MTL - The Dead Cycle-Chapter 43 Lost Butterfly

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The sound of the flowing water has been echoing in Yin Yin's ears. For a moment, Yin Yin felt that he had returned to his old home when he was a child. It seemed that he could only see the Muma River that had never stopped when he opened his eyes.

The sun was shining on the body, it was warm, and occasionally there was a breeze blowing, the leaves were rustling.

So comfortable, Yin Yin wanted to sleep like this forever.

But a subconscious voice kept telling me to wake up quickly.

Yin Yin, who didn't know where he came from, was a little upset.

Her eyebrows moved, then her eyelids slowly opened a slit.

The first thing Yin Yin saw was a ray of light, which was dazzling, and she couldn't help but close her eyes again. After gradually adapting to this light, Yin Yin tried to open her eyes again.

The scenery in front of me is strange, but it is very beautiful. At least Yin Yin can see the flowing river and the lush trees. There were even passing animals.

There was a feeling of pain, not where it hurts, or where it hurts.

Pain really makes people conscious. Yin Yin remembered everything at this moment.

She fell off the cliff, no, she was pushed down by the cliff! She thought she was going to die, and she wanted to wear it back to the original world, but in the current situation, not only did she not die, but she also stayed in the world of "All Prosperous".

Well, according to the second law of the novel, the person who falls off the cliff must not die. It seems that although he is a female partner, he fell on the cliff with the protagonist, but still got a little light from the protagonist's halo.

protagonist? Yin Yin's heart suddenly tightened. Just before she passed out, she seemed to hear a lingering voice.

Linglong! !! !!

I don't know where the strength came from, Yin Yin sat up from the ground as soon as he turned over, anxiously looking for the lingering figure.

In fact, there was no need to look for it, because Linglong was lying next to her, and his hand was even placed on Yin Yin's waist. Yin Yin turned around and saw Ling Long's sleeping face.

Asleep? This is clearly a coma. Hey!

Yin Yin knelt on the ground and patted Linglong's face gently, "Linglong?"

Linglong didn't respond, but Yin Yin's response was great.

It's hot!

Linglong's body was hot, her face was pale, her lips were cracked, and Yin Yin anxiously called again, "Linglong!"

Still no response.

Yin Yin's gaze stayed on Linglong's injured right hand. The blood had dried up, but it showed an ominous black-purple color.

poisonous! !! !!

Yin Yin suddenly panicked, the arrows were actually poisoned! Du Qian Qian, the **** who killed thousands of swords! Actually this black hand must go to the actor!

In fact, Du Qianchan did not expect that things would develop like this.

But what should I do? How to help Linglong detoxify?

In all TV novels and literature that Yin Yin has seen, usually at this time, the poison is sucked out with his mouth.

But all TV novels and literary works also say that this is very risky, because it is likely that they will also be poisoned.

But Yin Yin can't take care of that much now, she doesn't know if it's useful or not, but decided to do it.

She tore open Linglong's sleeves and looked at the slightly stinging wound. She could not help frowning, Linglong must be painful. She bent down and buried her head, just as she was about to start her blood-sucking career, but saw the puppet doll that fell beside Linglong.

It was the one Sangze had done to himself.

Yin Yin remembered that she was distressed by the puppet doll in bed before going out to Yundaigu, so when Baiwenwu knocked on the door, she received the doll in her arms.

Subconsciously, she reached out and picked up the puppet doll, but raised only one arm of the doll.

Apparently, this puppet doll has broken. It's just ... why does it seem hollow?

With a frown, Yin Yin picked up the doll and found that it was really hollow. In the hollow part of the belly, there was a black pill and a small note.

Yin Yin opened the small note doubtfully, only three words were written on it-Qixing Pill.

Qixing Pill? Is it a pill made from Qixing grass? Yin Yin heard Jia Qing said that Qixingcao can cure 100 poisons.


What rhythm is this now?

Yin Yin suddenly had a sense of sight when he opened a treasure chest by himself, and the screen displayed the words "Seven Star Pill x1".

Although there are a lot of questions now, the most important one is, is this Qixing Pill true? Want to eat Linglong?

Yin Yin took this Qixing Wan in his hand for a long time, and finally decided to take a bet. Anyway, the situation will not be worse than now.

Yin Yin carefully lifted Linglong, opened his mouth, put Qixing Wan in, and finally raised his chin so that Qixing Wan could slide down his throat.

After doing this series of moves, Yin Yin was already sweating.

But now there is no time for her to rest. She limped to the river, scooped a spoonful of river water with a freshly picked leaf, and then carefully walked to Linglong with the leaves, and put the water a little The ground was fed into his mouth.

Yin Yin tore off a rag from her clothes, limped again to the river, wet the rag, walked back to Linglong, and started cleaning the wound for him.

Looking at the wound that was gradually cleaned by herself, and no longer so sloppy, Yin Yin's heart was finally more comfortable. She tore off a piece of clean cloth and carefully bandaged the wound on Linglong's hand.

