MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1581 Heavenly punishment tower

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Tiandao Palace is quite cold.

This kind of cold is not just because of the ice and snow world under the moon.

It is also because there are not many people on the mountain.

In the vast group of ice and snow palaces, it is only a few hundred people.

Walking between the streets, almost no pedestrians can be seen.

There are also no shops, hawkers and the like on the street.

The entire Heavenly Palace is as if it is a royal palace, solemn and majestic.

Not even the guards stationed there.

"This is the land where the gods and gods are resting and practicing. Therefore, only the most elite and loyal young talents are qualified to enter the Heavenly Palace to practice. After the expiration of the cultivation period, they will leave again. On weekdays, the Six Emperors and Six Emperors Among them, only the two stars, the Emperor and the Emperor, will live in the Heavenly Palace, and everyone else will be stationed in the territory of the Tiandao League."

Song Huang explained very carefully.

Heaven is invisible.

The road is impermanent.

There is a husband and wife in the town here, it really does not need the guardian of the immortal army.

To be honest, the image of Tiandao Palace is more in line with the setting of Li Mu’s heart.

The Immortal Army, like the Ascendant camp, is stationed in the city, and the road is more like a secular king.

But Li Mu also understands the ascendant camp.

Because the soaring camp is in the overall situation of the three pillars, it is always on the weakest side.

In comparison, the military has stronger mobility and combat capability than the Zongmen, and the links between them are closer. They can truly warm up the group and tap the entire potential of the entire camp.

After all, in order to survive.

Tiandao Palace is not small, it is an ice city.

The great palaces are all carved with sacred ice, and then blessed with immortality, which is extremely strong.

Sometimes the snow flutters and is extremely beautiful.

The central Heavenly Temple stands tall at the highest point, and is the largest building of the entire Tiandao Palace. Most of the buildings under it are the cultivation places of some talented disciples of Tiandao League.

Several emperors, with Li Mu, walked in the Heavenly Palace.

In the halls, the genius disciples who were all retreating were all told to go out and stand at the entrance of the main hall. When Li Mu and others came over, they bowed to Li Mu.

However, they are not qualified to talk to Li Mu.

Just know that from now on, Li Mu will be honored in this Tiandao Palace.

Quite a bit of a street tour.

About an hour later, I returned to the [Pan Gui Temple] where Li Mu lived.

In the hall.

"The gods and gods have entered a deep retreat. We have used a lot of methods. For the time being, we can't let the Father go out. So, you have to wait for the little son."

The dragon emperor is quite awkward.

Li Mu nodded and said: "What about the tower of the heavens?"

The Dragon Emperor said: "This matter has been confirmed. Tomorrow, the younger son can enter the Heavenly Prison Tower and meet with the rebellious."

Li Mu was overjoyed and said: "Great, thank you."

Long Tidao said: "This is what we should do."

Li Bai asked on the side: "About the telescope..."

Song Huangdao: "This matter, we have already discussed, basically we can be sure that the first telepresence was caused by the interference of the Taoist League and the opposite result."

Li Bai shook his head and said: "This matter is, after all, a thorn in our hearts. Moreover, for Li Mu, even if he finally decides to take charge of Tiandao League, the result of the last deduction is also a stumbling block. It is better to let the two Daxian , re-introduced once."

Long Tidao said: "It is not impossible. It is only the two emperors and the emperor. For the first time, they have paid a price and hurt their strength. In a short period of time, there is no way to open it. Heaven machine."

Guiguzidao: "No problem, I can help him."

Liu Bowen also shook the fan and said: "I would also like to contribute."

These two men are among the 36 pillars of the ascender, the most proficient in servant and divination.

The dragon emperor was slightly indulged.

For the strength of Guiguzi and Liu Bowen, they certainly agree.

The 36-column **** of the ascendant camp, all of them through the blood and fire, in the middle of the three days, is also the name of Hehewei, long-standing reputation.

"This is the case. It may be like this. The two will accompany me to the Star Observatory tomorrow. I will meet with the Emperor and the Emperor. I will discuss it in detail. How?"

Song Emperor and Longdi looked at each other and gave such a plan.

Li Bai and others naturally will not object.

After some deliberation, everyone left.

Li Mu was thinking in the hall.

Tonight's dinner, as well as the patrol, the performance of Tiandao League is impeccable.

Introducing him to all the geniuses of the Heavenly Palace, it is a complete demonstration of sincerity.

Li Mu has no doubt that Tiandaomeng’s statement.

Even Li Bai and others said that 'the celestial map is wrong,' and Li Mu is not in the heart.

The only thorn in my heart is the words that I want to say.

She said that she wanted to make Li Mu recover her memory.

What does this sentence mean?

Li Mu asked himself that his memory has been completely and completely restored.

There is no loss of memory or a blind spot.

What do you mean by the flower?

