MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 412 Make up a Xia family for you

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   Chapter 412 Make up a Xia family for you

  Chang Hong's proud endurance soon ran out.

   She felt a biting cold for a while, and then she felt as if she was being roasted in a stove, plus the pain in her heart, it made Chang Hong's life worse than death.

   "Hold her down!"

   Zhao Chuchu immediately ordered Chai Le.

   "Don't let her move."

   "It hurts..." Rao Shi Changhong couldn't help shouting out, instinctively wanting to leave the tub.

   "If you think about children, you should endure it." Zhao Chuchu said coldly, "If you can't bear this kind of suffering, you won't even think about having children."

   Chang Hong clenched her teeth when she heard this.

   She told herself that she was no longer afraid of death, but still afraid of this kind of pain?

   However, the power of the acupuncture and medicated bath was really too great, and Chang Hong couldn't hold it anymore and fainted.

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

  Chai Le looked anxious: "Xie Niangzi, what happened to her?"

   "It's okay, I just passed out, I'll wake up later." Zhao Chuchu explained.

   You can wake up in pain even if you faint!

   Sure enough, before the time for a cup of tea, Chang Hong woke up again.

   "Can you hold on?" Zhao Chuchu asked.

   At this time, Chang Hong was sweating profusely, and the whole person seemed to have no energy.

   "Ok." She said weakly.

   "Xie Niangzi, can you seal her five senses?"


   If she could, she would have been banned long ago, why let Chang Hong be so drunk.

   "I'm fine, don't worry." Chang Hong in turn comforted her husband.

  Chai Le only hated himself for not being able to suffer this kind of crime for Chang Hong.

   "It will be better next time. Sister Hong can handle it. Remember, if you have to soak for half an hour, I will go out first. Brother Le, watch it."

"okay, I get it."

   Zhao Chuchu checked the silver needles on Chang Hong's body, and there was no positional deviation before leaving.

   "Ah Hong, I've made you suffer." Chai Le looked at Chang Hong like this, and felt uncomfortable in his heart, "How about we don't?"

   "No, I like children, I want to have one." Chang Hong shook her head.

   She has always liked children, but her previous status limited her and prevented her from showing any emotions.

   Now that the third prince has given them the status of ordinary people, she just wants to be a biological child like ordinary people and grow old with her husband.

   "But you..."

   "I'm not afraid of death anymore, what is this? Brother Le, don't say such things again."

  Chai Le did not speak for a long time.

  Like they have walked back and forth from the gate of **** countless times, only to know the value of life.

   He really didn't want Chang Hong to suffer such a big crime.

  I really want to have children, isn’t it similar to come back and raise them one by one?

  Chang Hong insisted, Chai Le did not dare to say anything else, lest Chang Hong be sad.

   Half an hour is not too long, not too short.

  Chang Hong didn't know how she survived. For her, this half hour was almost a year longer.

   Zhao Chuchu came in on time and let Chang Hong come out of the tub.

   Chang Hong didn't even have the strength to step out of the tub.

   Zhao Chuchu saw this and said, "Brother Le, support Sister Hong first, I'll take off the silver needle, and you can carry her out."


  Chai Le carefully helped Chang Hong up, and when all the silver needles were taken off, Chang Hong couldn't even stand.

  Chai Le hurriedly hugged her, and regardless of the wet clothes, he carried Chang Hong to the chair and sat down, drying her body and putting on clothes.

   "Sister Hong, do you feel that the meridians are not so stagnant when you are lucky?" Zhao Chuchu asked Chang Hong while wiping the silver needle.

  Chang Hong gave it a try, and the meridians were unblocked, and even the lower abdomen, which usually hurts with luck, is much better now.

   "My lady, I feel that my body is much lighter."

"Today I took a heavy medicine and soaked it for an hour. If it doesn't work, then I really can't be called a genius doctor. But you don't have to worry, the medicine bath will hurt at the beginning, and it will get worse later. more comfortable."

   "Is it not as painful as today?" Chai Le asked.

   "Well, it will be much better, but I suggest starting these three times with Sister Hong taking a dip every other day."

   "Listen to Mrs. Xie."

   "Sister Hong, lie down and rest well today and tomorrow, don't walk around and get caught in the wind, let alone sweat."

  Chang Hong said: "Then how?"

  Chai Le said: "You lie down and I will do the work. Although my cooking skills are not as good as yours, I can still meet people. Thank you, Niangzi, for you and the lords."

   Zhao Chuchu nodded: "Okay."

  Chai Le settled Chang Hong and went out to cook.

   Zhao Chuchu went to the bed and sat down: "Sister Hong, Brother Le treats you very well."

