MTL - The County Magistrate is Not Slag Very A-Chapter 67

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Promote the planting of sweet potatoes, so that the people of Baiyue can avoid food starvation. There is a long way to go.

Song Boxue was startled, and thought of another thing.

"I can't come back after a year and a half."

Tightening, she pointed to Zhu Zhu who was walking pigs in the yard, and dared not believe: "The princess is going too? That pig is going too?"

In other words, she will be devastated by this pig for a long time...

Help, she doesn't want this friend anymore.

Gao Zhilan was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice: "If there is no accident, I should go."

Song Boxue's voice lowered unconsciously: "What kind of accident will it be?"

Zhu Zhu shouldn't have any accident, but it shouldn't be a difficult thing to let a pig have an accident.

Gao Zhilan glanced at Zhu Zhu, who was immersed in walking the pig, and whispered, "Add a dish?"

"Roast suckling pig?" Song Boxue's tone was full of uncertainty, is this something you can try?

"It's too cruel." Gao Zhilan shook her head gently, not that she couldn't, but she didn't want to make Zhu Zhu unhappy, so she still took it.

It's just a little piglet, there's no big battle.

Song Boxue raised her eyebrows, well, it was a bit cruel, she dismissed the idea.

On the second day after the wedding, Zhu Zhu got into the carriage to Pingchuan County with Gao Zhilan who was supporting her waist.

Outside the carriage, Song Boxue rode his horse leisurely, with a leisurely expression on his face, he could finally go back.

In the carriage, Zhu Zhu held the little piggy and looked at Jiang Fanyin resentfully: "Miss Jiang, you don't care about your Song county magistrate, we only got married on the second day, so Hurry up and go on the road, what should we do if we are exhausted."

Gao Zhilan sat up straight when she heard the words, indicating that she was not tired, and no matter how sore her waist was, she could not admit it.

Jiang Fanyin heard this, opened the car window and glanced at the people riding horses beside the carriage, and said with a smile: "The emperor's life is in his life, for the sake of the people's livelihood, it is better to go early than not. Late."

Gao Zhilan hurriedly echoed: "Yes, everything is based on the emperor's life, I am not tired."

She's not tired at all, really.

"Really not tired? Then can I have a bridal chamber tonight..." Zhu Zhu's tone was subtle, and his eyes brightened.

"Cough cough...I suddenly thought of getting some air outside, you guys talk."

Gao Zhilan met Jiang Fanyin's teasing gaze, and fled as if he got off the carriage, save his life, what should he do if he married an open-mouthed daughter-in-law, she was too difficult.

Song Boxue looked at Gao Zhilan with a blushing face, raised her eyebrows and said, "Yo, this blushing, because the strength of last night has not yet eased? Find a comfortable inn tonight, let's not Hurry up."

Gao Zhilan's face froze, and he said forcibly calmly: "It's too hot in the carriage, I'm bored."

Yes, it's boring.

Song Boxue couldn't help laughing and laughed: "The capital is still freezing cold in March, and it's only January, so it's hot in the carriage?"

Hahaha, I suddenly found the fun of making fun of others, what should I do if I see my friends changing faces frequently.

Gao Zhilan coughed dryly, stared at Song Boxue and said quietly: "Sir Song, you have changed."

The former county magistrate of Song did not gossip like that, nor did she come to make fun of her.

She felt a little unbalanced in her heart for some reason. Maybe she could counter/attack at night, or push Miss Jiang to counter/attack Song Boxue. She didn't want to bear all this alone.

Song Boxue looked at Gao Zhilan with a depressed expression, and changed the subject: "Maybe it's because I have been with the princess for a long time, and I am close to Zhu Zhechi."

Yes, she also feels that she has changed a bit, and her mentality seems to have changed. Although she can't tell where the specific change is, she feels pretty good.

She likes the change.

"It should be the black people who are close to the ink." Gao Zhilan looked at Song Boxue, and felt resentment in her heart. She must push Jiang Fanyin to counter/attack to avenge the revenge of being crushed today.

Song Boxue smiled: "It's an honor to be close to the princess, drive."

The young man rode his horse and whipped his whip, proud of the spring breeze, crossed the motorcade, rushed to the front of the team, and whispered something.

