MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 51 Mo Di was seriously injured! Longyue returns!

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The queen queen of the femme fatale, Chapter 51 Mo Zhai is seriously injured! Longyue returns!

"Where the **** are you taking me?" Leng Yan looked at this out of the imperial city, heading south all the way, and he didn't mean to stop at any moment. She was in a hurry, and she was not afraid of anyone's hand, but she was in a perverted hand. She does n’t want to be here. She ’s not as good at martial arts as he is. He is so perverted that she is not sure that she can get away smoothly. The main thing is that her back is still in his hands. She does n’t want to die and even the keel is drawn. Come out, how disgusting!

Prince Blaze Yin kept pace, and the wind screamed in his ears. The trees on both sides could only see a ghost image, showing his speed. ai

"Cough!" Because the cold wind was blown into the open mouth, Leng Ye uncomfortably coughed, and slammed Prince Chin-yin's jacket tightly: "Asshole! What do you want?"

Prince Chiyin then looked down at her, and her somber eyes were cold and scary: "Let Jinyu come to Prince Prince!"

"I said that I don't know him, you caught me useless!"

"Huh! Jin Yu's prince is very clear. Everyone in the world knows that the women around him must not be near. You can be with him, which is naturally extraordinary to him!"

Leng Yan wanted to bite: "I was taken by him to test medicine, which is also extraordinary? Do you think he will run out for a test product?"

When he said this, Leng Yongte wanted to grab Jin Yu out for a meal. It was all him. Could it have been this matter if it hadn't been for him?

Prince Chiyin sneered at it: "Did you just say you don't know him?"

Leng Yan: "..."

Just when he was cold and silent, Prince Blaze suddenly stopped walking, his gloomy eyes fell forward, and he smiled bloodthirsty: "Who the **** are you? You can make him chase so badly!"

Leng Ye turned his head, and a hundred meters in front of him, a man in a black mask stood with a sword, and Leng Ye Xiao killed. At this moment, Leng Ye could not see his face, but she knew that the man was Mo Di , Opened his lips, and eventually did not call his name!

The bloodthirsty breath around him became more and more intense, and his head turned coldly and fiercely to see that Prince Chiyin had taken out his scarlet **** sword, and his eyes were bloodthirsty and crazy. She didn't know how much Prince Chiyin's internal force had recovered, but she knew that Mo Di must not be his current opponent.

"Mo Zhai! Hurry up!" Leng Yan had no regard for others, she could not let Mo Zhai die in vain.

Prince Chiyin lowered her head and smiled viciously: "It seems that the relationship is not ordinary, just to show you how Prince Ben killed this new prairie king!"

The words fell directly to Mo Zhai and rushed towards Mo Zhai. The sword in his hand slashed at Mo Zhai with the breath of death in his heart. Mo Zhai has seen the power of Prince Chiyin's knife and naturally dare not underestimate him. If he was in the grassland, he would definitely not match Prince Chiyin in this way, but today, he cannot retreat!

Raise your hand and raise your sword to meet his knife, and use your inner strength to resist!

"Oh!" The swords were connected, and the huge impact formed the wind that made people's eyes open.

Leng Yan closed his eyes, regardless of his back held by Prince Chiyin, and felt the breeze sword hidden on his leg. Without hesitation, he turned and stabbed Prince Chiyin's back into the back, then smashed the dragon moon. Nine turns to the cherry blossom bracelet.

"Eh!" Prince Chiyin didn't expect Leng Yan to take such a shot, exclaimed in pain, and then opened Mo Di with one palm, bloodthirsty and hatred in his face, and his big hands turned into claws. Neck, Leng Yan had no time to back off, but at the last moment a sword stabbed directly, directly cutting off the five fingers of Prince Yin.

"Ah!" Prince Chiyin screamed in pain, looked at his **** hand, and turned his head to Mo Di, who was crumbling over his abdomen, and his face was like a devil: "Go to death!"

The big knife was lifted, with a devastating attack power, hitting Prince Chiyin with a single cold hand, and took full advantage of her whole body, directly flying him for several meters, but the knife was filled with Prince Chiyin's powerful Flying inside, she wanted to stop it was too late!

