MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-v4 Chapter 87 rising female politicians

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Putting Tonks down, Moriarty finally figured out what was going on.

He couldn't help but cast an inquiring glance at the Carlos.

Infiltrate Hogwarts?

How dare you!

Voldemort did not dare to do anything at Hogwarts in his heyday.

After Dumbledore was dead, Voldemort dared to attack Hogwarts.

There were only two Death Eaters, and Moriarty didn't believe that they dared to step into Hogsmeade if there was no one in Hogwarts to respond!

Glancing at the onlookers, Moriarty was almost certain that the person who had been answering the Caro siblings was hiding inside.

The words of the memory master Lockhart proved that the man was not weak.

But that's about it.

Otherwise, why would he want the Carlo brothers and sisters to enter the school? If there is any problem, he simply solves it himself.

Moriarty and Tonks looked at each other, confirmed each other's intentions, nodded slightly, and Tonks put down his guard and vigilance.

For her, Moriarty was away, she had to come forward, and Moriarty was back, Hogwarts was safe.

But even if it was confirmed that the people who corresponded with the Carrow brothers and sisters were hiding in Hogwarts, Lockhart did not investigate them one by one.

Although Dumbledore was not present, the professors and the little wizards agreed that Hogwarts was a school after all, not an interrogation room of the Ministry of Magic.

Lockhart didn't insist on the investigation, and he soon lost sight of what was going on here.


A handsome owl flew into the auditorium. It was Moriarty's Poseidon. It was followed by a large group of owls delivering letters and flew in.

Poseidon sends Moriarty a newspaper, and the owls find their owners.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The newspapers fell, like a rain of newspapers!

"Merlin's beard, there are too many newspapers!"

A seventh-grade snake sighed with emotion. After seven years of schooling, the number of newspapers today is unprecedented.

Tonks had a guess: "It can't be that what happened here has been reported, right? When did the editorial department of the Daily Prophet become so efficient!"

Moriarty, who was the first to get the newspaper, had already read the content in a scramble, and as expected, the Dementors left without saying goodbye, and the Azkaban Prisoner Riot had been reported!

At this time, the students also saw the newspaper, and exclaimed one after another in the auditorium.

"What? The Azkaban escape re-emerged?"

"Dementors disappear collectively!"

"Meteorite falling over the North Sea of ​​England?"

"Albus?? Dumbledore's key shot..."

"The Ministry of Magic has sent Aurors to Azkaban. Currently, there are not enough Aurors!"

Seeing this, Lockhart hurriedly said goodbye, and Leon and the Carlo brothers and sisters rushed back to the Ministry of Magic!

Moriarty's heart moved, and it was undoubtedly a godsend for Lockhart. After that, the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic will definitely increase its staff, and Lockhart can also collect more Aurors and concentrate more power.

"Moriarty..." Tonks took Moriarty's hand, her pale face was full of urgency and pleading, she said, "I also want to go to Azkaban to stand guard."

Moriarty pondered: "Of course I support your decision. There are many students who have the same idea as you. When the principal returns, ask Dumbledore's opinion."

"I knew you would support me." Tonks smiled happily, and happily ran to contact his classmates. There were more than 10 students who wanted to be Aurors in the seventh grade.

At this time, people's hearts were floating, and the Carlo brothers and sisters were forgotten by everyone, and all were discussing Azkaban.

Professor McGonagall took great pains to get the order to stabilize again, and everything went back to life as usual.

The house-elves served food three times faster than usual, but the students were clearly not thinking about filling their stomachs or forgetting to discuss their meals.

Moriarty enjoyed it with peace of mind, and his calm appearance made all the little snakes amazed.

After eating for a while, Jericho couldn't hold back and started the topic: "Aren't you any weird? Dementors have served Azkaban for hundreds of years, why did they suddenly disappear? And they disappeared collectively, all at once. It's gone! Whoosh - like this!"

He made a gesture of flying a plane, which attracted many people.

"I'm more concerned about who can catch the dementor than the reason for the disappearance of the dementor," Lilith gracefully drank the oatmeal and added: "The worst thing is to find out the whereabouts of the dementor. It's a great achievement."

"Pfft..." Cedric almost spit out the beef roll in his mouth, coughed a few times, and said timidly: "Who can catch the Dementor back? Who? I'm afraid Dumbledore can't do this! "

Lilith didn't answer, but her calm appearance seemed to have a kind of confidence.