"Yes, he is very good to me, and he will hold me close to everything first. I think the luckiest thing in my life is to meet him, the third prince and Mrs. Xie. The third prince gave me a way to live, and Brother Le makes me feel When it comes to love, lady, you make up for the regrets of my life."

   "It's just an effort. Sister Hong is a good person. Of course I'm willing to help you."

   "Lang Jun can meet a lady, and he will definitely think it is the best thing like me."

   Zhao Chuchu laughed and didn't answer.

   "Madam, go do your work. I was originally a servant of the Xie family. Now I'm lying down and doing nothing. I'm really sorry for asking the lady to accompany me here."

   "Sister Hong, don't think too much, I'm just curious to gossip about your story with Brother Le."

   "He and I actually don't have a story. It's just that two helpless people met each other, that's all."

  Chang Hong seems reluctant to talk about the past.

   Zhao Chuchu didn't ask any further questions.

   As long as the couple is loyal to Xie Jun, it is enough.

  Who hasn't ordered a story yet?

   "Then you lie down, I'll go out first."

   "Lady walk slowly."

   Zhao Chuchu helped Chang Hong tuck the quilt, and then left.

   Xie Heng just came back from the academy, and when he entered the door, he smelled a strong smell of medicine, and he knew that it was Zhao Chuchu who healed Chang Hong.

   There was also a master with him.

   is the one who was infertile before.

   After several days of deliberation, he decided to let Zhao Chuchu try.

  Because he knew very well that the elder Shan had been healed by Zhao Chuchu, and his spirit was getting better day by day, and the pain in the shoulders and neck that he used to have had eased.

   "Master sit for a while, the students will call someone." Xie Heng invited the master to the study, served tea, and then went to the pharmacy to call Zhao Chuchu.

   When they entered the door, Zhao Chuchu knew that Master and Xie Heng were back.

   But she didn't come out, and went to the study with Xie Heng after Xie Heng called him.


   "Chuchu, what you said last time, I thought about it carefully and wanted to give it a try, but I don't know..."

   After all, it was about dignity, and the Master didn’t want Xie Heng to know too much.

   "Okay, Master, please come with me." Zhao Chuchu invited Master to the pharmacy.

   "Chuchu, are you sure it's really my problem? I want my wife to come to see you tomorrow, is it convenient for you?" the master asked.

   "Yes, but it's better tomorrow morning, because I'm going to Yuan's house in the afternoon, I'm afraid I won't be back so early."

   "Then let her come over in the morning... Chu Chu, are you really sure that I can still have children?"

   "Of course, I won't persuade the Master to rule if I'm not sure."

   "That's good, then it's a lot of trouble."

  Master consciously stretched out his hand.

"Master doesn't need it anymore." Zhao Chuchu laughed, she turned around and went to the shelf to get a porcelain bottle and handed it to Master, "I know Master will come, in order to avoid Master's embarrassment, I have already prepared the medicine, Master take it back and take it directly. That's it."

  Master was surprised: "No need to decoct?"

   Zhao Chuchu shook his head: "No, I've made them into pills, and it's convenient for the master to carry."

  The Master was very happy: "You are really a good boy who understands people. How much is the consultation fee and medicine?"

   "I don't need the consultation fee, just give me five taels of silver for this medicine." Zhao Chuchu didn't want the master to feel that he owed her favor, so he accepted the money normally.

  Master took out a purse and handed it to Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu took it and weighed it, at least twenty taels of silver.

   Qingyang Academy's collections are not high, and the Master's monthly schedule will not be too much. Twenty taels of silver is probably not used for his monthly schedules for two or three months.

   Zhao Chuchu did not return the purse, but took it.

"Take the pills three times a day, two pills each time, here is half a month's amount, come back to me after eating." Zhao Chuchu told him how to take it, and also warned him about some precautions and possible adverse effects reaction.

  Master carefully wrote it down, and after confirming it repeatedly, he took the medicine out of the pharmacy.

   He originally planned to go home, but Xie Heng stayed for dinner before leaving.

   Before going to sleep, the two talked about the day as usual.

   "Did Yu Linjiang come to beg you?" Zhao Chuchu sat up when he heard the name, "Does he finally know that no one can save him?"

   "Well, I have already rejected him." Xie Heng nodded, "Will Chu Chu save him?"

   Zhao Chuchu raised his eyebrows: "What makes you have this illusion? Isn't it obvious that I am gloating about misfortune? Save him? Unless it rains red."

   This was narrow-minded in Lin Jiang, and because Xie Heng was better than him, he tried every means to drive Xie Heng out of Qingyang Academy and even conceived Xie Heng's reputation.