"Hide away!" Leng Yan's anxiety was unprecedented. She flew up to catch up, but she was still fast, but she could only watch the knife pass through Mo Zhai's waist and abdomen. A large blood cave was opened directly, blood splattered, Mo Zhai's body was on his knees, and then fell down.

Leng Yanfei flew up to catch his fallen body, and couldn't care about raising his hand to cover his wound, but the blood kept pouring out, and it was no longer she could cover it. The blood instantly stained her hand. Blood spilled from her fingertips.

"Hold on! I'll take you back!" Leng Yan struggled and wanted to pick him up, but was pulled by Mo Di.

His head rested on his lap, and the uncovered face smiled lightly. It was a relief, a happy smile, a cold smile that had never been seen before, like a purple flower blooming, sad and beautiful, as if it were The final beauty was average. He took her hand and held it tightly: "I'm afraid I can't wait for the prairie flowers to bloom!"

Leng Yan covered his lips: "Don't talk! I beg you, hold on!"

Mo Di shook his head slightly, his consciousness was a little vague, but he supported his final sobriety with his consciousness, trying to keep his eyes wide open to see the coldness clearly, and then engraved in his heart: "My vengeance has been reported, even if I die There is no regret. Besides, being able to die in your arms is, to me, a gift from heaven ... "

Leng Yan shook his hand tightly, lowered his head and kissed his trembling lips, his voice was overbearing and decided: "I don't allow it! Mo Zhai, I don't allow you to die! Your life is mine, without my permission , I forbid you to die! Absolutely not! "

Mo Zhai smiled, some regrets, some pains, but he couldn't save anything! He wanted to tell her that he had fallen in love with her, but he didn't want to say that he didn't want to make her sad again because of his death, so that's it! He was really content to get her a kiss before he died!

The hand dropped weakly, the consciousness floated, and finally closed his eyes slowly!

Leng Yan quickly held his sliding hand and his teeth bleed: "I don't allow you to die!"

When Hua Jinzhi finally chased after seeing such a picture, he was startled, he was still late at last, stepped forward and covered with a cold shoulder, silent!

Leng Yan held a hand that held Hua Jinzhi, his voice was cold and firm and could not resist: "Take him away! I want him to live!"

Startled in Hua Jin's heart, he wanted to say that Mo Zhai was not saved, but his cold look didn't allow him to refute: "Okay!"

Mo Zi's body was lifted from her arms, and he was handed over to his subordinates who followed him: "Take him back, do everything possible to keep him alive!"

The two quickly took Mo Di away, and then Hua Jinzhi embraced Leng's shoulders again, and gently kissed her forehead: "I promise, he will live!"

Leng Yan lowered his eyes slightly and nodded his head. After a while, he got up and walked up to pull up the prince's magic knife. Then he turned to the direction where prince radiant Yin was hit by her. The poison of the nine-turn cherry blossom bracelet can cause people to die instantly, but it is obviously not so good for Prince Chin Yin. Looking coldly at the beach of blood, the bloodthirsty meaning gradually erupted in his eyes: "Wait! Someday , I will kill you myself! "

Hua Jinzhi returned to the city holding Leng Mao, and the sky was gradually lightening. Leng Ye looked at the blurry sky, and said quietly, "Return to the palace!"

Hua Jin's footsteps: "Okay!"

Quickly returned to the palace. Hua Jinzhi even couldn't control whether anyone would see her. She hugged her into Weiyang Palace. She wanted to let her rest, but didn't want to sit up coldly, and said with a cold voice: "Lu often!"

"The slave is here!" Lu Chang rushed in.

Leng Yanfei went to his body, and the clothes full of Mo Zhai's blood clung to his clothes, and his eyes were all cold: "Use all the skills of the word" Tan "to find me the whereabouts of the ghost doctor Jin Yu. If you ca n’t find it within days, do n’t blame me for being ruthless! ”

Lu Chang looked stunned: "Slave obeys!"

