MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1596 Open bow without turning back

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"In the end of the crisis, the two of us are naturally the safety of the loyalty of the heart." [War ancestors] said: "Just, now the crisis of the Dominion is only not in all areas, but in Above this mountain."

[Zizu] said: "Bai Zun adults, please take us up the mountain."

The two great-grand-level powerhouses, one after the other, released the position of cultivation, and surrounded the flowers and Li Mu. This is the power of the peak of the Xiansheng, and the principle of towing the road, isolating all the possibility of escape.


The flower wants to look angry and anger, said: "Do you dare to disobey the order of the Tao? I will give you a chance to retreat. Otherwise, the Taoist punishment will be one of the four ancestors, and there will be no Tolerance."

"Ha ha ha ha."

[War ancestors] laughed aloud and said: "Since we have made today's choice, we are not afraid of the wise words of your demon girl. In any case, we must see the Taoist side, even if we see it, we will be honored. I am willing to die."

"Why are so many nonsense, catch this demon girl and say it."

[Zhenzu] reached out and pointed.

Six lines of light, falling from the sky, formed a light prison, to imprison Li and the two.

The flower wants to hold Li Mu's right shoulder with one hand, and the body shape is moving. The purple light flashes. Before the light is completely closed, the light is closed. The next moment, the light is closed, and the things covered in it are turned into powder.

[War ancestors] left foot to the ground.


A road sword, generated from the ground, penetrated out, dense, thorns to the flowers and Li Mu.

Earth shakes.

Li Mu is a practice and moves to the limit.

I dare not have the slightest scorn.

With the strength of the Xiansheng class, with his current strength, you can't do it.

The flower wants to hold Li Mu with one hand and the right hand in the void.

A purple long sword emerged in the hands.

Swing the sword.


The savage earthen sword suddenly turned into a powder to dissipate.

[War ancestors] stepped out in a step, and instantly came to the front, a punch.

The road roared.

The world is shaking.

Before the flower wants to be in front of the body, the purple light silk layer is layered and crocheted, and instantly forms a light wall that flashes a million prosperous runes.


The fist smashed the wall.

The flower wants to let the mouth spurt a blood arrow.

With her cultivation, it is still not enough to confront the ancestors.

Obviously, after she entered the fairy door, she did not turn into a baby, but it also made the past life's cultivation a big drop. Now it is only the first stage of the immortal, just confrontation [war ancestors], [real ancestors 】 The two strong, as well as the protection of Li Mu, the drag bottle, naturally quickly defeated.

"Women, you will be awkward."

[The true ancestors] and then secretly secret, the light is re-opened.

"you go."

The flower wants to look like a face, the body is violent, and it is necessary to display a certain lack of secret technique to send Li Mu into a safe zone.


Li Mu sighed.

In the next moment, he and the flower-looking figure suddenly vanished, and in a strange way of retreating, they were extremely surprised to ignore the Taoist attack of [Zizu] and [War of the Warriors] and returned to Dao Zunshan. Range of shields.


"how come?"

The two great ancestors were shocked.

The power just now is beyond the scope of their understanding. It was actually escaped by these two ‘[鳖中之鳖]’s moments.

However, the two were only slightly hesitant, and they shot again and rushed toward the enchantment of the Taoist Mountain.

Today's business, there is no turning back to the bow.

Regardless of the price, you have to hold your eyes and think about it.


The flower wants to be cold and cold.

The formation of the enchantment suddenly made a big splash, surging the light, and both the two strong players were bounced out.

But the flowers want to accommodate the nose and mouth, and there is blood, and the injury is intensified.


She took Li Mu and stumbled to escape from the depths of Dao Zun Mountain.

But when I rushed to the kilometer, the whole person could not support it.

It became Li Mu carrying her.

"Fast, go up the mountain."

Flowers want to be arrogant if the hair is generally authentic.

She just used the method of Dao Zunshan to force the two ancestors to fly once and block them for a while.

If it is once again above the two ancestors, it is dangerous.

Li Mu is also well aware of it.

He bears the flowers and looks forward to the mountain road and rushes to the top of the mountain.

Under the overbearing pressure of the widow of Taishidao, it is already very difficult for a person to walk. It is even more difficult to carry a person on his back. Li Mu has not been so tired for a long time, and he gasps with a big mouth, his body bones seem to be like The whistling sound of giggling is almost unstoppable. Every step on the ground will take two deep footprints on the bluestone board.

Fortunately, his physical body is cultivated, and he has always been tyrannical to support.

But only halfway through the road, it is already sweating.

The ubiquitous vassal of the heavens and the earth is even more intensifying the wounds of the flowers, making her weaker.

Under the mountain.


The outer enchantment of Dao Zunshan finally disappeared.

[Zhengzu] and [War of the Warrior], with their tyrannical personal cultivation, they rushed into the enchantment.

A strong ancestor, the body is not weak.

Moreover, the pressure of the Taoist remains is difficult to completely retain the immortality in their bodies.

The two did not hesitate to follow the mountain road and rushed.

After half an hour.

Dao Zun Mountain.

Li Mu was almost tired of vomiting blood, and finally thought of the flower, back to the sycamore tree.

The Taoist remains are still quietly sitting under the tree.

The black hair flutters in the wind.


Li Mu held his hands on his knees and said: "There is no card, I can't get it out. Otherwise, I will be in trouble. I can feel that the two old goods are already catching up."

The flower wants to hold back against the trunk of the phoenix tree, and blood is flowing down the corner of the eye.

A mouth, the blood in the mouth is like a spring.

"There is no card."

She looked pale and looked awkwardly: "The power of war in [War of the Warrior] has ravaged me and has locked my source. Even if I want to use the Taoist will, it is impossible."

Li Mu’s expression was a stagnation.

"Little flowers, you... don't make a joke at this time."

His face is a little solidified.

"It's not a joke, it's me... I didn't expect the four ancestors to have long-distance hearts. They are afraid that they have long discovered that Dao Zun is dead, but they took photos of Dao Zun, and they dared not to attack. Once the Taoist League was in jeopardy, they decided to break the boat. "Flowers want to shake their heads and say: "Although I have the memory of the stone of the inheritance of skills, but the strength is not enough, it is difficult to keep them, these four ancestors They are all celestial giants, with a sinister gaze and rich experience. I still can't lie to them."

Li Mu’s face is even stiffer.

"It seems that I have to use the delimiter."

He gritted his teeth.

The flower wants to look brighter and said: "Yes, you still have the delimitation, just leave the broken paper and leave, don't worry about me."

Li Muyi, immediately said: "What do you mean? Is this the sign..."

"You can only take one person away."

The flower wants to admit: "Go fast, don't leave, it's too late."

The voice has not fallen.

"Go, where are you going?"

The voice of [War of the War] appeared.

The two great-grand-level powerhouses finally managed to catch up with the Taoist Mountain.