Li Mu is puzzling.

In the end, he had to suppress this idea and start practicing.

The Heavenly Palace is towering into the sky and is the place to be close to the avenue.

A great place to practice.

Li Mu will be repaired for a while, and he will start to extract the power of heaven and earth without any fear.

One night, the moment passed.

It was early on the second day.

When Li Mu finished his cultivation, the whole person’s spirit was full and unprecedented.

He faintly felt that his own realm was once again at the level that was about to break through.

If you are quiet again, you can break through to the next big realm.

However, today I am going to the Tiandao Pagoda.

Walk out of the hall.

Sure enough, the Dragon Emperor and the Red Emperor, as well as Li Bai and others, have been waiting.

Li Mu quickly apologized and said: "I practiced last night, I was too immersed..."

The Red Emperor and others, with a happy look, looked at Li Mu.

When Li Mu was practicing last night, the kind of heaven and earth was like a tornado funnel. The movement of madness surged and alerted many people.

In the Heavenly Palace, there are many outstanding geniuses of Tiandao League.

But no one can have such a movement during cultivation.

Even if it is repaired as a person who surpasses Li Mu, it will not be reached.

Sure enough, the ‘daozi’ created by the power of the main road of Mu Yunxian will be in the Heavenly Palace, so it will be so harmonious.


Heavenly punishment tower.

Located outside the Tiandao Palace, on the side of the bottomless ice, there is a tower of more than 60 meters high.

The ice tower is like the Tiandao Mountain. It has a round shape and is divided into seven layers.

The shape is simple.

But when I walked in, standing on the edge of the ice, Li Mu knew that he was wrong.

More than sixty honeys that were originally exposed to the ice were just the 'tip of the iceberg'. The other locations of the ice tower were embedded in the ice. From the wall of the ice, you can see it faintly. There are several kilometers of ice tower outlines that extend all the way down.

"The son, this day, the tower, only two people can go in."

Long Di introduced: "After a while, I waited to open the tower, and I went with the son. The king of the West was extremely sinful. He was always held at the bottom of the ice tower. It may take some time. On the way down, the son of the son Be close to my footsteps, don't do other moves, otherwise there will be danger."

Li Mu nodded and expressed understanding.

Song Huang and others directly sacrificed twelve letters.

These are the letters of the Six Emperors and Six Emperors, which were originally awarded by the husband of Mu Yunxian.

The letters are suspended in the air, combined into a rounded mark, emitting twelve singular brilliance, directly at the top of the ice tower.


The entire ice, as if who trembled.

Just look at the top layer of the ice tower, an original ice door that is tightly stitched, and slowly open.

A gust of snow spurted out of the door of the black hole.

The Dragon Emperor shot a handprint and collected the twelve letters, which were turned into a torch-like thing. He took the torch and stepped into the ice door.

Li Mu followed closely.

Li Bai and others can only wait outside.

After all, the Tiandao Penalty Tower is the core of Tiandao League. Even if they are VIPs, they have no right to enter.

Inside the tower.

The light is dark.

The ‘Heat of the Hand’ in the hands of the Dragon Emperor released a red radiance, which embodies Li Mu and his figure.

At the moment when the two entered, the tower door suddenly closed.

In an instant, the darkness drowned together.

With the light of ‘Hot’, Li Mu vaguely saw that there was a darkness around him, and there was a fierce wind and snow whistling, and the snow fluttered like a blade.

Although he is extremely confident in his own strength, Li Mu has an intuition. If he is caught in this snow, he will be frozen into ice sculptures and will be destroyed.

At the foot, there is an ice sculpture step that keeps squatting down.

Very slippery.

It is also very narrow.

The dragon **** looked solemn, holding a torch and leading the way ahead.

Li Mu followed closely.

"The son is careful, the snow around the heavens, even if it is the strongest of the emperor and the sacred priests, it is difficult to survive the time of a cup of tea. It is the personal arrangement of the animal husbandry, and it is unreasonable. ""

He is not a jealous person.

But the surrounding environment is really too dangerous.

So I have to remind you over and over again.

When Li Mu heard it, he knew that he was still watching the snow around him.

Xiansheng is not only a tea time, but now he is repaired and falls into it, but it is only a few tens of seconds.

Keep going down.

It’s about a fragrant time.

The darkness around it is getting richer.

Wind and snow are also more and more raging.

In the darkness, there is a faint scream of the fearful beast.

There are also bursts of screams and sorrows like ghosts and sorrows.

It seems to be the same as Hell Huangquan.


A bolt of lightning passed through the darkness.

Li Mu suddenly had a feeling of creepy hair.

Terrible power.

Through the fleeting glimmer of lightning, Li Mu vaguely saw that he did not know how far away, a huge mountain-like giant body was frozen in the icebergs, and its eyes were still slightly shaking. It is a living thing.