MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-v5 Chapter 14 Werewolf Legion! (three/ten)

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"Dark Lord!"

Bella yelled miserably, and pulled off the hood on her head.

Her eyes were wide open.

Glaring at every Auror.

"Guideroy Lockhart!"

Bella's eyes were full of anger and hatred.

For months, Lockhart took Aurors to hunt Death Eaters.

Has been identified by the Death Eaters as the second most powerful enemy after Dumbledore.

The Death Eaters have found out, they've been tricked!

"We should go."

Rodolphus tugged on Bella's sleeve, it was a trap.

"I won't leave until I see the Dark Lord!"

Screaming like a donkey, Bella swung Rodolphs away, aiming her wand badly at Lockhart.


Leon stood in front of Lockhart: "Super armor protection!"

The Cruciatus Curse was blocked, and Bella's eyes lit up.

"A student..." Bella gritted her teeth at Leon, and Leon said solemnly: "It's time to end, the end of the Death Eaters is now!"


Bella seemed to hear a big joke.

She bent over laughing.

There is no grace in form and posture.

Reminding others all the time, this is a crazy woman.

But Bella's madness made the Egyptian Auror dare not take a step forward.

"What are you talking to her about?"

"Let's go together and kill her!"

Tonks, who had captured Travers alive, came over.

There is no mercy for this aunt who is related by blood.

Bella was slightly taken aback when she saw Tonks, and then squeezed out a weird smile on her face.

"Dear Tonks... oh my niece."

"Do you think I'll come to the Dark Lord without doing anything?"


Tonks didn't answer, and threw out a Cruciatus Curse.

The bright red spell was like a signal, igniting the outbreak of battle.

Leon, Bill, Soldaya...

Anti-Black Team Attacks!

"Avada Kedavra!"

Bella yelled like a madman, with a twisted smile.

"Death Eaters, attack!"

The remaining 10 or so Death Eaters joined the battle.

The war broke out completely!

Dill looked at the battlefield excitedly, his heart pounding.

"We're going too!"

"Egyptians, never forgive the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters!"

20 Egyptian Aurors join the battle.

Started beating the Death Eaters.

"Fenrir Greyback? What are you waiting for?"

Things are going badly, Bella yells behind her.

At this time, it is wise to protect oneself and wait for death.

The ten men behind the Death Eaters finally took off their hoods.

Pale faces were revealed.

The leader's hair is long and combed back.

Despite having a neat hairstyle.

But the mane-like beard and crooked teeth took away from the elegance of the well-groomed hair.

The leader didn't feel uncomfortable in this nondescript attire.

He grinned: "Werewolf Legion!"

"Tear, tear, tear."

There was a series of sounds of clothes being broken.

The Aurors were horrified to see a big living man deformed, black hair grew on his body, he became strong, his muscles broke through the black cloak, and he turned into a werewolf!

"I am Fenrir Greyback."

he said proudly.

"Watch your children."

"Otherwise I'll grab them and kill them! Hehehehe..."

Fenrir squeezed his paw.

Each wolf claw is as sharp as a blade.

Behind him, werewolves completed their transformations one by one.

Tall figures of 3 to 5 meters stood in front of the Aurors, shadows covering their bodies.

"Wolf, werewolf..."

An Egyptian Auror trembled in all limbs.

The wand snapped to the ground.

"Hey Hey."

Fenrir joined the battle with a strange smile.

"Aren't they werewolves, kill them!"

Tonks is like a Valkyrie, dashing left and right in the battlefield.

She cast several spells at Fenrir.

Bella blocked them all.


Bella stared and licked her lips.

"I wanted to teach you a lesson a long time ago!"

"Your mean mother, found a Muggle!"

"Oh Merlin, hehehehe."

She let out a piercing laugh.

"Shame on the Black family!"

"You're a Muggle-born bitch, too!"

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the Black family.

The meanness and acrimony brought about by the superior and ancient blood appeared on the expression.

Tonks shook his head vigorously, looking at Bella pitifully.

"You, who have been bound by blood all your life, are still saying that old-fashioned saying when you are about to die."

"Aunt Bella, you are so out of style."

"Shut up!" Bella yelled.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Bella roared and issued a death curse!

The green light shot straight at Tonks Baijie's forehead!

"Call God to protect you!"

The white rabbit Michelle swooped over and blocked the spell.

Tonks' eyes were full of killing intent.

Continuously cast spells.




"You also taste the taste of digging out your heart and lungs!"

"Hahahaha," Bella raised her head and laughed, all three Cruciatus Curses were blocked by her, "You are too tender, Cruciatus!!"

She took a step forward, and her wand thrust out like a sharp sword.

The surging magic power surged like a tide, turning into a thick red Cruciatus Curse!

Bella's triumphant skills really hold the diamond heart spell.

Tonks had already prepared himself.

The wand points to a werewolf.

The werewolf flew to Tonks and blocked Bella's spell.

"Hufflepuff's Swamp!"

Tonks turned the landscape of the battlefield into a vast swamp.

Bella was in it.


Bella plunged her wand into the mud, and the flames burned.

"Clear spring is like water!" Tonks summoned a large spring to extinguish the fire. Bella exclaimed in surprise, "How is that possible? Your magic power?"

"Of course ordinary spring water can't extinguish Fiendfire." Tonks said with a smile, "but my spring water carries love."

"You're screwed."



Bella fell down.

At the same time, Soldaya also approached Great Selwyn.

"Are you going to arrest me?"

"I am your father!"

Big Selwyn was a dwarf, and he stared angrily at Soldaya, who had his five-point features.

"Magic is never a privilege, it's a gift!"

"We should use this talent to do more meaningful things."

"When you run amuck with magic, you stray off the wizarding track."

"You are no longer my father."

"The last time I call you that."

"To prove my faith to you, I will not use black magic in this battle!"

Soldaya said firmly.

He is a genius.

I have been familiar with black magic since I was a child.

But in order to break with the past, in order to eliminate the shackles brought by Great Selwyn.

Soldaya is willing to disable black magic.

Just to prove that I am right!

"Flocks of birds!"

The wand was raised high, and a flock of birds flew up.

Transformation magic, harmless birds become goshawks, wild geese, peacocks, orioles...

At first, there were some ordinary birds.

Afterwards, it became more and more terrifying.

Snowy Owl, Witchbird, Balloon Bird, Bird Snake...

When the first Thunderbird appeared.

Attracted everyone's attention.

Golden feathers, heroic head.

With wide wings, the power with lightning factor surges around.

Great Selwyn was shocked.

His son has been able to use Transfiguration to this point!

There was a mixed feeling of relief mixed with powerlessness in my heart.

"To the credit of Mr. Moriarty."

"I also made good friends."

Soldaya smiled.

That guy Marcus is holding the "Birds and Fantastic Animals Illustrated Book" in front of him every day.

Crying about publishing a book.

Even Goyle and Crabbe, the two little fools, can blurt out a few fantastic animals.

Soldaya swung his wand, and the birds swooped down on Great Selwyn.

His transfiguration can only change the shape of the bird, UU reading www.uukanshu. Don't look at them as magical animals now, but they don't have those strange abilities.

Soldaya didn't want to rely on this to defeat Great Selwyn.

It is enough to provide a little diversion and let Big Selwyn show his flaws.

"It's now!"

Soldaya caught the jet.

"Disarm you!"

A red light flashed, and the wand was knocked away.

Big Selwyn was thrown away by the magic power on the spell.

When he got up, the rope had bound him.

Soldaya didn't look at him again, and rushed towards the werewolf army.

(end of this chapter)

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