MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 93 True and false corpse emperor

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It is said to be stopped, but how to stop it and how to stop it is a good question.

However, these questions are meaningless to Xiao Xiao, who has lost her emotions. For her at this moment, she just needs to pick up the spear, and then—fight!

In this special state, it took Xiao Xiao less than a few minutes to come to the depths of Longji Mountain, where the 'monster' was located.

Calling it a monster is actually not right, because the 'it' that entered the body of the corpse king is also in the form of a human by coincidence; however, it is not right to use a creature to describe it without calling it a monster, because this It is the corpse king from the mythical tales—'Dragon'!

In the original dimension full of various myths, the drought was suppressed in an endless abyss prisoner that never saw the light of day.

At some point half a year ago in Earth time, in the abyss that should have no contact with the outside world, it was lucky to feel the 'light'.

At that time, the earth was experiencing a total solar eclipse and a meteor shower. In other words, it was the beginning of the cataclysm of the apocalypse; in addition, at the same time, the dimension to which the earth belongs and the mythological dimension also began to have a relationship.

That light is the dimensional loophole opened by the wonderful changes produced by the encounter between strange elements and mutated genes.

Coincidentally, these dimensional loopholes opened the original territory of the 'corpse'.

The original size of the 'corpse area' is about the size of the entire Milky Way, but because the owner of this land, the scorpion, has been imprisoned for an unknown number of years because of the defeat, the entire area is lifeless, and there is no creature on it. wandering.

But just because there is no living thing doesn't mean there is nothing else.

The exclusive weapon of the scorpion, that is, the corpse virus, is still alive in the whole area of ​​​​corpses, and has never stopped.

When the dimensional loophole was opened, these corpse viruses took the ride of strange elements and directly invaded the earth, causing the humans who failed to mutate to not die, but become endless zombies.

That's right, without these viruses, zombies wouldn't appear at all! The ones that will appear can be called 'zombies' at most.

The biggest difference between zombies and loss is two points. The first point is that one type will evolve and the other type will not evolve. The second point is that one type will be infected and the other type will not be infectious!

What doesn't evolve, isn't infectious, is a zombie.

Evolving, infectious, zombies.

The reason why zombies have these strange characteristics is actually caused by this virus weapon made by the scorpion.

In other words, these zombies are actually soldiers under the scorpion!

At that time, it was a bit similar to the kind of Western Necromancer. It would transform all the creatures that died under its hands into its own corpse soldiers and corpses, and then let them fight for it, and also let them continue to evolve, making it It's very easy to fight with war.

In the dimension of mythology, there are actually human beings, and there are many strong human beings who have broken through the boundaries and become gods. Naturally, this kind of drought that offends 'human beings' is naturally targeted!

Because of this act of blaspheming the dead, it is now being united by the gods belonging to human beings to suppress it in this endless abyss—not that I don’t want to kill it, but this kind of existence that has appeared since the beginning of time, wants to Killing is nearly impossible, and even if a way to kill it is found, it will be another disaster when the next scythe comes along.

The mythical dimension is composed of two sides of light and darkness. As long as the world is not destroyed, the drought will be born again.

For once and for all, captivity was the best option, and that's what they did.

It was imprisoned for an unknown number of years. When it was about to lose consciousness, it suddenly felt that a new channel had appeared in its territory, that is, the area of ​​​​corpses. It is conceivable how ecstatic it was. of.

Knowing that he had a chance to escape, the scorpion kept making moves against the dimensional passages that appeared one by one, trying to make himself pass through those passages that were too small for him to reach another new world.

However, not long ago, it discovered that those dimensional channels have a tendency to accelerate and shrink.

Of course, this shrinking trend is because Xiao Xiao has been going to various places to collect strange elements that have been contaminated by it since half a year ago, so the channel composed of strange elements naturally began to shrink.

──No! How is this possible? Seeing that the air of freedom is within reach, how can it give up?

