MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 4 Yuwei love deep! Hua Jinzhi's birthday ceremony!

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When Zi Ling returned to the palace, Ziyu found her first, without any surprise, apparently already seeing that it was not Chi Ling!

"You follow me first!" Ziyu led Leng Yan around the front hall, entered the nave from the side door, and came to a screen: "The one who is talking to the newly-emerging Ning Guizhen and Wang Zhaoyi, they are The two people who were arrested on that day, now all the injuries on their faces are healed, come to thank you with gifts! "

"Oh? Where is Kano?"

"Kano doesn't like her touching, and slaves make their own claims and let Qiu Xin hold aside to play!"

"Yeah!" Leng Yan smiled slightly. "It's very clever! By the way, the prime minister's palace Yu Wei entered the palace, what do you know?"

"The slaves listened to the people saying that the seven princesses had their own maids go back to the palace in their own clothes the night before, but they stayed in the Prime Minister ’s Mansion. The Lord Prime Minister did not know it, but it was already true that the princess stayed in the palace. After discussing with a few ministers, he gave the decree of marriage. After the decree was issued, the palace prince got out of bed without worrying about illness. It was said that he almost fell down with excitement and looked angry; regardless of other people's prevention, he put on clothes and asked the emperor to come to the palace. Withdrawing the decree, the emperor asked him why he was unwilling. He only said that he was not worthy of the princess's body, and asked the emperor to choose another good destiny for the princess. The emperor was persuaded, but he was as stubborn as an antique, and the emperor was furious. When he left, he knelt in front of the temple. It was almost ten hours yesterday afternoon until now! "

"It's really a stubborn elm cricket!" Leng Yi smiled helplessly, believing that man, he adhered to the etiquette and did everything with a single glance. If there was no cricket, he was afraid he wouldn't risk anger. If the danger of Tianyan seeks to withdraw the decree, he will marry the seven princesses in an orderly manner, even though he will not be strong in love, but he can also be a husband and wife who respect each other, but all this has been mixed by her, but a few Facing the face, he was so deeply trapped that he even did such a drastic thing!

"How about the Seven Princesses?"

"I came back yesterday afternoon, and it is said that I cried very sadly, and I cried last night!"

Crying and fainting is not enough, I'm afraid that I'm tired of crying and fell asleep! Leng Yan gently rubbed his temples: "Go and call the Seven Princesses!"


Ziyu went out, Leng Ye went to the cabinet to find the clothes to change by himself. Just after wearing the complicated palace clothes, Qing Ling came in. When she saw Leng Ye, she was slightly surprised, but immediately converged, and slightly lingered on Leng Ye. Lack of body, this is the attitude at the moment!

Leng Yan saw her dress and appearance, and immediately understood why Ziyu recognized her. It was obvious that the two were two identical faces at the moment, but they were two different temperaments. Qing Ling's body was stable, mature, and stereotyped. The majestic and noble feeling, this should be the former Leng Jinghua!

"What task did your master give you this time?"

Qing Ling knelt on her knees, and bowed her head respectfully: "From now on, you are the master of slaves, slaves listen to you all!"

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows, is this a trick? Or was Leng Yue disgusted? However, according to Leng Yue's words, her existence value can only be realized by herself, and she really needs a substitute: "From today you will be reduced to a second-class palace maid and wait in the front hall!"


Qing Ling got up and unloaded Yi Rong, changed into a second-class maid's clothing, and went out in Lu Chang's surprised eyes. She didn't squint, as if she didn't see the surprise in Lu Chang's eyes, walked directly behind a curtain and stood Now, silent!

"Lu Chang!" The cold call drew Lu Chang's attention.

"The slave is here!"

"Come in and change for the mourning family!"


Lu Chang walked in and saw Leng Yan sitting in front of the dressing table with clear eyes, quite different from just now, but a little puzzled under his heart, but did not show it, walked over to her, and said, "The slave just saw Qing Ling Almost, I thought it took a while, and I looked at it again carefully, but I didn't expect it was her, and she was really unrecognizable! "

Leng Yan raised his hand to select the sister-in-law on the desk case, and frowned slightly when he heard the words: "People who are not sensible need good training. As long as they are strong enough, those who are ignorant will become sensible!"

