MTL - The Empress’s Gigolo-Chapter 1240 To wear a crown must bear its weight

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The challenge in front of the palace turned into a farce, and the impact was not great, but it was only after some people in the imperial capital had a bite to talk about.

It was Li Lu who was detained for half a year afterwards.

However Li Li didn't care. For him, a hoe, a bowl of water, and a rusty sword were enough.

This is a pure person living in his own world, living in the world of swords.

As for Xu Baimei who came violently but left abruptly, not many people cared.

Maybe his reputation in Daxia is very high, but here is Da Yao.


A week later, the court officially announced the details of the wealth tax, and Ren Baqian interviewed some of the wealthy family owners. Although there were still objections, they were strongly suppressed.

In Da Yao, there are two voices, one is the empress, and the other is Ren Baqian.

The former has no one to question the dominance of the ancient people.

Ren Baqian's reputation in Jing and Izumo is also extremely high.

Therefore, forcibly pushing it, it pushed the matter of wealth tax.

As for whether anyone would dare to conceal data in these tax reporting areas, Ren Baqian was too lazy to consider it, and caught one to deal with it anyway. To this end, he would even increase the number of elite troops to increase the investigation and force departments.

At that time, everyone will know that everything can be done, and don't owe the court money.

"MASTER, here comes the little Lolita who has been with you for the longest time every day!" Flashed twice in the air, but Lolly in the cool swimsuit appeared on the washboard.

"Speak if there is news." Ren Baqian did not look up.

"Really ... perverted indifference!" Loli pouted.

Ren Baqian finally looked up at her, and thoughtfully said, "These words are not convincing from your mouth. Moreover, I haven't heard these words before. I have a feeling recently that it seems that your intelligence has grown again. Anymore? "

"MASTER, shouldn't you slice me?" Rory winced.

"Do you want a body?" Ren Baqian asked.

"You really want to slice me!" Little Loli was startled.

"Don't forget it!"

"Yes, of course, you can look whatever you like ..." The figure in the air flickered and turned into a steel armored spectacled woman with a forward and backward motion.

"Ah, Erha is more suitable for you." Ren Baqian's face turned black, and he looked subconsciously towards the doorway, then turned his head again and wasn't feeling good.

"Forget it, I'll think about it again. Any news, let's go."

"Okay, the old nest of the Diling tribe is found." Iron armor glasses mother said with a cold voice.

Zi Xiaoxing is so big that it takes a lot of time to look for a race position even in the sky.

"It's kind of like learning." Ren Baqian didn't care too much about the other person's heart-breaking look, and his face showed a happy look.

"Pass the data over."

A map appeared in the air, followed by a point.

Ren Baqian estimated that it was far from the two walls, probably in the western part of the outer region.

Last time the Earthlings walked for nearly two years.

Of course, the other party is moving forward. If there are a few masters, they can arrive in at most two or three months.

"Zoom in to see the details."

With the command, the picture began to gradually enlarge, and a large area of ​​mountains became larger and larger. Occasionally, a small dot was seen, which was an extremely huge beast.

"The environment is a bit like the Sixty Thousand Mountains. Alas, these mountains ... look like a circle." Ren Baqian saw the special place at a glance, as if there were a pair of big hands putting those mountains into a circle A barrier was formed outside.

Because of the cascading mountains, if you are there, it may be difficult to detect, but you can see it at a glance.

Inside are countless towering peaks, like a sharp sword.

"Jianlin Ping!" Ren Baqian spit out these three words.

That's right, these peaks in the middle are very close to Jianlin Ping outside the 60,000 Mountains.

"Continue!" Ren Baqian put these two questions in his heart.

The screen continued to zoom in, and soon everything became clear, with altars on the peaks.

Around the sword peaks are many earth spirit tribes.

"What is the number of Earth Spirits?"

"There are 22 large-scale settlements, each with tens of thousands of people, 342 medium-sized settlements, each with 3,000 people, and small-scale settlements close to 7,000, each with a population of 300 to 500. In total, there are about four to four and a half million, and men, women, and children can fight, with more than two million combatants, of which about 400,000 are natural creatures. "

"This is the middle race!" Ren Baqian sighed.

According to the proportion of these aliens, there are at least 20,000 Supreme Heavenly Warriors and 1,000 long-lived Heavenly Warriors.

The Earth Spirit has a weird god, and if its combat power is lower than its peers, it can rank among the top of the middle race. The proportion may be higher.

With a human population of billions of people, there are only tens of thousands of heavenly warriors, and there are only more than 100 people in Changshengtian.

"Calculate a route from the two walls to the area of ​​the Earthlings, and try to avoid those strong races. We will continue to do the previous arrangements. I need all the information about the aliens, especially the war between the aliens." Ren Baqian stared at the picture for more than an hour before slowly instructing him.

Although it is not ready yet, you can plan and calculate the route first.

Then Ren Baqian flipped through some other pictures. The important cities in the entire outer area, including the city without dirt, were all taken.

In addition, there are major ethnic distributions in the outer region. This project has a relatively large amount of work. It is expected that it will take at least several months to complete.

