MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 204

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The hint of the Black Tower is finished, and the river of fantasy is a short silence.

After a while, Tang Mo first said: "I can ask whatever you want, can you achieve it?"

Heshen smiled: "Of course, as long as I can do it."

Tang Mo’s heart immediately had an answer, but he did not ask for the exit, but looked at the two foreign players on the side. The four looked at each other quietly, and no one spoke.

Tang Mo calmly said: "Everyone can only choose one wine at a time, but if you want to pass the game, you must choose real banana wine, some people choose golden banana wine, some people choose silver banana wine. That is, now there are For four people, we choose at least one wine and at most three wines."

The blond foreigner made a laugh from his throat: "As you guessed it, this is a cooperative game."

Yes, the fifth-floor quest of Black Tower is to team up against the game, and its main line task is actually a cooperative game.

To get through this game, you must take the right banana wine and leave the river of fantasy. The former is very simple, just choose the real banana wine. The latter needs to cooperate.

Tang Mo turned his head and looked at the three wines that floated in front of the river god. They were gold, silver and black. However, the black wine is not necessarily the real banana wine, and the golden wine is not necessarily the golden banana wine.

Wine ** does not correspond to wine, ** is a blind eye.

This is the real difficulty of this game.

Can Raider the fifth floor of the Black Tower, David is not stupid. He said: "According to the present meaning, is it necessary to cooperate? First of all, we must distinguish what these three wines belong to, and then find someone to choose real banana wine, one chooses golden banana wine, one chooses silver. The golden guy turns the wine into a boat, and the silver guy turns the wine into a compass? It doesn’t sound too good. Anyway, I can ask the old guy four requests, let him help us find the wine. Enough."

"It won't be that simple." Fu Wen took a faint road.

David certainly knows that the fifth layer can't be that simple, but he can't keep up with these two earth survivors. He provoked: "Wow, the most powerful smuggler in China has something to say? Then you talk about it, I want to know how you want to pass."

There is no need to take care of this kind of provocation. Tang Mo interrupted him and asked straightforwardly: "Cooperation?"

David and Petezi glanced at each other and closed their mouths to look at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo no expression: "Two choices, cooperation or not cooperation. If the cooperation is difficult, the difficulty of the game is greatly reduced. If you don't cooperate, you can't see the customs clearance method. This game requires at least three people to pass the customs."

Pete laughed mockingly: "Three people?"

Tang Mo brushed out the small parasol and pointed to the two.

David angered: "What?"

Tang Mo did not take back the umbrella: "At present, Fu Wen and I have been on the river, and the force is not restricted. You are different. You can only stand on the water by this shield. To fight, we will definitely be jealous."

Pete: "We are dead, how do you pass the customs? You must choose three correct wines for three people to get through. If you two, how can you clear the customs? Or you want to get the guy from the **** monster team back. Come? Haha, she looks very weak, one person staying on the shore, may have been taken away by the underground officials and eaten."

Wen Yan, Tang Mo’s eyes glimpsed. Pete’s words hurt his heart, and Tang Mo was a bit worried about Chen’s safety. Chen Hao is very smart, but has no self-protection ability. It now appears that she is alone outside, more dangerous than falling off the river of fantasy. However, the situation was urgent and they had made the best choice.

Tang Mo did not pay attention to Pete’s words, but instead pushed the small parasol closer to a few points, and the voice was cold: “Cooperation does not cooperate?” There is a sense of not collaborating on the fish.

Pete didn't want to tear his face, but he was deliberately tempted by Tang: "Cooperation."

David and Pete didn't think Tang Mo was wrong with their attitude. As returnees, each time they participate in the game, they face the threat of life. There is no trust between the returnees. If it is almost dying, Pete will not hesitate to kill David and get his rest time. The same is true of David.

So in the Black Tower game, even a teammate, you may be able to pick you up a knife at any time.

This is the world of cruel returnees.

However, Fu Wen took a quiet look at Tang Mo and noticed his unusual attitude.

Tang Mo seems to have no intention of actually cooperating with these two people. Of course, the same is true of these two foreigners.

