MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-~ Extra Seven Male Congregation Collection!

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Xiao Yan articles-Fate? Still pity for heaven?

Yun Shan remembered that when Xiao Yan met Leng Yan, he came to Miss Fengjia who was looking for a child in the imperial palace in Fengfeng. Leng Yan remembered that they should have met in a teahouse more than three years ago, but in Xiao Yan Of his memory, it was a long time ago that he met Leng Yan.

When he first came to Beijing, he was looking for medicinal herbs. It was about ten years ago. At that time, he met her. She followed the prince named Long Yi quietly, like a lifeless one. Although puppets are beautiful, they cannot be liked.

It was a few years later that he met for the second time. He pretended to be the follower of Liang Guo's ambassador to Feng Yu. It was the funeral of Feng Yu, the old emperor. She watched her dressed in a palace costume and stood beside Ling Ling. , The other concubine was crying heartbrokenly at Ling Ling, only she looked at the madness and relief of Ling Ling's face, she was the queen of Feng Yu, and she became the queen on that day, and everyone knew her The one who loves Long Yi is occupied by the old emperor. It is not surprising that she would hate the old emperor so much.

The third time he met was shortly after that. He sniffed and went to the Royal Garden secretly. He watched her hug Long Yi. The man who was supposed to be her step-son wasn't looking cold, not pretending. Deep, but crying very sad, humblely begging for a new start, and finally she was lifted to the ground by Long Yi, watching the back of Long Yi leaving absolutely sad.

He didn't like this woman, pretending to be high-mannered, pretentious, yet so humble and lowly, Long Yi was so ruthless, but she still begged him, such a woman would not make people feel pitiful, just feel sad, this is His evaluation of her.

The encounter here was the teahouse. When she spoke, he didn't recognize her. Until she walked away, he was surprised to see her appearing on the street. But the difference between them was too great. He doubted his judgment.

That one year was another year, and then he appeared in Feng Yu's solemnly as Liang Huang, but at that time she was different from a long time ago. At least the news he received did not have any similarities at all. She is cold, arrogant, beautiful, noble, and elegant. She regards Long Yi as nothing, and she plays with her harem and turns her hands **. It was only then that he remembered that he had met such a woman. Because of the difference before and after, He had a rare curiosity about something, and it was this curiosity that pushed him to another beginning of life.

That night she was dressed in a black tuxedo, noble and stunning. Although her dress was embroidered with a large bustling peony, it fell in his eyes like a mandala in bloom, clusters, such as The poisonous temptation was quenched. It was the most beautiful woman in the palace dress he had ever seen. He was not driven by luxury, but was above luxury, as if all the gorgeousness was born for her, born aristocracy! It was also the first time in his life that he was amazing for a woman!

She was tit-for-tat with Long Yi, and she spoke clearly and gracefully. She did not resemble the harem woman's resentment and contrivance at all. Instead, she was indifferent and made people look away.

However, not long after, he saw another her, and to his surprise, the prime minister, Gong Yuwei, who was known for his coldness and rigor, was deeply rooted in her, and even gave up their identity constraints, just to ask for her. Forgive once; she began to be cold and unforgiving, and in the end helplessly indulged and indulged. At that moment, he was envious of Gong Yuwei, although he didn't know why at that time.

But even if he did n’t understand the feelings in his heart, he was unconsciously influenced by her, and then did something he did n’t understand. He actually went to the Yu Garden to drink tea, and invited her to drink tea on her way, and even Her favorite precious tea was also given to her. Yunshan didn't understand why he gave it, not even he himself, because he didn't think of anything when the sentence came out.

The next night, the ambitious Long Yi finally shot at him. He was chosen in an unmanned alley and used hundreds of dark guards to assassinate him. At that time, there were fewer than twenty people around him. But they couldn't resist the waves of attacks. Seeing that they were about to succeed, he didn't want her to appear at this time. Then he knew that she would martial arts.

I got the news that the car lady may be here in the capital. According to the age check, he never thought she was in it. It is undeniable that there was a glimmer of expectation in his heart at that moment, so he ignored Yunshan's resistance and held it. Blood jade entered the palace, but unfortunately got the answer that disappointed him, but he always felt that this should not be the case.

