MTL - The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess-Chapter 799 Punish disobedience

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For more than ten years, Zhang Yunyan has been struggling to find Yuntian's brother and Yunxia sister, but he has never heard of it. She thought that Shen Xiaoyan was her sister Yunxia, ​​and it ended up missing. She was in pain again, and was sometimes tortured by Madam Yan Xiaopeng's shadow, and had the pain of bleeding.

Whenever I miss my separated brother and sister, Yunyan will think of the young man Liu Guangming said, and he can't confirm that he is Brother Yuntian, thinking and praying silently.

Zhang Yunyan didn't know whether the younger sister the man was looking for was himself or another woman of the same name. However, whenever she misses her brother, she will think of that person, and hope is her own brother. Therefore, her cold heart ignited hope and a comfort to the painful heart.

Zhang Yunyan finally woke up from her thoughts and pain, raised her head to look at the sky, and the sun had just set. She breathed a sigh of relief and immediately got up and went to live in the village in front.

As soon as Yunyan came to the village, he saw the pair of men and women that he had just seen. They were helping the two old men into a shack.

The two old men were weak and old, with wrinkled faces, wearing patchwork and patchwork clothes, and they looked like weather-stricken poor people. The little girl with flowers also followed her.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the poor old man and the shabby shack, and felt sad, sympathetic and pitiful, and sighed to visit him.

When the man saw Yunyan coming, he cried and sat down with the woman who supported the two old men.

Zhang Yunyan didn't know the relationship between them, and asked, "Brother, who are your two guys?"

"We didn't know each other. We met on the road. Alas, the two old men are really pitiful." Then, the man shook his head, and then talked about the old man and wept.

It turned out that the old couple were from the village. They have a son, arrogant, overbearing, and a rebel. Seeing that his father and mother were infirm and frail is a burden, the bad boy drove them out of the house, regardless of whether they were dead or alive.

The old couple had nowhere to settle, and had to live in this small, shabby shack to spend their years of disability. The two old men were unable to work, and had to rely on begging for a living.

This shack is for you folks to help me build it for them. Everyone was very sorry for the two old men, but they didn't dare to take them in. Once they had a hard time, they feared that they would offend the bad guy. The folks did not forget the two old men, and often brought in a little food and drinks.

Zhang Yunyan was very angry when she learned the truth, and looked at the old man with a stale candle, very sad. She exclaimed: "That rebellious man will not be rewarded."

The old man shook his head and sighed; "That disobedience is an animal that doesn't understand human affairs. Who can treat him like this, why can't God punish him?"

The old lady looked down and wiped her tears, sad.

Zhang Yunyan comforted: "Don't worry, don't get angry, old man, I will let him change his mind and give you the end of your old age."

"Well, if he can change his mind, unless the sun comes out from the west, how can it be possible. Our days are not long anymore, let's count on one day, don't expect him."

Zhang Yunyan asked the little girl: "Child, do you live here with grandparents?"

"No, I'm going back to my home. Otherwise, mom and dad, grandparents, it should be looking for me everywhere."

Zhang Yunyan

I realized that the little girl was not the granddaughter of the old couple.

"Grandpa and grandma are so poor, that uncle is so bad, don't want them anymore." The girl said, tears in her eyes.

Zhang Yunyan patted her and said, "You are a good boy. Do you know where that bad uncle lives?"

"I know, his house is just opposite my house. There is a big locust tree in his yard."

"Okay, take your aunt there for a while."

Speaking of the big locust tree, the old man sighed again and his eyes were wet. He informed that the big locust tree was planted when he was a child, and now it has grown tall and large, covering the courtyard with shadyness. However, the old couple could only look at it from a distance, and could no longer enjoy the shade under the tree.

"Old man, you will definitely be able to spend your old age under that tree." Zhang Yunyan was still comforting.

The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If only I could do that, unfortunately, there would never be such a day again ..."

The pair looked at the two old men, then shook their heads and sighed.

The man took out one or two pieces of silver and handed it to the old man, and said, "I don't have much money. You should keep some silver for emergency use."

Zhang Yunyan also gave three or two silvers and comforted them before leaving. She had a good opinion of the man and the woman and asked, "Brother, where are you and your uncle going?"

The woman glanced at Yunyan, lowered her head and smiled silently, her face flushed.

The man also laughed: "This younger sister, the two of us are brothers and sisters. I went out with my younger sisters to relax."

Zhang Yunyan didn't know the relationship between the two of them, but felt a little bit embarrassed, and hurriedly apologized, "I blame me for being abrupt, so sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, younger sister, where are you going?"

