MTL - The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend-Chapter 55 I want to go up

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Really have children!

Xing Yichen felt that his breathing was tight. He stepped forward and walked to Qiao Mo's face: "Nobody, who is the child?"

He asked this, isn't it framed by her! Ye Peicheng is still there, maybe she will think that she and Xing Yichen had a relationship before!

Joe was mad at the moment: "Isn't that clear that day? Why are you coming again? And what do you mean by asking, I have nothing to do with you!"

However, Xing Yichen still did not speak, Ye Peicheng turned his mouth, his eyes quietly fell on Xing Yichen, the tone was faint: "The child is mine."

After that, he turned and took Luo Luo to go to Joe's house, knocked on the door and handed Luo Luoxian to Yu.

Seeing Xing Yichen’s gaze has been following Luo Luo’s disappearance, and Qiao Mok knows that this matter must be resolved clearly. She rushed to Xing and said: "You wait for me."

After all, she has already hurried to the room, and in a short time, she took out a paper bag.

"Xing Zong, remember the audition of "Lights before Dawn"? At that time, I met you in the bathroom, I pretended to fall, but actually took the opportunity to pull your hair." Qiao Mo looked up and locked Xing Yichen "Exactly, I had doubted whether the child was yours, because it was an accident more than three years ago. I didn't see Luo Luo's father. And that hotel is what you often go to, I thought it was you, So, go to this appraisal report."

She said, handed the paper bag over: "The result is your own!"

Xing Yichen remembered that time. He thought that Joe was deliberately slamming, in order to give him a gift. When the scalp hurts, he thought she was accidentally caught, however -

He took the file bag and looked directly at the conclusion.

"The two genetic samples do not conform to genetic laws, non-parental relationships."

Xing Yichen will read the report three times. At this moment, I feel that I feel a basin of ice water pouring down the head, and it is instantly cold.

There is a date on the report, which is the original time. Therefore, Joe is not lying.

The child is not his, not only because of this report, but also because he was close, and he looked at the child carefully, obviously not like him.

The only hope in the heart was cut off, and his brain had a moment of embarrassment.

At this time, Ye Peicheng opened his mouth and chuckled: "Xing Zong, you have time to manage other children here, it is better to deal with your own chores, what do you think?"

In a word, the scandal of today’s hot search was unveiled, and Xing Yichen felt that he had been slap in the face!

The chill of his bottom is almost killing.

However, Ye Peicheng did not care at all. He pretended to be very sympathetic: "Xing Zong, this kind of thing, mourning."

After all, take a look at Joe’s shoulder and go to the room.

Xing Yichen saw the door in front of him close and found that he had completely lost his position in front of Joe Mo, and then went to talk to her, but they all took their own insults!

At this time, his cell phone rang, and the assistant called: "Xing Zong, have you decided? Do you want to remove Miss Joe's hot search?"

"No." Xing Yichen's bottom is a cold and sultry breath: "Let her be nailed to the shame!"

Even if the video is deleted, the hot search is withdrawn, but those who talk about it and the topic still exist in the hearts of everyone. In the future, everyone will see him, he will remember, when he was in love with his girlfriend, he gave him a green hat!

The anger and shame that Xing Yichen transferred because of the child, once again returned to the body, I wish I would destroy the family now!

The assistant's voice also came from the receiver: "Xing Zong, that tomorrow, "I am not an actor" recording?"

"I won't go again." Xing Yichen said.


That night, the director of the program group, Jiang Zian, was said to have been caught off guard.

Because the second day is about to record the second program, but the inside of Joe Ruohuan involved in the video door, and Xing Yichen was brought with a green hat, this two-person guests will obviously not come!

He is very big, he can only find someone to replace it temporarily, and the lineup can't be too shabby!

That night, he always asked the assistant to call, but did not expect that the popular composer Lu Beige actually agreed to participate in the program recording, and replaced Xing Yichen's position!

The original location of Joe Ruohuan was to find a third-line actor Wang Xiaonan.

The guest finally settled down, Jiang Anan sighed and personally called the special guest Huang Wei.

Huang Wei was originally going to attend Ye’s family feast today. However, his flight was temporarily cancelled. He did not return to China until 10 o'clock tonight. Unfortunately, he could not see Luo Luo’s full of depression. At this moment, he is international. Get there and go out.

After receiving a call from Jiang Zi'an, his mood was better: "Well, Jiang guide, I will gather at the airport on time tomorrow morning!"

The next morning, when Joe Mog just got out of bed, he saw the news that Ye Peicheng sent to her: "Small sly, waiting for me at home, I will pick you up at the airport."

Ye Peicheng's car arrived at the airport on time. Perhaps because of the temporary substitution, Jiang Zian arrived very early. When he saw Joe Mo and Ye Peicheng coming in together, his heart moved slightly, but he did not show anything.

Lu Beige has arrived, see other guests rushing to say hello, he also came over, first rushed to Ye Peicheng smiled: "Peace."

