MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 15 : Electronics Market (1)

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"What? Both are sold? Wouldn't you be looking for someone to pay for it?" Wang Beibei, on the other side of the phone, looked incredible.

"Do I need that?" Zhang Yifan said with a little pride in his tone: "And there are still people who want to buy. There are several people who consult."

"Then don't hurry to do more sales? This thing is a fresh picture, and soon the cottage products will come out." Wang Beibei was a little anxious.

"The components have not been completely received, and the shell has not yet found a suitable ..." Zhang Yifan said helplessly.

He also wants to sell more to make some money. One can earn 20 yuan, and sell ten for 200 yuan. However, the devices bought online are divided into several stores, some of which have arrived and some have not.

"Where are you now?" Wang Beibei asked.

"Where else, at home," Zhang Yifan said.

"Wait for me at home and arrive soon." Wang Beibei hung up the phone after speaking.

一 Zhang Yifan, who put down his mobile phone, was inexplicable. He called Wang Beibei and just wanted to tell him that his idea was not a problem. There must be a market for this thing.

I do n’t know why the rush is coming. If you want to see the evidence, it ’s okay to take a picture in the background and send it to him. Do you think you ca n’t lie to him?

Zhang Yifan was too lazy to understand, anyway, when people came, he knew that Wang Beibei wanted to eat at home or pick melons in the field.

When it rains, he can't go anywhere and doesn't want to go, researching a new thing at home.

It rained for the past two days, and Guadi didn't even need to pour water. Of course, organic fertilizer has not been turned on for production. There are no orders anyway ...

It will take a few days for the pigs in the pig farm to get rid of the organic fertilizer after the pig manure is gone.

I ca n’t throw it into the Guadi vegetable field as much as I did before, so I have to save a little bit, and I can sell it anyway.

Something new is a bit of an idea, but it's also a bit difficult.

Mainly, my dad and mom always like to instruct him to do this and the other, either pick up a courier, buy a bottle of soy sauce, or buy a lighter or pick some food in the field.

This made him feel that it was troublesome to use an umbrella, and it was a bit inconvenient to wear a raincoat. Zhang Yifan wanted to get something to replace the umbrella;

This is not the first time I have had this idea, but I was always clueless before, but now, I finally have that little bit.

Is not a high-tech thing, roughly is to use high pressure air to blow the rain away, so as to achieve the effect of sheltering the rain.

There are also several implementation methods considered, such as stick-shaped like traditional umbrellas, which are supported by hands, but this does not make much sense ...

I mainly walk on the street with a stick, and the picture feels a bit too ...

Then, you can use a head-mounted spray head and connect the cylinder on the back with a pipe ~ Zhang Yifan even made several sketches;

This idea can perfectly avoid the stick-like embarrassment, but the user cannot raise or lower his head during use, otherwise the angle of the air flow will be problematic ...

At the same time, this airflow blows raindrops, the sputtering effect is very strong, and it is definitely much stronger than the umbrella ....

Rainy days bring this device to the street, which means that it is a walking tool to pull hatred .... can cover the rain, but there is a high probability that people will be hit in the rain ...

There is also a big problem. The speed of deflation and the capacity of the gas tank determine the length of the rain cover time. It is impossible to limit the user to only ten or five minutes ....

I was walking on a rainy day, and suddenly I was out of breath, and then I was poured into a soup chicken. The experience is definitely bad, and I even want to murder the inventor!

The larger the capacity of the gas tank is, it means there is a lot of space and weight, and it is extremely burdensome to carry it behind your back!

Moreover, the high pressure of compressed air is also a source of danger. No one wants to carry something like a gas tank on his body.

’Is there something wrong with my idea this time? ’Zhang Yifan thought a little disappointed.

"What are you thinking?" Wang Beibei's voice sounded.

"You are a ghost, there is no sound when walking." Zhang Yifan breathed, he was startled.

"You are so fascinated," Wang Beibei said. "Let's go, let's say in the car."

"Where to go?" Zhang Yifan froze.

"Go to the city to buy parts, hurry up, I don't want to come back too late," Wang Beibei urged.

"I have no money," Zhang Yifan spread his hands.

"Is 10,000 enough?"

"Enough," Zhang Yifan nodded again and again.

"Repay me within one month, do not charge you interest, go to the city to pay for gas and highway fees, and pay when the money is repaid."

"Okay!" Zhang Yifan started.

He knows that this method is Wang Beibei's habit. It may be the reason why his family opened a waste recycling yard. There are sellers and buyers in the business, and workers who work in the field, so they are used to accounting.

Zhang Yifan is not disgusted by this, and even some like this way of dealing, if the old let friends suffer, it would be boring.

Get in the car.

"In fact, there is no need to be so anxious. I have ordered fifty sets of materials and can sell them for a while," Zhang Yifan said.

