucius instantly felt something on his head.

"Captain Lockhart, we also want to see your new work."

A group of ladies looked at Lockhart expectantly.

"Don't worry," Lockhart waved his hand, "I have reached an agreement with Lihen Bookstore. From tomorrow, the bookstore will release the book."


The witches cried out happily.

Lucius's limelight had been completely robbed by Lockhart. Fudge and Scrimgeour glanced at Scrimgeour. Seeing that the latter did not move, he cursed inwardly, "What a dull person!"

"Why don't you think about it, the louder your subordinates are, the more dangerous you will be as his immediate boss!"

Fudge murmured, stepped forward and whispered to Lockhart, "Captain, should the Anti-Black Storm be more cautious?"

Lockhart said righteously: "Don't worry, Minister, I've got everything in order. I'm sure I'll have support, right?"

As soon as the words fell, several pure-blooded patriarchs stood up.

"Yes, the Greenglass family is willing to serve the special operations team."

"The Parkinson family is willing to help the Aurors of the special operations team."

The two patriarchs stood up, and more than a dozen pure blood came out one after another, as if they had agreed to support Lockhart.

"I think I can provide you with potions. Except for Professor Snape, no one is better at making potions than me."

Horace Slughorn burrowed over to the other purebloods and winked at Lockhart.

Lucius gritted his teeth when he saw this scene: "This old fox..."

But he didn't have a temper. After all, Horace gave him a house, and it was the help of the Slughorn family to the Malfoy family.

Everyone knew that Horace was a smooth wizard.

But they!

Lucius stared at Mr. Parkinson and Mr. Greenglass, who turned a blind eye to Lucius.

No way, Lucius had to look at his best friend, Old Nott. Hope to get some information.

Old Nott dodged Lucius' eyes, Lucius understood, he knew what Nott meant: I'm sorry, Lucius.

"Merlin, what happened to all this?"

Lucius felt sad in his heart, after the defeat of the Black family, his Malfoy family was the undisputed family of pure blood.


He couldn't help looking at Lockhart. Could it be that he did all this?

Satisfied, Lockhart said to Fudge confidently: "Minister, leave this matter to me, the anti-black storm is bound to win, and I, Lockhart, assures the British wizard that the dark wizards of Great Britain will be punished by me!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Well said!"

The wizards applauded, as if this was Lockhart's press conference.

The wedding ended like this, and the guests still had a lot of discussion, and the topic was Lockhart.

And Lockhart came to Moriarty at this time.

"Master, are you satisfied with my performance?"

Moriarty smiled. "It's all as planned. Well done Lockhart."

At the same time, Lucius suppressed his anger and violently pushed Mrs. Chabini down.

"I'm so angry!"

Lucius got started.

But didn't expect...

"Ah! You, you..." Lucius was frightened and said in horror, "Why are you so dark?"

Mrs. Chabini slapped Lucius savagely: "Fuck! I don't think you are too young and you think I'm black! You are far worse than Moriarty, don't you know! Hurry up and come up to me!"

Lucius was stunned, but was pulled away by Mrs. Chabini.