Lu Chang left the cold to calm down, and this calmed Hua Jin's heart. He didn't like seeing her like this, he couldn't talk about despair, and he didn't seem sad, but the breath on her body was inexplicably sad. It made him feel distressed, but also flustered, she always felt that she was so strange, so strange that he dared not approach!

Leng Yan glanced at him, and suddenly realized that he was scared like this, raised his hand and pulled him over, and pressed directly to the bed: "Tired! Sleep with me!"

Hua Jinzhi looked at the blood on her hand, and the blood in her body. In the end, she did not speak, and he would never fall asleep!

Moina's injury was not serious, but she lost too much blood. Although she was humiliated, she didn't have to die and live like other women. Besides, she was still clean and not worthy of being looked at and bleeding. To die or to live, put on her clothes, she is still her.

Xiang Xiang couldn't help admiring Moina, for fear that no woman could be so calm and calm after going through this. Thinking of the news that she just received, Xiang Yan was worried about Moina, and he was hesitant to tell Moina, but she still decided to tell her.

"Miss Mo! The queen mother has returned to the palace, but your brother was seriously injured because he rescued the queen mother. Although he was taken by Hua Shizi to be healed, but ..." She did not hesitate to say the following words, but everyone could understand that Implied meaning.

When Moina heard the expression, she was sad and crying without Xiang Xiang's imagination. Instead, she smiled slightly: "Brother, he saved Sister Xi, he must be very happy!"

Xiang Yan heard the words for a moment, and did not expect that she would say so!

Moina looked at Xiang Yan, and her pale face smiled softly: "Sister Xi said that everyone has their own life, and what they want to do, others have no right to interfere with us, and we have no right to interfere with others; My brother has embraced the vengeance of his father and mother and got the grassland. He came here to protect me and protect my sister-in-law. Now that we are all fine, he will be very happy! "

"But he might die!" Xiang Yan finally said this sentence.

Moina shook her head: "Sister Xi will not let my brother die, it certainly won't!"

Xiang Yan didn't know that she had such a positive trust in Leng Yan from her place, but when she thought of the man in the palace, she couldn't help but believe it. No reason was needed, she always felt that she could do it.

After a good day of cultivation, Moina asked Xiang Yan to take her into the palace to see Leng Ye. She wanted to tell her sister something.

Weiyang Palace

Lan Ze didn't know what happened, but she seemed to be in the wrong mood when she saw Leng Yan, and she just quietly accompanied her to the piano and played two pleasant songs to her; Hua Jinzhi did not jealous again, Just staying with Leng Yan with him, it is relatively speechless!

Xiang Yan brought Moina in and felt that the atmosphere seemed a little weird. She pushed Moina with her lips and said, "Go there by yourself!"

Moina whispered to her, thanked her, and walked to the cold, sitting next to her, holding her hand: "Sister Sister!"

Leng Yan raised her eyes and looked at her: "Why are you here?"

Moina smiled, leaned in and embraced Lengzhen, and said after she let go of her: "I'm here to say goodbye to you!"

Leng Jing looked at her quietly: "Are you going back to the grassland?"

Moina nodded: "Well! The grassland that was just peaceful couldn't be without the prairie king. I must go back and guard his grassland for my brother, waiting for the day he returns!"

Leng Yan looked at the firmness and trust in her eyes, and her faint face suddenly evoked a smile: "Yes! He will go back, definitely!"

Moina smiled deeper when she heard the words. She reached into the cold ears and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Sister! Will you be my sister-in-law next time?"

Leng Yan looked at her. The two eyes were opposite each other. She could see her prayers and expectations. She raised her hand and touched her face: "Okay!"

Moina looked at Lan Ze and Hua Jinzhi next to her, turned her head and looked at Leng Yan quietly, and said, "My elder brother is stupid and not expressive, but I know he loves you in his heart, he is A stubborn temper, he believes that things will never change. He fell in love with you. Maybe this love road will go up and down, but I know he will be happy, because that person is sister Sister, unique sister Sister! "

Leng Yan sighed softly: "Silly girl!"

Moina's cheek close to Leng's close face froze: "Sister Take care!"

"Take care!"

