MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 121 go home and add chicken thighs

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"Why are you so leisurely? As an assistant, can you sneak something into your stomach while you're in the air?"

Li Tian turned around and saw Zhang Yiyun standing behind her, Zhang Yiyun's eyes were slightly red, and when she looked closely, she could see the tears on her face, and Li Tian thought that the other party deliberately used such a relaxed tone Talking to her, I'm afraid I don't want her to know that I have cried.

So Li Tian hurriedly held the big red dates in front of Zhang Yiyun, smiled and said: "I just saw Xiaoluo, I know you are here too, isn't this waiting for you here with some food? , Come and have a taste, the jujube bought by the farmer, the dates I beat with dew this morning, are fresh."

Zhang Yiyun glanced at it and shook her head: "You are the best at saying things with your mouth. You can eat these things by yourself. I'll go over to Xiaoluo to take a look."

"Hey, don't go." Li Tian hurriedly stopped the person and said, "I was caught by the director to play tricks, did you see the one with the hoe? That's it, looks like a stupid girl similar."

"..." Zhang Yiyun saw it, not only that, but also Luo Xuange's hard-working performance, she really did what she was doing, this outfit was matched with a silly face, mixed in the crowd, if It wasn't that Li Tian pointed out that the person was her, but it was difficult for her to find it at a glance.

Zhang Yiyun glanced in the direction of Director Jiang Haixi and said with a smile: "If the old guy knew about this, he wouldn't be so angry to come and arrest him. Being kidnapped like this to be a supporting role is still a trick without even a single sentence."

Li Tian followed with a smirk, no one in the industry knew that the two directors were a little off, but no one said it clearly, let alone break ground on the heads of the two Taisui, but Luo Xuange today The move was really shocking.

Wang Gaoyi, the male lead, is ready. There will be a scene where An Ruoshui is injured by the villagers, and he escapes and leaves the small village with An Ruoshui on his back.

It's fine on the calf of the heroine, I stop when I say stop, remember it."

In order to ensure that there will be no accidents later, the director asked Luo Xuange to practice several times.

After confirming that Luo Xuange was really not surprised, Luo Xuange was brought on stage, and the filming of this scene was officially started.


An Ruoshui saw that Luo Xuange came out to play this scene, and she let go of her dangling heart. Although others would go through countless drills to ensure her safety, she was worried after all. .

Wang Gaoyi looked at Luo Xuange who changed clothes later, turned his head and whispered to the agent beside him: "Why does that dragon suit look so familiar?"

"..." The agent wanted to roll his eyes at Wang Gaoyi, but he never turned it over. He explained to Wang Gaoyi with a smile, "Isn't it familiar? That's the new pillar of Anshi Entertainment, An Ruoshui's rumored girlfriend. Be smart when acting later."

Wang Gaoyi is no longer a newcomer in this circle, so he naturally knows what the agent means by being smart.

With the thinking of an insider, he knew very well what the agent meant by the rumored girlfriend. What this rumored girlfriend said is that the underground love between the two was excavated, and the ugly thing was that who was taken care of by whom was discovered.

"I see." Wang Gaoyi nodded, although he didn't disdain some kind of means to get eyes', he went to trouble her deliberately.

This kind of thing can only be done by a fool.

When Wang Gaoyi came on the court, he politely said to Luo Xuange: "It's hard work and troublesome interests, but he also knows that this circle is not easy, as long as Luo Xuange doesn't come to provoke him , he naturally won't pay more attention to him because he uses some means to Luo Xuange's superiors' dislike."

In the crew, the protection of the actors is the top priority. If something happens to the people behind the scenes, they can immediately find someone else to replace them. Once an accident happens to the actors, in addition to changing people to make up I can only wait for the actors to recover slowly, or the play is shelved directly.

Luo Xuange's impression of Wang Gaoyi is not very good, but he also generally thinks that the other party is a good-hearted man.

After the filming started, Luo Xuange gave An Ruoshui a look to reassure her.

Just as Luo Xuange's **** was hitting, An Ruoshui made an appearance of pain in time, and Luo Xuange quickly retracted the hoe.

Soon Luo Xuange was squeezed away by others, Wang Gaoyi rushed in, struggling to block the beatings of the villagers, and crouched down to leave with An Ruoshui on his back.

An Ruoshui hesitated for a moment, and soon realized his identity, and used his acting skills to lie on Wang Gaoyi's body.

Wang Gaoyi saw An Ruoshui's hesitation just now, but the director didn't call to stop. As an actor, he naturally wouldn't go over the director and call to stop.


Wang Gaoyi was wearing a costume, squatting on the stone pile, looking at the director silently, expecting the director to tell An Ruoshui's inadequacies, after all, watching the goddess who is always aloof in the crew was picked by the director Crap, that's a really fun thing to do.

Unfortunately, until the next scene was ready to shoot, the director failed to tell the momentary hesitation and mistake of An Ruoshui.

Wang Gaoyi was confused and started a new round of shooting with An Ruoshui.

Finally, the whole afternoon of filming was over. In the evening, the director stood in front of the instrument with arms in his arms, watching, and said to the assistant director beside him, "Come and see."