With these things, at least I have a certain understanding of the situation of the alien race. In the future, whether it is to formulate a plan or a countermeasure, it will not be targeted.

Now we have to wait for the research progress of the Earth Spirit.

As for the relationship between different races, maybe there is something to be used.


As soon as the things about the Earthlings were commanded, Ren Baqian heard his voice before he bowed his head.

"His Royal Highness, there is a report from Izumo, and Guang'an City is stabbed." A voice outside the door said.

"The city order was stabbed?" Ren Baqian frowned. City order was the master of a city, Guang'an was not a small town, and the city order was not a trivial matter.

"Go forward and talk, is Guangxiang City Order Liu Xiang? Is it dead? Did you do it before Izumo? I still have a disabled party?"

"This time, it has nothing to do with the previous evil ..."

"What's going on?" Ren Baqian asked.

He holds the guard Duwei's house in his hands, and the news is naturally well-informed. No matter what the news is, it will be immediately passed to him.

"Guangan has a martial artist named Wu Xian, which is quite famous in the local area."

"Keep talking." Ren Baqian thought for a while, never heard the name.

"This Wu Xian is 26 years old this year. He has the strength of the terrestrial environment, the long-standing Yushu is near the wind, and has a chivalry name, so it is very popular, and many people admire his chivalry name."

Ren Baqian looks straight down and waits for the following.

Slightly confused.

"Before he went to the restaurant once, everyone else stood up and respected each other. One student regarded him as nothing, laughed and laughed, and was admired by those who admired him. After the student left the restaurant, he was stabbed to death in the alley.

Guang'an City Order ordered Wu Xian to be rebuked, and if this happened again, he would be moved out of Guang'an.

Later, the Guang'an City Order was assassinated. The assassinator of the Guang'an City Order was Wu Xian's admirer. He felt that the City Order was right and wrong, so he attacked halfway. Guang'an City was seriously injured, and the minister was in critical condition when he received the news. "

"If that Wu Xian really did a chivalrous trip, the matter would be unknowing, and it would be innocent." Ren Baqian shook his head slightly.

Since it is not a chaotic party, this is a trivial matter and it is not worth spreading to yourself.

But since it came to myself, there was another hidden feeling.

"According to the force, it is said that the assassination of the Guang'an City Commander and Wu Xian's younger brother had previously leaked to him, and Wu Xian's younger brother Wu Jun has always been incapable of telling anything. It should be known.

In addition, Wu Xian was brave and fierce in his early years, and was severely injured and disabled compared with martial arts. Although he has slightly converged in these years, he often complains with grace, but he is cruel and abnormal, and often angers and hurts people because of small things. "

"So he knew it long ago, but didn't stop it? Is there evidence?"

"No, but he dare to guarantee by name, every sentence is true."

On the eyes of Ren Baqian, he thought for a moment: "Guang'an City Order's playlist is different from what you said, so you will report it to me?"

"His Highness Ming Jian! That Guang'an City Order was attacked, and now it is Zhishou, and that Zhishou and Wu Xian are old, naturally they will not play the truth."

"Liu Xiang is your Lingshan school?" Ren Baqian snorted softly.

"His Royal Highness! Although Liu Xiang is a disciple of my Lingshan school, Ke Chen's statement is true and true, and there is absolutely no falsehood."

"If it does, as you said ..." Ren Baqian's eyes flashed coldly.

Over the years, Da Yao has undergone tremendous changes in the country, with advanced information and convenient communication. With the emergence of local newspapers, televisions, and the Internet that are being prepared, some things that should or should not have been born.

For example, this admirer of Wu Xian, in fact, is not just him. Many warriors will have them, especially some young warriors with outstanding appearance and strength, and their admirers are transforming towards the earth's fan group.

This is not a good sign.

In particular, some people will instigate these admirers in private to do something. Although they do not show up, they are for their own benefit, and if they don't make it, they will cause trouble.

This time is the right time. Then kill the chicken and tamarins, and the blood will bleed so that others can learn a lesson.

Know what to do, what not to do, what to touch, what not to touch.

And since they have this fame, they have to do things that meet their fame.

This means that the desire to wear a crown must bear its weight.

For example, this Wu Xian, UU reading www.uukanshu. com really thought it would be okay to take himself out?

"However, your disciples of the Lingshan faction were assassinated by an admirer of the martial arts. Your Lingshan faction has been in trouble all these years!"

The person below was suddenly a stimulus.

"His Majesty forgive me. I will now preach to the elders in the gate, and I will seal the mountain for three years from now on, and carefully discipline my disciples."

He knew clearly that Ren Baqian was not referring to the assassination of Liu Xiang, but that Lingshan sent his disciples to blossom everywhere, occupying a high position, and being intertwined. This one in front of him was a little displeased.

Fengshan's three years is just a talk, then we must pay attention to the situation of disciples in the door.

The Lingshan School has been adhering to itself all these years, and it has also been impartial, and it has only been tolerated below the hall until now.

But if you are not interested, this is the unlucky one, and the whole Lingshan faction!

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