MTL - The City of Terror-Chapter 1689 Magical leather scorpion

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The poor road today used some kind of water that has been fermented for a long time to water the flowers. When it was opened, the poor road almost fainted. The taste was completely indescribable. It was almost moldy beans and salted fish plus the smell of stool. No, the poor road will first spit for a while. .——

It's no wonder that this has a five-star average creature rating.

But the treasures stored in it are really a bit of a disappointing treasure.

Wei Xiaobei took out a treasure under the gaze of Nabibi’s face.

Well, in fact, without all things being known, Wei Xiaobei almost knows what this is.

A leather tweezers used to rub the toilet!


What kind of treasure is this leather scorpion? A lot in the small commodity market!

Wei Xiaobei actually feels speechless about this kind of thinking.

However, after careful observation, Wei Xiaobei found that the leather scorpion seemed to be somewhat different from ordinary leather scorpions.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have the mind to study this stuff too much. Simply for all things, he was lost on this leather raft.

Name: Magical Leather Scorpion (Premium)

Introduction: Pizizi, produced in the Danuoma Sanitary Utensil Factory in the suburbs of Tianzhu, has a magical effect after the post-gold variability of the **** of wealth.

Effect 1: The plug can unblock any pipe smaller than the diameter of the leather tweezers, ignoring all obstacles.

Effect 2: The body size is huge. After inputting any force, the diameter of the leather tweezers can grow up to a maximum of 100 meters.


When Wei Xiaobei saw the property sheet of this leather scorpion, he did not know what to say.

The quality of a leather scorpion in the district has reached the highest quality!

Ok, this is probably the most surprising thing Wei Weibei has ever seen.

But in the initial period, the **** of wealth, the **** of wealth, would actually play with the squat of the toilet, and use his own gold technique.

Well, Wei Xiaobei can understand how curious he is about what is not in the gray world after he has come to reality.

The problem is that your hobbies are too far from normal.

Of course, then, to see the magical effect of this leather scorpion, Wei Xiaobei saw something.

On the surface, the two effects are not very eye-catching.

One is to be able to clear any blocked pipe, but it is limited to not exceed its diameter, and the second is that the body can grow to 100 meters.

But the combination of the two effects, and then through the thinking of Wei Xiaobei, this leather scorpion is indeed a treasure of the finest.

The reason is simple, it can clear the blocked pipe and ignore everything!

To give a simple example, if someone plugs a space channel, Wei Xiaobei can use this leather box to clear it, no matter how the other party blocks it, it can't resist the dredge of the skin!

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei slightly tested the effect of this leather raft.

A hollow metal tube was made and a mass of metal was solidified in the metal tube.

Under the operation of Wei Xiaobei, if you want to unblock this metal pipe, you need at least ten tons of force to gather at a point to be able to punch out the metal block that has been condensed with the metal pipe.

But Wei Xiaobei took the leather raft, just pushing it in the metal tube.

Did not feel any obstacles at all, the strength used by Wei Xiaobei is the strength of normal people, but the piece of metal was pushed out by the skin scorpion!

Sure enough!

And Wei Xiaobei felt a slight fluctuation in the metal tube when the leather raft was pushed!

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei took out a lot of treasures from the treasure house of the company.

Of course, like the previous scorpion, these treasures are ridiculous, and they are basically all kinds of common objects in the real world.

For example, a shoehorn for easy wearing shoes, like a pair of chopsticks, even a game tablet, etc.

There are hundreds of treasures in this forest.

To say that these treasures are not powerful and have no strong defense, but their ability is unexpected.

In short, these treasures are all things that make people laugh and cry.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei thinks that these treasures are powerful if they are used in the right place.

But these treasures have a feature!

That is the hand of the **** of wealth!

To put it simply, it is the effect of its gold.

This made Wei Xiaobei look at the eyes of Chebi Luo suddenly brought out a trace of glory, or should be said to be interested.

Surprised by that, Luo looked at Wei Xiaobei and huddled.

Undoubtedly, this is probably a fear that Wei Xiaobei has something to do with his own.

Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei feels that this is a scientist who is a wealthy god. At least his point of gold is used in this aspect, and the magical effect that can be produced can be changed. Gold is much stronger.

If you think about it, you will know.

The magical effect of the golden mutated after it has basically followed the original effect of the thing, but it has been greatly expanded and extended.

