MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 41 marriage! Mocha

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Leng Ye would like to say that the dead are invisible, but Long Yueli seems to want her to be recognized by her mother. Leng Ye didn't say much. You should never see me! "

Longyue Li touched her head: "It's wrong, you should call your mother!"

Leng Yan was a little hesitant at this moment, and met his eyes: "Eh! Can you call if you are not married?"

Longyue Li bowed her head and kissed her with an eyebrow: "Let's give our mother three heads together and let her witness our marriage?"

"Today is her death date ..." Leng Yue wanted to say but was interrupted by Long Yueli: "She will be very happy, and there is no better day than today!"

"Uh ..." Leng Ye had nothing to say, and Long Yueli didn't give her more chance to say. She flew back to Xuan Wang's Mansion and went to a yard where Leng Ye had been to. The yard was very quiet. People are there, but the pour-out looks neat, and apparently people often clean it.

Opening the door, you can see at a glance the woman's room, lilac veil, white carpet, carved bed, and a very delicate dressing table.

Longyue let go of Leng Yong's hand and sucked out a box from the bottom of the bed with internal force, carefully held the box on the table, and opened it.

Leng Yan's eyes flickered, and there were two sets of wedding clothes in the box. The jade crown and phoenix were all complete. The dragon and phoenix were embroidered on it, which was extremely delicate.

Long Yueli pulled her cold hand and hugged her shoulder with one hand: "This is what she prepared for me in the last year, and it was not completed until the day she was dying. I think she must want us to wear it today. Show her! "

Leng Yan raised his hand and held his face: "You haven't told me about your mother-in-law?"

Long Yueli pulled her hand and pecked: "I'll tell you tonight! Would you like to wear it for me now?"

"Leave!" Leng stomped a kiss on his lips: "Don't ask me such a fool's question!"

The appearance of Longyue Lixie's evil spirit is very serious at this moment: "But I want to hear from you!"

Leng Yi moved in his heart, took a step back and held his hand, smiled, and said earnestly: "I do!"

Long Yueli finally had a satisfying wanton smile on that demon's face, her arms clasped her tightly, and she sighed longly: "Sir!"

Long Yueli personally put on the tedious bride wedding dress for Leng Ye. At this moment, he was very serious, and even could be said to be religious, without a little silky thought, put it on her a little bit, then combed her head Zhu Xi, finally covered his hijab lightly.

Leng Ye did not interrupt, obeying his movements to dress the body, and then waited tightly for him.

Longyue Li put on the one that belongs to him. This bright red seems to be made for him by nature, so beautiful that it can't be ignored.

Long Yueli raised her head to the cold gaze, her face was soft, she raised her hand and held her hand: "Let's go!"

The two flew to the cemetery with light work, where it was no longer indifferent. A red carpet was paved on the ground, tribute was placed in front of the tombstone, and two red candles were burning.

Leng Yan didn't ask much, walked along Long Yueli's hand, and they knelt down while looking at each other, no master of ceremonies, and did not kneel to the world, but just squinted three heads quietly at the tombstone!

The two stood up and looked at the tombstone with a cold smile, "I can call your mother now!"

Long Yueli embraced her tightly: "Hey! Thank you!"

Leng Yan blinked playfully across the veil: "Should she be called the maid of honor now?"

Longyue Li heard a smile and said, "Yes! My lady!"

Leng Yan pretended to be shy and leaned forward, screaming: "Sangong!"

The sound of goosebumps originally made people feel very useful in Longyue Li's ears. Leng Yue laughed and couldn't stand it!

Longyue Li raised his hand to uncover the cold head, took the pot wine, and the two drank it in hand. The red fire of the candle glowed on the two, and two drops of candle shed tears, like Madam Flower crying for them .

Although they became relatives, Long Yueli did not bring Leng Yi to the room. The two went to the grass on the other side of the hill, and lay on it with the guise of heaven.

Leng Yan pillowed Long Yueli's arm and looked at the starry sky: "You don't know that I will come today, how did you prepare for this?"

Long Yueli touched her face: "I went to see you in the palace today!"