"It looks like you haven't realized the urgency of the problem," Wang Beibei said as he drove.

"The melon inspection artifact can be sold, more because of the novelty, you sold those two in such a short time, and there are still people asking, that shows that there is a market for this thing, and it may even become a hit;"

"The market is actually not large. It ca n’t be found in almost every tool like a bottle opener. As long as it is imitated, in fact, it will only take a few days for others to produce samples and distribute goods. This is nothing. High-tech stuff, and you don't even have a brand. "

对 "Yes, we should make a brand," Zhang Yifan said with a pat on his head.

"I think the name of your Taobao store is good, Yifan Technology is pretty good," Wang Beibei said. "The main problem now is not the brand, but you have to pile up some goods before the explosion, and then find this business opportunity when others Occupy the market before, withdraw after others follow ... "

问题 "The problem is that I don't have confidence in how much this thing can be sold ... and there is not much stock in 10,000 yuan." Zhang Yifan told the truth.

“Do n’t worry, is n’t there still Douyin? There ’s no traffic at your Taobao store. Everyone buys it. We take a Douyin a day and spend some money to push it. Wang Beibei said more and more excited, and even lit a cigarette.

"You can't smoke while driving," Zhang Yifan reminded.

"Afraid of anything, I'm familiar with this road, there will be no traffic police, and no camera," Wang Beibei said casually, and then continued to blow: "You know the net red model, it is rabbit ears made of two balloons The hat with the pinch of the hand, the ear of the rabbit on the head erected, and after the explosion, they can sell 10,000 orders a day ... "

"And only you can get this thing out at the moment, I don't expect it to be so hot. As long as he can sell dozens of them a day, it can also make a lot of money. In any case, it is more profitable than selling pig feces," Wang Beibei Said.

"Then this business, let's have a partnership, we can't let you help." Zhang Yifan had never wanted to cooperate with Wang Beibei, but when he saw that he could make money, he wanted to bring in a good brother.

"Forget it, you made it all. I don't have any credit for it. If you want me to participate, you will give me the package delivery service. Anyway, if you send a courier service in the village, you will have to give them two. Money, it ’s better for me to make money. It saves my dad from saying that I have nothing to do all day. ”

"That line, I'll get you a clerk account and I will give you three yuan for one." Zhang Yifan responded.

"I won't be polite with you, but let me explain first, I can only send you the melon tester, I will not make pig feces," Wang Beibei said;

He hates playing with pig dung cakes, mainly because he helped Zhang Yifan to automate the pig farm and smoked him to get a psychological disorder, although he was wearing a mask almost all the time.

Tian County is not far from Xingshi City. Due to the relocation of the industry, several electronics factories have also been built around this area, mainly for low-value-added products. However, because manpower and land use are all cheap, they are also cheap. Life is nourishing.

When there is demand, naturally there will be supply. In addition, if it belongs to a remote and backward area, the government will have political achievements, and when it comes to the inward migration of enterprises, it will naturally support it. Therefore, various policies and resources are tilted ...

Electronic City was built in such an environment, the rent is cheaper than the vegetable market, so some raw material suppliers began to set up booths;

Anyway, where customers gather, they always send some people to stay there. These people are usually idle when they have no work to do ~ ~ It is better to go to the booth and maybe get some new customers, even if It is better to sell some loose orders.

At the electronics market, Zhang Yifan didn't wander around. In the past, he used to go to that place to find some devices from time to time, and even picking up one or two falling devices by the trash can made him very happy.

"Hello, we are from the R & D department of Yifan Technology. Now we are proofing. How much is your two 6.3V10 microfarads of electrolysis?" Zhang Yifan said to the sales staff bluntly.

"I don't know what the two surnames are?" The sales girl asked with a smile on her face.

"My last name is Zhang, his last name is King!"

"Zhang Gong and Wang Gong, please sit down first, and I'll go and pour you a glass of water," the girl said and turned and poured two cups of hot water, and then gave Zhang Yifan and Wang Beibei each a business card;

When he handed the business card, he handed each corner of the business card with his hands and bowed it, which made Wang Beibei a bit flattered, but Zhang Yifan was already commonplace.

This trick was learned by Zhang Yifan at a certain electrical maintenance forum. He went to the electronics market to buy a few parts. Generally, the sales staff did not wait much because there was no money to make at all.

However, the treatment of impersonating R & D personnel of some companies is completely different, and those sales personnel directly treat you as the grandfather;

Not only to bring you tea and water, you may also get sample books for free if you are lucky (SMD device manufacturers generally make samples of products with different specifications, and each specification puts dozens of them for customer trials), You can even get a dozen devices for free;

The premise is that you must be able to blow, blow the new products out of nothing, and then say that if it enters mass production, how many million orders should there be .....