MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 656 Extraordinarily fragrant (seeking monthly pass)

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   Chapter 656 Extraordinarily fragrant (seeking monthly pass)

   The person who came here knows Lu Dong, and he is not particularly familiar, but when he went out to socialize with the fifth grandfather, Lu Zhenfei, he met at the wine bureau in the county. The director of the county housing and construction bureau was also the former leader of the fifth grandfather.

   Originally, the first to third construction companies in the county belonged to the units under the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau.

   This man is not tall, in his fifties, he looks like a thin old man at first glance.

   "Long time no see, Mr. Lu." This man came over to say hello: "A few words?"

   Lu Dong shook hands with him: "The palace bureau is too polite, feel free to say anything."

  The two left the crowded place and found a shade of a tree in the parking place opposite the construction site.

The palace bureau stopped, pinched his hands around his waist, and said, "Some time ago, I visited your Lujia Village, and I have to say, it's beautifully built. I've been to Lao Wu's house before, and the Lujia Village at that time is one in the sky and one on the ground now. ."

   Lu Dong knew that the fifth one he was talking about was the fifth grandfather, and said, "When the palace bureau goes to Lujia Village, be sure to call me, at least let me do my best as a landlord."

   The palace bureau said with a smile: "Everyone says that Mr. Lu is righteous, that's true."

   Lu Dong followed him to fight haha, this man obviously had something else to say.

The two of them exchanged a few words of business, and the palace bureau finally talked about the topic: "The county is about to introduce the herb garden and flower port projects. This kind of planting industry must not be placed in the county town or around the county town. It is also not suitable. In the future, the county will expand to the surrounding area, and the leadership intends to place it around Lujia Village, with Lujia Village as the core, to create a new concentration of tourism resources."

   "This is a good thing." Of course, Lu Dong welcomes the two projects to settle in the vicinity of Lujia Village: "Concentrating advantageous resources together can attract more tourists."

Having said this, the palace bureau revealed some meaning: "The herb garden and flower port projects may occupy a large area, involving not only Lujia Village, but also the surrounding villages. Once these villages are activated, it will cost thousands of Regarding the issue of relocating people, the leader's intention is to let the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau come up with a plan..."

   Lu Dong said it nicely: "The Palace Bureau has been entrusted with an important task!"

  If it is possible, the palace bureau does not want to take such troublesome errands. There are more than 50 people, and it is impossible to climb up. How good is it to retire safely?

Of course, he wouldn't say that: "Those villages are close to Lujia Village. I heard that it was President Lu's idea to relocate Lujia Village to a new village. President Lu has experience in rural resettlement, and the resettlement new village is a benchmark in the province. !"

   "I don't have any experience." Lu Dong didn't take his favor at all: "There are only so many people in Lujia Village, and the people's hearts are united, so there is no need for me to do anything."

   I don't know what this palace bureau means. Do you want to ask Lujiacun's opinion first in private? After all, there are too many rumors about the herb garden and the flower port recently.

   Lu Dong said a few points: "Gong Ju, Lvjia Village is just a village, the scale is here, our family arranges our own family, everything is easy to say, involving outsiders, it is not an ordinary trouble."

  The palace bureau did not go further and said: "That's true, Lujia Village is a village in our county after all."

  The two talked about the real estate market, and soon they left separately. Lv Dong entered the construction site, greeted Manager Wang and Yu Jing, and called Lu Kun back to the company.

   On the way back, Lv Dong called Secretary Yao in front of the county leader and asked about the specific progress of the herb garden and flower port.

   The Investment Promotion Bureau in the county is negotiating with investors, because with Lvjia Village as the center, there are already folk food tourist areas, resorts, amusement parks and underwater worlds that have been confirmed for investment and construction. The first choice for investors from other provinces is the surrounding Lvjia Village.

  Although the county has not yet officially signed a contract with anyone, the discussion is basically the same.

   Otherwise, there would be no gossip going around.

  Lvjia Village's land, including responsible land, private land, homestead, yards and orchards, etc., has been transferred to commercial construction land, and the remaining part will be reserved as spare land for the development of Lujia Village.

   These were reported to the county in detail long ago when the new village was built in Lujia Village.

   It is impossible to move the land of Lujia Village in the county. Even if it wants to move, the remaining land in Lujia Village is simply not enough for the two major land-use projects, Herb Garden and Flower Port.

   Investors were attracted by the cluster effect of an area with Lujia Village as the core. If the county wants to keep investment, it is impossible to refuse the very reasonable requirements of investors from a commercial point of view.

   Therefore, the county can only consider moving the villages around Lujia Village.

   In the afternoon, there was a phone call from the Cultural Tourism Planning Committee, asking Lu Dong to go to the county for a meeting the next day.

  The content of the meeting is related to the herb garden and flower port.

At the    meeting, Lv Dong was the same as before, as long as it did not involve matters related to Lvjia Village's interests, he basically didn't speak much.

   The county has already signed an agreement with the investor, and asked the Cultural and Tourism Planning Committee to join forces with Ningxiu Town to talk to the branch secretaries of Liuwan Village and Zhangwan Village, and let them breathe first.