"The Queen Mother is right!"

When Lu Chang made a good swear for Leng Yan, Ziyu had already brought the Seven Princesses!

"Mrs. Queen! Seven Princesses are waiting in front of the temple!"

Leng Yan stood up with this Ziyu's hand and brushed his clothes: "Let's go!"

Leng Yan came out, a figure in front of the palace slightly drew up, and the weak female voice with some husky: "See the Queen Mother!"

"No!" Leng Yan slightly raised his hand, sat down towards his own position, and pointed to the position next to him: "Come here and sit here, Ai family talks to you!"

The Seven Princesses were somewhat flattered: "Mrs. Xie!"

Holding the skirt, taking small steps up the steps, and then owing to the cold, then sat down properly, knees folded slightly, hands folded on the lower abdomen, back spine straight, action one stroke at a time, It was almost taught by a teacher like Gong Yuwei!

Leng Yan then carefully looked at the seven princesses. Her appearance was similar to Long Yi's. She was not a big beauty, but her eyes were clear, her palms were small, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, and she was fragile. Be sorry; although she is strong and dignified, she still cannot help but feel a little tense, and her face is also a little green. A woman in this world is fifteen and aunt, she is just a good girl this year. Just a child!

"I heard that crying passed out last night. What makes you so sad?"

The seventh princess glanced coldly, a little sad, and a little shy: "Back to the Queen Mother! Nothing!"

"It's really nothing? Ai's family heard that Lord Gong is still kneeling outside the temple now!"

The seventh princess suddenly felt sorrowful when she heard her words, and she bowed her head and held back her crying: "It is peaceful that is not worthy of him. He would rather resist than marry me. What else can I ask for?"

Coldly tapping on the lid of the tea cup, he asked a little puzzlingly: "Have you seen Lord Gong before?"

The seventh princess Long Anning shook her head: "No! I went there only when the emperor ordered it!"

"So you haven't seen each other for four or five days, he's so good to make you so deeply rooted?" Leng Yan raised an eyebrow.

The seventh princess twisted her handkerchief, and was a little embarrassed, "An Ning has been raised in the deep palace all these years, and I have never seen a man outside. The emperor told me to go to Xiangfu that day and said that he would marry. I am my husband, so no matter who he is, I will marry him. Besides, there are women in the palace who have talked about his deeds and I have heard about him. I can't help being curious! "

"When I went to Xiangfu that day, I realized that after seeing him, it turned out that he was such a man ... I wanted to take care of him, but he adhered to ethics and did not let me touch him for half a point. Although he was cold, but I But he is not angry, because he must be a responsible man, so I have been waiting for the imperial edict of the emperor, and even ready to marry him, but he was so decisive that he had received the edict yesterday. I still forget No, that kind of sadness, that kind of despair, is better than me, and in a flash I knew that it was my extravagance! "

Leng Ye looked at the seven princesses who were crying, but extremely sad but did not hate the seven princesses of Gong Yuwei, and suddenly realized that her environment and education had made her the idea of ​​marrying a husband deeply rooted, Long Yi was the emperor , He gave her a positive ending, she naturally regarded Gong Yuwei as her husband who will soon serve, holding a peace of mind, but was surprised by the appearance and temperament of Gong Yuwei, it was easy to get all Xin Xin accepted this man who will dominate her life. Moreover, she is only fifteen years old at this age. It is not difficult for her to fall in love with Gong Yuwei.

Leng Yan raised her eyebrows, but she really hesitated. Although the Seven Princesses is not the kind she likes, she has a gentle temperament and is devoted to Gong Yuwei. She wants to marry her. But the question is, can the elm cricket of Gong Yuwei turn around?

Du Heng beckoned to Ziyu. Ziyu walked over. Du Heng walked away after telling her a few words. Ziyu came up and whispered in Leng's ear: "The emperor has gone down and left a few ministers in the Royal Study Room. At this moment, he has called in the palace master! "

Leng Yan was silent for a moment, his eyes closed and opened again, and finally made a decision. He looked at the seven princesses: "Let's go to the Royal Study Room with Ai Family!"