On the day of the ceremony, they sat with him. Although there was a child carriage Mo Yao holding another piece of blood jade, he couldn't help paying attention to her until Long Yi and Hua Yu announced that, because the two The battle report, Long Yi exposed his hand, he watched as she was pinned by Long Yi on the dragon chair. At that moment, his heart almost jumped out. It was also at that moment that he understood that she told him, and others Women are different.

She calmly faced Long Yi, and even threatened Long Yi not to move any more. She also backhanded that moment, and stunned the emperor in the presence of civil and military officials. This world is afraid that there is no second. People.

Back in the yard, he was lost for a long time. He had no mood to eat. He just wanted to take a quick bath and rest, but didn't want her to break into his room at that time, and leaned close to his body in such an ambiguous manner. In his memory, he never I haven't been so close to any woman, so at that moment he felt an emotion that he had never had before. It was shy, but when she saw herself, her face was redder and shy than him. At that moment, he The shyness in my heart is replaced by pleasure, warm and full.

Asked her to drink tea, but in the end she was pulled to drink osmanthus wine and eat moon cakes. At this time he remembered that day seemed to be Mid-Autumn Festival. Although she came to his yard after being hunted down, he was very grateful to those killers, otherwise, he would not get that unforgettable night.

He never drank, but that day he drank, suppressing the fear in his heart, and voicing that he was unconscious in the end. This was foolish to him, but that was what he did that day; assassination later He couldn't remember, but when he woke up, he really held her and looked at her who slept deeply. He had a feeling of being a thief, but this stolen moment embracing him made him extremely happy. .

He tested his blood and learned that she was his real fiancee. He was shaking with excitement at that moment, and finally met after thousands of times. Was this a fate?

Although he slept on the bed in the middle of the night, he didn't fall asleep for a moment. That was the first time he was insomnia because of excitement and excitement.

He thought that everything was improving, but the people who were the car owners appeared, and when they met at the Nanshan Fenglin Temple, after the master Wuwei said everything, he was hit to the bottom of the valley, and it was gone.

She told him that her name was Leng Yan, and she was not Leng Jinghua or his fiancee! But she didn't know that he was willing to admit this fiancee, because that person was her; the person he liked was not the woman who had been humbled to the dust by Long Yi, but she was confident and proud after meeting again.

He knew her relationship with Gong Yuwei, and she might have something to do with Xuan Wang, but these were not important to him at that moment. He wanted to come forward, but her frosty face would She's settled in place forever, she can't go any further!

Leaving Feng Yu in a hurry, all he took was bitterness and uncomfortableness, but even so, he left the blood jade, albeit selfish, but he still let Yin Wei say the words about the relationship, just to make She just accepted that piece of jade!

He returned to Liang Guo and dealt with the political affairs for the first time frantically. He just wanted to let himself forget something through the busyness, and then the sudden plague of heaven, the invasion and slaughter from outside, but someone inside wanted to seize power. In those months, he was so busy that he did n’t even sleep well for an hour. He finally stabilized the internal situation and the war situation, but his body collapsed. After the rescue by the Taiyi Medical Doctor, he was regarded as saving his life, but when he needed When he took ten times more medicine than before, he knew that his time was running out.

Death was so close, and looking back at the time, he realized that he had not lived for himself for a moment, or even done what he wanted to do. At that moment, a strong thought came out of his heart, He almost rushed to Feng Yu without even thinking about it. He knew halfway that she was the next day to the Lord. At that moment, his mind was complicated.

In front of the Golden Palace, he resolutely presented the token of the Xiao family, kneeling in front of her as the emperor and the owner of the Xiao family. Everyone thought he was crazy, and he knew how crazy the decision was. , But he has no regrets, as he said, he just wants to be one step closer to her and stand at the same height as several others. For this, he is willing to pour the country!

For his already irresistible affection, he even took out the rare lover's tea, but unfortunately it was only her hurried departure and avoidance!

She went to the prairie, in order to kill Prince Ziyin, he stayed in the capital and counted his life that was about to end; when Long Yueli was seriously injured and was sent back, looking at her obviously sad but firm eyes, he suddenly I dare not come closer!

He overheard her conversation with Xiao Yan, and then he understood what the Master Wuwei said was the turning point. He wanted to determine his place in her heart for the last time, but she still gave him indifference and escape.