She was suddenly grateful that she had impersonated a doctor before and learned a lot about medical knowledge and dressing.

After wiping Linglong's face with a wet cloth, Yin Yin finally went to the river to clean the wet cloth, and then folded it on Linglong's forehead.

After doing this series of things, Yin Yin exhaled from her chest, and she was so tired that she collapsed to the ground.

I'm so thirsty that I knew I was taking a sip of water just now, but now Yin Yin doesn't want to move any more. She lay down next to Linglong, and then stared at Linglong's face intently.

Linglong's face had begun to have a little blood, and it seemed that the antidote should be real, and Yin Yin's hanging heart finally let go. She looked at the sky, it was almost noon, and the sun suddenly became a little strong.

Linglong frowned slightly, Yin Yin was startled, and immediately sat up from the ground, "Linglong?"

Linglong still didn't respond, but still frowned.

Yin Yin looked up at the sky. Is the sunshine too dazzling? But she didn't want to move Linglong ...

She stretched out her palm, blocking it over Linglong's eyes, and the shadow cast by her palm really stretched Linglong's frivolous brow.

So Yin Yin kept holding her right hand like this, staring at Linglong who was still in a coma, and from time to time tested the temperature on Linglong with her other hand.

Time passes by this minute by minute, and from time to time there will be a few birds hovering over Yin Yin's head, and even boldly will stop singing a song on Yin Yin's shoulder. The river was still flowing, it seemed to be accompaniment to the singing of the bird.

Yin Yin just looked down at Linglong with her eyes closed tightly, and occasionally changed her hand to shield him from the sun. Both hands had begun to feel unconscious, but Yin Yin's mouth always had a faint smile. Finally, Linglong's eyelids moved, and Yin Yin noticed the change for the first time, staring nervously at him, not even daring to breathe.

Linglong finally opened her eyes. The amber pupil was not as clear as usual, but was covered with a thin layer of mist.

"Hidden ..." Linglong's lips moved, and her voice seemed a little hoarse.

"Linglong! You finally woke up Linglong!" Yin Yin swooped on Linglong and burst into tears. "Frightened me, I thought you could never wake up again, woohoo."

"Uh," Linglong raised her hand and pushed the person on her body, "You ... heavy, can you get up first ..."

Yin Yin: "..."

She swears that she will never be smart again!

From Linglong's body, Yin Yin turned her head away from looking at Linglong.

Linglong looked at her awkward back of her head, helplessly stood up and sat up, but her right hand touched the wound because of this movement, Linglong whispered softly.

"What's the matter with you ?!" Yin Yin turned her head nervously. "Your right hand is injured, don't move around!" Yin Yin carefully examined the wound on Linglong's right arm to see if there were any signs of tearing again. .

"I'm fine." Linglong dialed the messy hair in front of Yin Yin's forehead. "Have you been hurt?"

Yin Yin shook her head. In fact, there are not many injuries of various sizes on the body, but compared to Linglong injuries, this is nothing.

"How is my poison solved?" Linglong looked at Yin Yin in doubt.

"Do you remember the puppet doll that Sang Ze gave me?" Yin Yin held up a fragment of the doll. "I don't know why, this doll turned out to be hollow, and there was a Qixing Pill inside."

Yin Yin looked at the doll in her hand, and was puzzled. Who put Qixing Wan in it, and why did she put it inside? And what about Li Li?

Although there are many problems, at least one is solved-Du Qian shallow has no falling cliff. So ... does it mean that the world will not cycle? Yin Yin blinked. At least for the moment, time still passed.

But then Yin Yin noticed another problem. The plot of "Exhausting the Prosperity" ended with Du Qian Qian's suicide, which means that what happened from now on is not written in the novel. Original plot? !!

She was suddenly nervous and excited.

"Let's find a way to get out of here first." Linglong stood up from the ground, Yin Yin quickly got up to help him, but forgot that his feet had already been sprained.

"Oh!" Yin Yin howled in pain, startling Linglong.

"What's wrong?" Ling Long glanced up and down Yin Yin a few times, and then frowned, "Your feet are swollen like this, are you okay?"

Linglong lifted Yin Yin to the river and sat down, poking gently at Yin Yin's swollen ankle, "Does it hurt?"

"Well! Try it!" Yin Yin burst into tears.

Linglong tore off a piece of Yin Yin's clothes and simply bandaged Yin Yin's feet. Yin Yin made some criticisms about this, "Why tear my clothes?"

"Anyway yours has been torn, so don't tear my clothes anymore."

Yin Yin: "..."

Linglong is simply a white-eyed wolf!

For Yin Yin, I found a more suitable branch as a crutch, Linglong and Yin Yin turned around at the bottom of the cliff.

The author has something to say: Wo finally wrote away everyone else, leaving only the male and female owners.

What do you want them to do? Hahahahahahaha