The seventh princess couldn't react at first, but the queen mother took her to the Royal Study, and she must have met the emperor, and she could beg for Gong Yuwei, and she nodded with excitement: "Yes!"

The cold study of Yu Shufang has never been to Lu, but there is Lu Chang to lead the way, and you don't need to let her think about it!

In the Imperial Study Room, Long Yi was sitting high, and several Prince ministers were sitting on both sides. Gong Yuwei still knelt straight in the middle, and the atmosphere was a little tense. At this moment, a guard came in: "Emperor Qiyu! The Queen Mother and the Seven Princesses ask to see!"

Long Yi frowned when she heard the words "Mother Empress", but at the same time there were seven princesses, and she immediately let go: "Xuan!"


Leng Yan stepped into the door of the Imperial Study Room, bypassed a one-meter-high bronze incense stick, and glanced down at Kung Yuwei, who was thin on the ground, and fell on Long Yi: "The emperor knows that his uncle is seriously ill After kneeling for so many hours, and letting him kneel like this, if something should happen, would the emperor lose a talent? "

The seven princess took a distressed glance at Gong Yuwei, and saluted him: "An Ning has met the emperor!"

Long Yi raised her hand to avoid the seven princess's ceremonies, and then said to Leng: "He did not let him kneel, because he insisted on kneeling by himself, and Ladu could not pull it up!"

Leng Yan bypassed several ministers and sat on the teacher's chair moved by the father-in-law of Long Yi's right hand. He took a cup of tea and gently slid the lid, saying casually: "I have heard about the two days of grief. The seven princesses also told the Ai family a lot, and the matter was probably clear. The emperor was sympathetic to the courtier and wanted to give a good marriage. This was a good thing, but in the end, it was a bit difficult, but it always needed to be resolved. Can't you drag it like this? "

Long Yi listened to the cold voice, and never felt it. At the moment, it sounds extremely comfortable. Compared with Hua Yuxuan's dignified and wise, he prefers her casual and natural nature, even if he knows that there is more than one of them. Gully, he still couldn't help trembling because of her existence.

"How does the queen mother think?"

Leng Yan looked at Gong Yuwei below, raising his eyebrows and said, "Rebellion against the government is the crime of beheading, even if it is the prime minister of a country, it ca n’t be excluded. It has become a vain matter, it is better to let Lord Gong give a reason to have to refuse marriage, to persuade the emperor and the adults present. If he can tell, the emperor pardons his crime of resistance. If he can't tell, How about kicking him out at Noon Gate? "

Long Yi heard a groan, but the seventh princess was crying before she fell on her knees: "Brother Huang! An Ning is not married, you can't kill him!"

After speaking, kneel to Leng Yan: "Mr. Queen! Anning begs you, don't force him, Anning doesn't blame him, please don't kill him!"

She looked at her coldly: "The so-called state law, family rules, the emperor is the prince of a country, the imperial edict represents an absolute order, and resistance to disrespect is a capital crime. But I am afraid that the three-year-old children in the world know it. This, his countrymen knowing the law and breaking the law, how can you forgive him because of your seven princesses? Where is Regal? "

Long Yi looked at Leng Yan deeply, and did not seem to think she would speak like this!

The German Prince and others looked at each other and had to agree with Leng Yan's words: "The emperor! The emperor and his wife support the suggestion of the queen mother-in-law just now. Regal is not to be abolished, but the happy event cannot be changed for nothing, so the emperor should give the prime minister a last chance This way, the emperor can be regarded as kind! "

"The minister waited for a second!"

Long Yi was silent for a moment and raised his hand: "Okay! I'll give him another chance!"

"Gong Aiqing! This is your last chance, and you have time to regret it now!"

The seventh princess looked at Gong Yuwei with tears in her eyes. At this moment, she had thrown away all her thoughts, only thinking that he would save his life!