"Azkaban may be history."

Another sentence of hers made the entire Slytherin table fry up like a frying pan!

Even Moriarty looked sideways.

Lilith's "Justice and Law" group is closely related to prisoners.

Is she ready to intervene?

But a judge in Wizengamore could not have accepted the Azkaban prisoner's legal defense.

Lilith looked calm, as if she had a plan.

There is almost no death penalty in the wizarding world.

Few wizards are sentenced to death without immediate execution.

Instead, life imprisonment has become the most serious punishment in the wizarding world-in Azkaban, life imprisonment is **** in the eyes of all wizards.

And Lilith's "Sorcerer First" also conforms to the "unspoken rules of trial" in the magic world.

Lilith, a member of the Piliwick family who came from a legal family and was one of the rule-makers, knew too much about the "unspoken rules of trial".

Azkaban, as a prison, has a dual nature.

On the one hand, it hangs like a sword of Damocles over the head of every criminal and wizard ready to commit a crime.

On the other hand, it is a "fig leaf" for rule-makers and judges!

Thinking of this, Lilith's mouth evoked a sneer, and she used her porridge-drinking action to cover up the leak.

Since you don't want to sentence wizards to death, let me give you a legitimate reason.

There used to be the fig leaf of Azkaban - after all, Azkaban is a good fig leaf.

Putting prisoners in Azkaban, no matter whether it is the death penalty or not, the prisoners in Azkaban will definitely be better off dead. This is the consensus of every wizard. …

It is such an illusion that leads to too many loopholes, Sirius escapes, Death Eaters escape...

And little Barty?? Crouch!

Lilith was unaware that Barty was not actually locked up in Azkaban.

Old Barty Crouch was promoted by the Piliwick family and was a strong contender for Minister of Magic at that time.

Who would doubt him?

It was also the relationship between the two families that Lilith discovered a detail that no one had discovered.

That is old Barty?? Crouch's wife, since Barty Jr. has been in prison, she has rarely made a public appearance - the explanation given is that she is too sad because of her son's imprisonment.

But Lilith followed her parents to visit the old Barty's house, but found that the clothes belonging to little Barty increased rather than decreased, and the clothes that belonged to the lady did not increase but decreased.

Lilith decided that there was a ghost inside.

The old things of the past appeared, and Lilith's eyes became extremely sharp!

To make sure her ideas go well, she has two big gifts for the Ministry of Magic and Wizengamot!

One is to follow the little Barty's clues to investigate down and investigate deeply.

The other one will continue with "Azkaban is a fig leaf".

There have been too many scandals in Azkaban. In the past, dementors could be used as shields, but now dementors have disappeared collectively.

Who will be the watchdog of Azkaban?


Absolutely impossible!

Lilith scoffed, the wizard prides himself on being noble and elegant, who would do such a thing as a gatekeeper?

Not to mention, UU Reading treats prisoners without punishment, and wizards will not be punishers - they prefer to be judges!

Of course, the punishment is to be handed over to other species, preferably those humanoids, so as to reflect the unique status of wizards!

Lilith knows all too well about those whose power is concentrated in the hands of a handful of people.

At this moment, the Aurors outside Azkaban, as well as the Aurors who were summoned temporarily, could not keep Azkaban for a long time.

But what about the prisoners inside?

Azkaban has been placed on the Unmarked Stretch Charm, and no one can tell how many prisoners there are!

Now that the dementors are gone, and wizards can't be guards, who cares about the prisoners?

Lilith smiled.

I come!

Justice and law come!

She's going to plead not guilty to the prisoner!

Of course this is superficial rhetoric.

In effect reducing the number of prisoners.

Lighten the burden on the Ministry of Magic.

Lilith concluded that the Ministry of Magic would take the opportunity to pardon a large number of criminals and leave a small number of unpardonable criminals, which would also facilitate management.

It's a decent thing for both the Ministry of Magic and the Justice Law.

For the Ministry of Magic, it was drowsiness and handing over the pillow.

For Justice and Law, it has entered the top of the wizarding world. In the past, Justice and Law were active among the bottom personnel, and most of the services were Muggles.

Do this well, and the law of justice will take off!

Putting down the knife and fork, Lilith finished eating and left the dining table, her eyes shining brightly.

It was the first time she left without Moriarty after dinner.

"I invited you before the fourth grade to create a wizard-first world with me. You refused, but I will never give up."


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