MTL - The Big Brother’s Daughter Has Become the Favorite of the Wealthy Group-Chapter 19 Is this the favor from a domineering daughter?

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  Chapter 19 Is this the favor from a domineering daughter?

  Qin Wu took the lead in recovering from his astonishment and answered him:

   "The third brother's beads are indeed broken. This string of beads belongs to Yaya."

  Jiang Yiye carefully looked at the bead, there was no crack on it, it was a brand new string of beads, he turned his head suddenly and asked:

   "Yaya? Which Yaya? When did she come to deliver the beads, how come I don't know? Is she still alive?"

   Could it be that this Yaya is a member of the Tianshi League?

   Knowing that Ah Xiao's beads are gone again, so you came to send new beads?

  Qin Wu: "…"

  Qin Wu felt that Jiang Yiye's brain might be seriously ill.

   She didn't say anything else, but hugged the cute little loli with her dark eyes and big eyes, and placed it in front of him.

   The little girl blinked and tilted her head to look at him.

  Jiang Yiye hurriedly took a step back, as if he was facing a big enemy, his whole body sounded the alarm: "Why are you carrying her over when you have nothing to do?"

   Qin Wu was expressionless: "Aren't you looking for Yaya?"

  Qin Wu: "She is!"

   "Yes, uncle," the little girl said vaguely with toffee in her mouth: "The nest is Yaya (Yaya)."

  Jiang Yiye: "…"


After   , Jiang Yiye explained to Qin Wu for a long time about his weird, as if he had a hole in his head, looking for Yaya.

   Not only said that the old man's first string of Buddha beads was broken five years ago, but the second string of Buddha beads that was broken just now was sent by someone from Tianyimen.

   also mentioned the little girl from the Celestial Master League.

   basically told Qin Wu and Chen Ke what he knew.

   The main two have nothing to hurt Bo Yexiao, but they are more worried about his illness than Bo Yexiao.

   The most important thing is that Bo Yexiao didn't stop him.

   Jiang Yiye told everything.

   Although the facts are in front of us, Qin Wu is still a little unreal:

   "The Buddha beads in Yaya's hand are really the third string of beads that can save the third brother's life?"

   "Of course," Jiang Yiye said speechlessly,

"I've told you three or four times just now that these beads are exactly the same as the two strings that A Xiao wore before, and there is no difference in the slightest - the kind of beads we have been looking for! Now A Xiao can stand up, It's the best proof."

  Bo Ya took out the Buddha bead from the bag. The distance was too far. Jiang Yiye was on the phone again, and he didn't pay much attention to the Buddha bead. Now he put it on Bo Yexiao's hand, but he could see it clearly.

  Chen Ke looked ashamed and whispered, "I saw it before and thought it was the most common Buddhist beads in the temple. I always wanted to call Yaya out and keep her from getting close to the third brother. Fortunately, I didn't succeed in the end..."

   He should have thought of it long ago. He could see at a glance whether there was a bomb in the car, how could it be an ordinary little girl!

   Having said that, Chen Ke really regarded Bo Ya as a great fairy at first.

   But later I found out that she was the biological daughter of the third brother and suffered a lot, so I only remembered her pitiful and weak, and forgot how powerful she was.

  Chen Ke believed it, but Qin Wu seemed to be in some confusion, frowned and muttered, "But it's impossible."

   "Even if you don't believe me, you have to believe your third brother, right?"

  Jiang Yiye rolled her eyes at her. After the crisis was over, he was quite leisurely. He bit an unlit cigarette and looked at the ruffian.

"Besides, how can ordinary Buddhist beads have such a great effect, you have seen it, just now when the beads disappeared, your third brother's face was white, like a dead person, but this time, Bai Litong Hong, physically strong enough to kill a Chen Ke with one punch, I don't think it's a problem..."

  Chen Ke: "…"

  ? ? ?

   Are you polite!

   This is a bit too much!


  Qin Wu glanced at the little girl not far away, and said in a low voice with a complicated expression:

"But didn't you just say that this Buddha bead is very difficult to find? Even with such a powerful force as you and the third brother, there is no way to find any clues. It even took several years, and the shadow of the third string of Buddha beads is not even at all. did not see…"

"Yes." Jiang Yiye said, "I really didn't lie to you about this. Tianyimen and your third brother searched for a long time before, but they really didn't find any clues. I suspect that the number of such beads all over the world adds up. I'm afraid there are less than five strings!"

   Qin Wu hesitated: "Are you sure?"

   Jiang Yiye is serious: "I won't joke about this."

   Qin Wu was silent for a while, with a gloomy expression: "But as far as I know, there are more than five strings in Yaya's hands, at least twenty strings!"