Leng Yan's eyes sank slightly. Needless to say, she knew everything behind, she was not in the palace!

Longyue Li bowed her head and kissed her forehead: "I'm ready to keep her tonight as usual, but I don't want you to appear suddenly, you are destined to be my wife!"

Leng Yan looked at him sideways: "You haven't told me anything about your mother!"

Longyue paused and said, "You should know about Qianyingwei's seven-block token!"

Not doubt, but yes, Leng Yan nodded: "I know!"

Longyue Li looked at the sky: "The flower family is the flower family hundreds of years ago. It has been ups and downs for hundreds of years to this day. There have been several exterminations, but they have finally survived, and they have not been involved for two hundred years. Chaotang! Everyone in the world knows that the emperor rescued his grandfather at that time, because he had to marry into the palace because of his wife, and the old emperor was extremely favored by her ... "

Long Yueli said a mocking smile here: "But no one in the world knows that in order to not enter the palace, her mother cut three mouths on her face, each one inch deep, white bones, the face, even if it is The miracle doctor can't recover! Why do the emperor want to put countless delicate women on it, but want his mother to kiss this woman who has ruined her face? "

Leng Ye suddenly knew, and indeed some history could not be verified. After the romantic peach **** was deeply dismantled, it was just a laughable benefit! What to say is extremely glorious, what to say is affectionate, but it is only for the flower family!

"My mother did n’t want to, but the emperor ’s means were so clever. In the end, she had to obey the flower family and even gave birth to me. The emperor knew that his mother would not leave me heartlessly, so he loved me so much that everyone in the world would Knowing Xuan Wang and praising him deeply, my mother had to stay in the palace for so many years for me until the emperor died and Long Yi's father ascended the throne! "

"He is worthy of being the father and son of the old emperor. Both of them were thinking about the flower family. I was driven back to the fiefdom, but my mother-in-law was deceived by the world by fake death and illness. Huajia's token; and I struggled for five years, I did n’t know that my mother-in-law was still alive. It was n’t until that day that I met my uncle who had lost all his martial arts. The token and the entire flower family were handed to me. I only rescued my mother one year later, but she was very poor at that time. She lived a little over four years with the medicine given by the divine doctor, and finally died in my arms. in!"

Leng Yan didn't speak, turned over and hugged his head in his heart. She could not understand the feeling of the so-called relatives wiping away, but the last time I saw Leng Yirou was about to die in her arms, she was suffocated by the despair before she realized that she cared How painful is the death of his loved one; Leng Yirou and her are just relatives who are so painful that they ca n’t help themselves, and he watched the death of his beloved mother with his own eyes. What kind of despair?

Neither of them was talking, so they hugged each other quietly at this night, until daylight, when the two returned to the room, coldly accompany him to sleep until noon, then woke up, replaced the suit and folded it, put it, and walked to the bed While watching Long Yueli's sleeping face, he slept very peacefully at the moment, a slight smile aroused from the corner of his lips, and a cold bow in his heart gave a soft kiss, and this man, she would never let go again in this life. !!

Leng Yan heard a big news as soon as he returned to the palace. After being immersed for almost a month, Snow Country finally launched a second attack, but instead of attacking Prince Fang Xiaoyin directly, they bypassed there and from another boundary. It took only one night for the raid to take down a border defense city. Prince Prince Xiao was caught by surprise, and Feng Yu's door had been bitten by two gaps.

Long Yi, who had just been happy because of Hua Yuxuan's pregnancy, couldn't laugh at this moment, and Chao Tang was also nervous.

At the same time, the war between the new King Mozhai and Prince Chiyin of the steppe has begun. The steppe has never been so unified but so tense; every piece of grass is a battlefield, and every moment there is a fight, Gore, killing, death.

Seeing that it was going to Mid-Autumn Festival, but the whole Feng Yu did not have any sense of joy, the entire palace was shrouded in haze, and no one was thinking about autumn hunting.

Just when Leng Yi thought that Long Yi would be silent all the while, a decree suddenly broke this dead silence-Feng Huayu declared it!

