MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-v4 Chapter 94 trial old batty

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After Gemma finished speaking, the courtroom fell into a terrible silence, as if everyone here was dead.

Except for Lilith and the members of Justice and Law, everyone's faces took on an eerie horror.

Dozens of eyes fell on Barty Crouch.

Old Barty has short gray hair. He usually combs it neatly. Today, his hair is like his heart... messed up.

On the bright side, Barty Crouch Jr. is dead.

Died in Azkaban.

But old Barty knew that little Barty didn't really die. It was Barty's wife who died in prison.

It's a terrible secret.

Because there is a sensational truth hidden inside!

A truth that, if revealed, could destroy old Barty and the Crouch family!

Old Barty always thought that only he knew.

But how did Lilith know?

Anyway, it doesn't matter now.

When Gemma pronounced her name, old Batty knew she was done.

A blood vessel appeared on Old Barty's forehead and jumped suddenly.

His face also turned red, a sign of high blood pressure.

Everyone saw this scene, and gradually, old Batty's eyes were full of despair.


Old Barty's legs were weak, unable to support it, and fell to the ground!

Even when he fell to the ground, his legs were uncontrollable: trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing the old Batty like this, the wizards present had a good idea.

Fudge swallowed hard and said softly, "Can we start?"

"Any time," Lilith said with a calm face, gesturing to the Justice Law members, "Take the defendant to the trial chair."

As she said that, she strode towards the middle of the trial seat.

Fudge and Amelia Burns looked at each other and followed.

The wizards in the entire courtroom took action, and sat down step by step, each performing their duties.

However, the two lawyers encountered difficulties in supporting the old Barty.

Old Barty... was powerless to stand up.

Like a corpse, he lay heavily on the ground, his eyes were blank, and his whole body exuded an aura of despair.

No one knew what he was thinking.

One lawyer said: "Please save yourself a little respect, sir. We don't want to curse you."

He just graduated from Hogwarts Ravenclaw College this year, agrees with the concept of justice and law, and devoted himself to the legal career as soon as he graduated.

One of the concepts of justice and law is to treat criminals as wizards, and criminals also have human rights.

In dealing with criminals, the law of justice never used magic like the Aurors.

This is one reason why Azkaban's legacy has been successfully resolved.

These old Bartys were clear, but he didn't respond.

Another lawyer sighed and said to Leon, "Please let the Aurors do it."

Leon used magic to "send" old Batty to the trial chair without any psychological burden.

Looking at the old Batty who was slumped on the chair like a pool of mud.

The wizard watching the field has identified the old Batty's crime.

It's really hard to believe old Barty with this self-assured appearance.

At the same time, I am even more curious, what exactly did Barty do?

People started whispering.


Lilith cleared her throat. All eyes were on her.

Lilith's dress is very ordinary, just tying her blond hair into a ponytail, but I don't know if she has used human body transformation, and she looks a few years older than her original age.

The pretty face showed majesty and sternness that did not match her age.

The look on his face was terrifying.

Lilith's eyes met all eyes, looking at each other one by one.

The scene quickly quieted down.

"The allegation."

Lilith's cold voice echoed in the courtroom.

"The defendant committed the following crimes..."


The wizards were shocked.

Old Barty shuddered, raised his head and stared blankly at Lilith.

Lilith took out a piece of parchment from a pile of documents and read aloud:

"Using Compound Potion to make his wife swap identities with Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. to die."

"Using the Imperius Curse to control his behavior after his son Barty Jr was rescued from Azkaban."

"Knowing that the above behavior is a clear violation of the law, but continuing to execute it - knowing the law and breaking the law."

The courtroom was silent.

Lilith swept the venue and continued: "The above behavior violates the "Ministry of Magic Officials Breach Regulations", the "Reasonable Restraints on Ministry of Magic Officials Act", and the "Prohibition of Unforgivable Curses Regulations".

After speaking, Lilith looked around the audience again.

Aside from Dumbledore's ability to remain calm, the expressions on everyone else's faces - Lilith swears, are the best she's ever seen in her life.

Fudge looked shocked. Red-faced like a pig.

Director Burns' eyebrows were raised high, and the monocle seemed to be about to slide down.

The Auror leader seemed shocked and angry, his hair shaking like a lion's mane.

Lockhart grinned.

The judges in Wizengamore began to discuss, and the voice grew louder.

The previous emotions of surprise and fear gradually disappeared, and the atmosphere became even more eerie.

"Do you have any objections? Mr. Crouch," Burns asked as usual, though she knew most likely not.

Old Barty didn't speak, his eyes were wide open, as if recalling what happened at that time.

Fudge came back to his senses and looked at Justice Law: "Does the plaintiff have evidence of the defendant's actions?"


Gemma stood up.

Submitted a report.

"This is the identity verification of Barty Jr. who died in Azkaban. After the compound decoction expired, the person who pretended to be Barty Jr. naturally revealed his true face. She was the wife of Barty Jr., the wife of Barty Jr. Mother."

The report begins to circulate.

Fudge was stunned, and said in surprise: "You conducted an identity check on the criminal who died in Azkaban?"

"Yes, Minister." Lilith calmed down.

She blinked her beautiful eyelashes and said to everyone: "Justice and law will not wrong any wizard, and will never miss the trial of any criminal."

Identification of criminals.

It's also one reason that Justice Law quickly addresses Azkaban's legacy.

Through identity verification, justice and law have rehabilitated many criminals.

The wizards who learned the truth expressed their praise one after another.

Bones looked at Lilith with admiration in his eyes.

This is a manifestation of considerable respect for wizards.

Fudge's face turned iron blue.

He thought of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

At this moment, he was thankful that the incident between the two had happened in the past, otherwise Lilith would have caught him.

Lilith's popularity may really be reaching its peak.

"ladies and gentlemen."

Gemma smiled: "We have another key piece of evidence."

The audience's attention was immediately attracted to Gemma.

Gemma said word for word: "Or, a key witness - the house elf of the Crouch family, Winky."

When Old Barty heard "Blink", he regained his strength and stood up abruptly.

The body jumped out!

"Stop!" Leon, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his wand: "Quickly imprison!"


Old Barty stood there like a soldier standing at attention.

Two lawyers came over and dragged old Barty back to the trial chair.

"Bind his hands and feet."

Lilith calmly ordered.

No one objected.

There are four chains on the judgment chair.

Leon came over and roughly tied old Batty's limbs.

A large iron ball is attached to the end of the chain.

"Bring witnesses. UU reading"

Burns shouted.

"According to the Wizengamore Charter of Rights, either the plaintiff or the defendant has the right to have a witness appear in court to testify against him."

She looked at Dumbledore, who nodded yes.

Lockhart volunteered to bring Winky over, who had been caught by the wizard of justice and law beforehand.

After a while, they came back.

"In view of the particularity of house elves not betraying their masters, I specially approve the use of Veritaserum."

Lilith made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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