"Cheng Gong Yuwei! Thank you Emperor Grace!" Gong Yu slightly leaned down and bowed her head, then slowly raised her head, her eyes fell straight on Leng Cao's body. When she finally saw her face, he smiled. It is not the warm smile that once passed away, but a smile that sees everything and reaches despair.

He Gong Yuwei was able to sit in the position of prime minister, how could he be a simple nerd, he did not care, did not check, just because he did not want to ignore it, do not want to be disturbed by those things; but someone finally broke him Everything in life shines into a beam of sunlight in his cold world. He is nervous, timid, hesitant, hesitant, and shy, and finally he sees his heart and wants to catch that beam of sunlight, but she becomes that moment. The sharp sword pierced his heart, then disappeared!

He fell from the cloud to hell, desperate, heartbroken, but after all, he still wanted to get her back, regardless of cost. He had always done everything fairly well, but finally he went crazy again because of that person! Of course, when he went all the way to find the answer, he would rather keep the despair alone and know nothing!

Unfortunately, he knew and understood, but after despair, he couldn't extract the feelings he had fallen into. He had gone crazy once, so why fear the second?

Leng Yan's gaze at Ugami Yumi, everyone didn't understand the smile, but she saw the final decision. The look was gentle but complicated, others didn't understand, but it seemed like a thousand sharp swords. Into her heart, she was so anxious for an instant that the emotions and intentions in it shocked Leng Yi, and the heart that was always indifferent couldn't help trembling!

"Pop!" The cup slipped, shattered the ground instantly, and shocked the people in the room, also stunned, and lowered his eyes: "Agrilic family slipped, let the emperor continue!"

Seeing that she was not injured, Long Yi was relieved and turned to look at Gong Yuwei: "Gong Aiqing! You say it!"

Gong Yu bowed his head slightly, a small piece of porcelain cut through the back of his hand, cut a hole, the blood flowed out, it was dazzling red, and a little pain, but he felt satisfied, at least for the moment she was because of herself And disoriented, at least, she didn't really care about herself, even if it was never possible between them, then he put her in his heart, and that's it!

"Return to the emperor! The minister already has a fiancee and dare not marry a princess!"

"Fiancée?" Long Yi apparently didn't believe it. "Why didn't you say yesterday? Besides, I never knew you had a fiancee?"

"The minister does have a fiancee. The reason why the minister doesn't say it is because ... the minister is a bit difficult to speak!"

"What made Ai Qingning die without saying?"

Gong Yuwei's hanging hand fist seemed to hesitate for a long time before she said: "Chen's fiancee is not Feng Yu's person, but he met when he was studying, and took him back to see his master, exchanged tokens and sentiments. She recently came The capital visited the minister, and she missed it so much ... that she couldn't help offending her ... She broke away from the court with anger, and the minister became ill because of it ... "

Leng Yan's eyelids were drawn, and then they were drawn. In the end, the eyelids were painful. Gong Yuwei said something really sincere and reasonable. Although it was a bit far-fetched, it was reasonable, and she couldn't help but believe him. That fiancee exists!

Unmarried men and women must abide by the etiquette law. Although some people have not paid much attention to this, Gong Yuwei is the first disciple of the emperor. He is strictly taught by the emperor. Naturally, he is more ethical than ordinary people. He has already felt guilty because he is so offensive to women. Shameless, naturally unwilling to say more; it was because of this incident that he became ill, and the seven princesses and the marriage-giving came out. In his heart, he loved the fiancee so much that he could n’t answer it, and could n’t say, so he did n’t. Explain! As for the fiancée, he moved out of the old-fashioned fierce emperor. Few people here don't believe it.

This long and short explanation was immediately accepted by everyone, and even felt very reasonable. I have to say that his character is too qualified!

"Where is Gong Aiqing's fiancée?" Long Yi's voice was not cold, but he was a little curious. After all, Gong Yuwei seemed to him rigid and antique, and the woman who made him uncontrollably was really curious!

"Before Chen Chen didn't let her change his mind to marry her as a wife, Chen Chen didn't want anyone to know her, and asked the emperor to forgive her!" Gong Yuwei said with great earnestness.