"After closing?" Coldly lazily lay on the soft couch, smiling gently: "It is indeed time to close!"

There are still seven days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Long Yi has set the postponement ceremony on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival. The seven-day period is not long or short, but it is still tighter for this major postponement ceremony, so everything is simplified.

I thought that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival would be very deserted, but suddenly came out like this, the palace was immediately busy; as the harem's master, all this should have been cold talk, but Long Yi did not give it to her, she was too lazy Reason, so let Yuan Fei and Xue Fei go to work.

Busy everywhere, only the coldest is the busiest, oh, and Longyue Li, do not know where to go during the day, came to Weiyang Palace at night to report that the two simply ignored the outside things and lived an unrestrained two-person world.

However, the leisure time is always limited, because there are always so many people in this world, you don't have to provoke him, but he has to find something uncomfortable, such as the current Ministry of Rites.

"Emperor! Since ancient times the queen's residence was Weiyang Palace. There was no harem in the harem. There is nothing wrong with the queen queen living in Weiyang Palace. But now the new queen is re-established.

In the early days, the Shangli Book said a word that surprised everyone, but what he said was not unreasonable. Weiyang Palace and Changle Palace were originally residences of empresses, but now they live for the queen queen, which is indeed a bit inappropriate. Someone just wanted Secondly, Long Yi threw his sleeves and announced his dismissal, leaving a bunch of officials to look at each other.

Li Shu Shangshu glanced at Prince De, and waited until everyone else had left before asking: "Master! What does the emperor mean?"

Prince German glanced at the dragon chair: "The two days of convening officials to give the emperor a memorial, what should I say that the king believes you are very clear, be sure to let the queen queen move out of Weiyang Palace!"


Prince Germany was still thinking about the plan, but they did not know that their movements were all in Lengshou's hands, lying on the bed holding Kano, the whole man was lazy and boneless, Lengshou suddenly and quietly called: " Lu Chang! "

"The slave is here!" Lu Chang was always staying beside.

Leng Yan lowered his eyes: "Ai family thinks you seem to have nothing to do recently!"

Lu Chang smiled: "But the queen mother wants to do something for the slaves?"

"That's a good idea!" Leng Yan nodded and smiled: "Lai's family recently wanted to count our little treasurers of Feng Yu!"

Lu Chang was clear: "The slave must help the queen mother count it carefully!"

"Well! But there is nothing fun in the small treasury. Remember to count each of the little sisters by the way, this sad family is more interested!" Leng Youyou said.

"The slaves understand!"

Leng Yan smiled and waved his hand: "Come on! Don't get in the eyes of Ai family here!"

Lu Chang's expression remained unchanged, and he retreated with a smile: "The slaves resigned!"

That night was still the same, but most of the ministers of the DPRK and China received a brand-new account book, which clearly recorded the silver in their small vault, the lives of the small houses in each room, and those who thought they were hiding well The unseen secret. Turning to the last page, it clearly says-Wei Yanggong Lu often says hello to adults! If there are any omissions, please also adults to point out, our family must correct!

Numerous officials saw this sudden internal injury and vomiting blood, which quickly turned their ancestors out, and still corrected them? Doesn't this kill them? However, the five words "Luyang Palace Chang" are enough to alert all ministers. Today, the Prince of Germany wanted them to go to the memorial, and they received this kind of thing tonight, and they were still the chief of the Weiyang Palace. This shows that they know everything. The Weiyang Palace knows everything. They want to help the Prince of Filial Piety. , Unless they do n’t want this black hat or do n’t let it go!

So, the next day, the DPRK proceeded very smoothly, and a group of ministers dealt with government affairs very seriously. The Prince of Germany was in the first place, and his eyes were almost blinded.

"Mr. Chen!" As soon as the meeting was over, Prince Germany called the Book of Ceremony with a gloomy look; other officials knew that Prince Germany was going to plead guilty and quickly ran away.

"Hehe! Lord! There are still some things in the court that haven't been dealt with, so you dare not stay, and please ask the Lord to forgive me!"

