MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 662 The icing on the cake (seeking a monthly pass)

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   Chapter 662 The icing on the cake (seeking a monthly ticket)

   What Lu Dong said can only represent the position of Lujia Village. Taking the interests of Lujia Village as the starting point, under the banner of promoting the economic development of the surrounding area, it appropriately affects the choice of the county.

   First, let’s talk about the achievements of Lvjia Village, which may have a stimulating effect on the surrounding area, and plans to have a positive impact on the entire Qingzhao County in the future, etc., in order to further increase the status of Lvjia Village in the minds of the county leaders.

   One thousand and ten thousand, Lujia Village is an administrative village under Qingzhao County.

   Besides, the National Civilization Village just put up the report, it is still unknown whether it will pass the assessment.

How to choose the above is not something that can be made immediately, but Lvjiacun has done a lot of work and contacted many people these days. Lv Dong expressed Lvjiacun's position to the leaders in a suitable way. .

  From the beginning to the end, Lv Dong never mentioned the matter of the village, and what he said later still focused on economic development and social stability.

   Lu Dong's topic turned to the development and construction of Lujia Village. He talked about one item after another this year, and the leaders nodded frequently. The output value of one Lujia Village can surpass that of several ordinary towns.

  It is no exaggeration to say that this is a signboard of Qingzhao

   Is Lujia Village developing fast? very fast!

Does    have an obvious pulling effect on the periphery? The surrounding breeding and meat processing enterprises have sprung up! Resorts, amusement parks, polar ocean world, herb gardens and flower ports, aren't they all attracted to Lujia Village?

   Do the people of Lujia Village respect the county and superiors? Obviously, the leaders of Lujia Village can clearly see their positions, and even if they express their positions, they are quite euphemistic.

  Then the good situation in Lujia Village cannot be disrupted.

  The leader also has another consideration. The root of Lujia Village's standing is above, not to mention the one in the military region, who is his immediate boss in Shandan Quannan.

   Indeed, magistrates are better off managing now. In Qingzhao County, he can push things forward, but it is not easy for them to intervene. What about in the future?

   What Lu Dong said was actually very good. He also understood Lu Dong, and he was not the kind of person who spoke empty words.

   It can not only ensure economic development, but also maintain social stability. Isn’t this the best situation for relocation?

   The leader was thoughtful, and Jiang Jin, the mayor of the town accompanied by Ning Xiuzhen, saw all of them and knew that it was time to find a chance to talk.

   Two days ago, Lu Zhenlin approached him, and what he said was just a rumor.

   Violating the intentions of the superior leadership, Jiang Jin will not do anything that gives help in a timely manner, but it can be the icing on the cake.

  When he was going to eat at noon, Jiang Jin found an empty space and quietly approached the leader.

"It may be best for Lujia Village to maintain the status quo." Jiang Jin is the mayor of Chengguan Town, and he can say a few words in front of the leaders: "The party secretaries of Zhangwan Village and Liuwan Village have come to my side more than once and asked to follow up with him. Lvjia Village is merged, but the merger will cause many new problems, especially land.”

He said seriously: "The houses in Lujiaxin Village cover a very wide area. If Zhangwan Village and Liuwan Village are merged with Lujia Village, should their resettlement houses follow the standard of Qilujia Village? In this way, the two villages will The relocation will not only not gain space, but may consume more land resources in resettlement.”

  The words are enough, he didn't say anything later, but with the wisdom of the leader, he must have thought of it.

  For example, once the villages are merged, there are differences in the houses first, and the contradictions are immediately highlighted.

  People do not suffer from poverty, but suffer from unevenness.

The    leader did not comment on Jiang Jin's words, but instead asked, "How about the village committees of Liuwan and Zhangwan?"

Jiang Jin seeks truth from facts: "The leaders are all the old party secretary who have worked for more than one term. Their demands... Zhang Wan's party secretary came to me once, and then calmed down. Liu Wan's party secretary was in the town recently, in the county. , has been moving around."

   The leader nodded slightly: "The relocation is related to the development plan of Qingzhao. The cadres at the village level are very important. The subordinates must be able to appease the masses, and the superiors must be able to implement the instructions of the superiors!"

   "Yes." Jiang Jin understood the leader's intention: "Ning Xiuzhen fully cooperates with the county's work arrangements."

   After eating, the leaders went to Lvjia Village New Village to inspect and offer condolences. Naturally, there are no needy households in Lvjia Village, but there are many old party members, veterans and military family members, and there is no shortage of condolences.

   As the leader entered the elderly recreation center, Jiang Jin called the assistant mayor over.

   The leader has given instructions, then handle it quickly and strictly, and must not be sloppy.

  Jiang Jin asked directly: "What happened to Liu Mingquan, the party secretary of Liuwan Village? He has been active all over the county recently, can't he?"

  As soon as the assistant mayor heard this, he knew that Liu Mingquan wanted to merge Liuwan Village into Lvjia Village for activities, which annoyed the leader, and immediately said: "He really did something..."

"Because of this Liu Mingquan, investors have a lot of opinions on our county's work now!" Jiang came in and walked a few steps back, saying, "This matter is not too big or too small. In our town, we want to give it to the investors. , give an explanation to the top and bottom!"

