MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 18 Who is our teacher?

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Whether you are a student or a teacher, the moment the bell rings for get out of class is always exciting.

Fang Zheng sorted out the materials for a while and walked out of the school gate.

As a result, when he walked to the electric car shed, Fang Zheng was dumbfounded. He didn't know who had torn down his little electric donkey and only a skeleton was left.

The wheels and batteries are missing.

Fang Zheng walked over and specifically confirmed that it was indeed his own electric car.

"This... isn't it? These students!"

He sighed. Originally, he had agreed to let Jiang Xiyao go directly to his community to pick him up at noon today. After all, he had to ride an electric bike home first, otherwise he would not be able to go to work tomorrow.

It's alright, now call her directly and ask her to pick him up.

Fang Zheng took out his cell phone, found Jiang Xiyao's cell phone number, and walked silently to the school gate.

At the same time, not far from the carport, Yan Qingya, Ding Peng, Li Yukun, the three secretly hid behind a bush and slowly exposed their heads.

Li Yukun smiled and said, "Well, I still have the ability to dismantle electric cars."

Yan Qingya's face became more hesitant than in the morning: "But is this really good? If this teacher has a background, will we play too much."

Ding Peng glanced at Yan Qingya: "Come on, Qingya, in our broken junior high school, what big boss would be a teacher when he has nothing to do?"

Yan Qingya said: "But I did see Mr. Fang's girlfriend picking him up in a Porsche at noon today! What am I lying to you for?"

Li Yukun pursed his lips: "Okay! What's so noisy? I'll know after confirming it later? I've asked Yang Yibiao to check the background of this teacher, and the results will be available soon."

Ding Peng nodded: "Yes, let's follow this surnamed Fang to the school gate. Why do I not believe that he is a big boss?"

Yan Qingya gave Ding Peng a distasteful look, she really had nothing to say to this boy.

After the three made up their minds, they followed Fang Zheng secretly.

But Fangzheng had just awakened his eagle's eye, and he had already noticed that there were three students sneakily following him behind him. They should have dismantled his electric car, right?

Coming to the side of the road, Fang Zheng called Jiang Xiyao.

There was a pick-up soon, but this time the president's sister's tone was obviously a lot colder than at noon.

"Hello Fangzheng?"

Fangzheng remembered the school's donation: "Xiyao, come pick me up from the school, let's go directly to your house."

Jiang Xiyao wondered: "Didn't you say that you should ride your bike home first? So I'll come to see you tomorrow morning?"

Fangzheng said, "No, I'll just take a taxi for work tomorrow morning."

"Okay, wait for a while, I'll be there right away."

Jiang Xiyao was very slow this time, Fang Zheng waited half an hour for her to arrive.

The school was basically empty. Ding Peng and the others were also yawning and playing with their mobile phones in the grass. Obviously, they had long run out of patience.

Li Yukun: "I said, this guy surnamed Fang has been standing at the school gate for half an hour. Why is he there?"

Ding Peng was playing the game: "Ghost knows, I just said this teacher wouldn't be a big boss."

As soon as he finished speaking, a red Porsche slowly approached at the end of the road.

Yan Qingya's eyes brightened: "Come here! Have you seen that Porsche?! I didn't lie to you, Mr. Fang is really rich, otherwise how could his girlfriend drive a Porsche?!"

Hearing that, Ding Peng put away his phone and looked towards the school gate, only to find that what Yan Qingya said was actually true? ! And not just Porsche!

The teacher's girlfriend is so **** beautiful! She has an extremely refined appearance, long hair with a slightly curly shawl, and her temperament is completely different from that of ordinary people even when sitting in a car!

Ding Peng no longer knew what to say.

"I'm Cao, really... is this teacher really a big boss?"

At the school gate, Jiang Xiyao stopped the car and silently moved her **** to the co-pilot's seat, and Fang Zheng got into the car.

"Why are you so late today?"

Jiang Xiyao glanced at Fang Zheng: "Is it too late? Unless it's the agreed time, I won't be too anxious. It's too fast to see you, but unfortunately some people are not satisfied with the benefits."

Fang Zheng frowned, the woman was really angry because of the noon thing.

"I called you at noon and said I was in a hurry. I don't mean to blame you, it's just that you donated money..."

Jiang Xiyao glanced to the side: "Go home first. After seeing the parents, don't worry, I will solve the problem on the same day, and I will not delay the conflict until the next day."

Fangzheng understood what the woman meant, and it seemed that there was going to be a fierce battle tonight.

I'm not making noise now, I'm afraid it's just because there's not enough time.

He smiled: "Okay, let's go home first."

I drove to the high-end community where Jiang Xiyao lived, because Fangzheng came to see Jiang Xiyao once last night, and this time I was familiar with it.

On the way, the two were speechless. First, the atmosphere between the two was not very good. Second, Fangzheng's eagle eye, which was rewarded by the system this afternoon, found that he could actually turn on and off this superpower.

After it is turned on, certain objects or things that need attention will glow with a faint white light in Fangzheng's eyes.

After closing it, the sight is no different from before, but Fang Zheng found out that this ability is not only applicable to students.

Because Fangzheng deliberately looked at Jiang Xiyao after opening the Eagle's Eye, and found that there was a faint white light in her clothes on her left forearm.

But this woman doesn't have much decoration on her body. Except for earrings, she rarely wears necklaces and rings.

It's not an external object, so could it be an injury?

Thinking about this, Jiang Xiyao didn't move her left arm very much, so it's very likely.

For this reason, Fangzheng stopped for a while when he was passing by a drug store, Jiang Xiyao looked at Fangzheng suspiciously.

Although there were some guesses in her heart, Jiang Xiyao was still shocked when Fang Zheng came out of the pharmacy with medical alcohol cotton swabs, Band-Aids and other items.

Fangzheng opened the alcohol: "Why didn't you tell me you were injured? Roll up your left sleeve. UU read"

Jiang Xiyao stared at Fang Zheng strangely, but after a while, her jade hand slowly lifted her left forearm. Sure enough, there was a scratch on the center of her forearm, as if she had hit something sharp.

Fangzheng carefully wiped the wound with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, Jiang Xiyao hummed in her sore throat.

"Lighten up..."

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows; "I don't think the CEO is afraid of pain?"

Jiang Xiyao retorted, "Isn't the president not a human being?"

"Not only a human, but also a beautiful woman, so why did you get hurt in the company?"

Jiang Xiyao didn't dare to look at Fang Zheng, and kept staring at the wound, because it was indeed a bit embarrassing because of the injury: "The high-heeled shoe was accidentally swollen, and her arm touched the corner of the stairs."

Fang Zheng laughed, Jiang Xiyao really felt ashamed that she would make such a mistake by wearing high heels every day.

Speaking of which, it's actually not about high heels. The main reason is that she had inexplicable insomnia after she was sent home by Fang Zheng last night. She was not in a good mood all day today, that's why she did this.

"Next time, pay more attention, I feel very distressed."

Jiang Xiyao trembled in her heart, and finally gave a light hum: "I see, I will pay attention."

After wiping the wound, I put it on with a Band-Aid. The wound is not big. If it wasn't for a plug, the wound would be hidden in the sleeve, and Fangzheng really couldn't see it.

However, such a small act of care made Jiang Xiyao calm down a lot, so she also began to think about whether she used the name of Fangzheng to donate money in the afternoon without authorization. Is it really too assertive.

Although my intention is to help him, the teaching career is still different from the business circle.