"What the **** is going on today?" Prince De walked over to stare at him.

A few steps back from the book of the Ministry of Li: "The minister is really in trouble, Lord Wang forgive me! Goodbye!"

Quickly arched a few hands, and then ran!

"Miscellaneous things!" Prince De was so angry that he didn't know how they changed.

Furui Palace

Watching Prince De enter with a look of anger, Hua Yuxuan couldn't help wondering: "What happened to the father? Who made you angry?"

Prince De Chen patted the table with a palm, glanced at the talents around him and whispered something to tell Hua Yu about it, and immediately afterwards he wanted to get angry.

Hua Yuxuan took his hand: "Father! Forget it! We can't fight her!"

Prince German smiled: "You are talking about Weiyang Palace?"

Hua Yuxuan sat down with a smile and said, "Who has the ability to do this besides her? I have been in the palace for so long, and I still haven't lost enough on her?"

"How can this be true!" Prince De was not angry because of her exhortations. Instead, she was even more furious: "She is already the queen queen, and she still occupies Weiyang Palace. Do you really think that those filthy things are not possible? There is the king, Don't even think about it in her life! "

Hua Yuxuan clenched his hands, and released after a while: "Father! We don't say this, how has Jin Zhi been doing recently?"

Speaking of his son, Prince De, eased a little: "It's okay! The two tigers fighting on the grassland, he is quite peaceful!"

"Will the mother-in-law choose him?"

Prince Germany looked at her: "It will be your ceremony soon, you should think about your own business!"

Hua Yu declared with a sigh of relief, an expression of utter sigh.

Prince German suspected: "What the **** can't you tell the father? About Jinzhi?"

Hua Yuxuan was silent for a long time before saying: "Does the father remember the last autumn hunt in the palace?"


"At that time, one of Jin's arrows almost hit her, and later saved her with light work, and then sent her back. Then she was assassinated until the two returned after more than two hours!"

After hearing the words, Prince German couldn't believe it: "You mean Jin Zhi and her?"

Hua Yuxuan shook his head: "I don't know! But Jin Zhi hasn't seen me much since I entered the palace. I always go to Weiyang Palace every time I come. I'm always worried that Jin Jin went to the barracks later. Now I ’m going to Bianguan again, but it ’s nothing! But I ’m always worried, so I want to ask my father to set Jin Jin ’s affairs earlier.

Prince Germany nodded solemnly: "You can rest assured! I will definitely discuss this with your mother-in-law as soon as possible. Whether he wants it or not, I will let him marry the world's concubine first!"

Tomorrow is the ceremony after the closure. Almost everyone is thinking about it. Only Leng Yan is thinking about the agreement with Gong Yuwei; one of them is the prime minister and the other is the queen mother. Such things must not be absent tomorrow. Things from morning to night do not know when it will end, so it seems really difficult to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

Lu Chang came in and saw Leng Yan being intrigued, and smiled softly: "Mr. Queen! See you, Liang Huang!"

Leng Yan returned to God: "Who?"

"Liang Huang Xiao Yan begging to see you!"

Leng Yan poked Kano in the arms, his eyes flashed: "Please come in!"


Not long after Xiao Yan walked in, the jade crown was high, the steps were calm, and the grace and dignity of the room dimmed the brilliance of this room a little. The eyes smiled slightly, the beauty was beautiful, but the magnificence was not coercive. Can't ignore the rejected man.

"I do n’t know if I am disturbing the queen mother?" Xiao Yan stood not far from the cold and looked at her with a smile.

Leng Yan still maintained a lazy posture, raised his finger to the position next to him: "Sit!"

When Xiao Yan moved her eyes, she sat elegantly on the place where she pointed, and then took out a delicate jade jar: "I said something for the queen mother long ago, but now I bring it, no surprise!"

Leng Yan smiled: "The family of Ai almost forgot, it is hard for you to remember, but just this thing, as for you to send it in person?"

99999 Xiao Yan put down the jade pot: "The widow really has something to ask for advice. I hope the queen mother will help the widow be puzzled!"