Moina got up, turned around and walked out, without turning around and without a pause! Her back stretched straight, and at this moment she was no longer the Moyna that was in the past, nor was it the Nai of Paradise in the Water, but the sister of the prairie king, the real princess of the prairie!

Leng Yan watched her go away and suddenly said: "Xiang Ye! Want to go to the prairie?"

Xiang Yan heard what she meant: "Think!"

Leng Yan looked at her with a slight hook on her lips: "Let's take a look! Next spring, the grassland flowers must be beautiful!"

"Slavery will definitely take a good look!" The words fell on Leng Yili, turned and chased Moina away.

When they left, Leng Yan looked at Hua Jinzhi, but his expression was indifferent but really a lot: "Did I scare you?"

When Hua Jin saw this, the stone in his heart landed, walked over and embraced him, didn't care if Lan Ze was still there, bowed her head and gave her a deep kiss, and he let go of her when he felt it was true, but did not speak. !!

Leng Huo hugged him quietly, released it for a long time, got up and looked at Lan Ze aside, walked up and kissed at the corner of his lips: "It makes you worry!"

Lan Ze was slightly depressed because of her movements, holding her hand, smiling warmly: "No problem!"

It was a dull day in the past, it was supposed to be quiet, but it was lively because of the news of an explosion, starting from the streets and alleys, and then to the palace court. In less than a day, the entire capital was boiling. .

It is said that the Empress Dowager and Uncle Xuan Wang colluded to commit adultery and scourge the court!

It is said that the queen queen not only committed herself to the king, but also the queen-headed princes who did not eat the world ’s fireworks and had a personal relationship with the queen queen!

It is said that the Queen Mother has visited the palace many times for private visits, and captive male pets are numerous!

It is said that Xuan Wang's clear water paradise is the place to help the queen mother raise a male pet!

It is said that ...

Every piece of news exploded like a thunderstorm on the ground. The whole capital was boiling and the palace was lively!

"What the **** is going on?" Zi Yu was worried, which was obviously not good for the Queen Mother!

Qing Ling shook her head: "I don't know! But it must have been made by someone who hated the queen mother. Du Heng has already checked it, and there will be news soon!"

Leng Yan raised her eyebrows when she heard the news. She was a little surprised, but didn't panic. Such things were not enough to make her panic! Everyone in Weiyang Palace knows it, but no one dares to talk nonsense, but it is still quiet.

Compared to Weiyang Palace, the Chaotang is lively. Although there is no exact basis, it has spread everywhere. Moreover, the Prime Minister's Palace is also involved. Many courtiers have entered a memorial, and impeachment is not counted, but it is always vague. Gong Yuwei became the target of public criticism, everyone's eyes gathered on him, scorn, ridicule, irony, Gong Yuwei is usually a cold expression, ignore anyone, In their opinion, it is a proud display, but he has not made any mistakes, so that they can't handle it. This time there is such a scandal, how can they let this opportunity go?

"Master Gong! You can't see it! Xiaguan is really clumsy!"

"Gong Xiangye is beautiful and extraordinary. He has become the guest of the queen queen, but it also makes sense!"

"Master Xiang Gong is young and full of vitality. Moreover, the queen mother is so beautiful, and some impulse is normal!"

"That's it!"

"Xiangye! They're too much!" One by one, yin and yang, ridiculed with a look of ridicule, the little money was fisted up, could not help but want to go up to slap people: "A bunch of prideful hypocrites, listening to the wind is the rain, but also court officials? Pooh!"

Gong Yuwei's clenched hand loosened and turned to the carriage: "Come back!"

"But ..." Xiao Qian still wanted to say, but Gong Yuwei was already on the carriage, and he could only give up.

Du Heng told Leng Yan these things in fifteen and tenth: "President Xiang Gong was run by a hundred officials today, and everyone is criticized, but he did not justify a word!"

Leng Yan lowered her eyes, and she was not surprised that Gong Yuwei would remain silent. There was no way to explain or refute this question: "What about the people who spread the rumors? Found?"

"I found it! It was a puppet beside the queen. She gave the silver to the beggars and some hooligans and let them spread rumors everywhere!"