   Of course, this is a precaution.

   As we all know, if this kind of thing is pushed from top to bottom, it is impossible to stop it from below.

   Lu Dong was very clear about this, so he didn't say anything. In the Cultural Tourism Planning Committee, he must first ensure the interests of Lujia Village, and then other things.


A county, especially a township where the county seat is located, has a complicated local network of small people, and people can be connected with each other. Maybe some news has not yet come out from the county government. Those who are well-informed below will know. an approximate.

   Even, many people say that in a place like the county seat, personal connections are more important than ability.

   There is always some truth to this.

  Liu Mingquan knew about the rumors about his village for a long time, but he didn't move until it was confirmed that the investor really wanted to sign a contract with the county.

  The possibility of movement on the other side of Majia Village is relatively small. Even though Majia Village is closer to Lujia Village, there is only a Qingzhao River on both sides, but this Qingzhao River is just a geographical isolation.

   The biggest possibility is Zhangwan Village to the east of Lujia Village and Liuwan Village to the south.

   Liu Mingquan knew this very well, and he had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

   Hearing the news, Liu Mingquan called the leader of Zhangwan Village and asked him to meet at the Qinghai Hotel in the west of Lujia Village.

   That night, the two went to the restaurant and asked for a private room to chat while drinking.

   Looking out from the window of the private room, you can see the brightly lit square of Lujia Village New Village. Compared with other nearby villages, this place is extraordinarily lively, as if it is two worlds from the surrounding villages.

  Liu Mingquan picked up the wine glass and touched it with someone about his age. Zhou La took a sip, took a piece of sauce and put it in his mouth, savoring the taste carefully, and then swallowed it for a while.

"Old Liu, you asked me to come here, not just for a drink?" Zhang Wan's brigade secretary called Zhang Yu, put down his chopsticks, and looked at Liu Mingquan: "We have known each other for five or ten years, and whoever doesn't know who has something to say Just say it."

  Liu Mingquan picked up another cicada monkey and stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "This is strange. The same food, why is the food made by Lujia Village different?"

   Zhang Yu shook his head: "Isn't this always the smell?"

Liu Mingquan chuckled: "It's not the same, it's not the same. Lao Zhang, look outside, look at the new village in Lvjiacun, look at the trucks on the way to the factory in Lvjiacun, and then taste it slowly to see if it tastes particularly good. "

   Zhang Yu turned his head and looked out the window of the private room. While looking at the brightly lit Lujia Village, he picked up a chopstick and jammed an elbow into his mouth.

  Some people who can sit in this position may not be very smart, but they are definitely not stupid.

   Zhang Yu just looked at it for a moment and then understood what Liu Mingquan meant. Looking at Lujia Village outside, the meat in his mouth tasted really delicious.

Instead, Liu Mingquan put down his chopsticks: "Several villages in this area are of the same spirit. You marry my daughter-in-law, and my family's daughter-in-law married to yours. I can't count them all these years, and I can't tell them apart for a long time. ,right?"

   Zhang Yu said, "Many of the people in Lujia Village are rocks from thatched kennels, especially the ones who are in charge."

  Liu Mingquan immediately thought of Lu Zhenlin and his daughter's old classmate, and said, "Indeed, the surnamed Li is better to talk about. The few surnamed Lu, one of them is muddy."

   Zhang Yu picked up the wine glass: "Come on, take one."

  The two drank a glass of wine, and Liu Mingquan grinned: "I thought about a lot of things before, but later I found out that it was not suitable. If one can't get it right, it's easy to get bad luck."

  Some of the original ideas, with the rapid development of Lu Dong's company, Liu Mingquan was terrified by himself.

   After all, he can sit in this position, and at the same time he dares to think, his mind is more or less clear when it does not involve his son.

   But now this matter is different.

  The two chatted for a while and exchanged the information they had in their hands.

  Liu Mingquan said: "Old Zhang, the county wants to build a herb garden and a flower port near Lujia Village. You already know about it, but you have no idea?"

   Zhang Yu pondered for a while before saying, "I can have any ideas, just follow the instructions of the superior leadership."

Liu Mingquan said, "What if our superiors told us to move out of the place where our ancestors lived?" He pointed out the window: "Let's move out, build a herb garden and a flower port on our land, and then take advantage of the people from Lujia Village, but we have to get out of here. Far away, there is no such thing in the world!"

  Zhang Yu said another thing: "I am a relative of Minister Yuan of the United Front Work Department. I heard him say that even if it is relocated, it will not go very far, and finally resettled in this area."

"Why don't we try another possibility?" Liu Mingquan's voice subconsciously lowered: "Why can't we let the old and young men in our family also get some benefits and share some dividends? You can't be cheap and call them Lu. We can't catch anything from the village, can we?"

   Zhang Yu understood what he meant: "Do you want Lujia Village to swallow our village?"

   Liu Mingquan shook his head: "What is swallowing! Let's join Lujia Village!"

   "It's very difficult." Zhang Yu said: "The chance of success is not high."

  Liu Mingquan has also considered this aspect: "Always try and fight with the above. Even if it doesn't work, what can we lose? Once it does..."

   (end of this chapter)