MTL - The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World-Chapter 15 The Earl who came out to fool you

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  Chapter 15 The earl who came out to fool you

  Today, Charlie is also going to come out to fool around, no, she is here to give a speech.

  Looking around, these shabby and ragged citizens look like big matches.

  The eyes of these people have changed a little.

  From numbness at the beginning, it has now become a slightly hopeful look, cast on her from all directions.

  Charlie stood on the wooden wine barrel brought by old Tom.

  Since overlooking these people from a height, Charleton has a pressure that he has never had before.

   That is the burden of nearly a hundred lives and deaths.

   Just as he met those pair of dull eyes, Charlie changed the draft.

   "I'm here to inform you that I foresee that one night in the future, there will be silverback wolves attacking the village."

   It's like dropping a bomb in calm water.

  Speaking of the monsters in the forest, these helpless citizens have long been frightened. They wish they could hide in their 'turtle shells' that are leaking everywhere.

  Then, silently and desperately waiting for the monsters to **** some unlucky ones from their territory.

   After that, the remaining people crawled out of the 'shell' and continued to live numbly.

  Old Tom wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

  However, just as panic was spreading among the crowd and the situation was becoming more and more difficult to control. Seeing that people were about to flee in all directions, Charlie turned his head to Miramie.

  Milami nodded, and then released an arcane spell, Flame Storm, into the sky.

  The powerful fire magic spell swept the sky above their heads in an instant like a fire phoenix flying high.

  The chaotic scene was immediately overwhelmed.

  The children who were frightened by the chaos just now and started to cry were looking at the sky in panic, and some even peed their pants in fright.

  The orange-red fire in the sky reflected the faces of these villagers.

The flame storm disappeared, but the fear on the faces of the villagers was still there. Charlie seized this moment and said loudly: "This is a great arcanist, he has powerful magic, and I, your lord, Charlie Wei Olette is also a powerful Arcanist!"

   "And there is only one reason for us to come here to tell you this! That is, I will fulfill the duty of a noble lord, protect my territory from infringement, and protect the lives of my subjects from being threatened!"

   "Those ferocious monsters, they ate many of you!"

   As he spoke, Charlie looked at the pair of black and thin mother and child in the loose crowd, and said, "Those monsters may have eaten your husband, the father of your child."

  The body of the mother and child trembled, but the eyes that had long been accustomed to numbness trembled again.

  Charlie looked away and looked at an ignorant old couple not far away, "They may have eaten your son, daughter, grandson, and granddaughter."

  There was a slight change in the numb faces of the two old and down-and-out couples. It was very complicated, from pain to numbness, and the hatred that could not be let go.

   "Perhaps you can force yourself to forget these people who have passed away and continue to live strong. But now, these monsters are coming again. They eat up everyone around you, and the next one will come to eat you."

"It's you?"

  He casually pointed at a young and middle-aged skinny man, who was so frightened that his legs gave way and he almost sat on the ground.

   "Or maybe it's you!"

  The finger points to a teenage girl with unkempt hair.

  The girl trembled, trembling, dominated by fear.

  Charlie's 'impassioned' speech successfully pushed the villagers' long-suppressed fears to the extreme.

  Melami, who was on the sidelines, felt that his student was crazy. Frightening these poor villagers crazy at this time would only give the silverback wolf more opportunities to take advantage of.

   "Probably every one of you!


   Do you really want to be 'meat' to these beasts forever? !

  Before, maybe you could only accept your fate in despair,

   But now, you are no longer weak and bully!

  It is no longer a 'livestock' that those animals can wantonly persecute!

  Because, I, your lord, explorer of the arcane path, Charlie Violet, will save you from fire and water! "

  Charlie was fooling around, and she was so absorbed in the speech that she had to forget that her current strength can only do one fireball a day.

  The so-called extremes will be reversed, and mourning soldiers will win.

  Fear and despair to the extreme turnaround is...

  One after another, the villagers stood up and walked out.

   Their eyes changed.


   "Follow the lord and kill those **** monsters!"


  Different from the excited citizens here, Myramie's eyes widened.

  He remembered that he was the only Arcanist here? ! But why does the baby apprentice say that they seem to have thousands of troops?

  What about those mercenaries? Don't you need to be called out as a meat shield?

  How many silver-backed wolves will come in the prophecy?

   If there are a dozen or so at once, he can't handle it alone!

  The so-called underdogs must win, and those who were about to be forced to die by the monsters did not take the lead if they did not resist before, and there was no one with comparable force value to let them see the hope of victory.

  When a variety of factors are achieved, then those blood feuds that have accumulated over time will be like a pile of gunpowder. Just a little spark can explode the sky and earth.

   And Charlie's words are like the sparks thrown towards the 'powder magazine'.

   Listening to Charlie's command, these people either took up weapons or dug some ravines as traps.