Leng Meng opened his eyes sharply: "I chopped her hands and feet and threw them to the street!"

Du Heng bowed his head: "Yes! What about the queen?

"Don't hold it?" Leng Yan sneered: "Ai's family said long ago, don't provoke Ai's family any more, but she didn't listen, and had to try the bottom line of Ai's family, and the Ai's family let her see clearly!"

The strange light flashed in the eyes: "If Ai's family did not read wrong that day, her belly is flat, it doesn't seem to be pregnant, but Ai's family will make her pregnant again!"

"Emperor!" Prince Gold shouted in the morning at the Golden Palace, and then knelt straight in the middle: "The old man asked the emperor to dismiss the queen queen to avoid being ashamed by the imperial family!"

The words of Prince Germany were tantamount to a thunderous explosion in the early dynasty, and Long Yi was also surprised. He did not expect that Prince Germany actually said such words: "Why does Prince Prince say this?"

"The Empress! The queen queen loses virtue, and the harem is in trouble. Everyone knows that if you do not abolish her, it will be difficult to stop the world's mouth, and the Royal Palace of Feng Yu will also be famous for her!" As if so distressed.

"Emperor! It is necessary to check whether the queen queen has lost his virtue, but everyone in the world has already spread the word. Even if the queen queen does not have one, I am afraid that it is not clear. Now, for the royal reputation, the minister agrees with Prince De's words!" A neutral minister came out.

Long Yi squinted and said nothing, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Chen agrees!" A man hesitated and knelt down.

"The minister seconded!"

"Chen ..." It didn't take long for all the civil and military officials to kneel, except Gong Yuwei, who stood in the first place.

Long Yi looked at Gong Yuwei: "Can the Prime Minister have something to say?"

Gong Yuwei hasn't spoken yet, Prince German's stern voice sounded: "If you don't want to ruin your reputation, it's better to be careful!"

Gong Yu glanced at him slightly, without the slightest emotion in his eyes: "Chen! There is nothing to say!"

Prince German sneered when he heard this: "Is this the grandfather Gong confessing his private relationship with the queen mother?"

Gong Yuwei didn't hear it, ignored anyone's eyes, and stood straight in the middle.

"The abolition of the Queen Mother is related to the emperor, and it involves the national body. This matter should be carefully considered, and retreat from the DPRK!" Long Yi left without waiting for them to shout.

Before the mouth of the German Prince opened his mouth, Long Yi disappeared, and he had some resentment in his heart, but also realized that he could not rush at this moment, and glanced at Gong Yuwei, who was wearing a snowcoat, and laughed sarcastically: "Gong Grandpa! What a word to say! "

Leng Yan listened to Du Heng ’s report, rubbing his temples with one hand, and frowning slightly, she did n’t really care about Chaotang ’s affairs. She just wanted to find Jinyu earlier. Hua Jinzhi said that he stabilized with the best medicine. With Mo Zhai's last trace of heart, two days later, someone was delivering internal forces to Mo Zhai to maintain his life. If it was too long, he would be powerless.

She couldn't let Mo Di die, absolutely not, but this **** beauty, at a critical juncture, where did she die?

Seeing Leng Yan seemed to be in no mood, Du Heng didn't say anything, the queen mother was already bored enough, and he said too much to add to the jam, to no avail!

Leng Yan was really annoying. Mo Zhai's affairs made her anxious. At this time, there was such a thing to annoy her. She wished that people would kill those people directly! It was because she was still bored, and someone was bothering her immediately!

"Mrs. Queen! Here comes the emperor!"

Leng Yan said angrily: "Let him get away, Ai family doesn't want to see!"

"But the emperor has opened the guard and is coming here now!"

Leng Yan heard his words frown, and his heart was even more filled with anger!

"Mrs. Queen! What did you do to catch the queen?" Long Yi hurriedly walked in and asked, the crown cymbal on the dragon's crown was agitated because of his movements.

Cold frown: "What?"

Long Yi looked at her coldly: "Don't be confused with my sister, I just went to the Xiangyun Temple and the queen is not here. They said that the person who saw you just passed by?"

