MTL - The Cp with the Female Partner Exploded In the Entertainment Circle-Chapter 126

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Can't fencing, can't sing and can't let their show be rejected by the audience. That is to say, the show cannot be casual or boring.

Otherwise, the punishment is for fans to make programs for themselves, but the programs made by fans... Cheng Qing's intuition will not be a good result.

Fortunately, the program group has not changed so much that the quality of the program is decided by the fans in the live broadcast room.

Today's farewell banquet was held at Cangsong Town Senior Citizen at 5:00 pm. In addition to the guests and the show crew, the audience was more of the villagers in the town.

Cheng Qing was relieved that the villagers would not be biased.

After accepting the fact that she was targeted by the program group, Cheng Qing was thinking about what to perform in the afternoon. Hearing that the staff who was about to leave seemed to think of something, he turned around and said, "By the way, Director Kong also said that you should be careful when performing."

Luoxi blinked: "What does it mean to be serious?"

Staff: "In addition to the work attitude, the clothes should not be too casual. The clothes should match the performance as much as possible. For example, you can't wear jeans for Latin dancing, and you can't play the piano without wearing a dress, otherwise you will be deducted points. "

Cheng Qing had a toothache, and it was a little incredible: "So, how can you have such an idea? ... Then does this mean we want to go out to buy clothes?"

The staff smiled: "Director Kong said it depends on what everyone means, you can buy it or not."

Cheng Qing couldn't keep his smile: "Can I not deduct points if I don't buy it?"

The staff smiled and shook their heads, Cheng Qing: "So who do you think will wear a dress when they go out?"

The staff choked: "...I'll go first."

The staff seemed to know that if she stayed any longer, she might be beaten. Although Teacher Cheng was a woman, she was too strong to walk so fast.

Cheng Qing didn't notice that she was only 7 hours away from the evening performance at 10 o'clock.

The costumes should be prepared while deciding on the show. So it's time to start thinking about the show.

Cheng Qing's expertise was banned, so he could only ask Losey: "What are you performing?"

Mu Xue sat on the sofa, happily shook Erlang's legs and said, "Let's do a striptease! I like it very much."

Cheng Qing ignored her, Luo Xi thought about it, and asked in a low voice, "That... can you dance?"

Cheng Qing was silent for a long time: "...Bao'er, have you seen me dance?"

Bao, Baoer? Losey was stunned, his whole body flushed red. She twisted and found that this nickname is actually... not very earthy, and a little cute.

Seeing that Luo Xi suddenly became shy, Cheng Qing looked back and thought about what he said, and was a little embarrassed. But thinking of his current strange situation, Cheng Qing pulled back the corners of his mouth half of his smile.

Mu Xue touched her chin and asked the two, "Do you have any shows?"

Cheng Qing returned to her senses, seeing Luo Xi looking at herself with wide eyes in confusion, she smiled reassuringly, and then said: "I can still do fencing and singing, but I've never tried dancing."

Lossi said: "I'll teach you the simple."

Mu Xue didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and said on the side: "You still choose to dance! Seniors are better at this, don't choose one that neither of you can, it will be miserable."

Cheng Qing choked, and thought it made sense. In the end, she could only compromise and say: "Okay, let's dance, and everyone will watch the fun. The requirements for dancing clothes shouldn't be high, right? But probably Want to buy two sets of the same?"

Luoxi heard that Cheng Qing was willing to dance, and turned around happily, watching Teacher Cheng dance! He quickly took out his mobile phone and found a small video to transfer to Cheng Qing. He excitedly said, "This was taken by Fang Silei for me when I was rehearsing before. It's relatively simple. Take a look at the teacher. I will practice with the teacher in the afternoon."

Cheng Qing clicked on the video and was indeed in the practice room, wearing an ordinary white body and black pencil pants.

With the music playing, Rosie soon began to dance rhythmically. The dancing gesture was as light as a jumping bird, Cheng Qing was taken aback for a moment.

I remember that she had seen this performance online, but it was a fan road shot of a certain party.

Because the shot is relatively clear and the angle is good, it is still widely spread in the fan group.

When Cheng Qing decided to join the show, he went undercover in the fan group. As a new fan, this video is a gift from an old fan.

At that time, Luo Xi was wearing a short-sleeved white body and lantern black pants, with a bright smile on his face, dancing very hard.

As if there were the sun, moon and stars behind her, it attracted the attention of the audience. Unexpectedly, one day, I can see the practice version.

"How is it?" Luo Xi leaned in front of Cheng Qing and smiled.

Cheng Qing also smiled, put down the phone, and said lightly: "It's difficult."

Lossi: "...I, I have something simple."

Cheng Qing shook his head: "Your dance is too difficult for me."

Mu Xue couldn't help sneering: "What's wrong? Are you old?"

Cheng Qing didn't feel ashamed, but she could still smile at the two of them and said, "Yes, I'm getting older. I can't remember this action."

Mu Xue: "...Teacher, you are a little too modest. You can win so many difficult games in one fell swoop."

Cheng Qing looked at Mu Xue's gentle smile: "I call it developed limbs..."

Mu Xue choked: "...I didn't scold you."

Seeing that Cheng Qing didn't dance her own dance, Luo Xi could only continue to rummage through the album. I also asked Fang Silei, is there any simple choreography?

