MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 19 The eyes of the fire, the needle of the sea, the sky!

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Zhuyin Mountain Villa.

This is the name of the most expensive cemetery in Jiangzhou. The average price is 100,000 square meters. The most expensive one square meter is sold for nearly 300,000 yuan. It can be buried here after death.

An independent cemetery at the center of the cemetery compares the cemetery to a community. This is a single-family villa in the community.

On the tombstone of the white marble, there is a portrait, a serious seriousness, and a three-and-four-point look with Qin Feng, revealing a handsome face when he was young.

In the eyes of Qin Feng, his father seems to have never laughed, no matter what time, it is such a serious face.

If you really want to laugh, maybe on the day the sister was born, Qin Feng vaguely remembered to see it once.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Feng has been very afraid of his father, basically can not go home without going home, 12 months a year, 10 months are all outside.

But... when he returned home for the last time, he never saw the strict father again.

In the car accident scene of Qin Xiao, from the wallet carried by Qin Xiao, there are three photos of their family.

One is a photo of a family of three when Qin Feng was one year old.

One is when Qin Feng was ten years old, Qin Chuxue was five years old, and a family of four took photos.

One is Qin Feng 18 years old, Qin Chuxue is 13 years old, a family of four photos.

No matter where he goes, he has always been wearing these three photos.

As the chairman of the Billion Group, Qin Xiao has never had any scandals, and he is not a big one.

He is a giant in the mall. Under his leadership, the Qin Group is involved in all walks of life, but he is a good husband and a good father.

"Dad, I didn't understand you in the past, but now I know, the strictness you have in front of me is loaded."

Qin Feng sat cross-legged in front of the tombstone and watched the tombstone laughing and talking to himself.

"Don't ask me how I know, Mom said, she said that you can't be romantic when you chase her."

"It’s said that my grandfather hasn’t talked very well in this life. Every time I have three sentences, I can’t make a quarrel. Then in the fourth sentence, you should take the broom and hit me.”

"I said to me today, you can't beat me..."


Qin Feng said and said, tears could not hold back and filled his eyes.

The tree wants to be calm and the wind is not endless, the child wants to raise and does not wait, no words.

"The sons of the three months have never seen you, not the son does not come, but the son has no face, you are gone, the son can not keep your family business, and the mother and sister suffer."

"But today, my son is here."

"The son swears here, as long as it is the one who has harmed you, the son will not let go, I will personally recapture everything belonging to my family."

Qin Feng is talking about this person.

After talking about it, I was sitting alone in this place, he was waiting for the darkness here, waiting for Xu Hu to go to the Hilton Hotel.

Of course, it is not a complete daze, but the beginning of the study of the great heritage.

The inheritance of the Great Holy Spirit exists in the Qin Dynasty and knows the sea. It is so vast that it will not touch any doorway at one time.

However, Qin Feng found a lot of magical powers that made him thrilled, such as the heavens and the earth, practicing to the extreme, directly turning into a giant of 100,000 feet.

What is the concept of 100,000 feet? !

More than 300,000 meters, the plane can be smashed, the submarine can be stepped on, and the foot goes down. It is estimated that the small half of Jiangzhou has to be flattened.

There are also extra-legal avatars, which can split up to 84,000 avatars at the same time! It’s terrible to think about it, and it’s too much to be more than the whirlpool’s multiple shadows!

In addition, there are too many supernatural powers, all of which are the top supernatural powers of Wanjie. They need to be digested bit by bit after Qin Feng.

However, there is one point that makes Qin Feng very puzzled.

He now has the power to see and find that there are three small light groups next to the huge white light group in the Great Holy Spirit. One is fire red, the other is ancient gold, and the other is gold.

These three small light groups have been surrounded by large white light groups, floating around.

With doubts, Qin Feng subconsciously touched the red light group.

But at the moment of the touch, Qin Feng suddenly stopped, and he saw a pair of eyes burning with flames watching himself!

These eyes are getting closer and closer, and Qin Feng’s heart has jumped up with the plop, and finally he is close and disappears!

See through all the demons and ghosts, illusory illusion!

Fire eyes... golden eyes!

At the same time, another ancient gold light group also touched the Qin wind.

In the light group, there is only one thing, and it is such a thing, so that Qin Feng’s heartbeat is even more mad!

Dinghai Shenzhen!

As for the last group of light, Qin Feng also understood something. Sun Wukong’s Teng Yunshu, also known as the Legend, was a cloud of ten thousand miles.

However, the current Qin Feng still can't do the practice of tyrannical clouds, and must wait until the end of the knot to have the ability to display.

Before the tombstone, Qin Feng fiercely opened his eyes!

At that moment, the eyes were burning like a flame. After a few seconds, the flame slowly subsided and returned to calm.

The flame is calming down, but Qin Feng’s heart is jumping wildly, raising his hand and turning his mind.

In his hands, an ancient golden light blooms, suddenly between... an ancient gold, iron bars with elaborate and beautifully carved lines appear in the hands.

Wishful gold hoop, Dinghai Shenzhen!

"Is this stuff really big and small?"

Qin Feng muttered to himself, staring at the sea **** needle: "Give me big!"

The sound just came out, suddenly the golden hoop in the hand, fiercely zoomed in, and instantly reached a hundred meters!

Scared Qin Feng fiercely jumped up: "I rub, little, give me a little!"

Quickly said, the golden hoop has returned to its original size.

Qin Feng swept his eyes around the cemetery. Fortunately, today it is relatively flat. No one is coming. Otherwise, if you see such a thick stick, you have to scare out a few heart attacks.

As soon as he raised his hand, the golden hoop rod automatically flew to the hands of Qin Feng.

With a turn of heart, this golden hoop instantly became the size of the embroidery needle.

When Qin Feng thought about what Sun Dasheng had told him before, Dinghai Shenzhen only recognized its true master. Could it be that this stick now recognizes himself as the master?

Before the Qin wind reacted, the ‘Embroidery Needle’ floated directly and did not enter the right ear of Qin Feng.

I... lying!

Qin Feng felt that the right ear was tied with a needle, snorted, rubbing his ears and rubbing it, and it took a few seconds to slow down.

All of this is a bit unreal.

But it happened really!

The eyes of the fire, the needle of the sea!

This is the masterpiece of Qitian Dasheng's famous Wanjie! I am now mastered by myself!

Qin Feng calmed down his excitement.

Then, he began to try to run the magical power of the heavens, and as the body bloomed golden light, the whole person instantly became bigger!

But only one foot, that is, three meters three!

Three meters three, but also can scare people to death, go to nba can blood a team.

So learned?

Qin Feng quickly removed the magical powers. After all, it was observed, and it was estimated that it would scare a nervous disorder.

"Try another one..."

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