MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1830 fool

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Chapter 1830 Bullying

At night, the Thunder resounded through the entire city of Aitenburg.

The people who had just fallen asleep were awakened, but none of them got up and observed. They just muttered a few words of dissatisfaction and then retracted their heads back to the warm bed.

You know, the most unbearable thing about Aitandin is to get a bed in the winter night.

Gino was once no exception.

The young knight always struggled with his bed and bed because of his midnight duty and patrol. Every time he always felt that he was sealed on the bed, he didn't want to move.

At that time, he always felt that except for the bed, it was far away.

However, he is ultimately going to reach afar.

It used to be because of the sense of mission.

And now?

Touched the scabbard of the pillow.

Gino’s eyes are full of struggles.

Then all the struggles became firm.

He just wants to live.

Hey, hey.

"Gino Knight?"

After knocking on the door, a strange voice came.


With such words, Ginola opened the door.

There is no hesitation, no so-called vigilance.

In the cathedral, it should be safe, isn't it?

Outside the door stood a deacon of the 'dark church', the corner of the costume, telling people in front of Gino and the people who had previously 'blocked' in the room.

The difference is that the two previous ones were cold.

In front of me is a smile.

"Lord, what's the matter?"

Gino asked very kindly.

"Mortor wants to see you, please come with me."

The deacon answered very respectfully.

Then, on one side, in a half-bent posture, made a gesture of please.

An ordinary apologetic knight is not worthy of a deacon, but a patron saint called by the Privy Bishop is worth doing.


Gino nodded and didn't sort it out, so he followed the deacon and walked toward the depths of the cathedral.

As the apologetic knight of the cathedral, Gino did not really understand the cathedral.

In fact, most of the range of **** knights is limited, limited to the first half of the cathedral, the second half of the cathedral? Unless it has a special identity, it is impossible to enter.

Behind the deacon, all the way to the second half of the cathedral unimpeded.

Gino looked around with curiosity.

It’s not like the rumored grandeur, it’s not even bloody.

Like the first half of the cathedral, the same architectural style and decoration are similar except...

Ginno took a deep breath and glanced at the large number of ‘the dark hall’ deacons.

He never thought that there would be so many people in the 'dark church'.

More than he imagined.

Then he subconsciously prepared to pray.

Pray to the **** of 'fog'.

However, quickly, the young people reacted.

He quickly changed the prayer.

The prayer that originally pointed to the "Mist" **** turned into a ‘God of War, and, with the prayer to the God of War, Gino’s face could not be tolerated and became pious, and his eyes were pure and firm.

It seems that the previous experience has long since ceased to exist.


Sitting in the small hall, Motor looked serious.

The information obtained from His Majesty is far more serious than he imagined.

Not only does there really exist such a presence, but, according to the meaning of His Majesty, the other party seems to have appeared very early, far from the "black disaster" that the snakes said.

Of course, the Privy Bishop does not think that the snakes are deceiving him.

Nothing is that the snakes have not found it.

In this regard, Motor thinks it is normal.

You know, that's the guy who can even bully.

Not only bully the majesty, but also let the other party's messengers mix in.

As soon as he thought of what Sean did, the Privy Bishop became gnashing his teeth.

"Must be eradicated!"

Motor slammed his fist.

Compared with this hidden existence, the Aidin royal family, the demon hunter, the quiet night essays, etc. are nothing.

Because these forces are on the bright side.

They are all well known.

Some behaviors are branded in the bones, just look at them, they can know each other, and will follow each other's rules.

But the hidden existence is different.

Look at what the other person is doing.

This time, if the heir to the Aitante and the snakes is vigilant, once the other party is allowed to succeed, then a real war will be inevitable.

The Temple of War will never fear any enemy.

Can never be used by people!

Especially such a guy!

"Chorical world?"

"How can I make you succeed!"

"The whole world is my master!"

Motor said quietly in his heart.

Then he looked in the direction of the gate.

The door to the small hall is not closed, so Motor can see the young knight who followed the deacon.

"I hope you don't let me down!"

With such an idea, Mortor stood up.


Deacon, Gino, salute together.

Motor waved his hand at the deacon, indicating that the other party had left and looked at Gino.

"Gino, are you loyal to your majesty?"

Asked Motor.

"I am willing to use my life to protect my honor."

The young knight answered without hesitation on one knee.

At the moment when the voice fell, the young knight’s body had a faint white glow.

It's not really white, but what people see is really white.

Tough and honest.

This represents the loyalty to the God of War!

Or to say, faith.

Looking at such a firm belief in front of him, Motto’s serious face showed a smile.

"Get up, my child."

As he said, when Motor raised his hand, he lifted the young knight.

"I have arranged someone to teach you all kinds of knowledge."

"Include the swordsmanship you want."

“Not just basic, advanced.”

The Privy Bishop said softly.

Obviously, after confirming the belief of the young knight in front of him, Motto was completely relieved.

This is the test of His Majesty himself. He does not think that there is anything that can deceive the underarm.

In the same way, such a smart, keen and loyal young man deserves what the other party deserves.


"Want to deceive a god?"


"too difficult!"

"I can't do that!"

The upper evil spirit sighed, and then, the next moment, a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. It swayed his fingers and said to his Boss, proudly saying: "It is simple to deceive a mortal. After all, people The best thing is to deceive yourself."

"You gave him a hint?"

"Good choice."

"But be careful."

Qin Ran commented, reminding.

"Do not worry, Boss."

"I will never make a fake."

"And, I have more than one backhand."

The upper evil spirit is guaranteed.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not ask anything more.