"Ha ha!" Long Yi heard a smile, and looked at the tearful Princess Seven: "An Ning! It's not that the emperor doesn't help you, but it's really hard to be strong!"

The seven princesses are extremely sad, but they are also moved by Gong Yuwei's affection and nodded, "Anning knows!"

"There is still more than one month for you and my wife, after you and my wife, I will choose a horse for you, okay?"

"Xie Huangxi!" Even if you are sad, thank you!

Leng Yan raised his hand, Lu Chang immediately went up to help him, Leng Yan stood up, and said exhaustedly: "This matter has been successfully resolved. The family of mourning is not in vain today. The family of mourning is a bit tired, so leave first!"

"Congratulations to the queen mother!"

Leng Yan took a walk and walked by. When walking past Gong Yuwei, he paused for a while, then left naturally!

Gong Yu slightly lowered her head and watched Leng Mao's steps passing by him. The long skirt wafted across the back of his hand, and she had a taste unique to her. Somehow, he wanted to laugh. The haze despaired a little, although he could no longer catch the beam of sunlight, but at least, the sunlight was visible to him!

"Brother! Peace is gone!"


The seven princess took a deep look at Gong Yuwei and chased Leng Yu away.

Long Yi saw that the matter was resolved. Although the imperial edicts had no effect, he was not angry this time: "Gong Father! Send someone to send the palace minister back, so that people can take care of it!"


At this time, at noon, the sun was dazzling and bright, and people couldn't open their eyes. Leng Yan stood at the end of the corridor of white marble and looked at the sky in the distance. She had an inexplicable meaning in her heart. She played with power and money. She used to stand on the top of the underworld. The men were nothing but her playthings. She would treat them well, but she never took heart. She thought she would never have extra feelings for men, but now she is out of the house. Yu Wei's accident, his cleanliness and innocence made her unbearable to hurt, so she rejected him, but she was still a bit relieved. She went to see him secretly that day, and helped him resolve the crisis today. She has done it. !!

If those are not enough to prove her upper heart, then today's glance, that smirk, the throbbing and trembling in her heart at that moment, she can't fool herself, this kind of feeling shouldn't be in her heart!

Close your eyes and sigh in your heart, "Go back to the palace!"

"Mrs. Queen!" The seven princesses trot over and stopped until Leng Yan followed, bowing slightly, "Quiet Anning thank you today!"

Leng Yan opened his eyes and said, "What did you do for the sad family?"

The seven princess smiled and suppressed those bitterness: "The queen mother forced him to say something in his heart. Even though An Ning was sad, but she also got an understanding that she would not be entangled in the future!"

Leng Yan turned and walked to the next corridor: "It is his loss that he doesn't marry you, forget it!"

"Anning knows!"

Leng Zheng returned to the palace, lay down on the bed without bathing, and waved them back. She was alone in the quilt. At this moment, she felt a bit tired and sleepy. She wanted to sleep well, and she was really tired!

Outside the palace, Gong Yuwei was sent out of the palace, and his words and those things had already passed out of the palace, and everyone immediately found a gossip that could be talked about, but because of Gong Yuwei's uncontrollable sentence, the prime minister's body was more There is a hint of man's ambiguous taste. Many people talk about the prime minister, and it is no longer cold or stranger, because he is also a man, and he has passions. And the prime minister also has a label, that is infatuation, for the beloved. Woman, rejected the princess, such an infatuated man, I don't know how many women in the girl's memory are remembered!

When Ziyu told Leng Ye these gossips outside the palace, Leng Ye only smiled and didn't bother, she didn't want to bother!

Things outside the palace went smoothly. Leng Ye didn't need to personally supervise it. It was all about topics about Gong Yuwei. She didn't want to leave the palace now. Rather quietly stayed in the palace for a few days. Long Yi wondered. What kind of wind, turned the treasury, and enjoyed something to cool here, those who don't refuse to come, all take it away, can't get along with money, that's a fool!

August is over and September is here. In a blink of an eye, September Ninth Festival is coming!