"tell me the story!"

Xiao Yan took out a half piece of fine blood jade from his sleeve. There was no special pattern on it, and there were no cuts or the like. It looked like a whole piece: "Is the empress seeing the exact same jade?"

Leng Yan shook his head: "No!"

Xiao Yan heard the words put away the jade: "The queen mother is disturbing!"

Xiao Yan said goodbye without sitting for a while, coldly looking at the tea pot on the table, he was a little puzzled: "He came to ask that piece of jade?"

Lu Chang seemed to know more, and laughed: "There are more than twenty in this year's queen mother. After three months, the queen mother will be twenty-one!"

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow: "My birthday is in November? But what does it matter?"

Lu Chang walked over and put away the jade jar: "Liang Huang's fiancee, the young lady of the child car family, is almost the same age!"


"Miss Zhe disappeared 18 years ago, and her whereabouts are still unknown. Although the Zhe family has kept the news a secret, the slave still knows one or two!"

Leng Yan smiled: "Does he think I am the young lady of the car?"

"At the age of the queen mother, it is not surprising that he has such doubts!"

"Eighteen years ago!" Leng Yan smashed his mouth and said, "It's really an intriguing number!"

After leaving the Weiyang Palace, Xiao Yan paused and spread his palms. The blood-red jade looked more rosy and clear on his white palms. He folded his fingers together to put it away, and the purple robe went away.

There are people who come and go along the way, all busy for the ceremony of tomorrow, and only Weiyang Palace is so quiet!

"My son! Where are we going now?"

Xiao Yan leaned on the carriage wall, her eyes were slightly lowered: "Go to the tea house!"

Yunshan was not surprised. He drove the car to the back door of the tea house, and the two went upstairs to the elegant room together. There was a place he had set up earlier. The other tea cups are separated, and they are no different from other tea cups, but they are very conspicuous.

Looking at his son's dull face, Yunshan couldn't see anything, so he asked, "Can the son have something to gain?"

Xiao Yan scooped out the tea and shook his head slightly!

Yunshan regretted it and immediately gave a breath. Although the queen mother was the person most likely to meet, her identity was there. If it was her, it would be more troublesome! But this last sign has also been rejected, and this search will become more difficult; I don't know what the car owner wants to do, it is obviously his own family affairs, but he has so much trouble!

Yunshan withdrew the thoughts in his heart and asked: "But the son is going to return to China? It is said that they have been a little bit restless recently, and they need to go back to wake them up!"

Xiao Yan sipped the tea, and said lightly, "Wait two more days!"

Yunshan pursed his lips and didn't speak again!

This tea house is remote and not very lively, which is why Xiao Yan likes to come here, and this tea house is directly opposite a street corner, where there is a restaurant where guests come and go. Now fast forward to noon, and many people, Very lively.

A dark-black carriage stopped at the restaurant door, and a pretty woman dressed in neutral jumped down and looked around the carriageway: "Miss! Let's have lunch here now!"

"Huh!" A faint voice sounded in the car, then the curtains opened, and a plain white woman came out and settled at the bus stop just after the woman's men, just at this moment, immediately let the people coming and going Amazing, white as falling snow, beautiful as summer flowers, so beautiful woman!

The woman's expression was soft and her brows were slightly wrinkled, as if she had a lot of thoughts, which made people feel pity!

"Let's go in!" Her voice was soft, and her heart was so sweet.

"Huh!" The two were going into this teahouse together, and suddenly a man who was embarrassed and rushed over rashly, didn't look anywhere, and directly collided with the two. The woman in white was unstable. She was slammed forward, but fortunately, the maid next to her was pulling her back quickly, which prevented the beauty from flinging on the street.

"Smelly beggar! You don't have eyes!" The maid scolded angrily.

"Okay! Chess! Let's go in!" The woman didn't blame herself, she softly persuaded her maid, and when she heard it, she was a good-tempered master, and immediately made the people around her feel good.