He finally decided to give that internal force to Longyue Li, even if he would end the life that is not long, even if he is alive, there is only pain, what is the difference sooner or later? He didn't want her to know, because he didn't want her to feel guilty, and he didn't want her to give his feelings to him because of guilt; but she still knew, but thankfully she was not because of guilt and gratitude, but was distressed, not that he wanted to hear The word love, but it is enough.

Jin Yu gave him the medicine of peerlessness. Although he picked up his life from the ghost gate, he had to accept the torture of life and death. Whenever he felt pain and wanted to commit suicide, he could always feel the tenderness of her body, There was also the voice of her encouragement and prayer, and he finally survived and was reborn again.

In order to accompany her, he went back to Liang Guo, as he said, and promised the country, and she also gave him the biggest promise, which was her husband, although it was not the only one, but he was an upright husband.

He thought it was the beginning of happiness, but experienced the worst burial candles, followed by endless torment, and watched the imperial husbands accompany her, but he was left unattended, and what had been pressed into the bottom of his heart again It turned out, trembling, flustered, desolate, lonely, and even hopeless, and the heartache was so much worse that it was almost broken into pieces.

But fortunately, just before he could not bear it, she finally appeared next to him. For the first time, he gave him affirmation and let him understand that he is not superfluous. He is her husband and with those people. Same, same can live in her heart!

"What are you thinking?"

The cold, soft voice sounded from the side, Xiao Yan returned to her heart, hugged her hand to tighten, and the fullness in her arms made him smile contentedly. "I'm thinking about the past, even though it's bumpy. , But at this moment, it is worth it, at least without regrets, I have lived for myself once again, I am willing to suffice! "

Leng Yan rolled over his body with a smile, and broke his lips: "This is enough? So what?" The words dropped his head and covered his lips, and his tongue was ambiguous.

Xiao Yan couldn't control her body, and her eyes suddenly darkened. He had been sober for so many years. It was because he knew his physical condition and had no desire for men and women. At this moment, his body was already Intact, holding the woman he loves the most. He is not a monk, how can he remain indifferent?

Leng Yan felt his change was about to get up, but his feet were caught before he got out of bed. It seemed that the elegant Xiao Yan had shown the tough side of a man, turned over and pressed her, then Tian Lei Gou The fire is out of control!

Want to escape if you light a fire? Where is such a cheap thing? Especially seduces an old virgin who has been suppressing the evil fire, so this ending ...

Cold Yue articles-love after tangle

"General! General?" Evergreen called Leng Yue as many times as he could, but Leng Yue still didn't hear it and couldn't help but reach out to him and shook in front of him: "General?"

"Huh?" Leng Yue finally regained his mind, a handsome face without expression, looking at Changqing: "Is something wrong?"

Changqing sighed helplessly: "My subordinate told you the news of the grassland defense!" There were three news in total, but the master lost his mind four times. What should he say?

Leng Yue seemed to remember, and said, "Continue!"

Evergreen was silent: "Subordinates have finished speaking, please review the army!"

Leng Yue also realized his disability, looked down at the memorial in his hand, but couldn't stand it for a long time, but he finally left the memorial and asked, "Is she still Xiao Yan?"

When he finally asked this sentence, Evergreen was relieved. After a long pause, the general finally spoke: "The emperor is still with Xiao Huangfu, but not outside, just now the emperor has ordered Xiao Huangfu Things moved to the palace, and from today, Xiao Huangfu will live in the palace! "

Chang Qing looked at Leng Yue's face carefully after speaking, but it seemed that he could see nothing except Leng Yan. Seeing him again, he couldn't help whispering, "He is not cold to the emperor, It's strange here again now, really! "

Immediately after speaking, I felt a cold light hitting him like a sharp sword. Evergreen looked back and saw that Leng Yuelian looked at him with a cold face. Changqing laughed and said, "General!"

Leng Yue's voice was cold: "What did you just say?"

Evergreen swallowed a bit of saliva, took a few steps back, leaned on a pillar behind it, and because it seemed a little more energetic, he was not afraid of death: "It is always true, General you have been cold, this is how it is for us This is also true for the emperor. When the emperor treats you, you have no emotion. The emperor ignores you, and you will be completely air-conditioned. This general's house will soon become an ice cellar! "

Leng Yue had been angry, but in the end it didn't come out, then looked down at the memorial.

Evergreen saw that he was not angry, and then he was afraid to pat his heart. Although the general was sometimes very good at speaking, but once it was angry, it was still terrible. Today, he plucked his hair on the tiger's mouth. Fortunately, the tiger did not get angry!