The wounds on Leng's back were completely healed, and the new meat came out tender and tender, and she felt a little itchy. She was upset about what she did, and simply couldn't get up in bed.

Ziyu came in and saw Leng Yan still lying on the bed, and couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Queen! It's time to get up!"

Leng frowns dissatisfied: "It's time to sleep at this time, why do you get up?"

Ziyu Waner, there is only this queen mother-in-law in the world who will lie on the bed and coquettishly: "The emperor and the concubine came here, and said to invite you out of the palace together!"

Leng Yan opened his eyes, "Did you hear me right? The two of them invited me out of the palace?"

Ziyu nodded affirmatively: "Absolutely! The emperor's chariot has arrived at the gate of the palace, saying that today is the crowning ceremony of the emperor. The Prince! "

"It's that kid's broken egg day!" Leng pouted, hesitated for a while before he got up: "Just take it easy!"

Ziyu chose a light golden phoenix suit for Leng Yan, tied a waist, and drew a veil of the same color on his arm. Because he was going to ride a car, Ziyu chose a simple hair style, which was luxurious but not too complicated, and There are not many hair accessories so that you will not have a bad neck!

Gently paint her eyebrows and make up. After doing all this, look at the beauty in front of her. If she is said to be a queen maiden, no one will doubt it. Even if she is the queen, she is also the most beautiful queen, but she is the queen , Great years, but destined for a lonely life!

"Okay! The queen mother can leave!"


Leng Ye looked at himself in the glasses with satisfaction and got up and went out; Long Yi and Hua Yuxuan were still waiting there, Leng Ye swept them lightly: "Let's go!"

Long Yi and Hua Yuxuan ride together, the cold car is behind, all bright yellow! Leng 玖 got into the car and was a little sleepy, so I brought the purple rain to chat and relieve the boredom!

Ziyu has read a lot of books, and many anecdotes, and told them one by one. Although Leng Yan often didn't have much expression, she didn't have to be impatient. She continued to talk, and talked all the way!

Che Yan finally stopped in front of the Prince's Mansion, the **** shouted, and the people inside kneeled immediately!

"Congratulations to the emperor! Congratulations to the queen queen and concubine!"

There are three chairs in the middle of the yard. Long Yi and Hua Guifei sit up. The other one is naturally cold!

Long Yi waived everyone's courtesy, said something to the Prince of Germany, and then let people send in the gifts!

Everything is ready, the next step is to wait for the time to be crowned!

Leng Yan felt his eyes fall on him, his eyes turned, and he saw Gong Yuwei in the forefront position, but at this moment he didn't look at her, just holding a glass of wine to sip, although he was at the same table with a minister, but he was alone White clothes are so abrupt, just like him, they are incompatible with this place!

Converged, she looked at the tea cup in front of her, but even if she didn't look at him, she could feel his existence, and she never hated her sensitive perception for a moment!

"The hour is here!"

The minister who helped the host shouted, everyone immediately came to the spirit, and the ceremony began!

Hua Jinzhi is still a red-gold color, but different from the past, the complexity of everyone in his body today, looking at the various patterns on it, at first glance is carefully crafted, such clothes are usually not worn by anyone of! But even though the clothes were complicated and solemn, they still couldn't hide his style!

His hair was simply bundled, without any decoration. He strode forward, glanced over Leng Yan, and kneeled in front of Prince De with a smile on his lips: "Father!"

Prince German looked at him with a smile on his face, watching his son grow into such a handsome boy, nothing could make him happier!

"Beginning of the crown! A crown ceremony!"

There is only one ceremony for women to crown, but three for men. The first ceremony is added by the father, the second ceremony is added by the VIP, and the last ceremony is more casual! Prince Germany took a red gold crown and put it on Hua Jinzhi very seriously!

"Second Crown Ceremony!"

Prince German looked at Long Yi and arched his hand: "I am troubled!"

People on the side brought a tray with a jasper crown decoration on it, Long Yi took it, and put it in the middle of the red gold crown. The red gold was inlaid with jasper, and it suddenly improved a lot!