"My son ..." Yunshan upstairs saw the scene in his eyes, and suddenly his eyes widened. What he saw was naturally not the beauty or kindness of the woman, but that she had just fallen out of her jacket. The ruby ​​that came out was still uncovered outside the clothes at the moment. His eyes were very good and he could see clearly. The jade was exactly the same as the jade of the son: "Blood ... blood jade ..."

Xiao Yan naturally saw it, holding the tea cup's hand for a meal, and then withdrew it. There was also no emotion. It seemed that there was nothing to make his mood fluctuate.

"My son! Let's inquire when you're young!" Yunshan threw a word of excitement, and disappeared in a blink!

Xiao Yan turned the tea cup in his hands and glanced at the tea cup that was released specially. His eyes flashed, and his eyes were so deep that he could not see clearly.

It didn't take long for Yunshan to look back with excitement: "My son! Her name is Che Moyao, who we are looking for!"

Xiao Yan put down the tea cup: "Go back!"

"Hey! Son! This man finally found it, don't we recognize her? But they should settle here, and when they are young, they will inquire about their whereabouts, and they will not let them disappear!"

Xiao Yan didn't look back. The purple robe disappeared in the corner of the door. He just found out the relationship between Leng Jinghua and Leng's family and came out with a child car Mo Yao. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

In the restaurant, the sub-car Mo Yao and Qier sat down beside the window and called Xiao Er to ask for a meal. The sub-car Mo Yao didn't have much to say, and looked up out of the window with a slight sadness in his eyes. The carriage drove past the door of the restaurant, and the wind opened the curtain of the window. She just saw the beautiful, unforgiving, magnificent appearance, and her eyes widened, until the carriage had left her and she had not recovered.

"Miss! Miss?" Qier called the sub-car Mo Yao so much that she didn't hear it, so she had to raise her hand to shake her hand: "Miss! What's wrong with you?"

The chariot Mo Yao looked back at him, and looked at Qier dullly: "Just now ... I just saw him!"

Qier looked outside and wondered, "Who?"

Zhe Moyao's faint expression finally became angry at this moment. Bai Yu's skin was slightly reddish, and the look of a girl's pregnant Huaichun was different from that of Xizi holding her heart just now: "It's him, on the portrait The person who just passed by here in a carriage, although it was just a glance, but I am sure that person is him! "

Qier didn't believe it: "Miss, don't you want to be crazy about others, how can he be in a carriage on the street in his identity?"

"No! That's him!" The child car Mo Yao squeezed the handkerchief tightly: "I can paint him like a dream, why can't I read it wrong?"

Qier knew that her own lady was lost, and she said nothing, and sighed in her heart: "Since he is here, you will see him sooner or later. Let's eat something first. After a day's journey, it's fast Hungry! "

"Yeah!" The sub-car Mo Yao finally managed to suppress her thought of wanting to chase out. The food came up. She had a rare appetite for so many days to eat a bowl of rice.

The two came out after lunch, just ready to get on the carriage, but saw that the second child was kicking a female beggar. The female beggar was unkempt, dirty, and had little strength. When she was kicked, she lay on the ground and looked pitiful. The child car Mo Yao couldn't bear it, and asked the shopkeeper to give her two buns. She waved the second child and crouched down and handed the bun to the female beggar: "Take it!"

The female beggar looked at the bun, then slowly raised her head. She reached out her hand, not asking for the bun, but grasped the hand of the child car Mo Yao: "Save me! Save me!"

"Ah! Let go of my lady, get away!" Qier looked at the dark hand holding the hand of her own lady, and suddenly went up in disgust to wave it away.

"Chess!" The sub-car Mo Yao stopped the maid's movement. Although she was a bit disgusted with the female beggar's hand, she pressed down: "Bring her on, let's find somewhere to live!"

Qi Er was dissatisfied: "Miss, what do you do to save a beggar for no reason?"

The child car Mo Yao stood up, and the beggar also stood up, and she didn't care to smile: "Let's do good deeds!"

In the inn, the sub-car Mo Yao made people drink water and let the beggar freshen up. When she came out, both of them were surprised. Qier couldn't believe it and looked at this one, although she was pale and delicate. Woman, is this unsightly female beggar just now?