In the evening, I settled in a spacious and comfortable inn, looking at the warm water sent meticulously, Gao Zhilan clenched his clothes belt, and said in a tight tone: "We have to hurry, we will go to Pingchuan County... What else."

She will also ride the horse and whip tomorrow, and she will be proud of the spring breeze, don't hold her waist.

Zhu Zhu, who was full of enthusiasm, pouted and said, "Okay, then wait until Pingchuan County to work harder."


"Yes, maybe one day you will be pregnant with a baby like Miss Jiang?"

The always calm and wise Gao Zhilan almost couldn't hold back his face, and said in a difficult tone: "That's not something that can be accomplished with hard work."

Is that hard work?

Zhu Zhu disagreed and said, "Who can say that this princess is worse than that little county magistrate?"

Gao Zhilan was silent for a moment, and then said in a persuasive manner: "You should be no worse than Song Boxue, maybe I am worse than Miss Jiang? You said we should try other comparisons, such as you Compare with Miss Jiang, what if it works?"

"It makes sense, then you come tonight." Zhu Zhu nodded happily, the difference is also Gao Zhilan, she is definitely no worse than others.

So, give it a try.

Gao Zhilan breathed a sigh of relief and said meaningfully, "I will do my best."

It turns out that countering/attacking is not that difficult.

Or maybe her little princess is too foolish, I hope Song Boxue is too foolish, it seems that I will have a good chat with Jiang Fanyin tomorrow.

Just talking and not pretending, practice is the last word.

How can Song Boxue be spared from such an experience.

However, after practice, Gao Zhilan regretted it.

The next day, Song Boxue glanced at Gao Zhilan's hand and asked curiously, "What's the matter with you, why are your hands shaking? Going to move the big stone at night"


Why can't you even hold the reins?

Gao Zhilan shook his head and sighed, thinking of Zhu Zhu, who had been clinging to her when he first tasted it last night, with a look of hopelessness: "I really want to dig a hole and bury myself."

Why shoot yourself in the foot?

Why does she want to counter/attack, is it not good to lie down?

What happened to this kid?

Gao Zhilan held the reins and controlled his trembling fingers, a bold thought popped up in his heart.

She approached Song Boxue and asked for advice in a low voice: "How did you do it..."

After listening to her words, Song Boxue frowned and said with a complicated expression: "Maybe you are too gentle."

"Huh? How to say?"

"I'm not advocating force, maybe you can use something else, you don't have to stick to just using fingers, such as here." Song Boxue raised a finger to his mouth, and quickly probed it. Touch the tip of your tongue.

It turned out that the counter/offensive met the little greedy cat, she also said what happened, this look of bitterness and hatred is really disappointing.

Gao Zhilan was stunned for a while, with a shocked face, is it okay to go there?

Seeing her ignorant appearance, Song Boxue said eloquently: "Come to me at night, I have a lot of secrets here that I don't share. For the sake of you being a good person, just If you don’t charge your tuition, this official will definitely give it all.”

Ancient people are simple, too imaginative, and her theoretical knowledge should not be too rich.

Unfortunately, I have been taking into account Jiang Fanyin's acceptance, and I have not practiced them one by one. Right now, I can take good students and benefit Zhu Zhu.

Gao Zhilan's brows twitched, his intuition should not be curious, but he couldn't help itching.

She glanced at the carriage beside her, thinking of how unsatisfied Zhu Zhu looked last night, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, that's it."

This time I must find my way back and let Zhu Zhu know how great he is.

In the carriage, Zhu Zhu was staring at Jiang Fanyin for a while.

This red face is still staring at her, what's wrong?

Zhu Zhu squinted his eyes, his eyes darkened: "Is Miss Jiang always the passive one?"

Tsk tsk tsk, so clever.

How can this kind of thing fall to that small county magistrate? Jiang Fanyin must also stand up once.

"What passive?" Jiang Fanyin was confused and didn't understand Zhu Zhu's meaning for a while.

Zhu Zhu leaned over and whispered a few words, his eyes bright.

Jiang Fanyin's ears turned red, and she lowered her eyes and said, "Well, I haven't tried it."

Tomorrow, she wanted to see Song Boxue who couldn't stand upright and couldn't ride a horse, so she came to chat with them in the carriage.


The author has something to say:

Second shift, everyone go to bed early~