The two stood together and watched carefully, and soon the assistant director exclaimed: "This is..."

"The performance, this is the result you wanted." Jiang Haixi patted the assistant director's shoulder excitedly: "The finishing touch."

Wang Gaoyi has been paying attention to the situation on the director's side, but when he saw the two standing there smiling heartily, he was very puzzled and planned to come and have a look.

Before he got close, Jiang Haixi began to call him: "Xiao Gao, come here. Come over here and see how this goes."

When Wang Gaoyi went to watch, he happened to see An Ruoshui lying on his back and hesitating.

, it's here... why did you hesitate for a while. Director, do you want another one tomorrow?"

"...Xiao Gao, I heard that you still have a dream of being a director. I think it's fine." Jiang Haixi said with a cold face.

Wang Gaoyi was stunned for a while, and his eyes turned to the assistant director. Well, if I'm not happy, I can start ridiculing when I take the opportunity. I'm not bad at heart, but that little thought is a bit unaccustomed to seeing.

He coughed and said with a pinched voice: "The script never says that the heroine likes the hero, everything is ambiguous created by the screenwriter."

"But..." Wang Gaoyi pointed to the script in the director's hand, and said incredulously: "Both of them died together, and later the male protagonist lost an arm to save her. A little bit. Could it be that you don't have any good feelings at all?"

"Why did the heroine come here? She just came here to seek death, she is just a living skin, she has no soul and no soul, how many times have I told you this sentence? I don't even like it myself The person, do you still expect her to like a scumbag who is rambunctious?"


Wang Gaoyi was stunned for a while, his understanding of the script, the male lead is a tender and warm man, how can he be a scumbag in the director's place?

Is the script misunderstood?

Fortunately, I didn't reveal it all just now. Wang Gaoyi was so frightened that a cold sweat broke out on his back.

Luo Xuange handed a dry towel to An Ruoshui in the distance, An Ruoshui took it uneasy. Carefully asked: "What's wrong?"

"I was thinking about one thing. When I was just filming, I hesitated for a moment. With Director Jiang's vicious eyes and critical spirit, I could definitely see it and would definitely bring it up. But today But there is no response at all, which makes me very strange." An Ruoshui frowned slightly, very incomprehensible.

Luo Xuange took An Ruoshui's script: "Shouldn't the hesitation there appear?"

She recalled An Ruoshui's performance in her mind, and hesitation should indeed appear.

Seeing An Ruoshui's more puzzled eyes, Luo Xuange took out the script and pointed to the paragraph and analyzed: "Look, it is written here that the heroine was injured, and the villagers chased and killed again. A line hangs. The man comes and takes him away. The man here is chasing her. There is a kind of heroic hero saving beauty in it. If the heroine does not leave, the man will definitely not leave. In the end, it is very likely that the entire tour group will be affected and die together in this village. But the heroine herself came to this small village to seek death. For others, she is running for her life, but she is the only one who is constantly struggling between life and death. For her, saving people needs to live with that person, but she is realistic I have to continue to face all the pain I have faced. If I die, I will be devastated, but these innocent people will be implicated by her. This moment of hesitation is inevitable. "

"Life and death struggle, life and death..." An Ruoshui suddenly realized, and finally understood what Jiang Dao had been emphasizing that the heroine was just a living skin.

I just didn't expect something that I couldn't figure out, Luo Xuange could easily understand it.

But thinking about Luo Xuange's usual style, she will ignore most of the love affairs, maybe this couple also directly ignore the possibility of love in her eyes, so she can see the drama more Chinese truth.

The staff and other actors were shocked by the interaction between the two people and their jaws dropped.

Wang Gaoyi came back from the director and happened to see this scene as well. He smiled coldly, thinking to himself that the rumors from the outside world were probably a bit true.

The look in Luo Xuange's eyes also changed, and he quickly put on a gentle and polite smile and stepped forward.

"This is Luo Xuange. The appearance just now is really too similar. If it wasn't for someone reminding me, I really couldn't tell." Wang Gaoyi came up and praised Luo Xuange. Then he smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here. I'm a martial arts fan. I liked kung fu when I was a child, and liked the rivers and lakes of happiness and enmity. It's a pity that in this era, we can't see the injustice and fight for justice. I just entered the circle and had fun in the play. I'm really really excited to see you today!"

"Hello, Mr. Wang." Before Luo Xuange came, Zhang Yiyun told her about some important roles in the crew, and she also remembered it firmly.

Now she sees contempt in Wang Gaoyi's eyes, but there is no hostility, so she naturally ignores Wang Gaoyi's unfriendliness towards her, and people come over with smiles to show their sympathy, whether it's true or false, Luo Xuange accepted it.

With a slight smile, she said to Wang Gaoyi, "Mr. Wang is very polite, I am very happy to see you today."

The author has something to say: Recently, the stupid author is obsessed with constellations, and he has carefully selected a constellation with a similar personality to my leader, um... not a thousand choices, one from twelve is also very Not easy.

Master Luo: Answer this seat loudly, love this seat, are you afraid? !