This person is not someone else, but it is Hua Ruier who was thrown away from the beggar's nest by Jin Yu. Because of Jin Yu's medicine, she lingered with the bunch of disgusting beggars for five days. After she was awake, she lost all her martial arts, and her whole body was up and down. There was no clean place. The beggars had enough to eat and drink. Seeing her couldn't resist, she abused her in various ways. She ran away several times, but was caught back by the beggars. Today she took advantage of them to ask for food and escaped again. If it was not for the child car Mo Yao, she would be arrested for a short time.

"What's your name?" Seeing that she was unsightly, and Qier wasn't so exclusive, such a beautiful woman became a beggar, she believed that there must be a story.

Hua Ruier looked at them and suddenly kneeled on one knee: "Please ask my sister to keep me!"

The child car Mo Yao rushed forward to help her: "When you get up, let's talk slowly!"

Huaruier looked up, and her face was already in tears: "My name is Huaruier, a cousin of an official son, a fiancee who has settled a relationship from an early age, but my cousin was blinded by the fox and wanted to regret marriage, I Driven out of them and homeless, this is what it looks like now! Please ask my sister to kindly accept me, and I will definitely repay you in the future! "

When the two women heard the words, they were extremely sympathetic. They lifted her up, and Qier didn't dislike it. With sympathy, "You can rest assured that following us, no one will dare to bully you!"

Huaruier immediately burst into tears: "Thank you!"

Qier passed a parcel to her: "Wipe your face!"

"Thank you, sister!" Hua Ruier took the papa, grateful.

Qier smiled: "I'm about the same age as you, just call me Qier!"

Child car Mo Yao also laughed: "My name is Child Car Mo Yao, older than you, you call me sister Mo Yao!"

Cart! Hearing this family name Hua Ruier's eyes flickered, but this time she pressed down intelligently and smiled sweetly: "Sister Mo Yao! Qier!"

Xiao Yan was looking for the car lady again, Long Yi was also looking for it, and it was much faster than Xiao Yanqin. When the child car Mo Yao had not yet entered Beijing, his people knew, and hurried to the palace to report , Long Yi quickly sent someone to bring the sub-car Mo Yao into the palace, he was not afraid to make a mistake. You must know that there are very few people in the world. The car Mo Yao seems to have only one maid, but he is behind him. Secretly followed a big caravan to protect her. In this world, there is absolutely no second house except that family car.

The sub-car Mo Yao just spoke to Hua Ruier for a while. The person sent by Long Yi arrived. The sub-car Mo Yao was slightly surprised, but she did not refuse to go to the palace and she could see that person!

"Sister Mo Yao! Who are you? Why did the emperor send someone to pick you up?" Hua Ruier asked innocently, surprised.

Qi Er tossed her a set of maid-like clothes to her: "Put this on, you will know when you are in the palace!"

The carriage sent by the palace was naturally large enough. The three were very empty when they sat in. Fifty guards escorted them all the way to the palace!

Tomorrow will be the ceremony, and the palace can't spare any staff to prepare the feast, but the small feast is still acceptable. Long Yi ordered a small feast in the Royal Garden to accompany Yuan Fei and Xue Fei. Even the seven princesses who hadn't been remembered for a long time were called out. In order not to let people gossip, Xiao Yan was also invited. In fact, I mainly wanted to finalize it.

"The lady of Zhejia really came?" Leng Ye was a little surprised. You must know that Zhejia is the deepest hidden among all the families. The emperors of these two countries haven't found it for a long time. Why now suddenly came out?

Lu Chang replied: "It is indeed the daughter of the child car family. It seems to be the one that Liang Huang is looking for, but what is going on, I am afraid that only the people of the child car family know!"

After saying that, "According to the report from the spies, Miss Che looks very good. I wonder if the queen mother is interested to take a look?"

"What's so good about women?" Leng Xiao smiled, but then red lips ticked: "What really looks good is the two emperors fighting for a daughter. This young lady is Xiao Yan's fiancee. Wonder, the banquet tonight must be fun! "

"The slave then prepares clothes for the queen mother!"

