MTL - The Crimson Dragon-Chapter 153

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The body of Claudius firmly locks the radiation from the reactor organs in the body, whether it is alpha or beta, gamma rays can not penetrate his epidermis into the atmosphere - because these are precious Energy can be used to constantly push up the upper limit of this guy, and one day it will be able to ignite the fusion fire. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test Claudius is not ignorant in sleep, he will also dream, and in his dreams he can also detect changes in his body. This thing has been known to the nuclear reactor. For those who have these things in the body, "the existence is reasonable! Want to do so much? Do not think about the rare dragons. Don't think too much! The dragon is dead, not dead. Year! It’s hard to be confused!” These messy ideas are what Claudius used to comfort himself. He did not think about it. Why do you have to know why? You see that the intelligence 9 does not live well, and it is better than most of the intelligence one hundred and eight...

The red dragon slept in the magma lake, and under the influence of his power, the volcano, renamed Olympus, continued to grow taller, and even the city with the volcano was rising. This is not the original The dock area has to be continuously expanded, the old terminal is abandoned due to the terrain, and the new terminal is being built all the time. The abandoned pier was shattered, the volcanic rocks were shattered into cement, and various buildings were built on the remains of the old pier. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test and Hell Island and Feilun mainland are now only a short distance away. The sea between them can only be called the strait, the narrowest place is only five kilometers from the island. Looking at the mainland, it is a vast desert - the Carlin Desert is just opposite.

The Blue Dragons have already become a mess, Heinz Ludwig Ostomark, the ancient blue dragon that ruled the entire Carlin Desert, is also a bit chopped for his current state, in his long life. I have seen such a situation. As a blue dragon, there is nothing in the main material world other than the ancient dragon and the great archaeologist or some powerful gods. There is nothing to suppress his power. Although the number of dragons is small, through strong wrists and ingenious strategies, Ostomark has stood in the Carlin Desert for hundreds of years – until the arrival of the army in previous years... .

He lost a young subordinate. Klinsmann’s young blue dragon was killed in just one round, and the thieves who were attached to the blue dragon and subtly controlled by the blue dragon became a lot of deserts. The dry corpse in it has not recovered until now. And the terrorist power that the army showed, the mighty power of the female commander when killing Klinsmann, made the ancient blue dragon Ostomark amazed, he pushed if it was He took the blue dragons he controlled and attacked the situation of the army. The conclusion was not optimistic. Even if he won the battle, the Carlin Desert would be out of his control. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test, not to mention the horrible red dragon behind this army...

Claudius, a deep red catastrophe, a powerful red dragon with a red-hot steel squat, a horrible dragon that transcends common sense, the name of this red dragon has long been in the dragon and the good dragons in these years. . The real dragons are not all slackers sleeping in the nest, especially like the blue dragon, who likes the order and the evil, is good at using real dragons like spies, although the magic prophecy has no effect on Claudius, but those with hell. The news of the island traders’ spies and the amateur spies and the magical predictions of the battles of the Red Dragon’s opponents all tell the dragon of any attempt – this is an irresistible red dragon. Claudius's Longwei Ostomark was personally experienced. Although he did not face the red dragon, the moment that Minerva started to work was undoubtedly the dragon of the Red Dragon... ...

Ostomark didn't even have a little bit of fighting with Claudius or talking about numbers—even if he became a Taikoo dragon tomorrow, there wasn't a single thought. Ostomark is not an idiot, he does not want to fight in the face of a mortal battle. The power of Claudius has already shocked him... In fact, the information that this blue dragon knows seems to be quite a few young red dragons trying to go to the Claudius without any effort. "I think he will one day be the **** of the red dragon... Hey, poor dragon."

But such an sigh does not help Ostomark solve the problem at hand - how should he maintain his control of the desert, or take his long-term savings to hurry? Or what is the way to negotiate with Claudius to win your own interests? There is still time in the ancient blue dragon, at least for several years to let him slowly think...

In the dock area of ​​the city of Rome, another merchant ship began to dock. The tax official and his assistant had already waited on the dock, and the first time after the ship docked, they found the merchant on board and began to count the tax. Don't think about tax evasion here, you can try to avoid taxes, but don't want to evade taxes – even if you don't think about it in the name of God, what about the gods who want to evade taxes besides that Woking? Although Woking’s Fortune Temple is happy to do business with Hell Island, they have never been able to convince the governors in Rome to agree to establish a small temple, let alone promote their faith. The Knights of the Woking Temple are very watery, and the whole **** island, especially the Roman city, is the place to suppress the power of God. Even if the gods want violent missionary, it is impossible to do this. Ambry talks about the heart..... Her unyielding efforts to build the temple are just to hang the skulls of various sea monsters on the exhibition shelf outside the city of Rome, and she herself eats in the war. It’s awkward.

The merchant on the vessel quickly negotiated with the tax official. The other party checked his goods and accepted the tax payable and left with satisfaction. Most of the tax collectors who collected the tax here participated in the auxiliary legion. Those humans and other races, and the taxes collected are directly thrown into the box in the fence placed next to the dock tax office. There are also passengers on board, and now a charming female elf leans on the railing and looks at the city in front of me. "It's spectacular and beautiful....." she said softly, and behind her were two seemingly young male elves, one of whom came close and said, "We should get off the boat, madam."

"Where is Claudius?" The female elf looked up at the magnificent temples above the magnificent huge volcano. She did not expect to answer, "I want to give him a chance..." The elf laughed.

"I don't think you have a chance..." At the same time on the balcony of the high temple, Minerva calmly looked at the dock where the ants like the ants came in and out.