MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 7 Their master was fooled by a woman

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Mo Yan shook his head and looked up. He looked poorly at Helian Wing, looking at his angular features. At this position, his lips were particularly sexy. However, men who say thin lips are thin and lucky. That's true.

A gentle, beautiful, smart and generous woman like her, holding this man's thigh, dare to scold herself! She didn't want to. The two sisters, Mo Ran and Mo Li, were not good birds at first sight.

Yue Er said that General Mo was not bad to his daughter Mo Yan, but General Mo was not at the house. In case this man left like this, she would be taken by Mo Mo even if she had a great ability The ladies died in minutes. Well, although she doesn't have much skill now, she used to be purely heavenly as a killer.

In short, this man's thigh, she's fixed!

Seeing Mo Yan sticking to himself like a dog skin plaster, He Lianyi couldn't even believe it. He just spoke to her, but he didn't shoot her with a single palm, but he couldn't bear to listen to her discomfort. .

After being deadlocked for a quarter of an hour, Mo Yan let go of Helian's wings, and sighed in disappointment: "Master, go, you have nothing to do with your life."

After speaking, he stood up, dragged his wet lining, and walked towards the bed. He Lianyi heard the bitter voice, raised her eyes and looked at the perfect and seductive line drawn by the petite back, for a moment, and said coldly:

"Return to King's Mansion with my King!"

After speaking, Helianyi took off his coat and threw it to Mo Mo in shock, then turned and walked out. Leaving Mo Xiao a little excited looking at the smooth robe in his hand. The corner of my mouth unknowingly arouses,

"Small sample! This is called escaping! I know that you guys are all the same, and you ca n’t see a woman who is so tender and tender like me, sad. Ca n’t help but feel bad for me?

Mo Yan quickly put on her robe given by Herlian wings, because Herlian wings had a height of 1.85 meters. For her height of about 1.68 meters, the robe was too long, so Mo Yan was distressed. He glanced at the brocade, found a pair of scissors, severely cut it from his thigh and threw it away.

Walked to the entrance of Xiangyuan, when He Lianyi turned around and saw Mo Yan appearing in front of himself with a harmless smile, she was almost thrown back to Xiangyuan by her anger.

The woman had cut his robe into a knee-length skirt and the looming towering chest. Damn, he even remembered that she was holding him in the water ... and there was a reaction beneath him, even his brother-in-law!

Looking back, no longer looking at Mo Yan, the low voice of Helianyi did not have a trace of temperature, he rebuked:

"What are you wearing like this!"

Mo Yan walked lightly behind Helian Wing, and whispered:

"Oh, lord, have you looked at it, and you are still shy?"

In this world, every skirt of her Mo Mo is **** and explicit, compared to this world's clothes, now I don't know how many times it is stronger.

He Lianyi clenched his fists together without looking at Mo Yan. Who knew that Mo Yan deliberately teased:

"Master, do you have a fever? Look at you, your face has turned red to the ears. I said that you can't bathe in hot springs with clothes. This is all right, Wang has a fever!"

The guards at Xiangyuan heard Mo Yan's words of death, and they sweated for her. They had never seen anyone dare to tease their master, and she was still a woman!

Feeling the coldness coming around, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to move. For a long time, they heard He Lianyi said:

"Hurry up!"

They left Mofu. Everyone looked up at each other and said, "A miracle!"

Although this lady of Jiufu in Mofu is very willful, embarrassed and foolish, she has created one miracle after another.

When Mo Ran and Mo Fu's third auntie (Mo Ran and Mo Li's mother-in-law) arranged for Mo Li to go back to Mo Yan to settle the bill, how could Mo Yuan be in Xiang Yuan? Even the only maidservant beside her disappeared.

Mo Yan sharpened her eyes and saw the fabrics on the ground. She hurried forward and picked them up. She looked up at her mother,

"Mother, look, this is King King's clothes."

The third aunt hurried forward, took the cloth in Mo Ran's hand, stared suspiciously at Mo Ran,

"Did that dead girl be taken away by King King?"

"I don't know. King Jing should have rescued his sister today, but he first rescued Mo Yan, and later, for some reason, threw Mo Yan into the water."