MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-v4 Chapter 79 The dark wizard who ran out of the mental hospital!

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【The Big Boss Behind the Scenes at Hogwarts】【】

Dumbledore stroked Grindelwald's writing with his hand, and he saw it as if he saw it.

But now was not the time to remember old friends, and Dumbledore turned his attention to this record.

"The bed was filled with patients, all of them with black sticks stuck in their bodies, stones in their mouths, and their heads cut off—heads made of dirty black cloth and stuffed into their necks."

After three silent readings, Dumbledore drew the horrific scene on another sheet of paper.

In the painting, a person's head was cut off, and the head turned into a black cloth made Dumbledore think of Dementors.

The dementors and the people described in the words gradually overlapped.

Dumbledore looked at the time again, "The earliest mental hospital..."


The white wizard rubbed his swollen temples vigorously. His memory has always been very strong. How long did it take for the earliest mental hospital to be established?

"Spain..." Dumbledore's memory gradually began to recover: "The earliest mental hospital was established in Spain in the 15th century!"

A gleam of light flashed across the eyeglasses.

Dumbledore grabbed the notes excitedly, and the time could correspond. Perhaps, Moriarty found the answer to that question!


Dumbledore grabbed Phoenix's legs, he was going to London, the British Library!

The next day, Moriarty, who was brewing potions in Potions class as usual, was invited to the office by Dumbledore.

The fourth-year little snakes and the little lions were talking, and Professor Dumbledore came to the Potions classroom, interrupted Professor Snape, and called Moriarty away!

Scenarios like today are not always seen.

"Mr. Headmaster?" Moriarty looked at Dumbledore curiously in the office, "What did you find? Right?"


Dumbledore slapped a large, thick green hardcover book on the table.

"The Doctor of Medieval Western Europe?" Moriarty saw the words on the cover, he knew Spanish.

"Yes!" Dumbledore's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he had not slept all night, but was very excited: "This book writes about doctors, eccentric patients in Western Europe from the 12th century to the 17th century, and the absurd and strange diseases they encountered. "

Moriarty looked directly at Dumbledore: "What do you want to say?"

"Look at this," Dumbledore pushed Grindelwald's notebook over, then tapped the Spanish book with his wand, "this one contains a bizarre mental patient, who is exactly the same as the one in the notebook."

"His name is—Extis!"


The Doctors of Medieval Western Europe turned to one of the pages, and the words were all written in red ink.

"The first patient to escape from a mental hospital?"

Moriarty finished his notes and came over to read the records in the book.

"Extice - Spaniard, as he became more fond of dead bodies, the local residents found him mentally ill..."

"Extice entered Spain's first mental hospital at the age of 16 and stayed in it for 20 years, brutally killing more than 600 fellow patients and making them into - terrible things..."

The next recorded text became more and more bloody, Moriarty frowned after reading it, and had a complete understanding of Exis.

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【The Big Boss Behind the Scenes at Hogwarts】【】

"Extis, he regards himself as the creator, and every living body - including every organ on the living body, is a puzzle in his hand!"

"He used jigsaw puzzles to form monsters."

Moriarty turned the book to the back, when there were no cameras, only sketches drawn by the author, stroke by stroke.

"Look at these monsters..." Moriarty said inexplicably, with a hint of anger in his eyes: "There are six eyeballs sewed on the face and a pair on the back of the head, Akestis wants to create a person with back eyes ?"

"And this one, the nose is embedded in the toenails and fingernails, but a left hand is sewn into the original nose! This is the right hand!"

"He didn't even spare a child with depression! He cut the tops of two children's heads and sewed them head-to-head to make an hourglass!"

"In the end, it was written in the notes. Under the bed, there were corpses with heads made of black cloth! It looks like this is his masterpiece?"

Moriarty closed the book angrily, unable to read anymore.

"Anyone with a conscience will be furious when they see this. Exis is completely sullying and fooling humanity."

Dumbledore said calmly.

