MTL - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration-Chapter 20 2.1 Future Movie Emperor

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"Energy collection. Energy collection is complete. Congratulations to the master for completing the first world." The bank of the dark river, jumped to Gu Yunxi with a shock.

Gu Yunxi caressed it absently, his heart still staying in the last world and he couldn't extricate himself, he couldn't forget the pair of heartbroken eyes that he saw when he closed his eyes.

"Shocking, I'm going to sleep." Qin Mo's influence on him was too deep, leaving the man was more heartbroken than he imagined, he could not continue to cross the world with this feeling.

"Yes, master." Jingtian obediently lay beside Gu Yunxi and licked his paw, silently watching the owner's gorgeous face and drooling unconsciously.

Even though it has been with Gu Yunxi for hundreds of years, it will still fall for his unparalleled appearance. The world of 3,000, the world of 3,000, and the world of tens of thousands, are truly hard to find in the world.

This sleep has been for a hundred years. When Gu Yunxi woke up again, the figure of the overbearing man still remained in his memory, but his feelings for him had faded a lot as the years passed. He grinned bitterly, and time really was the cure for all feelings.

"Master, the energy collected in the last world is unusually much, far beyond our expectations." Jingtian saw him wake up and quickly reported the energy collection.

"Can you analyze what is the reason?" Gu Yunxi rubbed his eyebrows. He always valued energy, but at this moment he wanted to ask more about how Qin Mo had gone after he left, but he didn't have the courage to face the answer. He touched his waist subconsciously and made an ugly smile. The man was still waiting for them to meet in the afterlife, but how could he have an afterlife?

".., no." Jingtian shook his head. "The biggest possibility is that under the operation of the owner, the family of Duxi adoptive parents could not die, it was considered that they had been abused by Duxi. Although Duxi did not request it, he must still be in his heart. Hate them. "

Shockingly guessed, there was another possibility. It didn't want to say that the master finally woke up, and it didn't want to hurt the owner's heart again.

Jing Tian thanked the man from the bottom of his heart for making his owner have human emotions and realizing the beauty of love, but they were destined to have no ending.

The host's soul is where the Tao is repelled. The body is a nether flower condensed from resentment. It never enters the Three Ways, so what is the reincarnation of the soul? Cruelly, even if Qin Mo has no deeper affection for his master, the master will inevitably forget him and may fall in love with others.

"Master, that man lived for a long time and did not die until he was ninety years old. After his death, he ordered his subordinates to bury you together." Jingtian looked at Gu Yunxi and fell into silence, knowing that he thought of the man again, he could not bear it. Speaking of the ending he saw, it didn't say that the man never stepped out of the house where they lived together after Gu Yunxi's death, and confined himself to a small world.

"Really?" Gu Yunxi looked at the endless dark void of the Minghe River, his eyebrows bent, and he smiled relievedly. He adjusted his mentality and commanded, "Shock up, go to the next world."

"A new world is reached. Ask the master for soul fusion."

Waking up again, Gu Yunxi found that he was sitting on the edge of a roof of a dozens-story building, his weak body was shaken by the wind, and he was wearing a blood-red long coat, covered with wine, and in the quiet moon. The color is so weird.

He slowly got up, carefully backed away, and finally relented to accept the fusion of souls after retreating to a safe area.

The process was extremely painful. After gritting his teeth to support the tearing pain, he looked up and watched the surrounding environment quietly. It was about two o'clock in the evening. There was only him alone on the open rooftop. There were torn newspapers scattered on the ground, and there were a dozen empty wine bottles at his feet.

"Shocking, give me the original memory and world data."

"Yes, the transmission of the original memory is completed, and the world data is being processed. The world data is transmitted, please ask the host to receive it."

Gu Yunxi took a brief moment and quickly absorbed the information sent by Jingtian.

Formerly named Zhou Xiran, 21 years old this year, a third-rate little star. He was born as a child star and has been in the industry for more than ten years. He has performed well and has participated in several major productions. However, he has always been a hot guy and always in an awkward position.

Zhou Xiran is a single-parent family. He was not well-off from an early age. Therefore, he was particularly envious of the bright and beautiful life of the entertainment industry. When he was ten, he entered the circle through the youth draft.

A few years later, due to his lack of fame and lack of a backstage, there are not many directors looking for him to perform. Zhou Xiran is often in a gap period, and he is accustomed to spending a lot of money. So, in order to have a play to play and to make money, he accepted the advice of the agent and accepted the sponsorship of the master. He was lucky, and he was supported by Wesmer, the head of the Wei family.