She was not in the mood to catch Hua Yuxuan. Bacheng Hua Yuxuan was afraid that Long Yi would find out that her child was no longer in hiding. She was too cold to explain to him: "I'm not in the mood! Don't bother me!"

"How do you want to release the queen?" Long Yi stepped forward, staring at her!

Cold drink: "Get out!"

"Mrs. Queen! What do you want?" Long Yi was also annoyed!

"Throw it out!" Leng Yan frowned, already on the brink of anger.

Long Yi wanted to be angry, but it was bearable to think of Hua Yuxuan. It was his queen and still pregnant with his only child. He couldn't annoy her: "Jinghua! I can give you whatever you want, but let it go first Queen! "

Leng Yan threw a tea cup and dropped it: "Du Heng! He threw it to the Ai family!"

"Leng Jinghua!" Long Yi bounced on her forehead, she could even say such words to him, and he would be blamed if he wasn't angry: "I have already tolerated you so much, don't make it!"

Leng Yan glared at him: "The mourning family doesn't know where your queen is, get me off!"

Long Yi clenched his fists, it took a long time to slightly suppress the anger that was about to erupt: "Today the Prince of Germany wants to abolish you, you can be excused for angering the queen, as long as you release the queen, I promise not to abolish you!"

Leng Yante wanted to stab him: "Ai's family didn't arrest anyone, what would you use to let it go? You want to follow you, do you think I'm rare?"

"You ..." Long Yi stared at Lengyan, speechless with anger.

Leng Lian was too lazy to look at him, turned around and walked into the hall: "Du Heng! Send a visitor to Ai Family!"

Long Yi also wanted to go up, Du Heng stopped in front of him: "Emperor! Please!"

Long Yi screamed, "Dare you stop?"

Du Heng bowed his head, neither humble nor humble: "Slaves are only acting on orders! Emperor please!"

Long Yi raised his hand to beat it with a palm, but finally closed it, snorted and left, and called out the Guards: "To block the palace, be sure to find the queen for you!"


When the Guards left, he looked deeply at Weiyang Palace again, and then left with a calm face.

Leng Yan walked into the inner hall and fell to the bed with her clothes on. She was covered by the quilt. She lifted her hand and was about to pull it apart, but found that it couldn't move, and then she pulled it hard, still not moving. On the last pair of evil and surprised eyes, the face was still the same evil spirit, a cold smile: "You are back!"

Long Yueli watched her quietly, motionless!

Leng Yan raised his hand and shook in front of his eyes: "Stupid?"

Long Yueli grabbed her hand, didn't speak, leaned forward and covered her lips directly, a deep impression of a kiss!

"Hey!" Leng Yan's body was reversed by him, not giving her a chance to speak, kissing hot and passionate, but carefully, covering her body, but not pressing on her belly, Leng Ying suddenly felt in her heart. Of course, grabbing Long Yueli's neck and gently kissing him back.

In fact, it was not long after separation, but it felt like I had disappeared for a long time. Naturally, my heart was tight in love, and I kissed for a long time. * Ascension, it should have been **. She buried her head in her shoulder socket, calming her body up!

For a long time, when the fiery heat was gradually pressed down, he left on his side, raised his hand to cover her flat belly, and the beautiful fox's eyes overflowed with strange tenderness, and asked softly, "Can you feel it?"

"No!" Leng Yan shook his head: "I just vomited that day, nauseated for two days, and then I didn't respond!"

After saying that, he suddenly caught his neck: "Did the little spy tell you?" The emotional little girl was "made" by the grassland, knowing that she couldn't control her, so she leaked without hesitation!

Long Yueli didn't answer, she pecked her face and looked down at the hot spring: "Hey! You're pregnant with our child!"

Leng Yan heard him speak with such a voice for the first time, feeling in his heart, and raised his hand over his eyebrows: "I know! Do you blame me for not telling you?"

Long Yueli bit her lip gently: "What do you think?"

Leng Yan met his gaze: "I ... I don't know what to do, although I have promised you, but the child came too suddenly, I panicked myself, and lived for so long. For the first time, I know what to do. I don't know how to tell you ... "

Longyue Li suddenly laughed and pecked her lips gently: "Silly!"