Feeling the panic, it made a decision that it regretted beyond its reach-holding the idea that it must come, it directly abandoned most of its body, only kept the core of its own soul, and directly relied on the hard squeeze to want. Come to the earth dimension.

This also caused the death of more than sixty lunatics, and it began to come.

At this time, it was also when Xiao Xiao's collection had stagnated and there were only 25 strange elements left on the earth.

It dares to make such a decision, naturally because it feels that the passage has no longer become smaller, so it dares to do so, otherwise, if the passage has to shrink and wants to squeeze hard, then it is not called escape, but to die!

Originally, during this period of time, if there was no systematic action, after one hundred and eighty years, the drought will successfully descend on the earth and rule everything here.

However, this is only if, in fact, the system has taken action, and it also intends to draw the bottom line and directly eliminate the culprit through dimensional strikes.

The drought, which felt the crisis inexplicably, naturally wanted to go even more madly, so it directly cut off most of the core of its own soul, leaving only one core point, and wanted to break through to the earth.

Anyway, as long as you successfully leave here, it doesn't matter how much it costs!

Feeling the imminent arrival of 'it', the earth is naturally not heavy, so it made the roar that Xiao Xiao and the system heard - that is the wail of Mother Earth!

At the same time, this was when Xiao Xiao took the spear and looked for it.


After seeing the body of the corpse king who had opened his eyes and turned his body into pitch-black, Xiao Xiao did not hesitate in his movements, and continued to sprint straight from the farthest point. It is intended to pierce it directly.

At this time, the drought had also reached a critical juncture, so he could only open his mouth angrily and roar, trying to stop Xiao Xiao's attack.

'I am your master! You must accept my orders, be sent by me, and in return, you will receive supreme honor! ’

Like talking and like a mental wave, Xiao Xiao Meng received this information.

However, Han Xiao misunderstood a bit—Xiao Xiao is a corpse, but it is not a corpse transformed by it, but a product left behind by the system.

Therefore, this meteorite spear did not hesitate at all, and still passed through the chest cavity of the scorpion.

Now, things are big.

He had already cut himself twice, but after such a blow, even his remaining sanity was shattered.

In other words, Xiao Xiao's blow directly created a lunatic who lost his mind!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

With five loud roars in a row, the dry scorpion, who had lost his mind, directly absorbed the part that was still in the area of ​​​​corpse into energy, and then directly sent Xiao Xiao flying.

After Xiao Xiao was beaten out, he directly broke four or five stone pillars, and then turned over and half-knelt on the ground.

At this moment, everything was silent first, and the roaring sound originally emitted by the earth stopped.

After that, it was a shock!


The entire earth cracked directly, and the original jungle appearance no longer existed, replaced by a huge stone seat.

Standing in the center, the scorpion stared at Xiao Xiao expressionlessly, then raised his hand and waved it gently. Countless sand and stones flew up from the ground, bombarding the place where Xiao Xiao was like a machine gun.

As for the attack of the scorpion, Xiao Xiao, who has already entered the final weapon state, naturally will not sit still. He holds up the spear and starts to run with the scorpion as the center, intending to find the next space where he can dash forward.

However, the attack of the scorpion did not stop. No matter how fast Xiao Xiao moved, those stones would always hit the ground on which Xiao Xiao stood a moment ago—as long as she slowed down, she would be attacked!

Suddenly, the stone wall that appeared in front of Xiao Xiao turned out to be a large obstacle that Han Yan wanted to block Xiao Xiao's path.

It's a pity that Xiao Xiao has no fear at this moment, so her coping method is to directly bump into it and sink her body into the stone wall.

Afterwards, taking advantage of the period of entering the stone wall, he switched from defense to attack, turned his direction straight in the stone wall, and stabbed Han Yan.


With a crisp sound, Xiao Xiao's attack this time successfully hit the drought, but that's all.

Different from just now, Xiao Xiao's spear did not pierce the body of the scorpion, but was blocked on the skin of the scorpion.

