MTL - The Crimson Dragon-Chapter 117

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Update time 2015-12-2523:48:01 Words:2432

The Kingdom of Tassel is not a small and weak kingdom. This country is also a certain force. After learning about the robbery of Centaur, it has been able to raise about 600 troops in the shortest possible time. Almost the same number of militiamen began to chase the group of centaurs. If the aristocrats along the way were killed, the great aristocrats and royal families of the original Tassel Kingdom did not want to take care of this. Some farmers were robbed. Point food kills a few people to count as a fart, but the Fengdi nobles can't do this... and it is precisely because the Fengdi aristocracy was slaughtered a batch, so that the basic mobilization ability of the kingdom has a problem, which could have been directly Those who have mobilized the forces on their territory to gather together, but now they are first defeated by others.

The appearance of centaurs has already attracted a lot of attention from the kingdom. After all, these barbaric centaurs should normally be in the North, and according to the survivors’ reports and the divine missions of the local shrines, these centuries are far away. More powerful than their counterparts in the North, they are completely different in size, which is even more worthy of vigilance.

The soldiers assembled in the kingdom are the long-contradictory players who theoretically restrain the cavalry. These soldiers with plate and tower shields and three-meter spears have about 250 people, and those who cooperate with them are about 80 people. The archers and the swordsmen of two hundred and twenty people - both soldiers are draped in the chain armor. The last fifty soldiers were heavy armored cavalry of the whole body. These cavalry were basically the commanders of this unit, the vassal knights of the Duke of Fire Lions, and some holy warriors who joined the temple spontaneously. As for the power of the spell, the middle-aged man in the robe with the staff around the duke is the Archmage, and several of the militia are the priests of the Temple of Good God and the Temple of Good God, who are also the militia. Interim commander.

According to the size of the Taser kingdom, the army led by the Duke is already an elite that can be mobilized. The militias with the pull out are enough to form a legion - basically the war between the kings of Feren, the army of more than a thousand people. It is already considered to be a small scale, not to mention that half of them are elite soldiers in armor. The adventurers were incorporated into the militia, and there were several mages among them, but the low-level mages did not use them in such battles—in their ability, they released muddy or greasy techniques for cavalry special effects. The effects and scope of the spells are very limited. The sky can control one or two cavalry. In terms of the size of the centaur, they can control one. It is already very good.

The Duke’s own self is also a high-ranking warrior. Basically, there are few of the landlords and nobles who lead the soldiers on the mainland of Faerun. No one can’t play it. No mention of commanding ability, and the heads-up is basically better than ordinary soldiers and elites. Soldiers are stronger, and most of them will be blessed by the gods of their own faith. The excellent equipment and good training from childhood are enough to make them a high-level combat power after the legend - but the Duke is a legendary warrior.

The soldiers are not moving fast. They are not new recruits. The duke is not a fool. If you run too fast, you will be too tired to catch up with the soldiers who are half-something. This is not a qualified commander. Things that should be done. Moreover, the magical pet of the Archmage has already caught up with the Centaur. While judging the number of the other party, it also determines the direction of the other party's progress. Even now, even the specific location of the other party has already let the Archmage know.

"They are on the shoreline, there is no way to go! And the number is only one-twentieth of us!" The duke snorted, then he pulled out the knight's sword and straight forward, "go forward!"

The selection of the Centaur is very simple, and the battle is in the array. Six hundred human soldiers in the district do not need to be in the eyes. The sad magical pet has limited limited vision. It is impossible to distinguish the centaur as a raven. What kind of metal is armed, the only thing that can be confirmed is that there is no magical light on the other side's armed forces. The Centaur did not wait in the same place, but trotting to the army of Tesell. In the middle of running, they naturally formed a complete queue. The strong male centaur formed the forefront and they put down the visor. Take off the strong bow and adjust the arrow pot to a position where it is easier to draw arrows.

On Hell Island, Claudius is on the go. This guy has not entered a dormant period recently, and is happily pulling the female slaves to wander around – as a red dragon just entering adulthood, his desire is surprisingly strong. Ilya Lhasa is a bit numb, and Claudius did not abuse her. She neither beat her nor put her in the dungeon, but the sense of shame is still very strong. Fortunately, Ilya Lhasa timely converted her mentality into The dragon - this is a bit too accustomed to this, the mating between the dragons is not what other creatures can't see...

And now Claudius is watching the fighting in the huge Colosseum - before that, he has sighed the ability of his men more than once, "Minerva, what else do you not understand?" "The huge Colosseum is not only perfect in design, it can carry out all kinds of battles, and Minerva also uses supernatural power to transform this building - this is actually the aura of the real thing even under the red dragon." Will not affect the power. The main venue of the Colosseum is the same as the earth on the earth, and the gladiator and gladiator residence, but Minerva designed a rather huge space as a summoning array, completely unseen in Claudius. Under the technical control of the spell or whatever it is called, this array can forcibly summon some of the specified creatures - even by stereoscopic images embedded in it to select the type and specific individual. Of course, it is mainly used to summon the lower and upper bounds as well as the outer space and even the powerful creatures of the astral and elemental boundaries, including not limited to demons, devils, angels, dragons and anything else. The main venue above can also be adjusted for space, which can be adjusted to suit the creatures that are forcibly captured, and the fighters participating in the fight will perform under such circumstances.

Since there is no slave in Rome, the participation in the fight is entirely voluntary. Of course, there are officially organized gambling and bonuses. For the citizens who come to appreciate, the tickets are quite cheap - unless you want to take the box or the front row, and The last seat is even available for free. Of course, the gladiators who mainly participated in such battles are the dragon-toothed soldiers, and a large part of them are descendants of the dragon-toothed soldiers. It is the main force of the descendants who try to hone their combat skills through battle and increase the activation of bloodlines. Of course, sometimes there are regular dragon teeth soldiers to end - of course, this time their opponents will be big devils or big devils, sometimes high-level angels...

Claudius also often comes to watch such battles. Ilya Lhasa hates such behavior very much. This meaningless battle with gambling is very difficult to tolerate for her sense of justice - killing chaos Except for the evil devil.....and she always thought that the summoning array in the underground was the greatest dangerous thing, and it was also the chaotic evil of Claudius.

And while Claudius watched the battle, Minerva had stood on the platform above the huge pier and watched two long ships going out to sea. On one of the bows, a black-haired man with dark eyes Holding a parchment command with a faucet coat of arms and Minerva's autograph, he grabbed the scalp with a bit of a headache. "This is the first time I'm going to attack, let me pick up those centaurs? Hell! How do I know where they are on the shoreline?!"