Leng Yan hugged him tightly, and his heart that had been lingering for a long time now settled down, never before!

Leng Ye did n’t eat much because he was upset. Long Yueli gave people a meal. The two were tired of eating together. Suddenly Leng Ye thought of something, although it was impossible, but he still asked: "Huayu Xuan will not be Did you catch it? "

Although Huayu Xuanhui was hiding from Long Yi because of the children, it did not make the whole person disappear. No matter how it was thought, it was no wonder that Long Yi came back to find her.

Long Yueli gave her a piece of venison and raised her hand to touch her face: "Don't ask so much, you'll know tomorrow!"

She hated mysterious dressing like this, cold-shouldered, but didn't ask, she didn't really care much, just asked casually!

"The outside message can't be stopped, but it ’s just right, although it's true or false, but it's the truth, and let people in the world know that our relationship is not bad!"

Leng Yan said silently: "The queen mother and the uncle Xuanwang uncle ganged into adultery, causing trouble to the court. Is this also good?"

Long Yue raised a brow and smiled evilly: "Then you want everyone in the world to know our relationship, woman?"

"Cough!" I suddenly heard the nickname "Lady" Leng Zhuo, and coughed the two, giving Long Yueli a wink.

After eating, Long Yueli hugged Leng Ye to go to the soft bed, and gently stroked her belly. The gentle look was like drowning Leng Ye, leaning against his arms and enjoying his service. However, because the two did not speak, she was fascinated again soon; it seemed to see the thoughts in her heart, Long Yueli whispered softly: "I let Lu Chang take my token to find Jin Yu, and he should be tomorrow Come, don't worry! "

Leng Yan heard the words slightly touched, and shrank into his arms, but did not ask this again: "Isn't Prince Blair seriously injured? Why did he recover so fast? I feel like he is not injured at all, and even the bracelet The poison in it seems to have no effect on him! "

Longyue moved away to find a comfortable place to continue rubbing her soft abdomen: "He practiced the evil skills of anti-sky and recovered so fast. It is not accidental that he relied on some shady methods, but although he recovered, But he always has to pay some price, and his body is eroded by evil powers, and the effect of poison on him is naturally not so great! "

Leng Yan remembered that he drank Moina's blood, and his body was not a little goosebumped: "He won't recover by drinking human blood?"

"Who knows?"

Leng Yan played with the cherry blossom bracelet in his hand: "This bracelet is not a panacea. It does not work for him. Who does it work for?"

"Masters with high internal strength can rely on internal force to suppress the spread of poison, so there is no effect on the real top masters, and there is another kind of special constitution, such as Prince Chin Yin, Jin Yu soaked in medicine all year round, the body has long been It's not poisonous, and it won't help him much! "

"No wonder he threatened him with this thing last time, he didn't blink his eyes!" Leng Yan remembered the first time he met Jin Yu.

Long Yueli knew that she was talking about Jin Yu. At this moment, he was too lazy to care about the matter between them, but Prince Chiyin made him feel bad. It was almost Mo Zhai who could escape from Prince Chiyin this time. For life, but what if it is next time? Prince Chiyin does not die, it is a hidden danger. He must eliminate this hidden danger.

Hua Jinzhi did not know whether it was because of the news that Long Yueli returned, or for other reasons. He did not appear in Weiyang Palace tonight, and Lan Ze did not come. The two seemed to say that it was OK; but this was a lot less embarrassing. Otherwise they met, Leng Yan really could not imagine the picture of them living in harmony.

The two fell asleep after bathing and washing. I don't know if the news brought by Long Yueli gave her some peace of mind, or the magical power of his big palms, Leng Yue soon entered Mengxiang and has no dreams, but no After knowing how long it was, she always felt itchy, some familiar and some uncomfortable. After waking up from the chaos, she found that Long Yue started to blame that big hand, which was originally placed on her belly, and climbed up at this moment. Not only did she eat her tofu, she also made trouble everywhere.

Leng Yan looked up at the eyes of Shangyue Liyin, although the light here was dim, but his dyed * eyes were extremely bright, leaving her speechless: "Think?"