Wesmer, the richest man in the country, is 35 years old and has had two failed marriages. The second wife gave him a son named Wei Ningqian, who just turned two this year.

Zhou Xiran met Wesmer at the age of 19, just after he, the man ended his marriage relationship with his second wife. During the fostering period, Wesmer gave Zhou Xiran a lot of resources. Although he still failed to make him popular, at least it made him climb from an unknown eighteenth line to the status of a third-rate star. He made more money than he did in acting. There are many other professions.

In addition, Wesmer is an excellent gold master, with neither a strong physical desire nor a special hobby. He often called him over once a week or two, and their sexual affairs were as plain as water, with no passion at all.

Wesmer raised Zhou Xiran for more than two years. Because he didn't meet often, even though he had physical relationships, he was not familiar with each other, and it was even strange.

Zhou Xiran devoted himself to the performing arts circle from a young age. He read little books and had poor friends. Therefore, he has a lonely personality, and is often laughed at by people with low academic qualifications and small brain capacity.

Wesmer was busy with business, and Zhou Xiran was just an object of easing his desires to him, and he would naturally not bother to understand him. In this way, the two maintain a physical relationship, do not interfere with each other's lives, and get along well.

It is widely rumored that the reason why Weismo would support Zhou Xiran as a little-known actor is because he looks very much like the richest man's first love.

It is said that when Wesmer was young, there was a person who liked it for a long time, but this person finally chose to be with Wesmer's friends. The richest man couldn't wait for his first love. He had two hastily failed marriages after violent abandonment.

Zhou Xiran also heard such rumors, but he didn't care about being a substitute for others. On the contrary, he was very grateful to Wesmer. It was this man who gave him a place in the entertainment industry, not to mention the fact that the two of them were the relationship between you and me, one for each.

Zhou Xiran really loves vanity, and spends money on temperance, but never thought that he would climb up Wesmer on the basis of his appearance. He has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. He has long known the rules of the game in the circle and has always been very self-aware. So the day Wesmer proposed to lift the contract, he rolled away the cover in a smart way.

Losing Wesmer, although Zhou Xiran's performing arts road was not so smooth, but after many years of hard work, he gained some fame, coupled with his hard work, his career began to flourish.

However, everything stopped here.

On this day, he went to the agent's appointment after a play, and felt faint just after drinking a glass of wine. When he woke up, there were three strong men lying beside him, and his body was sore. Full of traces of color / love. When he wasn't back, several reporters rushed in, and the room was quickly filled with the sound of clicks and flashes of flashing lights. He was at a loss, screaming and fell into a coma again.

On that day, his passion for dating with men, guns, and group photos made headlines. All major newspapers and online platforms spoke to him, calling him a scum and scum in the entertainment industry.

His reputation plummeted, and the treaties and endorsements originally negotiated were cancelled.

If the scandal is not handled well, he will also face a large amount of liquidated damages. To make matters worse, his mother couldn't stand the pointers and stigmatization of the neighborhood after learning of this incident, and was struck by anger, and lying in the hospital every day required expensive medical expenses to support her life.

However, in order to quell the scandal, Zhou Xiran used all his savings early to ask the professional public relations team and the water army to wash the dirty water on his body. What made him desperate was that an employee of the bank "inadvertently" leaked his transfer records, and online abuse was even more uncontrollable. "Zhou Xiran got out of the entertainment circle!" Became a hot topic.

The company took no rescue measures and hid him directly. Zhou Xiran completely lost his economic resources and became a penniless poor man. His mother was still waiting for money to help him in the hospital bed. For his mother, he went cheekily to Wesmer, but was blocked by Wesmer's assistant.

The last one who came out to see him was Wesmer's first love. He mocked and told Zhou Xiran that all this happened was because he was incapable of his own power. He wanted to take his place in Wesmer's heart. People should not care about how many more people serve.

Only then did Zhou Xiran understand that he would fall to such an extent that this man was behind the scenes, and he naturally hated this man. Sadly, even if he knows who the enemy is, he has no power to retaliate and can only swallow the bitter fruit with hatred.

As he walked down the street, he received a call from the hospital, and his mother committed suicide by pulling a needle. Zhou Xiran burst into tears and lost hope in life under extreme grief.

After burying his mother's body, he was drunk, dressed in red, and jumped from Wesmer's company building with great hatred and vicious curse, ending his 21-year-old life. .

The rooftop where Gu Yunxi opened his eyes was exactly where Zhou Xiran committed suicide. Fortunately, he woke up in time.

After reading Zhou Xiran's memory, Gu Yunxi sighed in his heart and opposed the darling of heaven, it is no wonder that there will be such a humiliating ending.