The originally expressionless Han Xiao suddenly looked at Xiao Xiao with a half-smile, and then reached out and firmly grasped the weapon that originally belonged to Xiao Xiao.

'It's me, now! ’

Xiao Xiao was shocked that something was wrong, and when he wanted to leave, he found that his body had been covered by sand at some point.

‘You are eligible to be in my collection, you are special. ’

Obviously, Xiao Xiao lost, so suddenly.

Just when she thought her attack hit, she found out that the other party was just teasing her!

Slowly, Xiao Xiao lost the ability to control her limbs. At this time, the system's words flashed in her mind... 'Run away, if you don't run away, don't rush! ’

"It turns out... the gap is so big..."

Before entering the darkness, Xiao Xiao, who had regained his senses, understood how ridiculous her recklessness was.

I can't even last a few seconds! So, who can't save her who can't even do this?


However, Xiao Xiao's failure is not the end, but the beginning.

Originally irrational, when it called out the stone platform, the backhand it kept in the stone platform took effect.

Although it has lost 99% of its ability, it feels that it only has 1% of its ability, and it is invincible here!

In addition, after recovering its sanity, it also felt that there were countless small worlds outside this world! And most importantly, it's all ownerless!

This makes it very excited, it knows that the world is about to belong to it!

You must know that in the mythological dimension, every world is already owned. If it weren't for the existence of the strange attributes of the corpse region that belongs to it, it would have long lost its place when the gods rose. !

At this moment, a madness flashed in the eyes of the scorpion.

"Come on! Let me own this beautiful world!"

However, when it was preparing to show off with Xiao Xiao, who was almost made into a specimen, another black hole appeared in front of it.

"The future of this world doesn't belong to you, you shouldn't be here..."

With a sigh, a translucent light came out of the black hole.

"Who! Who!"

The original calm expression of the dry man, when he saw this black hole appear, there was an emotion called fear.

At this time, the pile of sand that had covered Xiao Xiao suddenly disappeared.

"Zero, you take that child away first, the next picture is too bloody, it's better not to let her see it."

"Got it!" The cheerful voice of the system sounded, and then Xiao Xiao was directly stuffed into the space that belonged to it.

"It's done!"

Even though the two light spheres in front of him regarded it as nothing, but the drought still did not dare to support it at all.

how many years? How old is it? How long has it been without feeling the emotion of fear?

"This thing..." At this time, the relatively large ball of light finally gave its 'eyes' to the scorpion.

"Kill it!" The system... No, it should be said that he saw the culprit, and directly asked his own adults to destroy this harmful thing to mankind.

What are you kidding? Although Xiao Xiao is stupid, it is the only one who can bully her. What kind of **** is this shit? The person who rectified Xiao Xiao had asked her if she had been tragic!

Like a puppy whose food has been robbed, Zero stared at the scorpion fiercely.

However, when he heard the word "kill" at this moment, the terrified Han Xiao didn't have any special emotions, instead he only had a calm thought - 'Are you going to die? Is it good to smell the air of freedom before you die? ’

"No!" However, the big ball of light rejected Zero's proposal.

"Although it has disrupted the order here, it cannot die here... I will send it back!"

Hearing that he was going to return to the cage, the fear suddenly changed.

Do not! It would rather die here than go back to the dark darkness!

Unfortunately, its opinion was not considered by the light ball, so even though it was unwilling, it was directly pulled out of the body by the light ball and thrown back into the cage of the mythical dimension.

"Do not!!"

The screams of the drought were still coming, but at this moment, the light ball and zero could no longer be heard.

"Okay, now it's time to solve your problem, Zero." Seeing that the obstacle had disappeared, the large light ball stared straight at the small light ball and asked, "Do you have anything to explain?"

"...I...this...that...hehe!" The trumpet light ball no longer refers to himself in this system, but instead refers to himself as 'I'.

It turned out—there was no system at all, and Zero was originally a member of the spiritual civilization!

It's just that it fell to the earth through a dimensional channel in an accident, and only after finding that things were serious did it come forward to repair the related problems it created.