   If it were an ordinary student, Yu Linjiang would definitely succeed. At that time, he would really have no room to turn around in his life.

  Because when the imperial court appoints officials, it pays great attention to reputation.

   Generally, those whose reputation is ruined will not have a good future.

   Even if he was scolded by thousands of people, Yu Linjiang would never get her treatment.

  It was his fault that Lin Jiang could have what he is today. She and Xie Heng did not force him.

   If Yu Linjiang didn't have that kind of mind, would he be where he is today?

   "Even if it rains red, you don't have to save him. People who are inferior to animals will only harm people if they live too long. It's better to do well, lest he go to harm people again."


   Zhao Chuchu agreed.

   She doesn't care what others say, her heart is strong enough, no words can destroy her!

"Yu Linjiang's scandal has been spread all over the city, what else can he do to induce rumors to attack me? I'm not afraid, and since Junjun doesn't go out, you won't care about it. It's no use morally kidnapping me."

   Yang's and the others can do it without saving, what kind of thing is Linjiang!

  If she was afraid, the word filial piety would overwhelm her.

   "No such thing will happen. By the way, most of the shops and farms in the Xia family have already fallen into the hands of the third prince."

   "He's so fast?"

   "With a lot of capable people, taking over a Xia family is not difficult."

   "Speaking of which, the collapse of any big family begins with infighting. The infighting in the Xia family is so fierce that it can be regarded as an ancestor's accumulation of virtue to survive until now."

   "No matter how much the ancestors have accumulated, it is not enough for these descendants to be defeated. Chuchu, are you really not interested in the things of the Xia family?"


   She didn't want to have anything to do with the Xia family, it was an insult to the original owner and the original owner's mother.

   As long as the Xia family is gone, no one can make a fuss about the original owner's mother's life experience. After all, there is no proof of death.

  The original owner's mother should have hated the Xia family very much, otherwise why did she never mention the Xia family to anyone?

  The Xia family has come to this point, it must be the original owner's mother's favorite,

   And this is what Zhao Chuchu can do for the original owner's mother.

"If I take it, there will always be someone who will know. When you enter the official position in the future, this will also become a handle for others to attack you. She has been dead for so many years, don't let others mention her and point at her, and you will have no peace under Jiuquan. ."

"it is good."

   "Dalang, do you think I'm stupid for giving up so many things?"

   "No, it's right as long as you follow your heart. You can give up so many things for her, which is admirable, because not everyone can withstand such a temptation."

   Even if the Xia family goes downhill, they are still salt merchants, and they have wealth that ordinary people can't save even if they don't eat or drink for ten lifetimes.

   Even he would be tempted by the wealth of the Xia family.

   It's just that Zhao Chuchu doesn't want to touch her, and he doesn't want to respond to her.

   Xie Heng turned over and got out of bed, and took out a boxy box from under Zhao Chuchu's dressing table.

  As someone who doesn't like to dress up, Zhao Chuchu didn't even find this thing hidden there.

  Xie Heng came over holding the box: "Compensate you."

   Zhao Chuchu was puzzled.

   Xie Heng motioned her to take it.

   Zhao Chuchu opened it, and his eyes lit up.

   A box full of silver notes, all in denominations of 10,000 taels, Zhao Chuchu counted them, and there were 52 in total, which is 520,000 taels of silver.

   Zhao Chuchu: "...!!!"

  Xie Heng is an invisible rich man!

   Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver bills can be taken as soon as you say they are.

   How much more property she doesn't know.

   "Dalang, how much money do you have?" Zhao Chuchu counted twice before looking up at Xie Heng.

   Xie Heng confessed: "I don't know either."

After    was reborn, he started to do business. Xie Heng didn't know how much money he had, but it was more than enough for the Xia family.

   "I think I don't have to do anything in my life, and I can be a rich and idle person."

   Zhao Chuchu smiled and accepted the bank note: "It would be better if it could be exchanged for cash. After all, the bank may also close down."

   "This bank is impossible to close down."

   "Shouldn't it be yours?"


   Zhao Chuchu: "!!!"

   She can really lie flat.

   "There are still some things in the Qianzhuang that have not been dealt with. When everything is settled, I will hand over the Qianzhuang to you." Xie Heng said, "The Xia family doesn't want it, I'll make up a Xia family for you."

   Zhao Chuchu was not short of money, but Xie Heng's willingness to give everything to her made her very happy.

   She didn't hesitate to express her emotions, hugged Xie Heng and kissed him fiercely.

   (end of this chapter)