The rules of the game given by Black Tower require that at least three players must be alive and choose three wines**. But when they started the wine, driving the golden wine ** boat left the river of fantasy... killing teammates, it seems that it is not impossible. At least for now, it does not violate any rules of the game.

And the possibility of 90% is in full compliance with the rules of the game, because the sixth rule of the game rules -

The gold and silver banana wine game of the River of Fantasy opens the customs clearance mode. One person can get a reward for rare items. The more people pass through, the worse the reward. Four people cleared the customs and there was no reward.

If three people must be alive to pass the customs, then the Black Tower cannot open this mode at all. Since this model exists, it means that when the game is finally cleared, there can be only one person.

Each of the four hearts has an abacus.

Fu Wen took away behind Tang Mo and bowed slightly: "Who are they?"

Tang Mo stunned and turned to look at him. When the two men passed four eyes, Tang Mo immediately understood the meaning of Fu Wen.

... He saw his different attitude towards the two foreigners.

Tang Mo silent for a moment: "They should kill the daddy. The blond wrist is worn by the daddy's bracelet. I know that there is a crack on the top of the beads."

This answer is beyond the expectations of Fu Wen.

Tang Mo looked up at the river god.

This is a white-bearded old man in a white robe. After the game started, the four players have been inactive, but the river **** is not in a hurry. There was a kind smile on his mouth, and three white light clusters were suspended in front of him. I found Tang Mo to look at him. He looked at Tang Mo kindly and said it again: "Honest child, are you losing golden banana wine, silver banana wine, or this ordinary banana wine?"

Tang Modao: "Can you ask for it at will?"

Heshen smiled: "Of course. Just a child, please ask me what I can do, within the allowable range of the Black Tower."

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took a look at each other. He looked at Pete: "I will come first?"

Pete shrugged: "just."

Tang Mo looked at the river god: "I hope, you can demonstrate the method of clearing the game." After a pause, he continued: "Black Tower has already explained the method of customs clearance in the rules of the game, so I think this Should it be within the allowable range of Black Tower?"

The river **** smiled and nodded: "Of course."

When the voice fell, the river **** waved the big sleeves, and the three wines floated into the sky.

Everyone looked at this scene with astonishment, and none of them thought that River God could demonstrate the customs clearance method in this way.

I saw one of the wines ** getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a glass ** big ship, which can accommodate four people. The other wine ** is getting smaller and smaller, and finally becomes a compass, pointing to the exit direction of the river of fantasy.

The last ** wine "sit" on the big ship, swaying away from the river of fantasy.

On the pink river, the dense fog was slowly broken by the golden ship. A piece of land suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the four people stared in surprise, but the next moment, Heshen waved his sleeve again. The dense fog suddenly came back, and the big ship, the compass and the wine all flew back and became three wines.

The river **** kindly reminded: "I just made a demonstration just now, and it does not mean that the order of the three wines is just the same."

Tang Mo nodded and didn't talk anymore.

It seems that some consensus has been formed. After Tang’s request, Pete touched his chin and said, “If I didn’t guess wrong, if I mention 'you help me find the true order of the three wines’, you will Refused. Because Black Tower does not allow this."

River God: "Yes, child, this is beyond my ability."

Pete: "Oh, that's really boring, what else can you do?" The blond foreigner slowly turned his head and looked at Tang Mo and Fu Wen. His mouth slowly swelled, his right hand lifted up in front of his neck, and made a movement to wipe the neck. "Ah, that's not as good as telling me, how can I kill these two guys, haha, how about giving me a demonstration?"

David also laughed at him.

The river **** still smiled kindly and nodded: "Of course, child."

After that, the river **** waved his sleeves, and a man who was exactly the same as Pete appeared on the river of fantasy. Soon, there were two more figures, which turned out to be Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

Pete's eyes brightened, and Tang Mo was also very interested, and Fu Wen took the look at the three.

The river **** reminded: "Children, see clearly, time may be very short."

Pete: "Whatever nonsense, not fast..."


The sound was still in the scorpion, and an earth-shattering sound blasted openly, and the river of fantasy splashed with water. All four thought that this is the water of the river of true fantasy. Tang Mo quickly opened the small parasol to block the water. The water of the river of fantasy has a mysterious attraction. Who knows what will happen when it is hit by it.