Leng Yue closed his mind and dealt with the memorial at hand. He said that he rode out of the General's Mansion without saying a word. He originally planned to leave the city, but he turned his horse head and went to the palace.

At the gate of the palace, Du Heng was directing everyone to move Xiao Yan's stuff into it. Leng Yue glanced at him and entered the palace directly!

When Leng Yue went to the Royal Garden, Leng Ying was sitting with Xiao Yan and drinking tea. When he saw him, Leng Ying raised his eyebrow slightly, "You are coming!"

Leng Yue nodded slightly to Xiao Yan and sat next to him, looking across her stomach: "Can you feel unwell?"

Leng Yan chuckled, took Xiao Yan's tea for Leng Yuepo, and handed it to him: "Only a month, what can happen? Try this, and see if you can taste something!"

Leng Yue looked at the jade tea cup and the crystal clear tea, and said, "I only know how to march and fight, I can't taste such a delicate thing!"

Xiao Yan heard a smile and said, "Brother Leng has a temper with her, but this tea doesn't have to taste elegant, as long as you like it!"

Cold sneer: "You're plagiarizing me!"

Xiao Yan raised his hand and made tea: "It's not plagiarism, just borrow!"

Leng Yue looked at the two and took a sip of tea. Except for a little fragrant, he really could not drink any elegance.

Xiao Yan nodded: "The yard is a bit remote, she doesn't like it, and the palace is so empty, she just moved in!"

Leng Yue hadn't spoken yet. Leng Yan picked it up first, looked at him calmly, and his eyebrows were full of tenderness: "Your dormitory in the palace has been prepared for a long time. I was afraid that you would not get used to it and didn't let you. If you live in it, you will be deserted by yourself in General ’s Mansion. Many times you do n’t want to see you. You might as well move to the palace. It ’s uncomfortable for me to live alone, okay? ”

Leng Yue didn't expect Leng Yue to invite him on his own initiative. The discomfort that Xiao Yan had in his heart when he lived in the palace disappeared at this moment, especially when she heard her saying, "I want to see you a lot of time." It's warm, nodded holding the cup, "OK!"

Leng Yan turned and smiled and said, "Lu Chang!"

Lu Chang's dog legs, who had been standing by the side, came over and offered a flattering smile: "The slaves ordered people to pack the things of Leng Huangfu!"

Leng Yanbai gave him a glance: "Just be smart!"

"Don't move the general's house, just use what he often uses, and let Chang Qing clean up for him, and let him also enter the palace by the way!"

Lu Chang bowed: "The slaves only understand!"

Leng Yue listened to her instructions and her heart warmed a bit, she was finally in love with him!

Xiao Yan glanced at Leng Yue and left on the pretext of checking the moved tea and jade, leaving them here for two!

Leng Yan looked at his back with a sigh, looked back at Leng Yue, got up and took his hand: "Since it's here, stay with me, it's been a long time since I've been together!"

Leng Yue clenched her hand, nodded invisibly, and raised her brows slightly!

He loves the woman in front of him, who is his sister in name, but a woman with no trace of blood at all!

The memory turned over and the past came into his mind. He didn't know when he fell in love with her, but when he knew it, he couldn't help himself!

He remembers all the past, but now he wants to come a little fuzzy, and what he can vividly remember is that when she came back more than three years ago, the beautiful and stunning woman at the palace feast was the most beautiful look she saw. It had never been so much that he obscured her previous appearance, only remembering it.

He knew too much about his former sister, so it didn't take long for him to realize that she was different. She wasn't his sister, but after several encounters, he knew, but after all, he didn't go into it, he even had a tacit understanding in his heart. She is his sister.

He used her dark guard to help her, and even wanted to take her away from the palace as if he was treating Leng Jinghua. He thought it was just something to do with his sister, or treated her as his own sister, but that was just his own deception. When her lips kissed his lips again and again, and when she appeared in his dreams again and again, then it was different!

It was an accident for her to appear on the grassland. When he was ridiculed by those uncles, his heart was actually joyous, and he even didn't tell them her identity in selfishness, just to be able to accompany her and hold her brightly. .

Of course, happiness is only short-lived. When she left for Gong Yuwei, when she told him everything, his heart was like a knife twisting, giving up was harder and more painful than accepting. Then he knew that he had fallen in love With this woman, I can't help myself!