Leng Yan got up: "Farewell! Let's just be here! Is the Ai family going to the theater but not acting, what to wear so beautiful?"

Lu Chang smiled: "Also! But the queen queen is enough to be gorgeous!"

Lu Chang is accustomed to slapping and arrogantly at this time, he is too lazy to lift his feet!

"Mo Yao has met the emperor!" Xiao Yan has not arrived yet, only Long Yi and the other three.

When Long Yi saw Mo Yao's eyes flash, she wasn't surprised by Mo Yao's face, but she saw her looks indifferent and her behavior was generous. At first glance, everyone came out, and her mind was more certain.

Raised his hand: "Miss child car is free! Give a seat!"

"Thank the Emperor!" The sub-car Mo Yao thanked him and walked to his place to sit down, and Qier and Huarui followed naturally.

Long Yi looked at her and raised her finger to the seven princesses next to her: "This is the uncle's seven sisters. They are all daughters' homes, and they just happen to be partners!"

The child car Mo Yao owes a little gift: "I have seen the princess!"

The seven princess chuckled and smiled, "Miss Ziche is polite!"

Long Yi motioned for the fruit to come, so she asked, "Ms. Zhe came to Beijing this time, but because of what the owner of the Zhe car explained? Or just to play?"

This sentence has tested the center of Tao! The child car Mo Yao just had to answer. The eunuch's voice came from the door: "Liang Huang is here! The queen mother-in-law is here!"

The voice fell, purple, pale gold, two figures came side by side, a graceful and luxurious, honorable; a noble and glorious, proud of the atmosphere; the two walked side by side, the same outstanding beauty, The same noble temperament makes people look a little embarrassed.

However, one person was so shocked that she almost jumped up. It was Hua Ruier. How could she never think that Leng Ye was the queen!

"I've seen Emperor Liang!"

"See the Queen Mother!"

Hua Ruier was shouted and worshiped, and her thoughts were pulled back, knowing that this was not the place where she spoke, trying to suppress the hatred in her heart and lowering her head.

Leng Yan looked at Long Yi, glanced at the car Mo Yao, and smiled: "The Ai family originally went out for a walk, but met Liang Huang. I heard that Liang Huang's fiancee came, and the Ai family also came to see what was going on. Beauty can keep Liang Huangji for so long! "

When the child car Mo Yao saw Xiao Yan, his heart almost jumped out. The person I saw today really was him. He listened to the cold words and then looked back. He smiled shyly: "The queen mother-in-law said and laughed, Mo Yao's thin willow posture, I'm afraid he can't get into Liang Huang's eyes! "

The words quietly looked at Xiao Yan's face, and her daughter's thoughts and shame were all written on her face.

Xiao Yan looked faint, but politely said, "Miss Ziche must not be arrogant!"

Leng Yi smiled, walked to the upper position and sat down. Yuan Fei and Xue Fei sat aside and gave her a place. Xiao Yan sat in a place specially prepared for him, and didn't look at the car Mo Yao. .

The banquet was a bit stiff, but Leng Yan now feared that the world would not be chaotic. He smiled and watched the child car Mo Yao said: "I heard that the child car family is in charge of the world's wealth. The mourning family is a little curious about how much wealth is there? Is it really rich or a rival country? "

The child car Mo Yao smiled politely: "The queen mother-in-law joked! The child car family only did some business, and it was rumored by those outside!"

Leng Yigou glanced at Long Yi and glanced at Xiao Yan: "The Emperor Liang came to Fengyu for a long time to find the sub-car, and now the sub-car also arrives. It seems that the family can drink this cup soon Welcome! "

The sub-car Mo Yao heard a shy look at Xiao Yan: "The queen mother-in-law is joking with others!"

Leng Yan ignored her coquettishness, always paying attention to Long Yi and Xiao Yan. A non-player was thinking of something. At the moment, there was a play that seemed to lack interest, no expression, huh, fun!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Drop a small bomb to see how many girls can be blown out, hehe!