Fang Silei said: "Why don't you go to the short video to find one? It's much simpler."

Luoxi can only convey this meaning to Cheng Qing, Cheng Qing nodded, downloaded the app, and found a popular dance teaching.

Look at it, the action is simple and easy to learn, and it looks good. Therefore, the two decided to dance this.

If you want to jump, then jump, Luo Xi can almost copy and jump out after watching it once. She jumped twice by herself to make sure that there was no problem. Then she pulled Cheng Qing to stand beside her and said with a happy smile, "Teacher, follow my movements."

Cheng Qing nodded, learning to stand up like Luo Xi. Luo Xi taught seriously, and explained every step in slow motion. Cheng Qing also studied very seriously, but... it was very stiff.

The two practiced very seriously for half an hour, but Cheng Qing... made no progress.

Mu Xue on the side burst into laughter and gave the two of them an idea: "By the way, if the villagers are the audience, isn't the opera better?"

Luoxi stayed for a while: "Prescribe the right medicine?"

Mu Xue: "..." What does this describe?

Luoxi bowed her head and thought, it makes sense! I am a young man and like these singing and dancing. Your own fans like it too, but the elderly don't like it, right? Most of the villagers are old people. Will they hate it when they see these noisy dances?

Cheng Qing sees that Luo Xi is really thinking seriously, that little look is well-behaved. Cheng Qing couldn't hold back, reached out and rubbed her head vigorously, reminding: "Luoxi, there is another word called Ban Men Get Axe."

Seeing Luo Xi raised her eyes and looked at her, her dark eyes were pure like a newborn baby, Cheng Qing was so happy, she couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her head again.

Cheng Qing: "Old people naturally like opera, but neither of us have the foundation in this area. We don't need to say how to learn, and we only take two hours to get on stage. Those old people who watch opera all year round, Can't you see the good or bad just by watching our performance? Although I'm not good at dancing, you can!"

Luo Xi suddenly realized and nodded, then put his hands on his head and frowned, "My hair is all messed up."

Cheng Qing withdrew his hand, smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry."

Now that the show is set, the next step is to prepare the costumes.

Luoxi excitedly took out her phone and looked at the points, then happily said, "Enough for us to buy two sets of clothes."

Cheng Qing: "...It's not worth being happy." Are we so poor?

Mu Xue: "...I was frightened, but fortunately I ended today."

Lossi: "…"


Because I have to go out to buy clothes, I have to eat lunch at noon.

Even the interactive live broadcast is that Luo Xi is sitting behind Cheng Qing's car, holding a mobile phone and filming.

Mu Xue didn't have a car, so she borrowed one from the villagers opposite, and followed behind Cheng Qing and the others.

There is no clothing store in the village, so Cheng Qing and the others went to an old street in Cangsong Town introduced by the villagers.

The journey took about 20 minutes, while Luo Xi grabbed the clothes on Cheng Qing's waist while interacting with the fans on the phone.

Luoxi: "See? We're going out to buy clothes."

【Princess, you have so many clothes, do you still need to buy them? 】

Luoxi laughed: "You don't understand, we have to wear the same clothes. It's more comfortable to jump up like this."

【Hey, I think Princess, you want to buy couple clothes with Teacher Cheng? 】

Luoxi coughed and did not respond.

cp fans don't know the real situation of the two even if they take it seriously, so Luo Xi did not respond, and they are used to it.

Couples? Losey began to think, it seems like that counts? Think about it and smile happily.


There are many stores in the old streets of Cangsong Town, from shoe stores, clothing stores to sewing shops and grocery stores. It can be said that the necessities of the villagers' life are all here.

The three girls were followed by the cameraman, which naturally attracted the heads of the store owners.

Most of the dances on the short videos are simple and easy to learn, and the costume requirements are not very big. The clothes here are varied, and there are not many clothes suitable for dancing.

Luoxi stood in front of a school-style outfit, her eyes were calm, but sparkling.

The top of the suit is navy, with a light blue collar and white clothes, and the lower body is a light blue pleated skirt.


【Princess did a good job, I also want to see Teacher Cheng wear the school uniform. 】

! listen to me. 】

[Mr. Cheng's expression is very serious, hahahaha]

【Hahahaha, it’s too cola. 】

Cheng Qing felt bad: "This?"

Luoxi turned to look at her, and before nodding, she heard the sentence behind Cheng Qing: "Is there a high probability that he will be brushed down?"

Mu Xue stayed for a while: "Why?" She skipped wearing this dress! The reaction from the fans was overwhelming!

Cheng Qing: "I think those old people will probably treat us as... nondescript things."

Luoxi stayed: "East, stuff?"

Cheng Qing was funny, turned to look at her and said, "The acceptance of the elderly is not so high..." This is why today, after the passing of the same-sex marriage law, some elderly people still think it is a joke.

Through the same-sex marriage law, Cheng Qing learned that the difference between the elderly and his own world is not big. Dance in school uniform in front of conservative old people...

Favorability... not satisfied?

The author has something to say:

Hahaha, I read the comment area, I have one point to explain.

The original body no longer likes Ming Yue, and even if she comes back, she will not be with Ming Yue. This is actually expressed in the previous article, or maybe I expressed it too vaguely, so I didn't see it _(:з"∠)_

The other thing is, the story is still going according to the outline in my mind.