MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1631 Repetition

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Come to Xian, the quick report comes on the name. "

Seeing Li Mu's expression sluggish, the fairy general headed by that, asked again.

Li Mu just woke up like a dream.

Am I actually returning to the heyday of the heavenly court, when Nantianmen had not fallen yet?

Is this ... back in time?

He can only guess that way.

"Lost in the next lost fairy, chased and killed by the Kuroshio, unknowingly, came here, and ask everyone to be blamed."

Li Mu arched.


what is that?

Xianjiang and others are all puzzled.

"My view, Your Excellency, is already the practice of the Emperor's realm. Buddhism can reach this realm. Today, the two realms of Xianfan are rare, and they are hunted down. It seems that your enemy is extremely terrible."

The immortal will observe Li Mu and call Li Mu's Xiuwei in one sip, saying: "Well, very good, all in one body, bright and upright, it is the spirit of the fairy family, not the evil devil's crooked path, which is not bad."

In words, he quite agrees with Li Mu.

Li Mu's heart moved and said, "I was walking around and going out, and I was closed for a long time. I did n’t know what happened in this world, and when I was out of the gate, I was inexplicably chased. "

He wanted to stay at Nantianmen and figure out something.

"Haha, of course."

Headed by the immortal general, he was quite heroic and laughed, and said, "I'm Qin Kongyu, the guard of Nantian Gate Post. You are qualified to enter Nantian Gate ... By the way, don't you know the name of Tao Yougui?"

Li Mudao: "Let's repair Li Mu casually."

"Haha, okay, come here, take Li Daoyou to the post to rest."

Qin airspace waved.

There was a female fairy general next to her, with a charming and handsome face, and reached out to signal Mu Mu to enter Nantianmen with herself.

"Thank you."

Li Mu arched his hand.

He followed the female fairy general, entered Nantianmen, crossed the hall, and came to the temporary post behind.

Looking ahead, I saw a rather bustling town appearing ahead.

Perhaps it is because of the relationship between the army and the army. The buildings are mostly masonry, with simple and elegant shapes, no luxury, but a living atmosphere. Fairies walking on the street, there are sergeants wearing armor, and ordinary fairies in plain clothes and old people. And children too.

"This is the ruined town I saw before."

Li Mu secretly said.

It was before the town was destroyed by the war.

Is it really time travel?

"What is your fairy name?"

He asked.

The female fairy said: "The end general Wei Rulan."

"General Wei, I don't know if you know Master Qin Han at Tiangeguan?"

Li Mu tested the tone.

Wei Rulan's face immediately showed a touch of respect, saying: "Master Qin is a famous star in the heavenly courts, the majestic Quartet, and the giant spirit army he led, is also a strong force in the main battles of the heavenly courts, sitting in Tiange Guanwan Years, standing still. "

"The relationship between Nantianmen and Tiangeguan is ..." Li Mu said.

Wei Rulan said: "South Tianmen is the southernmost post in Tianting and belongs to Tiangeguan."

She had no alert to Li Mu, and answered all the questions she could answer.

Soon, Li Mu was taken to the gate of a courtyard.


Wei Rulan knocked on the door.


The door opens.

A wonderful young woman wearing a pale cyan fairy skirt jumped out of it, and hung it around Wei Rulan's neck like a koala, and said, "Wow, sister-in-law, are you going to pay off today in advance? My brother Hey? I do n’t see him so much? Hey? Who is this handsome little boy next to you? "

A very lively little fairy who looks seventeen or eighteen years old. When she laughs, her eyes narrow into a small crescent moon, and the little white tiger teeth are full of aura.

"This Mr. Li Mu, rest by passing Nantianmen, Linger, don't make a fool."

Wei Rulan helplessly dragged Linger from his neck and said, "Let Mr. Li stay in the guest room temporarily. Your brother will be on duty later, and he will come to entertain you personally."


Linger spit out his tongue and looked at Li Mu curiously, and said, "Mr. Li ... hehe, come with me."

At first glance, Li Mu felt that it was going to be settled at home. The immortals in this heavenly court were really hospitable. They took such a stranger directly to their homes and took no precautions.

Is it because of confidence in the deterrence of heaven?

Or are you confident in your strength?

"So it's more disturbing."

Li Mu followed Linger.

Little Tiger Tooth Fairy 叽叽喳喳, talks a lot.

In a few words, Li Mu made it clear that Wei Rulan was actually the wife of Qin Kongyu, the guard of Nantian Gate Post, while Qin Kongyu was the second son of General Qin Han of Tiangeguan.


"Hee hee, my elder brother values ​​you so much, he entertained you and stayed in Shou Jiangfu."

Qin Linger took Li Mu to a separate hospital and set him down with a smile.

The so-called shogun house is only three times before and after. The other courtyard where Li Mu is located is a small courtyard on the right side of the front yard, occupying less than three points, three chic stone houses, a peach tree and peach blossom in the courtyard. It was beautifully opened, a round stone table under the tree, with four stone chairs.



"Will you entertain guests during weekdays?"

Li Mu asked.

Qin Linger sat on the stone chair with his hands on his chin, his eyes blinked, and he said, "Here it is."

Li Mu: "..."

Then why did you just use the word "actually", it looks very unexpected.

"An avant-garde outpost has such a large scale. It is really amazing. The power of heaven must be the first in the world, right?"

Li Mu laughed.

The little girl nodded again and again: "Of course, it is not only the first in the world, but also the first in ancient times. There are no ancients before, and no one comes after. They dominate the two realms of Xianfan."

She has a strong sense of heaven.

Li Mudao: "I came here from a small place in a backcountry. It was really an eye-opener, but with such a strong court, what kind of person was it? Since when did you have it?"

The little girl said with a smile: "Hee hee, I know this. Hongmeng is apart, the universe has begun to evolve, the unity is renewed, and Vientiane is renewed. At the beginning of this unity, souls began to cultivate, and the immortal path was gradually born. In this unity, one after another One Taoist ancestor, under the Taoist ancestors, there are five disciples called the Five Great Emperors. They are affected by the chaos of the Immortal Road, the exchange of life and soul, the countless wars, and the endless death and injury. , Cutting evil spirits, destroying the demon head, and established the heaven, and now, there is enough time for Jiuhui. "


Li Mu reckoned.

Thirty years are one life, twelfth life is one life, and thirty years is one life.

The Twelfth Meeting is one yuan.

For a while, there are 10,800 years.

Jiuhui is almost 97,200 years old.

It is rumored that the universe is based on one yuan and there will be immense robberies.

Infinite annihilation.

The universe returns to chaos.

Then, turn on one yuan.

It's the so-called "reunification."