MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 447 are not eligible

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   Chapter 447 No qualifications

   In the end, everything Qiao Heting wanted to say was transformed into two words, "Third Brother..."

"I'm fine now, I don't have to worry about things that haven't happened yet, so how much do you have to worry about? For me, living in the moment is the most meaningful thing. Life is short, and we have to do it. More things will not be wasted in this world."


   "It's good, don't sigh."

  The third prince smiled lightly, lifted the curtain and looked out, walking freely in this vast field. Isn't it a lucky thing?

   He is very satisfied with the status quo and lives up to it every day. This is the real earning.

   Those people in the capital, let him remove all obstacles, he doesn't want his younger brother's hands to be stained with blood at such a young age.

   All he can do is to pave the way for his younger brother and let him go on smoothly.

   As for the other brothers, what qualifications are there to sit in that position?

  The third prince thought about these things in his heart, but his face was light and calm, as if he was simply looking at the scenery outside.


   Zhao Chuchu is already at Gan's house now.

When Mrs. Gan saw her coming, she laughed and scolded: "I didn't deliver a message when I went back yesterday. I thought you were delayed by something!"

Zhao Chuchu explained, "I'm sorry Granny Gan, I originally wanted to come back, but I didn't expect the people in the village to clean our house all the time, so I stayed. But I'm going to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival at Gan's house. Happy to catch me."

   "You kid, I'm joking with you, don't be so nervous. But it's okay, you can't go back on it when the time comes."

   "How come? I promised Grandma Gan and never broke my promise."

   Mrs. Gan smiled and said, "By the way, the child of the third family is all right. He is alive and well, and his skin is not good."

"It's fine. In fact, you have to be very careful when feeding your child, otherwise it's easy to choke. It's because of my relationship with that child that I came back so timely. Grandma Gan, I'll go to Hu's house to see it later. My sister, I won't be eating here today."

   "Okay, go ahead and wait for your Mid-Autumn Festival and Junjun to come."

   Mrs. Gan did not keep Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu walked out of the house and remembered another thing, turned back and handed a drawing to Mrs. Gan: "Grandma Gan, find someone to build such a stove in the yard, and I will teach you how to cook delicious food later."

   Mrs. Gan couldn't help joking when she heard the words: "Didn't you say you can't cook? Did you come to Fucheng to learn the craft?"

   Zhao Chuchu was a little embarrassed, "No, I still can't, but isn't it with you? I know how to do it, just tell you, okay?"

   "Okay." Madam Gan unfolded the drawing and looked at it, but she couldn't understand it, "Can the craftsman understand it?"

   "You will understand." Zhao Chuchu said, "I asked a craftsman to draw it."

   "Well, then you go to work first, I'll find someone to do it in a while." Mrs. Gan carefully collected the drawings.

   Zhao Chuchu waved away and went to Hu's house.

  The Hu family moved to the countryside because of Hu Yiming's injury. Now that Hu Yiming is back to normal, they moved back to the city so that Hu Yiming can continue his studies.

  The Hu family and the Gan family are at the end of the county town, passing the Gan family just past the entire county town.

  It has been more than a year since the plague happened, and Changping County has slowly recovered its vitality, and the city is much busier than before.

   Zhao Chuchu walked slowly all the way, enjoying the quiet time of these years.

   It was already two quarters of an hour later when we walked to Hu's house.

   Mrs. Zhou was just about to go out. When she met Zhao Chuchu, she couldn't believe it: "Chuchu, are you back?"

   "Yes, ma'am, I'm back, I'll stop by to see you, are Mi Lan and the others okay?" Zhao Chuchu said with a smile, "Is madam going to go out?"

   "Hey, don't call me a wife, just call me auntie, don't look at others like that. Come on, come in and go into the house." Mrs. Zhou enthusiastically pulled Zhao Chuchu back to the house.

   Nothing matters to Zhao Chuchu right now.

   For the Zhou family, Zhao Chuchu is the benefactor of their Hu family.

   If it weren't for Zhao Chuchu, her husband would have died long ago, and her son would not be able to continue his studies at this time.

   Such a great kindness, she is willing to let Zhou shi take her life to repay.

   "Go and tell the old lady and the young lady, Chu Chu is here." Mrs. Zhou did not forget to order the servants to inform them.

   Zhao Chuchu was dumbfounded.

   "Auntie, I just came to see, don't make such a big battle."

   "That's also our guest. By the way, where is Xie Langjun? He didn't come back with you?"

   "No, Dalang is studying in the academy now, he has no time to come back, only me and Junjun."

   "Yiming often mentions Xie Langjun, thinking about when Xie Langjun will return to Yuanjiang County and ask Xie Langjun to give some pointers."

   "I'm afraid he won't have time until the Chinese New Year. How is Yiming now? But there are still headaches and the like?"

   "No, he is fine now, reading every day."

   Zhou's smile is full of happiness.

   At this time, Zhao Meilan and Mrs. Hu also came.

   Zhao Meilan ignored her mother-in-law's presence, rushed over and hugged Zhao Chuchu: "Sister Chuchu, you are back, I miss you so much."

   Zhao Chuchu looked at Zhao Meilan, and she grew a lot more than before. Although she wore a woman's bun, Zhao Chuchu could see that she was still a big girl.

   The pregnancy that Mrs. Chen said was false.

  It is estimated that Zhao Meilan just had some discomfort at that time, which made Mrs. Chen misunderstood.

   Thinking about it, the Hu family is also a scholarly family. Zhao Meilan is still so young, so there must be an explanation for the two of them not to get married so early.

   Seeing that Zhao Meilan was all right, Zhao Chuchu felt relieved.

   "We're all married, don't act like a child anymore, wait for your mother-in-law to laugh." Zhao Chuchu laughed.

   "No, grandma and mother are very good to me." Zhao Meilan said happily, "Why didn't you say anything when you came back?"

   "It's a temporary decision, it's too late anyway, so I'll just give you a surprise."

   "Come in and take a seat, Meilan, you, Sister Chu Chu, have come all the way back from Chengfu City, and it's not good for people to stand all the time." Old Madam Hu said with a smile.

   Upon seeing this, Zhao Chuchu knew that Zhao Meilan was doing well in the Hu family, otherwise she would not be more lively than before. Obviously, the Hu family has always spoiled her.

   Zhao Chuchu was happy for Zhao Meilan from the bottom of her heart.

  The Zhou family asked people to invite Hu Yiming back from the county school.

   "You don't have to be so troublesome." Zhao Chuchu stopped her, "Reading is more important."

   "You are his savior, not to mention your brother-in-law. It's also right to come back to see you." Zhou Shi said.

   She also ordered people to go out regardless of what Zhao Chuchu said.

  The Hu family respected Zhao Chuchu very much, and even Hu Bingyu came back from outside to see Zhao Chuchu when he knew that Zhao Chuchu was here.

   This made Zhao Chuchu uncomfortable. She actually didn't like such a grand reception. It would be better to be casual.

  Although, the Hu family did this because they were grateful to her from the bottom of their hearts.

   (end of this chapter)