Since the guarantee has been made, then the upper evil spirits will be able to do it, and Qin Ran believes in his own followers.

The upper evil spirit can easily feel such trust.

Not illusory.

Yes, it’s real.

Look at the contractual power in the depths of its soul.

It has already shinen far beyond the sun.

In this regard, the upper evil spirits have no worries.

It has already been appointed.

Although it still wants to return to the West Coast.

Step on and step on.

The familiar footsteps came from outside the tent.

"The bishop, the Highness of Colin, the Viscount of Little, the Earl of Valentin asked."

Rogette’s voice sounded.

"Invite two of you to come in."

The upper evil spirit said this, and Qin Ran’s gaze, in the latter’s slight decapitation, went straight ahead.

Some things that have been doomed, Qin Ran does not want to participate.

Just give it to your entourage.

A person who has such a good use of the evil spirits is not used, but also a person who is personally involved, not a fool, or a missing ten-contracted scroll.

Fortunately, Qin Ran is neither.


"Littel, do you really want to do this?"

“It’s no good for us to form an alliance with the “Mist” church?”

"And, is it worth us to change that secret?"

"That's what we paid for a great price!"

Earl Valentin couldn’t help but ask again.

In fact, this is the fourth time he has asked on the way.

And every time he gets the same answer.

This time?

not excluded.

"worth it!"

"The benefits of aligning with the "Mist" church will be far beyond our imagination."

The squinting of Little is like a real fox, and people can't help but think of swear words.

Again, the same answer, let Earl Valentin could not help but scratch his head.

He swayed his bloated body, walking on a small short leg and walking around the Viscount of Little.

Valentin has no doubt about the wisdom of his cousin.

However, this half-half practice is really disgusting.

If it was someone else, he had already pulled the sword and cut the other side down.

But my cousin?

He can't do it.


With a sigh, Count Valentin seems to be a discouraged ball.

Forget it.

Everything is handed over to my cousin.

Anyway, every time it is like this.

I only have to listen to the command.

After such an idea appeared in the bottom of his heart, Count Valentin completely relaxed, and then he began to look at the temporary camp of the 'Mist' church in the true sense.

Simple, but the defenses are doing well.

The eyes swept over the top tent, and Valentine, who was born as a hereditary nobleman, naturally could not see it.

But his education has made him understand that the layout is quite reasonable.

Look at the tower that looks like a ruin. It is enough to see everything in the camp and around. You only need a team of 4-6 guards to play ten times.

If you dig another trench, match a few war dogs, and set the antlers, it is enough to withstand the charge of 4-500 people.

“The people who are laid out should be experts.”

"But it is not orthodox, is the mercenary born?"

Count Valentin guessed.

As for Lenovo to Silvaca?

Sorry, Count Valentin is not good at thinking.

He prefers to hand over such things to Little.

It’s just a subconscious idea.

This behavioral pattern has not changed until the upper evil spirits are seen.

"Good evening, Bishop Simon."

After the ceremonial salute of the nobility, Valentine retreated to the side and handed it over to Little.

"How is the body recovering?"

The upper evil spirit asked Littel.


"After expelling the toxins, it is basically no problem."

“Thank you for your help again.”

Litle replied with a smile, with a close look.

No one is surprised by this closeness.

After all, that is the blessing of life.

Only the upper evil spirits know what this denominator represents, so its attitude is more gentle and natural.

"No thanks again."

"Littel has said that it has been countless times."

"And my answer is the same: saving you is just a coincidence - I thought I caught the guy's tail."

The upper evil spirit explained.

"That guy?"

Little glimpse.

Valentin, who is doing nothing, has also been attracted to his attention.


After the upper evil spirit nodded, it was revealed, and then it smiled a bit: "Although I should tell you everything, but please understand, I also have difficulties, this matter is too broad, I can't say it."


"A lot of things, we are all involuntarily."

"But like things like alliances, we can still be the masters of ourselves."

Litle first nodded, then said with a smile.


The upper evil spirit expressed surprise.

"Yes, alliance!"

"In order to show sincerity, I am willing to tell you a secret."

"The true identity of the Gino Knight!"

Little lost his voice.

"The true identity of the Gino Knight?"

The upper evil spirit was really surprised this time.

"Yes, he is also the direct blood of the royal family."

"According to the blood, he should be the cousin of His Royal Highness."

"Simply, he is the child of his sixth sister."

Litle explained.

"Sixth sister?"

The upper evil spirit is doubtful.

As far as he knows, the Aitantin royal family is almost in the same vein. Together with the witch curse of the past, there has been no so-called sister since the second world.

"That was the mistake that was left when the Fifth World expedition to the South."

"I have detailed evidence to prove everything I said."

"And, some secrets are enough to prove the blood."

Litle's words let the upper evil spirits turn sharply.

It smells unusual opportunities here.

Maybe you can do something to maximize your benefits.

Some ideas began to emerge from the minds of the upper evil spirits, but on the surface, it did not stop.

"This secret surprised me."

"I am willing to accept this secret and I am happy to accept Little's alliance."

"Similarly, I will also tell you the secret before."

Speaking of this, the upper evil spirit took a deep breath.

"In Aitante, there is a **** except the **** of war, the lady, and her majesty."

"The true sense of the gods."

"He is hiding in the dark, cholera everything."


Litle and Valentin exclaimed together.

Looking at the two surprised, the upper evil spirit continued without saying.

"And we, the royal family, the Temple of War, and the Secret Night Secrets are ready to unite and deal with Him."

"Of course, there is still..."

"you guys!"

(End of this chapter)