MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1845 after the end

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"How can it be?"

Meng Chao subconsciously retorted, "How could Mr. Lei be a defeatist?"

"If Lei Zongchao wasn't a defeatist, why did he refuse to take on greater responsibility back then, instead hiding in the Chaofan Pagoda for decades?"

Lu Siya said, "Thinking about it, he must have repeatedly deduced the future of Dragon City with his extraordinary deduction ability that surpassed all of his contemporaries, but all futures are ruined, all struggles are futile, and all efforts to resolve crises have turned into The catalyst that accelerated the crisis and even the crisis itself, that's why you hid in desperation and survived?"

"No, it's impossible, Lei Shi is definitely not such a defeatist!"

In Meng Chao's eyes, flames surged.

He is neither willing to accept the fate of destruction, nor to accept the speculation that even the mighty "God of War" Lei Zongchao, the best among human beings, bows his head before fate. He said loudly, "Even if the probability of doomsday is 99.99%, Mr. Lei will work hard, go through fire and water, and do his best to fight for the hope of 0.01%, I firmly believe this!"

"Look, aren't you just admitting that the Dragon City civilization is more or less fortunate, and that the chance of surviving in the future is no more than 0.01%? You are also saying that you are not a defeatist!"

Unexpectedly, when Lu Siya mentioned Lei Zongchao, she only feigned a shot, and then she turned the topic back to Meng Chao, and pursued the victory with a smile, "You know, this is what attracts me the most—when everyone else, no matter they are When a stunned young man who went to college, a veteran of many battles, or the overlord of a party armed with extraordinary force, all responded with foolish optimism about the future, only you, with an extremely calm and rational attitude, can survive a long period of time. Think about it, and come to the conclusion that although pessimistic, it is more likely to happen.

"The first step in solving a problem is to discover the problem, if you don't even admit that 'Dragon City civilization is coming to an end', how can you stop it?

"Don't get me wrong, 'defeatist' is not a derogatory term. The reason why I say this is not to satirize or criticize you. On the contrary, you can take what I just said as a defeatist. My sincerest tribute to another defeatist."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and stared at Lu Siya for a long time.

"What are you trying to say?" he asked puzzled.

I always feel that there is something in Lu Siya's words, and there are twists and turns.

"What I want to say is that I am the same as you and the 'God of War' Lei Zongchao. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, we will do our best to stop the doomsday."

Lu Siya changed the subject and said, "However, manpower is sometimes poor. Not all good wishes in this world can come true, and not all hard work will surely yield good results. Have you ever thought that what if we After paying all the effort and price, and trying countless methods, in the end, I still couldn’t prevent the doomsday from coming, so what should I do?”


Of course Meng Chao thought about this question.

He even comforted himself with the answer countless times, "Then we will die, die cleanly, die with a clear conscience, die with conviction, and it will be over once and for all."

"No, no, you didn't understand what I meant. Of course 'we' will die in the doomsday, but what about others, will everyone die in the doomsday?"

Lu Siya continued to ask patiently, "Or, is it possible that some people can escape from the radiation area of ​​Dragon City and Dragon City civilization in time before the doomsday comes, and escape to a place that is not affected by the doomsday, or where the damage is not so great?" place, dormant deeply, waiting for the rain to pass, the spring to bloom, and the fire of civilization to bloom again in the brand new world?"

Meng Chao's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I will not leave Longcheng and all my compatriots behind and flee to the ends of the earth."

He paused and continued, "Even if all my efforts are in vain for the next few decades, when ten thousand suns burst and burn above Dragon City, I will definitely stay in this great city , together with my compatriots, face the billowing flames of doomsday, and fight to the last breath!"

"Don't worry, if that day really comes, and if I'm not dead, I will definitely stay in Dragon City and fight side by side with you."

Lu Siya said softly, "Besides, there is no need to escape to the ends of the earth. Didn't you listen to Su Mulian's prophecy? The doomsday flames from above the atmosphere will burn not only Dragon City, but also the entire ecosystem of this planet. Yes. Complete 'total destruction', I don't think anyone can escape, at least, it is impossible to escape in the face of today's human beings."

"so what?"

Meng Chao was confused, "What's your suggestion? If you have anything to say, you might as well just say it."

"Okay, then I'll get straight to the point."

Lu Siya met his gaze without hesitation, her gaze was sharper and more shining than his, "I am like you, unwilling to succumb to the fate of destruction, not to mention there is still 0.01% hope, even if there is no hope at all, From the beginning to the end, the probability of survival in Dragon City is zero, and I will fight to the last breath, using my life to turn 'zero' into 'one in a billion'.

"And I believe that Lei Zongchao, the 'War God' who is a defeatist, thinks the same way.

"And in his view, the way to prevent the end, at least after the end, to preserve a chance of life, is hidden in the depths of the ancient ruins.

"Otherwise, he wouldn't have left everyone alone at the moment when Dragon City fell into unprecedented chaos and needed him to come out to stabilize the situation, and go deep into the ancient ruins alone.

"That's why I will go with you no matter what to find Lei Zongchao in the depths of the ancient ruins.

"However, to explore the depths of the ancient ruins, where no one has ever been before, is a near-death situation. I'm afraid that if I don't say something now, I won't have the chance to say it again.

"Listen, if either of us, or even both of us, perish in the depths of the ancient ruins, then that's fine.

"If we are lucky enough to return to the surface alive from the depths of the ancient ruins and return to the human world, can you seriously consider my last proposal?"

"Last time?"

Meng Chao was stunned for a moment, he really didn't remember "Which time, what proposal?"

"It was the last time, on the top of Wuyin Mountain, when you were not knocked off the cliff by me and fell into the 'Evil Eye'."

Lu Siya calmly said, "If you lose that memory, I can bring it up again—that is to become my gene inheritance partner, and pass on the best genes of mankind together with me, even It is the proposal to integrate the advantages of human civilization and monster civilization, break through the limit of life, and create a 'new human'."