I hated her and complained to her, but in the end I still could n’t resist the love and love for her in my heart. For her even hiding the name to help Lan Ze, another man who loved her deeply; it was only after meeting Lan Ze that he understood Her charm only realized that love can be so generous and tolerant.

After tangling, fighting, and making himself almost collapse, he finally accepted all of this, because loving her is more prosperous than loving himself, all he can do is compromise, and even if he wants to share her heart and feelings with seven people, it is better than From the pain of losing her, he would rather be like now, at least many times, he can feel happiness, that's enough! As for who she is, he doesn't want to pursue it anymore, he treats it as an eternal puzzle and never touches it!

Lan Ze, Gong Yu Wei Pian——Because of love, so accept

In the late autumn, the wind blows off the yellowish leaves of the treetops. The falling leaves covered the entire yard, but at this moment they did not clean it. At the stone table in the yard, two figures, one white and one blue, sat opposite each other. My eyes fell on the chessboard on the stone table, and I was very focused on the game!

After working for a few months, things in the palace finally relaxed, and Gong Yuwei and Lan Ze could have time to sit in this quiet courtyard and play a game.

Lan Ze gently dropped a white man, picked up the dead leaves on the chessboard, looked up at the treetops not far away, and smiled: "It's late autumn again!"

Gong Yuwei touched the sunspot, sat down, and looked up. "Going to the east in autumn, if only a heavy snowfall this winter!"

Lan Ze laughed: "You never forget the people's livelihood!"

Gong Yuwei withdrew his gaze: "If there are so many holes today, the financial resources of the car owners will not last long. Everything will have to wait for the people to resume farming. Only in this way can the land be restored to life and Daxingguo become a real country. ! "

Lan Ze looked at the chess piece on the table with a slight loss of mind: "Yeah! If there is so much suffering today, there is still a long way to go for Xingguo!"

Gong Yuwei looked at him gloomily, knowing that he thought of the old snow country again, and he was not talking about the topic immediately.

Lan Ze was sad for a moment, and soon returned to God, and continued to shift the subject: "I promised Grandma yesterday to move into the palace, how about you? When will you move in?"

Gong Yuwei heard some surprises. You must know that although they are both royal husbands and deal with things in the same dynasty, no matter what they talk about, they never mention anything about coldness, or they are subconsciously avoiding. I didn't expect Lanze to speak up today.

Lanze knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression, and smiled slightly: "Are you surprised?"

Gong Yuwei said nothing!

Lan Ze picked up a dead leaf that fell by his side and said, "Even if it wasn't mentioned, wouldn't it exist? We knew the other's existence clearly, and we defaulted to the other's existence. Even if we didn't mention it, we could not change it. What can only be said to be an escape, but in the end you still have to face the facts, why bother to escape? "

The words fall and let the dead leaves go and let it fly to the ground.

How did Gong Yuwei fail to understand what he said, but people are like this. When faced with things they don't want to face, they want to run away when they can, even if they know they can't, they still don't want to face them so clearly!

Lan Ze looked at the dead leaves falling in the sky, and his voice was a little empty: "Perhaps I don't care the least, but my heart is also fleshy. I also have emotions and desires, and I will be jealous and greedy. Will be selfish, but when these are shown, she may be able to get a moment of care, but it is more to make her embarrassed, to make her sad, to be satisfied, but to give her bad, what about such feelings Can it be called love? "

"I don't want to be a lobbyist or to reason with you, I just want to tell you one thing, that is the future life, no matter how long, ten, twenty, fifty years, we will accompany her You have me, you have them, even if you do n’t want to face them, but we are destined to accompany her to the old age together, instead of trying to escape from the future life, try to let go, maybe let yourself Be comfortable! "

"I love her, so I accept everything she loves, this process is a bit painful, but when you really accept, you will find that you are closer to her, and the true heart is the same, it will be more perfect than now!"

Gong Yuwei looked at the chess pieces on the table, but his heart became transparent because of Lan Ze's words. As he said, in the decades to come, they all exist, and they will always accompany her to grow old and escape. After ten or twenty years, is it still necessary to escape a lifetime? Even if I ran away from my heart, it still exists, after all, it is ridiculous to cover my ears and steal the bell!

Taking a sunspot and falling down, he said calmly: "I will move into the palace tomorrow, this prime minister's house is really cold!"