"Three crowns!"

Hua Yu announced, she is now a concubine, and Hua Jinzhi's sister, this gift naturally she should come!

Of course, when Hua Yuxuan took the last sister-in-law to prepare for the gift, Hua Jinzhi avoided it: "The Queen Mother is still there!"

Hua Yu stiffened her hands and looked ugly: "How can the Queen Mother give you a gift?"

Hua Jin ignored and looked at Leng Yan: "I don't know if the Queen Mother is willing to condescend this last gift?"

Suddenly everyone's eyes turned to Leng Ye, although it was not reasonable, but Leng Ye was the queen mother, and her identity was there. If she really added this gift, she would not humiliate the identity of Prince Shide.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Leng Yan smiled suddenly: "It is strange that the Emperor said that the emperor had given so many gifts. The original purpose is here!"

Ziyu opened a small box with a red gold and jasper jade lying on it, as if the red gold and jasper crown of Hua Jinzhi itself was a set, and when I heard it coldly, I thought it was arranged by the emperor!

Leng Yan took out the bun and stood up to Hua Jinzhi. In the fiery eyes he was about to melt away from her, he bent down slightly and plugged it into Yuzhen, three crowns and ceremony, Leng Yan looked at him, only he could Visible angle smiled: "Congratulations to the adult son!"

When Hua Jinzhi saw the shy smile, his face suddenly became hot, and his complexion was unnatural, but it is undeniable that he felt happy at this moment!

"Li Cheng!"

Leng Ye straightened up, didn't even see Hua Yuxuan, walked back to his own position and sat down! Then the father-in-law announced the decree. From today on, Hua Jinzhi will be the son of Prince Prince's Mansion and hereditary Prince of Throne!


As soon as the imperial edict was received, everyone immediately stepped forward to congratulate, no matter whether it was true or false, they had to laugh at it. Who is the first aristocracy of the Fengyu dynasty?

Below is a round table, but the positions of Long Yi, Hua Yuxuan and Leng Yan are separate single tables. The meals above are specially made!

Hua Jinzhi held a glass toasting everywhere, and those ministers would not miss the opportunity, they were almost set! While the ministers were toasting with Long Yi, Hua Jinzhi ran here with two cups, sulking and arrogant, but still couldn't help smiling: "Forget you conscience!"

Seeing him like this, Leng Yan smiled, and then yelled: "Our son Hua is an adult today. Has Prince Germany prepared two beautiful couples for you at night to let you enjoy the fun of adults?"

Hua Jin's face turned red, glaring: "You don't need to care!"

Put the glass in front of her: "You haven't had a drink with me yet!"

Leng Yan picked up the jug, filled his glass, and then filled his glass again. When he raised the glass, he suddenly said, "Hua Gongzi is wrong, Hua Shizi. Do you still need to say congratulations to the family?"

Hua Jinzhi waited fiercely for a glance: "Drink!"

When Leng Ye finished drinking, one of Hua Jin took the wine glass that had taken her away, leaving Leng Ye so speechless, a cup ...

Ziyu waited for Hua Jinzhi to walk a long distance before returning to her mind. She was surprised and got into the cold ears: "Mr. Queen! How can you drink the glass that Shizi handed over?"

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow: "Can't you drink it?"

Ziyu was anxious: "Do n’t you really do n’t know? Feng Yu's men can choose a relative on the day of the ceremony, and they will be ordered to create a pair of acacia cups. If the man likes the woman, he will hand the cup That woman, if the woman is willing to take the wine glass, the two will drink after the wine is filled, that night the woman will help the man to hold an adult ceremony, and the woman ’s status can become the man ’s wife ’s room. room!"

Leng Yanran: "No wonder I think it's weird. He actually brought an empty glass, and that glass is so delicate!"

Ziyu was silent: "Mr. Queen! The point is not this, okay?"

"Drink it, what else can I do?"

Ziyu: "But ..."

"What's so good, but you just don't see it!"

