MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 11 I know the bad girl

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  Chapter 11 I know the fierce little girl

  One of the officers and soldiers drew out a knife and roared: "Who the **** will shout again, believe it or not, I chopped him up and fed him to the dog?"

   As soon as the words fell, the others drew their knives.

  The villagers were so frightened that their faces were gray and pale, like quails. They didn't dare to move, they only dared to curse Zhao Chuchu in their hearts.

   Zhao Chuchu was taken to the inn in the town.

  The inn is guarded by officers and soldiers inside and out.

   Even if you are like this, you are still gathering crowds, because you are afraid that the disease will not be able to spread?

   When she got off the carriage, the military attache who brought her looked stern: "Can your recipe really cure the disease?"

   "Diseases are fine, but other diseases require the right medicine." Zhao Chuchu was not afraid of the military attache, "You will only know after a diagnosis."

   Before waiting for the military officer to answer, Zhao Chuchu walked into the inn with his feet up.

   "The plague should avoid crowded crowds. Do you want to be served in one pot?"


   "If you tell the truth and don't like to listen to it, you know that the little girl is fierce."

  The officers and soldiers in the inn heard this and saluted Zhao Chuchu.

  The military officer had a cold face, and it was really difficult to get angry with a little girl, so he could only anger his subordinates: "What are you looking at? If you look at it again, I will dig up that pair of tricks."

   "Where's the patient?" Zhao Chuchu suddenly turned around and blinked.

   The military attache's fierce expression froze, and after a while, he blushed and said, "Here, upstairs."

   Having said that, he strode past Zhao Chuchu to lead the way.

   Zhao Chuchu chuckled, it turned out to be a paper tiger.

   She followed the military attache to the upstairs room. The patient's hair and beard were all white. Although his face was bloodless, he still looked upright.

  Li Jiang was standing guard on the side. Seeing Zhao Chuchu, she lowered her voice and said eagerly, "Gan Qianhu's illness has come on so fast, the doctor is helpless, Chuchu, go and have a look."

   Zhao Chuchu nodded, motioned him to be calm, sat down beside the bed, and checked Gan Qianhu's pulse.

The Great Wei was stationed in various prefectures, called the Weisuo (5600 people), and there were thousands of households (1120 people), and the thousand households were set up with a hundred households (112 people), and the hundred households were divided into general flags (50 people) and Small flag (10 people).

   Gan Qianhu is the chief of Qianhu Office, and there are about 50 officers and soldiers in Lengshui Village, so Li Jiang should be the general banner.

  This flu came so fast, even a man like Gan Qianhu who practiced martial arts all the year round could not resist the virus attack.

   But fortunately, he was a warrior, his body was relatively strong, and he saved his life.

   After taking the pulse, Zhao Chuchu said, "I can cure Gan Qianhu."

  The fierce military attache immediately said: "Really? If you dare to lie to us, I will kill you immediately!"

  Li Jiang said quickly: "Lin Baihu, Miss Chu Chu said that she can be cured. She is still young, so Lin Baihu should not scare her."

  Lin Baihu glanced at Li Jiang and snorted coldly.

   "What if I can cure it?" Zhao Chuchu asked Lin Baihu, "What should Lin Baihu do?"

   "If you can be cured, I will kowtow to you and admit your mistake."

   "Okay, then go get the medicine with me."

   Zhao Chuchu raised his feet and walked out.

  Lin Baihu raised a knife to stop her: "Want to run?"

   Zhao Chuchu: "...Sir, how can you let me treat Lord Qianhu if you don't get the medicine? Where can I go?"

   Lin Baihu probably felt that he was going too far, he took back the knife and followed Zhao Chuchu to the pharmacy.

   Zhao Chuchu grabbed the medicine and decocted it himself. When Lin Baihu was not paying attention, he added crushed pills into it.

   When she brought the medicine to the room, Gan Qianhu had already woken up.

   Those tiger eyes looked at Zhao Chuchu with inquiry, full of suspicion.

   (end of this chapter)