However, this water flower hit the small parasol and went straight through the past, but also penetrated Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

Tang Mo was surprised: "Fake?"

Fu Wenjue: "It is an illusion."

On the river of fantasy, the blond foreigner has been fighting with Tang Mo and Fu Wen for several rounds. Tang Mo’s face was already cold when he saw the illusion himself taking out one prop and one prop, and making more and more abilities. He has thought that this river **** is very mysterious, and perhaps can really simulate some of his fighting tricks. However, I did not expect that the river **** could even imitate what props and abilities he had.

On the other hand, Pete's face slowly darkened.

"**! Stop me, stop! You give my abilities and props all over | I gave them to them, what am I to fight!"

He Shen said inexplicably: "Child, this is your request, I am just satisfying your wishes."

Although Pete was angry and angry, he thought that he saw Tang Mo and Fu Wen’s props and abilities. When Tang Mo could only see him alone, he would stop talking. At least David didn't violently | Dew, so it seems that they still earned.

The battle looked fierce, and the water of the entire river of fantasy was photographed to form huge waves. But in fact, it only happened for three minutes.

At the end, Pete made all the stops, and stabbed a black-black iron triangle into the chest of Tang Mo. Fu Wen took the same moment, and also used the black triangular pyramid weapon to move from the back to the front and penetrated Pete's head. Tang Mo’s injury looks very serious, but it doesn’t necessarily kill him. But Pete is sure to die.

Heshen explained: "Only you, the child, the possibility of killing the player Tang Mo is 45%, the possibility of killing the player is 25%, killing the player Tang Mo and Fu Wen The probability is 10%. The River of Fantasy demonstrates for you, the most likely outcome."

Pete sneered: "The result is that I will die, they just have to die?"

This may be a shame for Pitt.

Although he is a dozen two, this result is obtained. But before that, he can kill the players on the time leaderboard.

Ranking high on the time leaderboard does not mean that it is the strongest. Before the two Earths merged, Wang Shushu got the information. There are two foreign players in China who are not on the time list, but they are tabooed by many players on the list. They are not on the list, just because they don't want to make a big move, and murder and make a fortune, it doesn't mean they have no strength.

Pete can't wait to try it out, what the real result of the four-player battle will be. Therefore, he did not find that when Tang Mo’s illusion disappeared, his eyes flashed in surprise. Fu Wen also blinked a little, staring at the place where the three illusions disappeared, thoughtfully.

At this moment, two people have already asked for it, only David and Fu Wen have not spoken.

"Oh, it seems that you don't need to pretend?"

Tang Mo looked up and looked at Pete.

Pete slammed his teeth: "I guess, your next request is to see what powers and props David has. Well, don't pretend, we don't plan to really cooperate. You are welcome. I tell you that when we get the right banana wine and leave the boat, we will kill you. Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes, you think so."

Tang Mo and Fu Wen did not deny.

David said disdainfully: "You survivors of these earths are hypocrisy. If there is anything to hide, killing you, I can get a better reward. Four people pass the customs, not even a fart. If not, this guy has several A rare prop, killing him in exchange for a rare prop is not worth it, I really want to kill him, a person to pass the game." He pointed to Pete.

Pete didn't even get angry. Instead, he said, "Stupid David, I always wanted to kill you."

"Then come."

The two men stared at each other, showing murderousness, even if they were quickly hidden, but in an instant they really thought about killing their companions.

Tang Mo: "I have said that I want to kill you?"

Pete and David are turning their heads. Pete sneered: "The survivors of the Earth are really hypocritical. If you don't want to, why do you ask the river **** to demonstrate the correct customs clearance?"

David and Pete did not question the requirements of Tang Mo, questioning why he wanted the river **** to demonstrate the customs clearance method. After all, the Black Tower has clearly stated the method of customs clearance, because they will also mention this requirement if they change them.

Demonstrate the customs clearance method.

There is no doubt that before the four people get on board, they can't kill, or kill at most. There must be three people in order to sail, use the compass, and leave the river of fantasy. But after the ship is opened, the compass also indicates the direction?

The ship that is not wide, the golden wine, is the battlefield of the real battle.

