MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1261 Tenhikoban, 116

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Chapter 1261 Tian Yan Fan, one hundred and sixteen

Li Tian froze, then slowly turned around, "I didn't hide..."

Said, he slid his own things, "I am preparing to go home..."

He was so well-behaved that Gu Yan couldn't make a fuss, and he only stood there with his elbows unhappy. "That's not going to hurry!"


Everyone saw that Li Tian was so dingy away, and one of his colleagues forced him to secretly. "Do you see Xiaotian like this, like a wife?"

The people around him quickly hit his head!

"You don't want to die?! The other party is a big boss who kills people without blinking! Twenty people are dead in his hands. You actually said that he is like a woman?!"

"I... I don't mean this..."

"You clearly say that your wife is strict!"


On the other side, on the way back, Gu Yan saw the coughing of the sky, and endured it, and quickly stepped forward to grab his hand.

"What are you doing?!" Li Tian was shocked, and his hands were so fast! "Men and men don't kiss each other!"

Gu Yan was very sure that he heard his blue veins jumping. He bit his teeth and reached out again. He moved slowly and unmovably, grabbed his hand, and then passed the aura.

"Do you want to take the disease back, infect the two small ones?"

See Gu Yan just to treat him, Li Tian heart is loose, "still you think thoughtful."

Yun Qi didn't say it, but it was really too small.

"Hey." He didn't think very thoughtfully!

This kind of awkward and cautious, let the atmosphere of the home really dignified for a few days, even the little sister-in-law at home felt the atmosphere dignified, and did not dare to go to Gu Yan, let alone kiss.

Fortunately, after Gu Yan’s experiment was officially passed, he was also busy, and Li Tian had a chance to breathe.

On this day, Gu Yan went out, and Li Tian frowned and shook his body. It was like a snail holding a jealousy carefully, basking in the sun in the yard, and the eyebrows were dignified.

The super computer couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong with you? Your personality is clearly unintentional, low in emotional intelligence, and thick in nerves. How have you been so sensitive recently?"

Li Tian licked his lips, and the little scorpion in his arms blinked and looked at him with a curious look.

For a while, the little scorpion grows up a lot, and grows fast enough to climb. This will hang on Li Tian and try to climb. The small nose is also keen to capture the suspicious smell.

The supercomputer suspected, "Are you really... is it open?"

Li Tian suddenly stood up like a needle butt, and then yelled loudly!

"Are you kidding? I am also open to women, don't say it!"

The supercomputer is very innocent. "I didn't say that you are open to men. What do you mean by flustered?"

Li Tianton suddenly paused, and suddenly said, "When I have succeeded in the experiment, I will go to find a woman to fall in love, for the purpose of marriage!"

Seeing Li Tian holding his fist and taking the oath, he said, the super computer is bombed. "You don't want to open it... it will kill the world..."

Li Tian felt that it did not understand the situation. "I have said that after I succeeded in the experiment, then the end of the world will be solved. How can it be destroyed?"

There is nothing to say about the supercomputer. After thinking about it for two days, I thought of such a solution that made people think out. No, it must stop!

Ever since, it quickly sent a message to Gu Yan through the surrounding radio!

"I am Li Tian's colleague. Li Tian wants to find a girlfriend after the experiment is completed! I am afraid that he will be deceived and tell you kindly! You will persuade him!"

After the completion of the game, the super computer waited for Gu Yan to come to the door. Who knows that Gu Yan, who came to Tuen Mun without saying anything in the past, is very quiet today, and the news seems to be like a sinking sea.

Could it be... the news didn’t go out?

It quickly made up one.

"He said it was for marriage!!"

As a result, Gu Yan still did not return.

Li Tian stood up with her little nephew and thought about it. After a few days, he finally found a thorough solution. Men and men must not do it. Since Gu Yan’s fact cannot be changed, he changed himself. I believe that as long as he is properly married and has children, Gu Yan will give up and then start a new life like him. It will be like this.

"Decision, in fact, there is a good marriage target in the institute... Although the researcher Zhao is a little older, but the temperament is gentle, it is a woman who will feel very comfortable. The researcher is lively and dare to do, and I am also very happy to talk, just..."

Li Tian is a little bit guilty. "It’s just that I grew up so big, I haven’t been able to catch up with girls, super computers, or do you help me find a little cheats now? I will get it sooner or later.”

Super computer, "I broke the net, can't find it!"

"You still break the net?"

"Yes, since this computer is still single, I refuse to search all the things about love in the future!"

Li Tian was silent, and the little nephew in his arms smiled at the right time, just like laughing at him.

"That... I see that Gu Yan is in a bad mood recently. Would you like to help me find a copy of "The Girlfriend One Hundred and Eight Styles"?"

"Hey! Here are the results you want.

- 哄 girl experience!

- Two or three things that men have to say.

- Men, also need care! ”

After the super computer sneaked out, the dogleg said, "These are not enough, not enough for me!"

"..." Li Tian was laughed at by it, biting his teeth and saying, "If you still want to search, please help me find out how to uninstall the super computer, I am in a hurry! Now!"

"Don't... I just just crashed and I can search again..."

"Then I will let you search for my love cheats!"

"Sorry, I am dead again!"


Gu Yan put down his mobile phone, and the lab's cold light covered his pale face, and his expression did not reflect his anger.

On the side of the green fish tank, a white coat tied with hands and feet was at his feet, and he looked terrified. He did not seem to think that Gu Yan was so ferocious and dared to kidnap at the institute!

"Talk about it..." Gu Yan sat in the BOSS chair with a high-profile crystal cup in his hand, but it was not red wine, nor blood, but pale blue venom.

He took a sip like a wine tasting. Although his face was laughing, all the people around him had three steps back subconsciously after reading the information. Obviously, there was no good news.

The victim was shrunk to the ground and was even more horrified!

"Although even if you come to me one by one, there will be nothing, but I still want to hear you say, what plans do you have next, just now I have time, mood... not bad."