Longyue leaned closer to her head, her voice mute: "I wanted to bear it, but holding you and smelling you, I couldn't sleep!"

A cold smile: "Who made you bear?"

Longyue Li was helpless: "I don't want to, but I'm afraid to hurt him severely!"

Leng Yan snatched his neck closer, whispering temptation, "then lightly!"

Longyue was stagnant from breathing, her eyes were a little deeper, and she finally did not resist the temptation. She lowered her head to hold her lips, leaned over, and the fiery * was quickly ignited. After so long, Even if he wanted to endure in his heart, but his body couldn't bear it. He loved everything about her, a little breathing, a little fragrance was enough to make him emotional, and it was his limit to endure this middle of the night.

Tonight's Longyue Li is very enthusiastic, but his movements are unusually gentle, as if he cares for the fragile treasures, and it is night until dawn!

‘Eat, drink and drink’ Long Yueli is finally satisfied, but this time he did n’t fall asleep with a cold hug. He still has work to do, and his sister-in-law cannot be scolded for nothing!

Leng Yue was so tired that he fell asleep, Long Yueli bowed her head and kissed her peach-cheeked cheeks, and then got up and left!

Flying out of Weiyang Palace, it didn't take long for him to meet Hua Jin. He was still wearing yesterday's clothes, his expression was a little dim, and his eyes seemed to have no spirit.

Knowing that he had something to tell himself, Long Yueli fell three steps away from him.

Hua Jinzhi looked at Long Yueli, her eyes dropped, and her voice was abnormally hoarse: "There is a snowfield city to the north. That is the city farthest from here. Send them there and let them live the rest of their lives!"

Long Yueli nodded: "Okay!"

After turning around, he took two steps and paused: "But! Excluding her!"


Longyue left to fly away, but Hua Jinzhi turned and went outside the palace. The lover and the parents cannot be both. He cannot hurt the loved one for his parents, but he cannot abandon his parents because of the loved one. Even though they have done countless sorry It's a cold thing, but after all, it is his parents. The love can be broken, but after all, there is blood in the middle. This is what he can do for them in the end. Everything in the future will have nothing to do with him!

Longyue had to walk far before he stopped. He didn't want to let go of Prince De Germany. He dared to ask the Queen Mother to be abolished in public. He was afraid that he would have to go to the Emperor's Mausoleum for funeral. How can he let her go? But he has a good son. The love of Hua Jin is as deep as his love, and he has never done anything that hurts Leng Ye because of him. Leng Ye has him in his heart, afraid he will not treat Prince De. How, if he did kill Prince De, Hua Jin would be extremely uncomfortable!

That's it! Just keep it! Send him far away, so that he can no longer turn the waves!

The hearts of the two were dull, but because of the scene in that hall, the civil and military officials wanted to scare their eyes!

Naming gold casting represents the imperial imperial power of the dragon chair, a woman * horizontally showing, the traces of blue and purple, all traces of love; and on both sides of the dragon chair, five ugly guards lying naked * On the ground, his face was exhausted, and he slept like a dead pig. The five had scratches on their bodies, showing how intense last night was.

Feng Yu's supreme dragon chair has become a place of love and defilement, and it is also a woman and five men, which is an eye-opener for the Manchu dynasty.

"The emperor is here!" Long Yi had arrived before they could react from this exaggerated scene.

Everyone knelt together, but silently, listening to the footsteps of Long Yi walking slowly, everyone was anxious to drop their heads to the ground, anxious to regenerate the field, today did not come to this Golden Temple.

Long Yi walked in and naturally saw the 'spectacular' scene. A face was suddenly green, his eyes stared at the man on the dragon chair, and his eyes were about to stare out: "Come! Take these five people off." "Five horses!"

"Yes!" Ten guards rushed in and dragged the five people on the ground quickly. The five people had no awareness at all.

Long Yi waved someone to take the woman away, but a faint voice suddenly sounded: "Why is the Queen Mother here?"

It seems only a faint doubt, a word that can't be more normal, but it has shocked everyone to chin. This ... This is the queen's queen who is so many men on the dragon chair?