The two were very familiar, so Ye Peicheng patted his shoulder and said it was very warm greetings.

The confrontation between Joe Mo and Lu Beige only makes him feel that his opponent's eyes are clear and pure, and there seems to be a kind of insight into the power of the people.

Her heart was somewhat uncertain whether Lu Beige would recognize her or feel that she was familiar, but did not expect her original makeup to be so successful. Lu Beige smiled at her and was polite: "No, hello!"

Joe Mo has a sigh of relief and also smiles at the North Song: "North Song, hello!"

At this time, Qin Qianqian who came back to the bathroom saw two people, and all eyes were smiling: "Ye teacher, you are coming! You are so beautiful, you are so beautiful today!"

When Xie Mo smiled and talked to her, Xing Yushuang also arrived.

Compared with the last time, Xing Yushuang seems to be a lot of low-key. Last time she was proud of her spring breeze, her brother was a male guest, and her nephew was also one of the female guests.

However, after last night, Xing Yichen left the program group, and the reputation of Qiao Ruohuan was completely stinky, and the program group would not ask her again.

This night, Joe Ruohuan fans have been cheated, all under her Weibo. Even if there are still a few who support her, they have long been defamed. The army of the army can’t get back a little.

But this is only a beginning. The Xing's group's endorsement, Qiao Ruohuan, naturally does not have to think about it, and other brands are expected to be reconciled with Qiao Ruohuan. There are movies, TV shows, etc...

Therefore, this incident, if Joe can not handle the past, for her, I am afraid it is to destroy the entire cause.

After all, although after a few years, maybe everyone has forgotten these things, but now the entertainment circle is updated so fast, I don’t know what it is.

Xing Yushuang glanced at Joe and said nothing. Although she was grateful to Qiao Mozhen for saving Xing Yichen, they have been committing evil for so many years. Once some things are cracked, it is difficult to make up.

And her Xing Yushuang has her own pride, she will not take the initiative to find Joe Mo's show. However, she can figure out how to operate, and push the big female movie that was originally received by Joe Ruohuan to Joe Mo, so that all the hopes of Joe Ruohuan will be lost!

Everyone was saying hello, and a staff member came over with a man dressed in a costume.

The big airport hall, all kinds of colors and colors are all rushing passengers, and this man who looks like a 50-year-old man is not in a good position, as if walking on the quaint and quiet bluestone road, washing away the world. Hey.

His attire and the inscrutable temperament immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Just when everyone guessed their identity, the staff approached and rushed to everyone: "You, this is the guest on our live platform [Shenyu CP ashes], his surname is Huang!"

The words fell and the audience was quiet.

Everyone can't believe that such a man with a sense of knowledge has taken such a nickname! What happened to the world? !

However, after a brief silence, everyone immediately reacted and made a polite smile to him. Although the fan is older and more eccentric, but people are real fans, tens of thousands of dollars in the live room!

Because the program needs to build momentum, in fact, before Joe arrived, the photographer has already opened the live broadcast.

At this moment, I was immersed in the excitement of seeing Joe Mo and Ye Peicheng. I just shook the curtain and suddenly I was shocked by the picture I saw.

"The trough, what did I see? I thought I was crossing!"

"Yeah, that powder is really the age of a child who can find a wife!"

"Well, there is personality, how do we call him a master?"

"Well, I think, we should call him Master Huang! It feels like a fortune-telling!"

"Now the star chasing is so aging? It seems that I am still a little green onion!"

"I didn't find that Master Huang has been watching my brother. I have never looked at my male god. I feel that Master Huang is probably trying to replace the male **** with his brother, CP!"

"Discovered! Master Huang has a good intention, the surface looks like the Shenyu CP ashes powder, but actually like a brother to ask for it! We have cheated us fans of these fish!"


At this moment, Ye’s father, who was in front of the live broadcast room, looked at the barrage and felt that his decision was correct.

Although he also wants to be with his son and daughter-in-law, he will lose his vest!

You see, Mr. Huang has been stripped of it by everyone. Especially the last comment, it’s awesome!

Ye father didn't dare to think about it. If he went to the show, then he would go back to the negotiating to see the client, would he be laughed at by saying that he wouldn't be able to worry about his son, and he would personally go into battle!

At the airport, seeing everyone arrive, the assistant went to the boarding pass and everyone entered the security checkpoint.

At this moment, the photographer finally left a close-up of everyone's back, and closed the live room.

The leaf father who saw the last picture was so angry that he had to blow his beard.

Huang Qi, the guy, is not going to help his son chasing his wife, but he took the opportunity to take the position!

I saw the picture in the picture, the original Joe is around, one side is Ye Peicheng, and the other is Qin Qianqian. However, Huang Hao suddenly went up and talked with Joe Mo, and he suddenly pushed Ye Peicheng out!

It happens that there are only two people side by side in the security check, so the last picture is Huang Qi and Joe Mo's side by side, while walking and talking!