David: "The black tower's attacking tower game is divided into two main lines: the main line and the main line. Generally, only two things, intelligence and force are tested. The **** side task mainly tests intelligence, and this main task is to test the force. It’s clear what’s going on, what else to put, a hypocritical earth survivor.”

This time, Tang Mo did not refute. He looked at Fu Wen, and Fu Wen took him to a reassuring look. Just as Fu Wen took the initiative to make a request to the river god, David suddenly said: "Hey, the survivor of the earth, although I am the last one to ask for, but I do not intend to mention any requirements related to banana wine."

Fu Wen took the lead and raised his eyes and looked at him.

David was arrogant, proudly revealing a mocking smile, and suddenly he was stared at by this cold and piercing look, his smile on his lips was stagnant. Soon he said arrogantly: "I know what you are thinking, my last request, you must feel that I will ask for banana wine. I tell you, I will not mention it."

Pete patted the shoulders of his brother and said, "Of course, we won't ask such a stupid request. Earth survivors, you don't know, you are going to let the river **** tell you, David's abilities and props. What? Just like I did just now, you can let the river **** use the river of fantasy to demonstrate how you should defeat David and get all his abilities and props information. Are you so stupid? I tell you, As long as you dare to do this, we dare not mention the requirements for banana wine."

Pete sarcastically said: "Oh, the first reason you asked for it was that we wanted to be the last person to ask for it. We had to ask for a banana wine-related request to determine the location of the real banana wine. It’s a pity. To disappoint you, we will never mention this request."

The atmosphere was stiff and cold, and the pink river ran out of white foam. Four people look at each other and no one gives in.

For a long time, Tang Mo coldly said: "Until now, this is also a cooperative game. Even if we want to start after, it is not necessarily who wins. But now, if you don't find the real banana wine, no one can pass the customs."

"You don't have one or two life-saving props?"

Tang Mo squinted.

Pete opened his white teeth: "We have oh. It's not good, we can quit the game. I know why you are attacking the tower now, because the Black Tower has been updated to version 45. We came to attack the tower, just to clear the five floors early, go Challenge the sixth layer, complete the six-six mode, and get the clues on the seventh floor. As for the lives of these pigs in China, what is the relationship with us? This time there is no customs clearance, we will come again next time. But you are different. ""

David didn't think of this layer: "Hey, they came to customs clearance for the forced attack on the tower three days later?"

Pitt dismissed: "My stupid friend, you must never tell me that you think about it now."

David’s mouth twitched: “Shut up!”

Pete shrugged unscrupulously and looked at Tang Mo: "So the situation is that, for you, you really want to clear the customs early, don't waste time. For us, when can we pass customs, the life and death of Chinese players and We don't care, the pigs are all dead, and it's useless to live. So..."

The blond foreigner spread his hands and maliciously said to Fu Wen: "The Earth survivor, do you want to ask for anything?"

In fact, Pete and David also want to pass the fifth floor game.

The props that can give up the game must be rare, and one of them is distressed. Besides, it’s hard to pass through here and suddenly come back again, they are not happy. They said so now, just to threaten Fu Wen, forced him to mention the requirements related to banana wine.

The dark eyes stared at the blond foreigner with a malicious smile. Fu Wen did not speak, but slightly raised his lips. He has not been threatened so much for a long time, this feeling is strange and interesting.

Pete saw a lot of powerful players. He knows that Tang Mo and Fu Wen are very powerful, but he is not afraid. He killed more people than the two had seen. He turned a blind eye to Fu Wen’s dangerous smile, but snorted with contempt.

Fu Wen regained his gaze and looked at the river god: "Now, at this moment, if I want to kill him, what should I do?"

David wanted to say, "I really don't mention the requirements related to banana wine," but when he saw the person who was smacked, his mouth slowly closed. David laughed happily: "I thought how deep the friendship between your survivors of the earth is. You guys also want to be a one-man game, get rewards for rare props? Haha, kill your companion, this The problem is good, although you stupidly did not find a way to make the whereabouts of banana wine, but for your idea, I can consider the location of banana wine."

I saw the pink river water, Fu Wen took a calm look at Tang Mo, Tang Mo raised his eyes to see him.

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