Lan Ze chuckled, didn't answer, just raised his hand!

Mo Di articles-destined life guardian

Ministry of Defense! After sitting at the table, Mo Zhai was on the left with a pile of documents that had just been approved, and on the right with a bunch of documents that had just been delivered. He had only been sent to the Ministry for three days, and he had been here for three days. It's soft!

"Buck!" The knock on the door rang, and Mo Zhai didn't look up: "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and the comer jumped in two or three steps, and soon came to his table, his voice beckoning: "Brother! Still busy!"

Mo Di looked up: "Why are you here?"

Moina pointed to the food container in her hand: "The one who brought you the soup, you haven't had time to rest in the past few days. You have to fill it!"

"Just let go and go back!" After looking down, he continued to read the official document.

When Moina saw that she had been abandoned, she turned her lips away, and glanced over the documents piled up on the table, complaining: "Sister Xi is really true, and I don't know if I can find someone to help you. If you are tired of you, take care of you. If this goes on, even the Iron Man will be exhausted! "

Mo Di looked up at her fiercely, and looked unhappy: "You are not allowed to say her that!"

"Are you murdering me?" Moina's eyes widened, and then she said, "Okay! You have a woman and no sister, right? I'm superfluous, I'm worried about you after I'm full! Huh!"

Looking at Mo Ina's face was going to leave, Mo Zhai said nothing: "Ina! Don't make trouble!"

Moina paused and hummed, "You murder me!"

Mo Di sighed lightly: "I didn't kill you, it's none of her business!"

"Come on!" Moina walked back with a little awkwardness, opened the food container and brought out the soup cup: "You only have sister-in-law in my heart, and I don't know, I'm not in a hurry for you. I do n’t see you going back to live, and I ’m not afraid Sister Ji forgets you! ”

Mo Zhai laughed: "This is because there are so many things because of my new appointment, just a few days will be fine!"

Moina sighed and said, "The girl can walk in Lengchen in two months. When will you let my sister-in-law give me a little nephew?"

Mo Di heard a word of surprise: "I never thought about it!"

Moina gave him a look, a look I knew, sighed, and said slightly: "Brother! Honestly tell me, what is your relationship with sister-in-law? It ’s because she saved us that you want to repay Or do you really love her? "

Mo Zhai gave a hand: "Why do you ask that?"

Moina put the food box in front of Mo Zhai: "Brother! I shouldn't have said these things that you had a good relationship with sister-in-law, but as your sister, I still want to talk to you; although I think you are in love My sister-in-law, but your attitude always makes me doubt that you treat your sister-in-law too carefully, not like a couple! "

Mo Zhai's expression was loose, and he rarely spoke to his sister: "If you really want to say it, everything really starts from gratitude, but now I know exactly what I have with her, and I also know my heart. As for Be careful ... it just feels that it didn't come easily, so every point is so important, don't want to make a mistake! "

Moina was relieved when she heard the words. Her proud brother was completely planted in the hands of sister-in-law, and she took a purse out of her arms and handed it over: "Hey! This is for you It is said that Jin Gongzi's sachet that can calm down and calm down can occasionally remove fatigue without side effects! "

Mo Di Wenyan raised his hand and took it, looking at the embroidered eagle totem, a smile on his lips.

Moina shook her head helplessly when she saw this, she was not saved!

When Mo Ina left Mo Zhai, she took a deep sip of the sachet, and she was really comfortable. She raised the pen again, and he had to finish it early and go back to see her!

After a busy afternoon, he finally processed the official documents and let them distribute them. He couldn't wait to go to Weiyang Palace; when he entered the door, he saw Leng Ying holding Leng Chen to tease, Moina and Lanxiang were sitting. Embroidery aside, but Mo Zhai only saw the mother and son on the high platform.

Leng Chen's face was soft and smiling, Leng Chen smiled creakily, the mother and the child were enjoying themselves, and their eyes fell on Leng Chen's belly. There was another, although it was not his, but he would like it, just like it Leng Chen is like a girl.

Leng Yan noticed his presence, smiled softly, and asked, "Done?"

"Huh!" Mo Di nodded and walked over, bending over and holding Leng Chen's girl, sitting next to Leng Chen, holding Leng Chen's waist with one hand, her purple eyes were full of tenderness, and he didn't ask much now He just wanted to guard this love, this love, no regrets throughout his life!