Ziyu is powerless, but she really can't help but see it! Fortunately, the scene was crowded just now, I hope not many people saw this picture! Unfortunately, her thoughts are too naive. Even if others can't see them, how can the two people who have been paying attention to them be invisible? For example, Gong Yuwei, such as Leng Yue!

Gong Yuwei squeezed the glass in her hand when she was drinking coldly, she couldn't believe it; Leng Yue was a crushed wine glass, she didn't know she was angry because of her actions. , Or something else!

And just as the dark tide surged here, Prince De Germany took out a box and opened it in front of everyone. Inside were two beautifully made quilts, with gold as the seat and crystal as the cup!

"The princess finally took out the acacia cup. I have been waiting for a long time!"

"Haha! Hurry up and call the son, this is his big deal!"

"That's it!"

A group of young ministers followed a bunch of brothers, Ziyu looked at the pair of cups in surprise, didn't understand what happened!

Leng Yan smiled when he saw this. It must be that the boy knew that he could not pass the acacia cup to her, so he had another pair in private, and then begged when she was confused.

It didn't take long for Hua Jinzhi to be pushed up by a few brothers. Although it was pushing, he didn't dare to be tough. Hua Jin was pushed halfway before being pushed in front of Princess De Germany. Despite the election, no matter which woman I am, I will definitely not object! "

In the eyes of everyone waiting for a good show, one of Hua Jin closed the lid: "I haven't my sweetheart, I'll keep the cup, wait until I marry my wife, and I will take out the candle in the cave!"

"Haha! Does the grandfather of the world want to leave the first concubine to the future?" Because the emperor was there, the voice was deliberately low, but many people could still hear it.

Hua Jinzhi glanced at Leng Yan with the corner of his eye, and kicked the man angrily: "Go!"

The crowning ceremony was dispersed in the afternoon. Leng Ye went back to the palace one step. After drinking a lot of wine today, he just went back to sleep!

"Mr. Queen!"

When Leng Yan was about to get in the car, Gong Yuwei's voice suddenly reminded him, Leng Yan got a meal, and did not turn around: "Is there something wrong with the grandfather?"

"I do have something to say to the queen queen, I don't know if the queen queen can move?" The cold voice didn't have a trace of emotion, as if it was just a normal conversation.

Leng Yan held the curtain of Che Yan: "Sorry! Ai's family is not available today ..."

"Xiao Xun!" The voice was no longer cold, and Xiao Xun, who was mixed with countless feelings, let Leng Xun fail to set foot on the car.

Two quarters later, Su Shangzhai, Leng Yan chose a secluded room, let Ziyu keep them, and sat in by herself. Her clothes were naturally changed. Although it was still a Jinyihuafu, it was not It will make people see her identity at a glance!

Leng Yan's eyes fell out of the window. For some reason, she was afraid to look at Gong Yuwei at the moment!

Gong Yuwei poured a cup of tea for her: "Drink some tea! You just drank a lot of wine!"

"No! You just have something to say!" Leng Yan looked down slightly.

Gong Yuwei gave a hand: "Xiao Yan wouldn't talk to me like that!"

Leng Yan finally turned his head and looked at him deeply: "You already know my identity, why ..."

"How do you know?" Gong Yuwei looked at her calmly, a look she had never seen before. She faded from the cold and shy away, so calm that she didn't even know her! "Regardless of whether you're a sister-in-law or a queen mother, you are still you!"

Leng Yan unnaturally turned away from the topic: "You pulled a fiancee to Long Yi, could you really become a fiancee?"

"It's not a tear, but there is a fiancee, even if she doesn't admit it, but I admit that she's fine!" Gong Yuwei looked at Leng Yi straight, the meaning in the words was obvious!

Leng Ye really didn't understand. How can a blow really make people change so much? And the weight of his words made her dare not pick it up easily, and she took it easy for a long time: "If she would never admit it, wouldn't I promise you?"

"Then I won't marry for life!"

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Guys! Can this chapter comfort your injured souls? The prime minister finally took the first step, and the child finally knew his affection; and the day of the broken shell of Hua Jinzhi's kid, proudly came to jump, hoping to comfort everyone and earn some people Come back! Whoohoo!