"When I saw it for the first time last night, my beard seemed to have a mind of its own and it kept shaking. But I will say that some notorious dark wizards in history have used living beings for dangerous magical experiments from time to time. ."

Moriarty was blunt: "Extice must be the one who hurts the most. Now I know what you're thinking, you're thinking - Extius created the Dementors of Azkaban. !"

"That's right," Dumbledore said solemnly. "He did that in the mental hospital. Those corpses with heads in black cloth are very similar to Dementors."

"Chronologically, Azkaban has been England's wizarding prison since 1718," Moriarty said. It's not impossible to create a dementor."

"You said that the members of the Immortal Organization have a way of immortality, right." Dumbledore recalled: "Dracula is immortal, and Night King has dark element magic. He draws life force from the blood feast. The witch is resurrected from the dead, and the Vanderbilt blood is also guarded by demons."

"So?" Moriarty and Dumbledore exchanged glances and said in unison:

"Extis is next!"

"Extice has a secret!"

"Very well," Moriarty said happily. "It's rare to see us agreeing, so let's go to Azkaban right away?"

Dumbledore asked why, and Moriarty smiled and shook his head.

"The island of Azkaban is black, and the water around the island is black. The water element tells me that black is the undead."

Moriarty discovered it when he went to Azkaban for the first time, but he didn't connect with Exis, after all, dead people in prisons are a rare and common thing.

But Dumbledore found the story of Exeter, and all at once Moriarty tied the two things together.

Existing may use prisoners to make corpses!

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【The Big Boss Behind the Scenes at Hogwarts】【】

Thinking of this, Moriarty sighed: "No wonder there is no trace of Existing in the history books of the wizarding world. It turns out that he is a Muggle."

Dumbledore pondered: "I live more than a hundred years longer than you, and every dark wizard who defiles the human body cannot be alone! If Azkaban's secret is what we think, it means Ike There are still many hidden secrets about Steth."

While chatting, the two Apparated to London and then to Azkaban.

Coincidentally, Voldemort also chose today as the day to start taking control of Harry.

Voldemort wanted to use the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement, and unknowingly brought in a group of Death Eaters.


"Who moved my vanishing cabinet!"

When Ron entered the Room of Requirement, he found that the cabinet was missing, leaving only a deep mark on the ground.

Voldemort was furious.

Moriarty in London sneezed suddenly.

"Who's thinking of me?" Moriarty touched his nose. " must be baby Narcissa..."

Ron walked out of the Room of Requirement with a gloomy face.

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Using a secret passage, Ron let the two Death Eaters in.

"Why the two of you?"

Ron, wearing a mask and cape, looked at the two Death Eaters with disgust.

Caro siblings.

Brother Amycus? 6? 1 Carlo respectfully replied to his master: "Lucius sent us to serve the master."

Sister Alecto?6?1 Caro added: "Lord Bella took Antonin Dolohov, August Luckwood, Brother Lestrange... into hiding, Loja Special investigations are too frequent. Many people have been recaptured."

Speaking of Lockhart, the Caro siblings gritted their teeth.

The anti-gang action team led by Lockhart was effective against the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters are now divided into two groups.

Most are carried by Bella and lurking in small villages in England.

A small number of Death Eaters were hiding in Lucius' Malfoy Manor, by Voldemort's arrangement - these were high-profile hypocrites who used to work at the Ministry of Magic, and Voldemort wanted to use them for something else.

But Mrs. Chabini didn't seem to be very happy, and the woman seemed to have other plans.

The Carrows told Voldemort all this, and then lurked in the Room of Requirement, waiting for Voldemort's call.

(1. Exis really has a person, and the subsequent chapters of his introduction will be announced.)

(2. Amycus Carrow: The teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts in Part 7, was put on the ground by Harry before the war, and was controlled by Professor McGonagall's Imperius Curse. Alek Tor Carlo: Amycus' sister, Muggle Studies teacher in Part 7, found Harry before the war, but was knocked out by Luna's Stunning Charm)