"I want to find a guesthouse for one night, and I'll have a look at the county tomorrow."

"Exactly, let's go to the inn together."

They live in the inn. After having breakfast the next day, the siblings and Zhang Yunyan said goodbye.

Yun Yan walked around in the village alone. Seeing the villagers talking, they were talking about what happened in the village last night, and smiled silently. It was a strange and terrible thing, and it was pleasant and shocking.

It turned out that last night, just as the black people were still at night, a dark shadow came to the courtyard with big locust trees under the dim starlight.

"Dang! Dang! Dang ..." The door was knocked.

"Who?" Someone in the room spoke, but no one agreed.

The "creak" door opened, and the shadow jumped into the room.

"Who are you, why did you come to my house?" The door-opener panicked, too late to stop.

The uninvited guest stood there clearly by the light. I saw that the man was wearing a black robe with a black complexion, staring at a pair of bright eyes, and his tongue sticking out was very scary.

The man screamed, "Ah! You ... you are a ghost ..."

"I am the black impermanence of the prefecture." Hei Wuchang screamed sharply: "You have abused your parents and committed the sin of unrelenting rebellion, and the King of Kings sent me to take your life." With a punch, he knocked him to the ground, then It was a punch and kick.

This man really deserves to be beaten. He is a rebellious man. The old couple living in the broken shack are his father and mother. This 忤

Nizi was beaten painfully and scared, howling loudly, begging for mercy.

His lady shuddered in horror, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

"Well, I'll go back and report to Yan Wangyi, and forgive you for the time being. However, you must be rehabilitated and be a new person, otherwise I will come here to take your life again."

"Thank you Guixian for saving my life. I will honor my father and mother in the future and never dare to do rebellion again."

Hei Wuchang glared at the woman and yelled, "You don't discourage him from abusing his father and mother, it is also a sin, and if there is any filial piety, you will never want to survive."

Seeing that she was implicated, the woman trembled, hurriedly begging for mercy, and vowed to honor her father-in-law with his father-in-law.

Hei Wuchang snorted: "I will not only listen to your husband and wife, but also how well the two of you are doing. For the time being, I will take note of what you have done, and if there is any wrongdoing in the future, it will be a little bit old Disrespectful words and deeds are liquidated together with old sins and new sins. Do you remember? "

The couple hurriedly promised: "Remember, remember, please rest assured that we must respect our father and mother and never dare to do illegal things."

"Yan Wang already has orders. I will pay attention to you all the time, so let me go, I will go too!" After that, the black impermanence stood up and took off into the night sky, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The couple was so horrified that they saw "black impermanence" so amazing. They were more frightened and more sure.

When the evil spirits came, the couple was scared to death. This was related to their own life and death. How dare they not follow the "black impermanence" order. The couple did not dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the dilapidated shack, took the father and mother back home, and waited with care. They did not dare to have any disrespectful words or deeds.

The folks were surprised and happy when they heard about it. They were surprised that the legendary ghosts and gods did exist and came here; they were pleased that the terrible "black impermanence" could do things for the people and punish the rebels.

People are happily talking and saying so much, they are amazed. Some even said that it was the old locust tree that manifested its spirits, and the two old people who planted it were quarreled with each other, so they invited the black impermanence of the local government to teach this pervert.

Anyway, after that, the couple did not dare to abuse the elderly any more, and they became a famous big filial son in the village overnight.

Since picking up their father and mother, they never let the two old men feel a little wronged. The husband and wife are always paying attention to their words and deeds, hoping that King Yan will stop paying attention to them and don't let Hei Wuchang come here again. They have only one wish, and the family can live in peace and harmony.

The old couple returned to their home where they had lived for decades, no longer suffering from hunger and suffering, and were in a good mood, and they could spend their old age under that big locust tree. This was something I didn't dare to realize. The two old men were very happy and grateful for the impermanence. Finally, they had a stable life.

In this regard, the people in the village rejoiced in their eyes and talked about it. Although they were afraid of seeing "black impermanence", they hoped that the respectable ghost and immortal would frequent this place and punish those who are unlawful.

The story soon began to spread, and the surrounding villages were greatly affected, and discussions were continuing. Those who are disrespectful to their elders, and some misbehaving guys, are frightened and afraid to invite evil spirits to punish themselves, and dare not reform.

In fact, it wasn't the evil spirits who rushed into Yeni's house at night, but Zhang Yunyan's pretending to be impermanence, to punish the Yizi. 2k novel reading network

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