Longyue leaves-from untamed to mature and stable, only because his shoulders carried her sky

Time flies, and another six months have passed, and the cold belly has become as big as a balloon. It is bigger than when I was pregnant with Lengchen, I do n’t know how much. I walked with a big belly and was scared every step. Everyone was frightened, especially Hua Jinzhi's prospective father, who couldn't wait to guard her for twelve hours a day.

Hua Jinzhi wanted a daughter, but Jin Yu told him relentlessly that this was definitely a son. Hua Jinzhi was sad and sad, but when she saw the hard work, she lost all her thoughts, as long as she was safe and secure. When he was born steadily, he was at ease.

All eight of them lived in the palace. They would accompany Leng Kuo every day when they were free, and they would no longer appear one by one. Many times, they would be together, playing chess and drinking tea together, and would not be restrained anymore. Or avoid it!

Today, there are some things that Hua Jinzhi must deal with. Leng Yue asked Long Yueli to take her out, but the journey was limited to the Royal Garden, and the palace did not give her out!

Longyue took hold of Leng's waist, slowed down and walked side by side with him. His handsome and unparalleled face was full of prudence, and she smiled faintly, stroking her belly with one hand, and the tenderness and tenderness in her face. Bring along, the flowers of this imperial garden are overshadowed, the palace people and the guards on both sides consciously shrink to the corner to be invisible people, no one is willing to come to break this warm atmosphere!

"Leave!" Leng Yue called suddenly.

Long Yueli also stopped: "Huh?"

Leng Yan turned slightly and faced Longyue Li face to face, raised his hand across his cheek, and sighed, "Did you feel that you have changed a lot?"

Long Yueli took her hand and her evil eyes picked: "Are they getting old or ugly?"

Leng Yan pinched his face: "It has become mature and stable, many times I can't associate you with that swaying Xuanwang!"

Long Yueli chuckled, lowering her head against her forehead: "Then do you like me now or me before?"

"Like it all!" Leng Yi answered without hesitation, holding Long Yueli's arm and continuing to walk: "I used to be like you, holding the heart of the game, so I like you at that time, although extreme and absolute Decided, but it keeps me close like a poppy, and my heart beats too much. Now I have set my heart. Although I ca n’t say that I am a good wife and mother, there are a lot of things that a woman should have, and you And because the responsibility has become steadily mature, becoming my real husband can make me wholeheartedly rely on, so I also like you now! "

Long Yueli took her hand, her expression moved slightly.

Leng Yan held him back and thanked him, "Leave! Thank you!"

Long Yueli rolled her eyes: "Thank me?"

Leng Yan turned his head to look at him, slightly moved his body to peck on his face, and said earnestly: "Thank you for being a strong and overbearing crowd in my world, thank you for your persistence and extreme excitement so that you did not give up on me, thank you Willing to stay with me forever! "

Long Yueli held her face and kissed her brows: "It's a bit of conscience!"

Leng Yan heard a smile, leaned into his arms, and was extremely relieved!

Long Yueli hugged Leng Qing, although he didn't say in his mouth, but there was still a lot of emotion in his heart. From the acquaintance to four years now, but less than five years, but it seems to him that it has spanned a century; He used to be unrestrained, unrestrained, and fearless, but now he has become calm and calm, drawing her for himself in the place where he once hated the most, worrying for her, and worrying about her at all times, although restraining him, But he was willing.

She has eight husbands. He is just one of them, but he knows the weight in her heart, and she knows her dependence and trust in herself. She gives everything to him without reservation, without doubt, he is Her most dependent husband, he is willing to do anything for this unique responsibility.

He is no longer young now, he is her husband, he is the father of Leng Chen girl, a family man, naturally can no longer be frivolous as before, he wanted her life and carried her everything, Naturally, he has a responsibility. He loves her more than he loves himself, so he will be worthwhile for what she does, and he also knows that she will always love him, unlike anyone else, who belongs to him alone. A love and dependence!

Even though there was a little regret in this life, but he was no longer asking, he only wished to meet her earlier in the next life, and wrapped her heart firmly in his arms, which belonged to him all his life!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

I originally planned to write it all at once, but I do n’t like this number very much outside of these seven chapters, so I left a chapter and wrote Hua Jinzhi and Er Baozi tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is Jin Yu. Do n’t worry, what? All drops, what?

Please do not reprint!