  Assistant to the mayor understood that Liu Mingquan's party secretary was over, and said, "This is about to change."

  Jiang Jin didn't have time to wait any longer: "Find a legal procedure to suspend Liu Mingquan's work, and talk about the change of office."

   "I'll do it right away." The assistant to the mayor immediately took out his mobile phone and called the specific staff member.

   This kind of thing cannot be picked out on the open side, and a reasonable and legal way must be found.

   In fact, it is not too difficult, as long as you specifically pick it, you can pick out bones from the egg, not to mention a party secretary who has a lot of power in traditional rural areas.

   At four o'clock in the afternoon, the county delegation officially left Lvjia Village by car and returned to the county seat.

   On the way back to the car, the leader said to Secretary Yao: "Issued a notice to convene a temporary standing committee, and invited relevant bureaus and offices such as the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Finance Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Land and Resources Bureau, and Cultural Tourism Committee to participate."

   Secretary Yao responded and hurriedly recorded it in the notebook. The leader had made up his mind.


   Lujiacun, sent the leaders away, and everyone had a simple meeting to determine that the situation was ideal.

  Especially during the meeting, Jiang Jin from Ningxiu Town called Lu Zhenlin. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning of the disclosure was very clear.

  The leaders are very dissatisfied with the rumors of the village that have been spreading more and more recently, and Liu Wan, the party secretary who jumped up and down in the county and town.

   Lujiacun also breathed a sigh of relief, even though it had done a related case in case of the village, it was better not to use it if it could be used.

  Otherwise, if we merged Liu Wan and Zhang Wan today, will we merge the Ma family and the Song family again tomorrow?

  The two entered Li Wenyue's office.

   "You can sit wherever you like." Li Wenyue poured water for Lu Dong from a cup: "Zhang Wan and Liu Wan together, there are three or four thousand people, if this is included in our village, won't it be overwhelming?"

  Lu Dong sat on the sofa: "The situation is settled, basically it will not change again."

   Li Wenyue said: "Zhao Di's father can really toss. If Liuwan Village joins our village, I think he can run over and grab the position of the village party secretary."

Lu Dong moved a little and sat more comfortably: "After all, our village is not strong enough, if we have the strength of Nanshan or Weiqiao, if someone in the county has the idea of ​​joining the village, they will ask us as soon as possible. opinion, rather than waiting until this time."

   "We are a village after all." Li Wenyue pushed his glasses: "It's several levels away from the county."

Lu Dong nodded: "So, this national civilized village is very important. Wen Yue, you and the third grandpa are in the village, and you can't relax in various tasks. It is said that you will come to inspect at the end of the year, and no one can guarantee that they will not make a surprise attack. ."

  Li Wenyue said: "The daily work is very tight."

  Lu Dong thought for a while, and then said, "As long as our village's economy is going up and the honor is more, the above will naturally pay attention to it."

   There are some things he doesn't need to say, Li Wenyue also understands, for example, to a certain extent, like Weiqiao.

   Of course, Lujiacun will keep its own duty, and it is impossible to bind the local government in reverse like Weiqiao.

   As for the manpower or resources for the development of Lujia Village, it is undoubtedly the least cost-effective way to rely on annexing surrounding villages.

  The surrounding villages, besides the land population, what else?

  Lvjia Village has reserved a large area of ​​vacant land, and you can also go to other places to open factories by attracting investment.

   In terms of employment, as long as the wages are suitable, there will be no shortage of workers now.

  If the salary is not suitable, the people in the surrounding villages will not do it.

  Other related supporting industries, as long as they are profitable, some people do it.

   The two villages have not been merged, and Lujia Village has not driven a large number of upstream and downstream manufacturers in the surrounding area.

The most typical    is the family of Uncle Tie and Auntie Tie.

   It is indeed simple and effective to simply annex villages and eat other people's land dividends, but this rude practice will bury countless hidden dangers.

   Maybe one day it will explode directly.

   Li Wenyue changed the subject at this time and talked about personal matters: "Dongzi, let me tell you something, Yuan Jing told her family about me and her."

   Lu Dong immediately thought of bumping into Yuan Jing's parents at the door of the county guest house that day, and asked, "It has something to do with the meal with Secretary Yao that day."

   "Yeah." Li Wenyue smiled: "Yuan Jing said that her mother didn't look right. When she went back and asked, she said everything."

Lu Dong's heart was wide: "Just say it, you are in a proper relationship, and it's not a shameful thing." He remembered something: "Yuan Jing told the family over there, and you also hurry up and tell Uncle Shan, Don't let your mother talk about finding a daughter-in-law all day."

   The men and women are almost the same, and as soon as they graduate, the family starts looking for a partner.

   Li Wenyue said: "Today my father came back from Quannan, and I will tell you at night. By the way, Yuan Jing also said that her father and her mother asked me to have a light meal together, and also asked you to come with me."

   Lu Dong asked, "She didn't say what her parents' attitude was."

  Li Wenyue was embarrassed: "I think I'm okay."

   Hearing this, Lu Dong said: "Since I think you're okay, I won't go, it's not trivial for you to deal with such a scene."

   (end of this chapter)