  In short, the sky is getting late, and gradually, the torches are gradually lit.

  Seeing those villagers who rekindled the "fire of hope of life" finally decided to stand up and resist, Milami also realized how powerful his disciple's mouth is.

   "Ah, Charlie, my student, why don't you call those mercenaries over? They are still very qualified as meat shields. After all...we don't know how many silverback wolves will attack."

  Charlie hesitated a little, and told his estimate.

   "Kana and the others were 'detained' here by you and Instructor Kapa. I already feel a little sorry for them. If I instruct them to fight for me again, I will feel ashamed."

   "...Ah, your character is better than I imagined, but this matter, maybe you can change the way of handling it, since you insist on keeping their lives."

  Although both Melami and Capa are more inclined to the 108 'seal' methods.

   "Hire them, you have too few people, only one ignorant maid, which is far from enough for you who have a territory. You can hire those mercenaries detained by Capa."

   "Make them permanent thugs in your domain."

  Charlie would certainly like it, but he wasn't sure if Scarface would say yes to them.

  Milami said that Charlie was thinking too much.

   "They have been strictly restricted by the contract of Capa, that old fox, and there is no possibility of breaking the contract. It is already like this. You are offering an olive branch, and they will definitely accept it."

   "Afterwards, whether you can resolve the depression in their hearts depends on your own ability, my dear student."

  Milami is not very good at everything other than arcane arts. He can only take this kind of thing briefly, probably because all red-robed arcanists like to use 'boom boom boom' to solve everything.

  Charlie's emerald green eyes narrowed slightly, and he already had a plan for the mercenaries, no longer the previous attitude of trying to keep his mouth shut.

  Because Charlie hasn't returned for a long time, the scarred face of the mercenary team and Searle still came out to look for it.

   After all, among the 538 restrictive contracts that Capa coerced them to sign in a short period of time, at least 89 of them elaborated on various situations and asked them to help as much as possible.

  When Scarface arrived, the villagers in the village were still in full swing setting up various traps, and the enthusiasm has not faded.

  Of course, the traps set up by these villagers are difficult to catch the scarred face of Ranger Searle.

   "What is this going to do?" Searle looked around at the villagers who were like firecrackers and exhaled in surprise.

  Charlie succinctly told Scarface that he foresaw the attack of the silverback wolf.

  Searle looked confused, staring and asked: "What?! You can make a prophecy in less than a day after touching the Ion Stone?!"

   Scarface's expression was also a little stagnant.

  Obviously, because of the "Dragon Is Coming" criminal record, the earl's reputation is already with them. No, Charlie has no reputation with them.

  However, Milami, who was standing behind Charlie, didn't know this, and said complacently: "He not only mastered the arcane arts of the prophecy department, but also the evocation department! Fireball, he can already release fireball!"

  With an arcanist like Myramy rectifying his name, Scarface and the others looked at Charlie suspiciously.

   "...Okay, my lord, then, what can we do for you?"

   "You guys came just in time. I saw three silverback wolves leaving the forest and attacking the villagers in the dark."

   "But I'm not sure if it's today or tomorrow, or ten days from now."

"In short, before eliminating the silverback wolf crisis, we try to concentrate the villagers in three houses, and at least one person can guard each house. Well, I ran out of arcane energy today, and the instructor told me that I need to be able to release fireballs again The surgery will have to wait until tomorrow."

   "So, Searle, you're with me."

  Zha ideally understands that the villagers cannot be allowed to stay at home, or if they are not careful, one of them may be snatched away by the cunning silver-backed wolf.

  She has less than a hundred laborers, and there are old, weak, sick and disabled among them, and she feels distressed if there is one less.

   After all, the castle has no food left, and the production of food must depend on her subjects.

  As Charlie planned.

  The villagers were divided into groups of about 30 people, and they lived in three adjacent larger houses on the floor, but obviously, fear and anger were mixed, and it was not easy to fall asleep that night.

   At midnight, when it was approaching the early morning, Charlie was already a little drowsy.

  Although Searle and Scarface were very vigilant, it was still difficult for them to fully trust Charlie. After all, they would never forget the scene of "the attack of the dragon".

   But, right out of their sight.

  Three strong silver-backed demon wolves the size of calves stick out their scarlet tongues, and their animal pupils are like ghost lights in the night.

  Three of them lined up, passed through the bushes almost at the same time, made a 'rustling' sound in the silent night, and left the Demonic Beast Forest to the east of Bella Village.

  They walked towards Bella Village, drooping their huge wolf heads from time to time, sniffing the ground.

  They remember that there is a group of delicious food living in this area without trees.

  Which foods are weak and delicious, and they will just hide and shiver in the dilapidated strange wooden houses, waiting for them to take them out of the 'nest'.

   Drag it into the woods and enjoy a feast.

  (end of this chapter)