What might happen if you let it use gold on a computer?

Or let this gold technique be used on weapons?

Ok, the extension of all this seems to be so wonderful.

But if you want to do this, the first thing that Wei Xiaobei needs to do is to put this in comparison!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei’s face has a smile: “All of them are big.”

What Wei Weibei never imagined was that he had piled up his smile and just said a name, so that he was scared to shrink again, and even wanted to escape.

Fortunately, a few Jinwu caught it.

Wei Xiaobei saw that the smile was useless, and even after switching the strategy, the front was a big ear fan on the face.


Just like this, the face of Luo Biao suddenly appeared a red palm print.

What makes Wei Xiaobei stunned is that after this ear, the eyes are red, and the eyes are full of tears. The younger man said to Wei Xiaobei: "Well, don't just hit people." How do I say that I am also the **** of wealth."

Sister, it turns out that Luo is really hard to eat softer than Luo Juran?

After roughly understanding the character of Qi Biluo, Wei Xiaobei was able to act easily.

After some intimidation and temptation, Chebyro did not dare to reluctantly agree to Wei Xiaobei’s request.

This is also normal. Although the furniture Biro has no fighting power, but how to say it is also a god, the past is also a glory to add, where to go, others are to worship, where will be like Wei Xiaobei, one If you don’t agree, you will come up with a slap in the face, and you will be afraid and hate.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not afraid of what he has to say about moths. Anyway, after waiting for the things he wants to know, Wei Xiaobei is ready to send this to Luoqian directly.

At that time, Aoki Fudi is enough to isolate the treasure house world from the company, and Zhao Yun will serve as the guardian of the game.

Later, Wei Xiaobei asked a lot of things to Chabi Luo, but the most important thing inside is the whereabouts of the demon king and the monkey **** Hanuman!

Without the expectation of Wei Xiaobei, this is better than Luo actually knows the whereabouts of the two.

Of course, this is also a good blessing for a little hobby.

The man originally planned to steal something from the demon king and the monkey god, so he would pay attention to the whereabouts of the two.

After asking about the matter, Wei Xiaobei took out some things from the storage ring, forcing him to show his gold skills. He wanted to explore the mystery of this golden technique.

After all, like this ability to change the basic attributes of matter, usually contains some rule power, and what Wei Xiaobei needs most now is to involve a large number of rule powers, so as to perfect the rules of Aoki Fudi, and finally break through the four-star disaster. Into the five-star level!

At this time, the people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and they did not dare to resist the command of Wei Xiaobei. They even pointed out that the things they had taken out from Wei Xiaobei had gone.

There are two kinds of things that Wei Xiaobei took out. One is the weapon or the carved statue of Wei Xiaobei, and the other is the daily necessities, such as towels, toothbrushes, game tablets, etc. In the same way, there are a total of 100 samples.

At the time of the exhibition of the golden skills of Wei Bi Luo, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes never left the fingers of Chaobi.

Indeed, this is more than the fingers of Luo's fingers in the implementation of gold, there are a number of regular forces that Wei Xiaobei has not seen!

And these rules are entwined and mixed together, and when the objects in the fingers are pointed out by the fingers, the inner material of the items will change dramatically.

It’s a pity that I knew that I would meet the guy of the company, and I should bring an atomic-level electron microscope around me. I could detect the mystery of this gold technique.

After all, this gold technique changes the object into gold. The most fundamental point is to turn the atoms that make up the object into gold atoms. This change can happen!

Of course, if your perceived attributes can be raised to a certain height, it can replace the atomic-level electron microscope.

You should know that Wei Xiaobei's perceptual attribute is now only 120 points, and you can already see the microscopic world of bacteria.

If you can enhance the perceived attributes again, you will be able to see a smaller microcosm.

Of course, these are the future things.

Some of Wei Xiaobei’s disappointment was that after he showed some gold in the game, all the things he took out became gold coins of different sizes, and none of them became the kind of treasure house in the world. treasure.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's brow wrinkled, he couldn't help but shrink his head, but he was afraid of Wei Xiaobei's fist punching, so the courage of timidity explained the extremely low probability of this mutation.

In the words of Chebi Luo, he was in a big Norma sanitary appliance factory, and he had more than 100,000 leather scorpions, only to have a leather scorpion that did not become a gold coin!