  Jiang Yiye: "???"

   The cigarette on Jiang Yiye's mouth "slapped" and fell to the ground: "You are joking!"

   Even Chen Ke was shocked.

Qin Wu: "It's true, I've seen it with my own eyes, Yaya grabbed a lot of beads from her small schoolbag, and she couldn't hold it with both hands! She also asked me if I wanted it, she could give it to me. A bunch of them. I thought they were ordinary beads, so I didn’t want them.”

  Jiang Yiye: "…"

   Even Bo Yexiao looked over.

Jiang Yiye thought of the possibility and said, "Could it be that you are wrong, in fact, among the twenty strings of Buddha beads, only one string is real, and the others are just ordinary Buddha beads? No kidding, this kind of Buddha beads is really very good. It's hard to find, if you don't believe me, ask your third brother."

  Qin Wu looked at Bo Yexiao who was behind the desk, Bo Yexiao gave a faint "um".

   In fact, Qin Wu can also feel the rarity and preciousness of this kind of Buddhist beads, otherwise the old man would not have to kneel to ask for a string.

   She sighed: "...Maybe I was wrong."

   Jiang Yiye whispered: "Of course, we can't relax our vigilance now! Just in case, we still have to keep looking for new Buddha beads as backup."

   But from the previous situation, how easy to find Buddhist beads.

   Several people's faces were more or less heavy.

   However, at this moment, the little girl who was sitting on the ground and sorting out her small schoolbag suddenly ran over.

   She took out a lot of beads from her schoolbag and put them on the table.

   The little girl cocked her head, looking distressed:

   "Dad, do you still want Buddhist beads? I have a lot more here. I can't even fit my schoolbag!"

  Bo Ye Xiao: "…"

  Jiang Yiye: "…"

  Qin Wu: "…"

  Chen Ke: "…"

   Are you Versailles?

  No, you are Versailles!

  Two minutes later—

  Bo Yexiao tried on these beads one by one.

  Qin Wu nervously asked: "Third brother, how is it, is there any truth in this?"

   Bo Yexiao was silent.

   Jiang Yiye sighed: "I knew..."

  Bo Yexiao raised his eyes and said, "Twenty-five strings, all of them are true."

  Qin Wu: "…"

  Jiang Yiye: "..."

  Chen Ke: "!!!"

   The three of them instantly felt a sense of dizziness that was not very real.

  I originally thought that if I got a string of Buddha beads to save my life, I was already very lucky, but now there are still twenty-five strings!

  Twenty-five strings of beads.

   What is this concept…

   It is no exaggeration to say that it can cause a world war.

   "Dad, here, here are two more."

   said, the little loli ran over again and threw two strings of extremely precious and extremely rare beads on the table.

   Everyone: "…"

   Okay, two more strings.

   Is this the favor from a domineering daughter?

   After a while, Chen Ke looked at almost a table of buddha beads and let out a long sigh of relief: "It's not bad, the third brother will never be afraid of running out of buddhist beads in his life."

  Qin Wu had tears in his eyes and said with a smile, "Yeah, this is really nice."

  With so many beads as spares, the third brother will definitely live a long, long time.

   This is a good thing.

   They all have to thank Yaya.

  Thank you for her beads.

  Who said that Yaya is a disaster star, Yaya is obviously their little lucky star!

   Jiang Yiye didn't want to be so confused, he paused for a few seconds, turned around, and walked towards the little girl who was still sorting out her small schoolbag.

   His tall and straight body squatted down.

   glanced over.

   I have to say, looking down at this little girl's appearance is indeed a bit too delicate.

   The face is seven or eight like her father, the skin is tender and delicate, the lips are rosy, and the small appearance is very watery, especially the big eyes, watery, black and moist.

   When he blinked, his long and thick black eyelashes were still fluttering, and the tiny **** were so cute that he could see directly in the hearts of people.

  Jiang Yiye is not a person who likes children, but this little girl is too good-looking, which makes people want to rub her fat and soft little face.

  This smooth and fair little fat face feels very good at first glance.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Yinye's hand was just stretched out when he was interrupted by a sharp and indifferent gaze, the owner of the gaze had no warmth in his tone:

   "I can't help you with your claws. I can chop them off for you."

  Jiang Yiye: "…"

  Tsk, how long has it been since I got it back? It’s not even a day, so I’m protecting it like this, and then I’ll have it.

  Jiang Yiye withdrew his hand, adjusted his expression so that he didn't look so vicious, and then went over with a smile and asked:

   "Yaya, uncle asked you something, why do you have so many beads?"

   (end of this chapter)